Pleiadian Starseeds: Star Beings & Signs You Are One of Them

Perhaps one of the most enigmatic of the constellations is the Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters. In fact, the Pleiades isn’t a constellation but a cluster of stars within the Taurus constellation, and one that has captured our imagination for thousands of years. Today, there are people who believe they have incarnated here after incarnating elsewhere in the Universe. These people refer to themselves as “starseeds”. And many feel an affinity for the Pleiades. If you are here reading this, you likely feel that deep pull towards this beautiful cluster of stars. Here we will explore the origins and history of Pleiadians and give you some signs to determine if you might have once incarnated in the Pleiades before coming here.

Pleiades and Our Ancient Star Origins
We acquired the name for the Pleiades from the Ancient Greeks. The term Pleiades likely translates to something meaning “to sail”, and also has a mythological connection to the Pleiades sisters. The Seven Sisters can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere in the Winter months and are almost always visible near the mid-Southern hemispheres. Our ancient ancestors, including the Greeks, Celts, Maya, Maori, Aztec, Arab, Japanese, and Cherokee, are some of the few who knew of the Pleiades and associated the stars with the gods.

444 Light Years and The Portal
The Pleiades are approximately 444 light years from Earth, making them one of the closest star clusters. When we see the number 444, we are immediately reminded of the angel number 444 which symbolizes the balance of the Universe, infinity, and that we are not alone. According to author Christopher Penczak in Ascension Magick, the Pleiades may act as an otherworldly portal between here and higher dimensions. We may access it through meditation and through channeling the beings there. There are channels here on earth that claim to channel these beings with ease. Be careful which “gurus” you trust and the information they give to you. I’m a believer that you can access these beings on your own – you don’t need a “medium” to do so.

Pleiadian Gods, the Seven Sisters, and Starry Beings
According to Christopher Penczak, the Pleiadian beings have been aiding humanity for aeons, and whose mission is the elevation of humanity and to help bring us into the next dimension. “They have played a role in the Mediterranean, Chinese, and Mayan cultures, and are involved in the arts and poetry.” So, if you find yourself inclined to paint, write books, write poetry, or make music, you might have a Pleiadian guide on the other side providing you with inspiration. As they are trying to bring us into the next dimension, you would think this would be easy for them, since they live in the fifth dimension. But humanity still has a lot of work to do, don’t we?

It’s also believed the Pleiadian beings were here when humanity began and are keepers of our “light libraries”. Keep in mind, while most Pleiadian beings are benevolent and kind and loving, there are some that might be rebellious and have gone against their own dimensional missions. Vet your starry guides just like you vet your ancestors, gods, and other spirits you might work with.

The 7 Starry Goddesses
The main stars in the Pleiades are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek Mythology: Electra, Taygete, Maia, Celaeno, Alcyone, Sterope and Merope. These Seven Sisters were born of their Titan father Atlas and their mother an Oceanid named Pleione. What’s interesting is that these sisters were born to Atlas, a god that holds up the earth itself, and an Oceanid who reigned over the seas. So, even though these stars are “far away”, they have a close connection to our planet. In the Greek mythos, the Seven Sisters became the object of the hunter Orion’s obsession, and so Zeus changed them into doves (who then flew into the heavens and became stars) to protect them from his advances.

Interestingly, the Seven Sisters were not only nature nymphs but also companions of the Greek goddess of the Moon and of the Hunt – Artemis. The Seven Sisters cared for and taught the Greek god of the forest and of intoxication, Dionysus. And they are heavily associated with rain and sailing the seas. From these myths, we can take away energetic impressions of the Pleiadian starseeds and Pleiadian starry beings.

And if longing seizes you for sailing the stormy seas,
when the Pleiades flee mighty Orion
and plunge into the misty deep
and all the gusty winds are raging,
then do not keep your ship on the wine-dark sea
but, as I bid you, remember to work the land.
— Hesiod, Works and Days 618–623

Signs You’re From the Pleiades or are a Pleiadian Starseed
It should go without saying that if you’re drawn to the Pleiades, this is your first sign that you are a Pleiadian starseed. But there are other signs and characteristics that come through when a soul from the Pleiades incarnates here on this earthly plane. You may have one, five, or all of these qualities. And if not, check out our article on the many different Types of Starseeds.

You have a gentle nature about you
Meek mannerisms and truly humble
You work with or honor Artemis as a goddess and Dionysus as a god
Pleiadians feel at home in nature, particularly at the sea and in the forest
Your Zodiac sign may be Taurus OR you have Taurus in your birth chart somewhere
You find yourself willingly driven to humanitarian efforts and giving to others with no regard for yourself
Empathic: you take on the energies around you and in others quite easily
Physical qualities might show that you are tall and thin with bright to light blue eyes (this isn’t a requirement, though!)
You are all about the love and hate conflict
You may descend from ancestors from Northern Europe (again, not a requirement)
You’ve had experiences with otherworldly beings of light
You may have high cheekbones, long legs and arms, and a strong jawline and chin
There’s always been an interest in space for you
You are incredibly sensitive and a people pleaser (sometimes to a fault)
Pleiadian starseeds typically feel they have some great soul purpose or mission here on earth and feel different from others while they are growing up
You understand sacred polarity and don’t question it
Pleiadians sometimes struggle with allergies and sensitivities to toxins
They can also be sensitive to sensory overload
The Pleiadian Star Cluster
“Can I get two, maybe even three of these?
Come from space to teach you of the Pleiades
Can’t stop the spirits when they need you
This life is more than just a read-through“
~ Can’t Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers

How to Connect with Your Pleiadian Higher Self and the Pleiadian Beings

You consider yourself a Pleiadian starseed but now what? Is it just a label you give yourself to feel good or is there a higher purpose? I believe once we find our starry origins, we should dive deeper into those energetic vibrations through study, meditation, and practice. Here are some ways to connect with your Pleiadian higher self and with Pleiadian starry ancestors.

1. Read and Study
There are some wonderful books and resources out there that I recommend Pleiadians study. First, anyone and everyone would benefit from reading Christopher Penczak’s Ascension Magick. It speaks frequently of higher dimensions, other planes of existence, and our starry origins. Including Pleiadian. In addition, Barbara Hand Clow’s book The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light. Read anything you can get your hands on about ascending and other dimensions.

2. Meditation
When we meditate, we clear our mind and we are in a receiving state. When we are in a receiving state, it’s easiest for our guides and other worldly beings to communicate with us. And for us to come in alignment with higher dimensions and our higher selves. Try guided meditations on YouTube or Spotify if you’re not well-adept to meditating. Try different music and atmospheres too until you find something that works.

3. Time in Nature
It may seem cliche and simple but spending time in nature is so important for true alignment with our higher selves and with our Pleiadian star ancestors. I particularly recommend spending time in a local forest, field, or by the sea. The energies there are pure and evoke a sense of Pleiadian vibration. While out in nature, ask your higher self and Pleiadian star guides to send you a clear message via an animal or plant. Then be open to receiving that message.

4. Divination for Pleiadians
I’ve found that practicing divination is my main mode of communication with my ancestors and higher self. It is a practice, so it takes time to find what really works for you and your ancestors. So try different things – runes, Oracle cards, Tarot cards, scrying, etc. There are decks out there specifically focused on starseed energy including the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell and the Sirian Starseed Tarot deck. If the cards don’t work, try scrying with the clouds, water, or a scrying mirror. You’ll receive messages from your guides and higher self when you are open and in alignment.

5. Art and Poetry for Pleiadians
The Pleiadians are known for their affinity for the arts. Do you have a musical instrument you’ve not played in a long time? Time to dust it off and play. If you prefer to sing or dance, let it rip! By connecting with the music, you’re nurturing your inner Pleiadian starseed. If you’re a proficient musician, channel your creativity and spirituality into your music and inspire others. Paint a picture, write poetry, craft something with your hands. Making art makes the soul happy and connects us with our higher selves.

6. Work with the Seven Sisters
If you feel comfortable with working with godly energies, consider setting up sacred space for the Seven Sisters. Or Artemis or Dionysus. These beings are intricately tied to the Pleiadian constellation and will no doubt aid you in your ascension and in discovering your true self. Study, communicate with, and honor these Pleiadian beings and ask they come through with lessons and guidance for you on your earthly journey.

7. Finding Your Soul Purpose
I’ve been listening to a lot of Abraham Hicks work lately, and it’s all about finding alignment with your true self and finding your soul’s purpose. Some people think it’s difficult to find their soul’s purpose here on this planet. But I actually think it’s much easier than people make it out to be. Answer this question – what makes your soul happy? What do you do in life that literally brings you the greatest joy? That’s your soul’s purpose.

8. Humanitarian Efforts
The Pleiadians have been here for aeons, and their mission has to be aid us in our evolution and expansion. If you are a Pleiadian starseed, you might find great joy and growth in volunteer work. Or working in a career field that helps people, the planet, or animals. Consider a job in the healthcare field, spiritual field, or working a job in nature (i.e. a gardener, farmer, park ranger, etc.) And, if you already have a job, consider volunteering or donating time or money on the side.

Astrology Basics

There are twelve sun signs in the Zodiac:

ARIES – The Ram. Energy, love of action and perseverance. Impetuous, yearning to lead and conquest. Element is Fire and Ruled by Mars. Loyal and Quick tempered. Colour is red

TAURUS – The Bull. Steadfast, reliable, practical. Limited outlook and interests, prone to stubbornness. Element is Earth and ruled by Venus. Honest, but wont take advice. Colour is Turquoise

GEMINI – The Twins. Agile, versatile and adaptable. Easily bored, can’t concentrate for long. Element is Air and Ruled by Mercury. Friendly, but doesn’t pay attention. Colour is silver

CANCER – The Crab. Sensitive and protective, and homely. Easily hurt and moody, also clingy. Element is Water and ruled by the Moon. Imaginative, but jealous. Colour is White

LEO – The Lion. Extrovert, magnetic and born leaders. Impulsive, dramatic and opinionated. Element is Fire and Ruled by the Sun. Reliable, but outspoken. Colour is Gold.

VIRGO – The Virgin. Perfectionists, efficient and methodical. Discriminative, hypochondriac and shy. Element is Earth and Ruled by Mercury. Generous, but also critical. Colour is Grey.

LIBRA – The Scales. Balanced, loyal and artistic. Indecisive, restless and afraid of the new. Element is Air and Ruled by Venus. At best patient, at worst hate arguing. Colour is turquoise

SCORPIO – The Scorpion. Passionate, Analytic, and intuitive. Hypersensitive and broody. Element is Water and Ruled by Pluto. Determined but over dramatic. Colour is Scarlet.

SAGITTARIUS – The Archer. Adventurous, generous and confident. Impatient, boastful and impulsive. Element is Fire and Ruled by Jupiter. Humorous, but untidy. Colour is Amethyst.

CAPRICORN – The Goat. Ambitious, hardworking and thrifty. Reserved, worry and can appear cold. Element is Earth and Ruled by Saturn. Efficient, but moody. Colour is black.

AQUARIUS – The Water Carrier. Humanistic, broad and progressive. Eccentric, impartial and outrageous. Element is Air and Ruled by Uranus. Sincere, but impatient. Colour is Electric blue.

PISCES – The Fishes. Romantic, intuitive and imaginative. Hypersensitive, dependent and dreamers. Element is Water and Ruled by Neptune. Compassionate, but delusional. Colour is Seagreen.

HOUSES: First – Personality (Aries), Second – Money (Taurus). Third – Relationships (Gemini), Fourth – Home (Cancer), Fifth – Pleasure (Leo), Sixth – Health (Virgo), Seventh – Marriage (Libra), Eighth – Mysteries (Scorpio), Ninth – Travel (Sagittarius), Tenth – Business (Capricorn), Eleventh – Friends (Aquarius), Twelfth – Fantasies (Pisces)


Sun – Rulership, Integration, Creativity, Personality, Will Power, Nature

Moon – Responsive, Reflective, Instinctive, Intuitive, Emotional, Receptive

Mercury – Communication, Intellect, Reason, Adaptive, Perception, Expression

Venus – Harmony, Art, Beauty, Possessions, Love, Affection, Lust

Mars – Discrimination, Bravery, Drive, Energy, Anger, Destruction

Jupiter – Leadership, Generosity, Opportunity, Experience, Luck, Optimism

Saturn – Slowness, Responsibility, Hard Work, Pessimism, Research, Endurance


Uranus – Hidden depths, Originality, Inspiration, Revolution, Science, Change

Neptune – Occult, Mysticism, Psychism. Hallucinations, Visions, Delusion

Pluto – Mysteries, Secrets, Transformations, Regeneration, Obsessions, Wealth

To find out where the planets were when you were born, you will need an Ephemeris. Please note that the information given will be in Sidereal Time, the Time of the Stars.

You can also download a blank chart from the internet if you would like to work it out for yourself, but you will need an astrology book telling you what the different planets mean in the different signs.

Planetary Symbols and Zodiac Signs:

Please note that there are two different alternative symbols for both Uranus and Pluto, I have given both sets of planetary symbols here for comparison in case you may come across them.

Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Ceres are asteroids that are sometimes accounted for in astrology, though not always. Likewise Chiron is a planetoid in our solar system that has an orbit in between Saturn and Uranus.

As Above So Below

Heaven above, heaven below; stars above, stars below;

All that is above, thus also below; understand this and be blessed —Prodromus Coptus Sive Aegyptiacus by Athanasius Kircher (1636)

One of the best known sacramental phrases of Hermeticism,

“As above, so below” is also very much of the core of the worldview of Astrology.

This in turn is associated with the principle that everything that exists in the universe is interconnected and makes up one great whole.

Even though it is a standard practice to speak of astrological events as having an impact upon our lives and our world, this isn’t the most accurate way to describe what is actually occurring.

The relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm is reciprocal.

It is not so much that the heavens affect us as it is that they are large enough so that we can read what is written there, rather than what is written in a script too small upon the fine fabric of the reality.

One of the benefits of making Astrology a part of your practice if you are a witch or a magician is that helps to train our subtle senses to also read those microcosmic patterns.

The Signs

The 12 Signs of the zodiac are not the constellations.

The Signs are 30° segments that mark the journey of the Sun through the changes of the Wheel of the Year.

The two solstices and the two equinoxes are the anchors that set the order and the placement of the Signs, and create a quartered circle in astrological charts.

Then, if you divide each quarter into three pieces, you have the twelvefold structure of the Signs.

Sailors in open waters far from land use the stars as surrogate landmarks.

Relative to the short spans of human lives, the stars seem to be fixed points.

When the science of Astrology was being formulated, the collections of stars that we name as constellations were used as navigational points in the deep of the sky.

In fact, because of the slow wobble in Earth’s rotation, the stars do move about 1° every 72 years.

As such the constellations that we see in the night sky do not match up with the Signs of the zodiac.

I have lost count of the number of times that I’ve encountered the assertion that Astrology cannot be valid because the Signs do not line up with the constellations.

In Astrology, the Signs are not about those distant stars; the Signs depict the journey of the Sun through its 12 stations.

As such, the cycle always begins with the northern Spring Equinox marking the beginning of Aries and proceeds from there.

Before going any further I should explain that the Zodiac is actually an ecliptic coordinate system.

In other words, if you take the apparent motion of the Sun across the sky and widen that line by 8° north and south so that it becomes like a ribbon that circles the skies of Earth, you have the path of the Zodiac.

The vernal equinox is the origin point for the degrees of longitude in Astrology within this coordinate system.

This ribbon, this band in the heavens, is where we see the motion of the Sun, Moon, and the Planets that can be seen with the naked eye.

The Zodiac is the road of the Sun, not the stars. My first teacher of Astrology, Ellen Riordan, taught me the Signs as a dance.

She lit a candle in the center of the room and then proceeded to do 12 different styles of motions as she circled around the flame, dancing the dance of the Earth’s relationship to the Sun.

I wish I had recorded a video of her dance. If you follow one of the numerous paths of Witchcraft or Paganism, then the idea of the changes of the seasons marking changes in the energy of the world is very familiar.

Many traditions make use of the change of the seasons as markers for their holy days, although the number of holidays varies from tradition to tradition.

By extension, then, you can understand the 12 Signs as a twelvefold Wheel of the Year. In the chapter “The Astrology of Time,” we’ll explore how the various wheels within wheels of cyclical time relate to each other.

The 12 Signs can be thought of as the 12 styles of human wisdom and human folly.

You could also say that they are 12 modes of human consciousness.

If you wish to think of the Signs as vibrations, then you can think of them as named colors or as notes in a musical scale.

Although it is true that both colors and notes are part of an unbroken continuum, there is great value in naming specific colors and specific notes.

Astrologers and magickal practitioners have been working with and elaborating on the meaning of the Signs for many, many generations.

It is a well-known tenet in many systems of Magick that when people apply thought, emotion, and imagination in a consistent and coherent manner, that over time a thought-form is developed.

Taking this magickal perspective into consideration, it is also clear that in addition to the qualities that are inherent to the Signs, there are also highly developed thought-forms attached to each of the Signs.

In the chapter devoted to the Signs, I will describe the attributes of each of the Signs in some detail.

Many things in Astrology are changeable, but the structure of relationships between the 12 Signs does not change.

The natural order of the Signs starts with Aries and ends with Pisces, and the flow of the Signs is counterclockwise.

Each of the Signs has a unique combination of an Element, a Modality, and the Polarity.

Many secrets and mysteries are encoded into this patterned sequence.

If a person had a deep understanding of the meaning of the Elements, Modalities, and the Polarities but had never been taught anything about the 12 Signs, they would be able to make educated guesses about the nature of each of the 12 Signs with a bit of contemplation on each unique combination .

The Signs can be thought of as the equivalent of adjectives and adverbs because they modify or color the power of a Planet through a unique combination of an Element, a Modality, and a Polarity.

The Planets

Before delving into the Planets, I’d like to point out that although the names of the Planets are also the names of Gods and Goddesses, it is an error to limit your understanding of the Planets by giving too much emphasis to the qualities ascribed to their divine namesakes.

The Planets also correlate to the spheres on the Tree of Life (Qabala) and have other attributes that are only taught in an astrological context.

The Planets are also associated in different magickal systems with a variety of beings, such as intelligences, spirits, angels, archangels, and more.

Each Planet is a container for an incredibly wide array of characteristics and qualities.

As I mentioned earlier, Astrology can be likened to a language.

The Planets serve the lexical role of nouns.

So if you recall your days in grammar class, you’ll be able to remember that a noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

The word “planet” is derived from ancient Greek and means “wandering star.”

Unlike the fixed stars in the night sky whose relationship to each other seems not to change, the Planets are those lights that are seen to move over time.

This is not the definition used in astronomy.

For example, in Astrology, the Moon is considered a Planet because of its apparent motion.

As you may know, in 2006 astronomers demoted Pluto from the status of Planet to dwarf Planet.

In Astrology, Pluto remains a Planet because it moves through our sky and has been verified to have specific effects in astrological charts.

Some of you may be asking, what about the asteroids and the other dwarf Planets? Many astrologers are using some of the asteroids and dwarf Planets in their charts.

I certainly do. I say some of the asteroids and dwarf Planets because many of them are so recently discovered that there has not been enough time to fully determine what they mean.

For the scope of this book, the chapter on the Planets will focus on the basic set that is used in magickal practices, although there will be some passing reference to the asteroids and the dwarf Planets.

The Planets are states of being and sources of particular sorts of power.

In Western esotericism, the Planets when attributed to the spheres on the Tree of Life (sephiroth of the Qabala) can be referred to as the mundane chakras.

This is an interesting phrase that can be interpreted in many different ways.

Imagine for a moment that our solar system is like the body of an immense celestial being.

Within this celestial being the Planets are like its subtle centers that take the universal flux which contains all things, and condense and focus that energy and that essence into specific patterns and qualities.

In the human energy field, the subtle bodies, the chakras are also particularized energetic centers.

In Astrology, the Planets also represent different parts and functionalities within the human self and psyche.

Although much of modern Astrology is anthropocentric, all of its concepts are also applicable to the whole of the manifest world and all its life.

This more universal application becomes very important in matters of Magick and ritual where we see the Planets and Signs correlated to minerals, herbs, metals, and more.

Astrology The Sun

The glyph of the Sun is a circle with a point in the center. Both the circle and the point represent different kinds of infinity.

The point is at the same time dimensionless and contains infinite dimensions.

The circle consists of an infinite number of points in the same relationship to the central point.

The glyph of the Sun resonates with the ideas of the macrocosm and the microcosm, of spirit concentrating itself into manifestation, and of the aphorism that everything is at the center of its own universe.

The Sun is the source of purpose and power for all things great and small within our solar system.

The Sun is the voice, the face, and the emissary for the Source of all things, of the universe, within the frame of time that we live.

The Sun in the chart of a person, a collective entity such as a nation, or a particular event reveals by its Sign and its House placement the style of expression and the circumstances of how that purpose and power is manifested.

To the degree that choices and actions are in accord to the Sun, more vitality becomes available.

Conversely, when a person, a collective entity such as a nation, or a particular event runs counter to the natural flow of the Sun there is a reduction in the availability of power.

It is the light of the Sun that feeds the life of the Earth.

It is the Sun’s cycles of day and night and the passage of the seasons organizes how life moves through its stations.

The Sun is the purest expression of the power of integration, and as such contains the essence of individuality.

As Aleister Crowley said in The Book of the Law, “Every man and every woman is a star.” The Sun is a star, and in a chart it also shows us how true will and higher will express themselves in the manifest realm.

The Sun is assigned to the sphere of Tiphereth in the Qabala.

Astrology The moon

Whereas a circle represents spirit, the semicircle represents soul in the pictographic code of the astrological glyphs.

The Moon’s glyph is the vessel of the soul, both for its development and its journey in the Moon boat.

Of all the astrological glyphs, the Moon’s glyph most strongly resembles its counterpart in the skies.

The two sharp points created by the intersection of the two semicircles remind us of the pulsing rhythm of the Moon.

The horns of the Moon remind us of the waxing and waning, of being present in day and night, and punctuated moments of duality that resolved back into the curves of the crescent.

The Moon is the vessel of our life and contains within it the storehouse of the images, the emotions, and the memories that make up the experience of life.

The Moon is connected to instinct, how we react before we have time to think with our conscious minds.

The Moon is the author, the editor, of the story of our life.

When you look back upon your life you do not remember it as raw security camera footage.

You remember your life as a story.

This story is a summation, a distillation, of your experiences with plots and subplots and chapters.

The position of the Moon in a particular Sign and House determines the style and the genre of your life story.

The Moon is also the lower reflection of the powers of the Sun, and as such is associated with the unconscious, the subconscious, and those parts of the psyche that live in the land of dream.

In Magick, the Moon is associated with the astral plane and therefore the sphere of Yesod in the Tree of Life.

It is the realm closest to physical manifestation and the plane where most magickal work is done.

The Moon collects all the influences and then turns earthwards to create the ebb and flow of the tides of life, both physical and subtle.


Astrology, the study of the influence of the stars and planets upon life on this earth, is another of the fundamentals of magic. It is studied by witches and magicians alike. In the past, it was as important to the village witch in her lonely cottage, as it was to the wealthy and learned man who practiced magic behind the locked doors of his study.

The basic premise of astrology is contained in the famous sentence from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus: ” Quod est inferius
est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius est sicut quod est inferius, ad perpetranda miracula rei unius.” (“That which is below is like unto that which is above, and that which is above is like unto that which is below, for the performing of the miracles of the One Thing.”)
In other words, the universe is unity. Vibrations thrill throughout it, manifesting upon different planes as different effects, material or
non-material. These vibrations basically correspond to the sacred number, seven; hence they are sometimes called the Seven Rays.

In our solar system, the planets and luminaries have been named after the gods who rule these Seven Rays, who are known to us as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercury and Luna. The actual planets and luminaries visible to us in the sky are the physical manifestations of these influences and the means whereby they are transmitted to the earth.

Beyond Saturn, the farthest planet visible to the naked eye, are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These are regarded generally by astrologers as
higher and more spiritual versions of the planetary influences of Mercury, Venus and Mars, rather like a musical note being repeated an
octave higher. Paracelsus, the great occultist of the Middle Ages, predicted the discovery of other planets, telling his contemporaries that
“there were some stars that had not yet cast their rays”.

It has been objected to astrology that it is founded upon the ancient ideas of astronomy, which pictured the earth as the center of the universe, and the sun and all the planets and stars as revolving around it. Today, the critics say, these notions are all exploded, so astrology must perish with them. However, astrology always has been based upon the apparent motions of the heavens, as seen by us on earth. For us as human beings, for our practical purposes, the earth under our feet is the center of the universe and the sun does rise in the east and set in the west. Astrology, witchcraft, and magic are often most misunderstood precisely when they are most down-to-earth and practical.

A horoscope is a chart of the heavens as they appear to a person on earth at a particular place and a particular time. The so-called ‘horoscopes’ which often appear in the popular press are not really horoscopes at all; they are brief, generalized readings from the current positions of the planets as they affect the twelve different signs of the zodiac.

There. are really two zodiacs, the zodiac of the constellations which can be seen in the night sky, and the zodiac which is the plane of the
ecliptic. The former is called the Sidereal Zodiac, and the latter the Tropical Zodiac. The astrologers of India and the East generally, still use the Sidereal Zodiac; but those of the West mostly use the Tropical Zodiac.

The latter is the apparent path of the sun in a year, as it appears to circle the earth. Like any other circle, this has 360 degrees. These are
divided into twelve signs of 30 degrees each, and these twelve signs are named after the shining constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac. The Tropical Zodiac commences at the spring equinox when the sun appears to enter the sign of Aries, the Ram, and day and night are equal. But owing to the phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes, this point no longer coincides with the constellation Aries. It is the constellation Pisces, and slowly moving back towards Aquarius. It does in fact pass very slowly backward through all the constellations, in a cyclic movement which is called the Great Year of Twelve Ages, a span of time lasting over 25,00 earthly years.

These Twelve Ages actually reflect the characteristics of each zodiacal sign, and this can be traced in world history, as Vera W. Reid has shown in her book Towards Aquarius (Riders, London, 1 944). We are now in the transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius; hence the world unrest and breakdown of the old forms of society, and of old-established ideas, manners, and moral codes, which so alarms many of the older generations. But together with this breaking-down process, a building-up is also going on, of the ideas and ideals characteristic of the Aquarian Age which is coming; an age which, occultists believe, will be a happier and more enlightened one than the Age of Pisces, which is now crumbling to decay.

On 5th February 1962, an unusual astrological event occurred. All seven of the oldest-known planets, Mars, Saturn, Sol, Luna, Mercury,
Venus and Jupiter, in that order, were gathered in the Sign of Aquarius. Astrologers regarded this as of great significance; some said that it might indicate the birth of some great soul, who would further the ideals of the Age of Aquarius, which is the sign of the brotherhood of man.
We can only hope that they might be right.

The twelve signs of the zodiac are ruled by the planets and luminaries, called for convenience the seven planets. (The ancients were perfectly
well aware that the sun and the moon are not planets, but it was needlessly awkward to keep making this distinction.) These sacred seven
extend their rulership over everything upon the earth; the day of the week, the colors of the rainbow, minerals, metals, jewels, plants, trees,
animals, fishes, birds; everything in Nature has its astrological correspondence and rulership.

The great importance of these rulerships in practical magic can easily be seen. If, for instance, a witch wants to select a herb to use for a
magical purpose, she has to use one whose astrological rulership is correct for the work in hand. Love charms, for instance, will call for
herbs ruled by Venus. The moon rules psychic things, and a herb of the moon, mugwort, or Artemisia vulgaris, is used to make an infusion
or tea which many believe is an aid to clairvoyance. One of the tasks of the would-be magician is learning astrological correspondences, and the signs and symbols relating to them, from such books as Aleister Crowley’s 777 (777 Revised: A Reprint with Much Additional Matter, The Neptune Press, London 1 956), or The Magus, by Francis Barrett (London, 1 801), (This latter book was a favorite of ‘Cunning’ Murrell, the famous wizard of Hadleigh, in Essex.)

All the older herbals, such as the original seventeenth-century Culpeper’s Herbal (Culpeper’s English Physician and Complete Herbal,
Nicholas Culpeper, first published London, 1 652, and Wehmann, 1 960), contain the astrological rulerships of the herbs they recommend. Old Nicholas Culpeper himself gives many dissertations about the importance of astrology in treating diseases, saying that physic without
astrology is like a lamp without oil. His Herbal, together with William Lilly’s Introduction to Astrology (London, 1 647), were part of the stock-in-trade of many of the later village witches.

Lilly gives many examples of horary astrology; that is, answering questions, discovering stolen goods, etc, by means of an astrological
figure set up for the time of the question or the event inquired about. This was and still is an important branch of magical practice, though
often brought into disrepute by charlatans.

At the present day, a witch is known to me, who is the leader of a coven, makes practical use of astrology in selecting suitable members. If
anyone wants to join her coven, she asks them for their time, place, and date of birth, and casts their horoscope. From this, she deduces whether or not they will make good witches, and if they will be able to work in harmony with other members of the coven.

The Way of Art

Although Astrology is a sacred science and as such is a mental undertaking with many rules and procedures, it is also an art requiring the intuition and the way of beauty to reveal its richness.

It is the way of art that guides astrologers, or practitioners using Astrology in their Magick, to know which of many details actually matter and to bring harmony to the flood of data.

This is certainly evident when an astrologer is doing a reading and is also the muse that harnesses the power of Astrology into the design of a spell or ritual.

The imaginative and intuitive part of Astrology’s worldview is best experienced through imagery rather than rational exposition.

The following passage may be read as a mythic story to describe one facet among the many that make up the jewel of Astrology.

You may wish to use it as a guided visualization to more deeply internalize the experience.

Either find a friend or associate to read it to you or make a recording of your own voice.

Read the pathworking slowly and note that where you see “ ” it indicates a pause. Remember that if you have a computer, a smart phone, or even a portable recorder you already have the tools to make a recording of this pathworking that is good enough for this purpose.

Astrology Mercury

The glyph of Mercury consists of the circle that represents Spirit, the semicircle that represents the Soul, and the cross that represents Matter.

Soul is above, Spirit is in the middle, and Matter is below in the glyph of Mercury.

This triplicity reminds us of Hermes Trismegistus (thrice-great Hermes), and Mercury is indeed thoughts, ideas, communication, and is the conduit and the herald between the layers of self and the planes of being.

The position of Mercury in a particular Sign and House shows us how the stream of consciousness is articulated into words, images, and ideas.

It is the way in which we synthesize, categorize, separate, and divide the world into hemes and things that can be named.

Mercury is never more than 28° from the Sun, sometimes in the same Sign as the Sun, and sometimes in the Sign before or after that of the Sun.

This is more than simply a matter of celestial mechanics; it is an indicator of the fact that waking consciousness can only be a certain distance away from the source of being which is the Sun.

Mercury through the power of thought expresses a blending of the capabilities inherent in the Sun and the Moon.

Just as Mercury shows us how we create the internal dialogue of consciousness, it also shows us how we communicate with others.

Mercury is associated with the sphere of Hod in the tree of life, which is the sphere of thought and all systems of notation and knowledge.

It is also connected to Hermes, Thoth, and other divinities that act as messengers and psychopomps.

Just as heralds have their badge office that allows them to safely move through places where others would be barred, and to communicate safely with powers that are potentially dangerous, so too in Magick do we find the Planet Mercury a useful intermediary in numerous operations.

Mercury is neutral and can be said to be all polarities and no polarities at once.

The Houses and the Ascendant

When you take the light of the Planets as mediated by the Signs and project them onto a precise time and in particular place, they fall into the Houses.

The way we normally measure time is through hours, minutes, and seconds.

The way we plot locations is through degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude and latitude.

If you look at an old-fashioned clock with hands and the numbers 1 through 12 and then you look at an astrological chart, it is fairly clear that they have an ancestor or two in common.

The term horoscope comes from the Greek horoskopos which means “look of the hour” or “marker of the hour.”

The term “horoscope” is often used loosely today to refer to a chart or to a forecast, but it originally meant the marker for the beginning of a House system.

The reason astrologers need to know as exactly as possible the time for constructing a chart is that the placement of the Planets and Signs into the Houses can only occur if you know their starting point.

Imagine again the face of a clock, except this is a special clock: Instead of hands that mark the hours, minutes, and seconds, there is a hand for each of the Planets.

By the way, this special clock also marks their location in degrees.

Most astrological charts are drawn with a vertical line in the horizontal line that is darker or in some other manner highlight four directions.

The point of the top of the chart represents the South, and the bottom represents the North.

The left side of the chart represents the East, and the right side, the West.

This may give you a moment’s pause if you are accustomed to the standard used in most maps and also in diagrams for circles used in Magick.

Once you understand the rationale for flipping the directions, it will be easy to both remember and to understand the default orientation and astrological charts.

At any given time or place it may be night or day, but the chart has to show the entirety of the celestial sphere, both above and below.

If you were born at night or if the chart is being constructed is for an event at night, then the Sun will be below the horizontal line in the chart.

If you were born during the day or if the chart is being constructed for an event during the day, then the Sun will be above the horizon line.

When someone speaks about the Rising Sign (the Ascendant), they are referring to whichever Sign is on the far left point of a horizontal line that represents the Eastern horizon.

The Rising Sign literally is the Sign that is rising and is the anchor of the Houses.

When we look at charts later in the book you will notice that despite the fact that the Signs are all exactly 30° size, the Houses can vary in size.

Depending upon the time of the year and how far north or south you are, the length of the day and the length of the night can have considerable variation.

Remember, the chart is a condensation of several planes of action and is also a projection onto a flat surface.

The 12 Houses still have to add up to the 360° of a circle; the top half of the chart represents day and the bottom half represents night.

The calculations in constructing the chart adjust the sizes of the Houses to reflect the season and the location.

There are many competing House systems for accomplishing this end that you may wish to research if you pursue studies in Astrology.

For the purposes of this book, the charts used in illustrations will be using the Koch House system.

The 12 Houses are actually what happens when the 12 Signs come all the way down to Earth.

Each of the 12 Signs can be said to have a particular temperament, a style of working in the world, and enthusiasm and aptitude for particular activities.

In Astrology we say that each House is ruled by one of the Signs.

In your mind’s eye, see these 12 celestial beings that are the Signs taking aptitude tests before diving down into the workplace that we call Earth.

The result of those aptitude tests would give a variety of jobs or tasks to which that Sign is especially well suited.

Those jobs, tasks, and endeavors revealed in the aptitude tests are the themes of the 12 Houses.

The 12 Houses represent different areas of life, tangible ways in which energy is expressed or received, the parts of the human body ruled by its corresponding Sign, and a myriad of other concrete expressions of the essence of the Signs

The Core Concepts of Astrology

Even if you are already well versed in Astrology, I encourage you to read this chapter carefully as there are

specific nuances and perspectives that relate to its use in Magick that are not part of standard instruction in the principles of Astrology.

In fact, some of the standard model of Astrology that is used for mundane purposes is somewhat out of alignment with its use in Magick.

For those that are already knowledgeable, there may be a need for some relearning.

For those that are new to the sacred science of Astrology, do not worry if you have tried to learn this before and found it confusing or difficult.

The material will be presented with a bare minimum of mathematics and an abundance of metaphors and analogies that will allow you to grab the essence of the discipline.

You will not be able to do your birth chart after reading this chapter, but you will be prepared to make use of the ideas and techniques presented in the remainder of the book.

Because you’re reading this book, it is a fairly safe bet that you have some concept of there being multiple planes of reality and multiple worlds.

The most common pattern in Western magickal traditions is that of the Earth plane being the densest and then some number of planes rising up or surrounding us that are described as being less dense or of higher vibration.

When we look at an astrological chart, what we are actually looking at is a map that is an attempt to summarize and to flatten those multiple planes into an understandable diagram.

An astrological chart is a sort of magickal cartogram that displays data in a simplified and abstracted manner.

Returning to the analogy of the Celestial Temple from the previous chapter, let’s examine the three primary layers that are condensed into a chart.

Think of the Planets as being the top level and as sources of light, emanations of particular qualities.

Think of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac as being the next layer down from the Planets.

Think of the layer of the Signs as being a mandala made of 12 sections of ornate stained glass, each made of carefully arranged colors and shapes that represent the qualities of the Signs.

Now imagine the floor of the Celestial Temple with a mosaic that depicts a circle divided into 12 wedges, the 12 Houses.

The light of the Planets passes through the panes of the 12 Signs, and creates a pattern upon the mosaic of the temple floor.

When we look at the pattern on the floor of the Celestial Temple, we are looking at an astrological chart.

Depending upon the positions of the lights around the Celestial Temple, their intensity, and the slant of the lights, different patterns and, different charts are produced.

If we think of Astrology as also being a magickal language, then you can image that a chart is a like a long poem or a richly packed short story.

Each line is filled with depths of meaning and more becomes revealed with each reading.

If you are a lover of words, then I ask that you think about the following comparisons as you work your way through this book.

Planets can be thought of as acting like nouns.

The Signs can be thought of as the equivalent of adjectives and adverbs.

The Aspects between the Planets can be thought of as verbs.

The Houses provide structure for the phrases and clauses.

There are other parts of speech and other parts of astrological charts, but for the sake of not bogging down the learning process by getting too many details at once, let’s keep it to just these few things in your initial contemplation of the language of Astrology.

You will have to memorize the alphabet of Astrology.

By that I mean that you will need to at the very least commit to memory the glyphs for the Planets, Signs, and the Aspects as they are presented.

As is often true in the learning of a new language, at first you will be translating the Astrology into your native language.

After a time, you will look at astrological information and simply read it and understand without pausing to translate it.

At that point you’ll begin to become aware of “words” that exist in Astrology that do not exist in your native language.

That is when you will become aware of just how much your thought process is expanded by the addition of new vocabulary.

Once you are fluent in Astrology, skills from any other divinatory system that you know can be brought to bear on reading astrological information.

For example, if you have experience using the Tarot as a divinatory system, then you may contemplate an astrological chart as if it were a spread.

Once you have grasped and internalized the meanings of the fundamental building blocks of Astrology you will not simply see squiggles, glyphs, and numbers when you look at a chart; instead, you’ll see images, situations, tensions, and resolutions.

If you are a good tarot reader, you do more than simply repeat the assigned meanings for the cards in their locations.

Your intuition and imagination allow you to see a story built up from the images.

When I first started my astrological studies in the 1980s, I had to learn how to construct a chart the hard way.

This meant a goodly amount of time spent with my ephemeris, books of tables, a pocket calculator, pencils, paper, and drafting tools.

It took a significant amount of work to convert the birth time, date, and latitude and longitude of a birthplace into a useful chart.

If you intend to become an astrologer, there is great value in learning how to do it from scratch.

However, for most of the magickal purposes you may have in mind, this is unnecessary.

Almost all the information you need can be found in readily available astrological calendars, online chart calculators, and software that you can install on your computer to do the math and charting for you, if you so desire.

Moreover, as you’ll discover later, there are quite a number of very practical magickal techniques that do not require the use of a chart at all.

Should you find yourself inspired to pursue the study of Astrology beyond what is needed to augment your magickal practices, I’d like to offer you a few suggestions.

Be kind to yourself and have reasonable expectations for your rate of progress.

I’ve mentioned several times that Astrology is like a language. Even people who have a natural gift for acquiring languages require time and
practice to become truly proficient.

Also, the discipline of Astrology is vast, a vastness that comes from centuries upon centuries of experimentation and refinement.

I’ve encountered many people who, in the thrill of discovery, continue to collect tools and techniques without having first mastered the basic tools.

I have known excellent carpenters who could produce beautiful furniture with the simplest of tools, and hobbyists who could do much less despite having a whole shop full of specialized saws, bits, and routers.

Be patient and don’t berate yourself for not being a quick study; there is no such thing as that when it comes to Astrology.

The good news is that remarkable things can be accomplished with just the essentials provided in this book.

Astrology The planets

The following paragraphs are starting points to contemplate what the Planets represent.

In fact, an entire book could be written on any of the Planets, and indeed, such books are common in the literature of Astrology.

In addition to categorizing the Planets as the Elder Planets and the modern Planets, we can also categorize them by which level of the Self they most readily impact.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are thought of as the personal Planets because their influence on the personality of individuals is easily seen.

The Planets Jupiter and Saturn are thought of as the social Planets because their influence is most apparent in the families and the communities that surround individuals, and in the learned societal patterns they internalize.

The Outer Planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are both transpersonal and cultural as they affect deeper parts of individuals and also change the qualities of generations and epochs.

The Planets function at all the levels of reality that we experience from the most ethereal to the most mundane.

They also express, mediate, and structure the relationships between Spirit, Soul, and Matter throughout these levels, or planes, of existence.

In fact, the glyphs of the Planets are actually symbolic representations of the interactions of Spirit, Soul, and Matter.

People in different magickal systems and paths use different terms with different connotations and nuances to describe spiritual matters.

For the sake of clarity, and in this book, let us define the terms “Spirit,” “Soul,” and “Matter.” “Spirit” is the eternal essence that comes from and is made of the stuff of Divinity itself.

“Soul” exists within the frame of space-time and is shaped by and bounded by a container, a vehicle of incarnation.

In the case of individual persons, this vehicle is the physical body with all its attendant subtle bodies.

In the case of a collective entity—for example, group soul—the boundaries that are present take longer to perceive. “Matter” is soul made solid.

Another way of saying this is pattern, structure, and form are active in matter while Soul and Spirit are present but subsumed.

The three can also be seen as one thing. Just as water can easily be a vapor, a liquid, and a solid, so too can the primal Divinity express
phase changes as it exists in different planes and conditions.

The Aspects

The Aspects in a chart show how the Planets are interacting with each other.

Traditionally, some Aspects are referred to as harmonious and some as inharmonious, although you shouldn’t equate those terms with good and bad.

Some modern astrologers will refer to Aspects as being either supportive or challenging.

Context and choice are everything, and sometimes help isn’t helpful and a challenge is a boon.

The Aspects describe the state of being and/or the action between the Planets, and that is why they can be likened to being the verbs in the language of Astrology.

Usually, Planets that are in aspect to each other have lines drawn between them in a chart, often with a small glyph denoting the Aspect attached to the line.

Planets are said to be in aspect to each other when they are a specific distance apart from each other as measured in degrees.

The different named Aspects denote a number of degrees apart that relates to a geometric figure.

It is useful to think of Aspects in Astrology as a form of sacred geometry with a bit of the music of the spheres thrown in.

Mathematics and music are profoundly intertwined with each other, as has been expounded upon at length by Hermetic teachers such as Pythagoras.

If you know how to play piano, or at the very least have played around on the keys, you know that certain notes sound pleasing together and others do not.

With a bit of thought and observation it is not long until you discover notes that are certain distances apart consistently produce either harmonious or inharmonious results.

Now, the heavens are not a piano with discrete keys tuned to separate notes, and the emanations from the Planets passing through the Signs produce waveforms much more complex than vibrating piano strings; however, the same general principles apply, and when they are the correct interval apart, the correct number of degrees apart, they tune into a geometric relationship that results in a harmonious or an inharmonious exchange.

In the chapters that follow, I will continue to elaborate upon these basic building blocks of Astrology so you’ll be able to understand and to apply these principles in your magickal practice.

In order for you to properly absorb the essentials of Astrology, I’ll feed you pieces of information in small chunks.

I will also periodically repeat information with a few added details to assist you in integrating the material into your working knowledge.

You will find it useful to reread earlier portions of this book if you proceed into the more advanced work toward the end.

Appendices at the end of the book include a variety of tables of correspondences that I believe you’ll find be

How Astrology Is a Sacred Science

The scientific method can be thought of as the set of techniques for the investigation of phenomena, the acquisition of knowledge, the creation and testing of theories, the sharing of those results, and ongoing reexamination of all of these things using a rigorous protocol.

Science is based on empirical and measurable evidence (as defined by the capabilities of its time period) and has at its core the tenet that the universe will reveal itself through reasoning and observation.

Indeed, science and sacred science were one and the same but over time they began to drift apart, with the so-called Age of Enlightenment in Europe being the great schism between the two.

The single biggest difference between the mundane sciences and the sacred sciences is that in the sacred sciences the basis for evidence and observation is different.

Intuition and inner experiences are considered as observations and sources of data within the sacred sciences.

One of the things that remains similar is that there is still a process of investigation and of testing for these less tangible observations.

In Astrology, additions to what is considered to be accepted knowledge is not instantaneous nor simply taken as a given because a noted astrologer had an epiphany.

It is a sacred science because it takes many observations that are then tested, and then found to be consistent with repetition by multiple practitioners.

Also, anything that is new that is coming into Astrology must not disrupt the existing accepted practices and theories unless they provide a more comprehensive perspective that proves its worth.

A good example from the mundane sciences is the shift in understanding from Newtonian physics to Einstein’s physics to Quantum physics.

The addition of the new theories and additional accepted facts do not do damage to the system as a whole because each of these things applies to specific frameworks.

The mundane sciences are constantly, though slowly, changing the boundaries of what is considered to be known.

Although we will primarily work magic using these Seven Elder Planets, let me use Uranus, one of the Outer Planets discovered after the advent of telescopes, as an example of how sacred science deals with new observations.

Uranus was discovered in 1781 by Frederick William Herschel and was a shock to the scientific community as it was the first Planet discovered that could not be seen with the naked eye and more than doubled the size of the Solar System due to its distance from the Sun.

The name for the Planet was changed twice before finally it became set as Uranus.

Astrologers did not pull out their crystal balls nor consult an oracle to determine what Uranus meant in their charts.

Instead, over the course of years and decades Uranus was added to charts, both current and historical, to observe what had occurred when it was in particular positions.

Over the course of many debates, with many published articles and books, a consensus was reached on what impact Uranus had in the chart.

It is this process of investigation that makes Astrology a sacred science. Even a century after its discovery, astrologers were still debating the finer points, such as which Sign was ruled, if any, by Uranus.

In Zadkiel’s Text Book of Astrology (1879), he states: Some modern authors have assigned Aquarius to Uranus, thus either robbing Saturn of his “day house” or forcing upon him a partner.

However until experience teaches us in what signs Uranus and Neptune are most powerful, I must decline to endorse so hasty an attempt to provide for one of the “houseless wanderers.”

About 20 years after Zadkiel’s book, the tide had turned and Aquarius was accepted by most astrologers as the Sign ruled by Uranus.

The process used in Astrology to expand the base of accepted knowledge also includes tools that lie outside the toolbox of the scientific method.

Today we identify Uranus with reform, revolution, abrupt change, idealism, electricity, higher mind, and more.

In herbalism and natural philosophy, and also in Astrology, there is a proposition called the doctrine of signatures that dates at least as far back as Dioscorides, was championed by Paracelsus, and further developed by Jakob Böhme.

The gist of the doctrine is that the outward attributes of a mineral, plant, or animal when viewed by a trained and sensitive observer reveals its inward attributes and its connection and place in the web of universal powers.

For example, Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is a plant whose stems seem to perforate or go through its leaves.

Because the plant appears to be self-splinting, it is used in the healing of broken bones, fevers that cause bone and body aches, and as a tonic in recovery from lengthy illnesses.

When we look at the astrological signature of the discovery of Uranus from our vantage point in history, there was much going on in the world that showed its attributes.

In the years surrounding the discovery of Uranus, we see the French Revolution, the Constitutional Convention in the United States, the invention of electric battery, the eruption of several volcanoes, the rush of innovation in the exploration of the skies that was lighter than air balloons, the birth of poet Lord Byron, the creation of an early version of the periodic table of elements, and many more things occurred today we would clearly say have the signature of Uranus.

This astrological version of the doctrine of signatures also applies when we look at Neptune and Pluto.

The existence of Neptune was first predicted through mathematical calculations, then observed and officially discovered in 1846.

Neptune is the Planet whose power is associated with psychism, visions, spiritual pursuits, and oneness with the universe.

There really is poetic beauty in that it was seen through calculations before it was seen with eyes.

In the years surrounding its discovery we see the rise of Spiritualism and the founding of groups such as the Theosophical Society and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Pluto is the Planet whose power is associated with Pluto was discovered in 1930 at the Lowell Observatory.

In the years surrounding Pluto’s discovery the first cyclotron particle accelerator is created, the theory that Earth’s magnetic field is generated deep in its molten core is proposed, Fermi achieves the world’s first nuclear fission, and the seeds of World War II are planted and grow.

If you find this sort of research interesting, you’ll be even more enthralled when later in your studies you explore how as the Planets move through the Signs, especially the outer ones, they herald the temperament and behavior of generations.