
As Plantas e os seus Elfos

Os Elfos são seres elementais mitológicos, muitas vezes associados a tradições nórdicas, que o chamam de Alfs/Alfr é bastante interessante verificar que a palavra Sol dentro da língua nórdica seria Al...


' Os Elfos são seres elementais mitológicos, muitas vezes associados a tradições nórdicas, que o chamam de Alfs/Alfr é bastante interessante verificar que a palavra Sol dentro da língua nórdica seria ...

Representational Magick

Representational magic involves using anobject that represents something or someonefor whom you are working the spell. It helps inconcentrating the energy and visualizing thedesire and the end result....

Astral Projection: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Astral projection often refers to an out of body experience. It is an event where our astral body can separate from our physical body and move through astral planes and places that hum with a higher f...

Hermes Trismegistus and the Hermetic Principles

Truth be told, a lot of magick is founded on philosophy. Case in point: the Hermetic principles. The Hermetic principles are a set of philosophical beliefs based upon the ancient writings of Hermes Tr...


Origin: Italian, pre-Roman Abeona is the spirit of literal and metaphoric departures. She protects children in general, but especially the first time they leave home. Abeona may be petitioned to provi...

Parsley Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses:

Precautions/ Side effects/ Warnings: One the other hand there are certain side effects of parsley because of which it should not be given to pregnant women as it may result in muscle contractions of t...


In folklore, a witch’s familiar or a witch metamorphosed in disguise. It is still bad luck in the British Isles for one’s path to be crossed by a hare. Witches were said to be able to change themselve...