Plant Magick


Yucca is masculine, and ruled by Mars. ItsElement is Fire. Yucca is said to help withshape-shifting. If a strand of a leaf is tiedaround one’s head and then an animal isvisualized the wearer becomes (...


Yarrow is feminine and ruled by Venus. ItsElement is Water. There is evidence that yarrowwas often a component in incense used forincantations. It is a powerful incense additive fordivination and love...


Wormwood is masculine, ruled by Mars, withthe Element of Air. Wormwood is poisonous butis sometimes burned in smudge sticks to gainprotection from wandering spirits. It is said thatit enables the dead...

Witch hazel

Witch hazel is masculine, ruled by the Sun, withthe Element of Fire. The wood is used to makedivining rods. Witch hazel gives protection andpromotes chastity, healing the heart. It cools allthe passio...


Willow is feminine and ruled by the Moon. TheElement is Water. Willow wands can be used forhealing and are at their strongest when used atthe New Moon. Willow guards against evil andthis is where the ...


Walnut is masculine, ruled by the Sun, and the Element is Fire. Carry the nut as a charm topromote fertility and strengthen the heart. It attracts lightning


Violet is feminine, ruled by Venus, and itsElement is Water. It brings changes in luck orfortune. Mix with lavender for a powerful lovecharm. A violet and lavender compress will helpin eliminating hea...


Sunflower is masculine and is ruled by the Sunand the Element of Fire. It is extremely useful,for the seeds aid fertility while the plant allowsyou to discover the truth, if you sleep with itunder you...


Rue is masculine, ruled by the Sun and theElement of Fire. Protective when hung at a door,it can break hexes by sending the negativity backfrom whence it came. It is good for clarity ofmind, clearing ...


Rowan is a masculine plant which is ruled bythe Sun and the Element of Fire. Rowan wood isused for divining rods and wands; its leaves andbark are used in divination rituals. It is also usedfor protec...


Rose is a feminine plant that is ruled by Venusand the Element of Water. It is perhaps the mostwidely used plant in love and good-luckworkings. Roses are also added to ‘fast luck’mixtures designed to ...


Poppy is feminine, ruled by the Moon, and hasthe Element of Water. It is said that you can eatpoppy seeds as a fertility charm; they can also beused in love sachets. Also carry the seeds ordried seed-...


Pine is masculine and ruled by Mars; it has theElement of Air. It aids you to focus and if burntit will help to cleanse the atmosphere where it isburnt. Its sawdust is often used as a base forincense,...


Pimpernel is a masculine plant which is ruled by Mercury and has the Element of Air. You should wear it to keep people from deceiving you. It wards off illness and stops accidents. The juice is used t...


Pennyroyal is a masculine plant ruled by Mars;its Element is Fire. It is used for protection, and,because it prevents weariness during longjourneys, it is often carried on ships. Pennyroyalis also an ...

Orange Plant

Orange is a feminine plant ruled by Jupiter andthe Element of Water. It can be used as a lovecharm, while in the Orient it is used for goodluck.


Oak is masculine and is ruled by the Sun and theElement of Fire. It is often used by witches andused in power wands. It also protects againstevil spirits and can also be used to promote abetter sex li...


Myrtle is feminine, ruled by Venus, and itsElement is Water. Myrtle was sacred to the Greekgoddess Venus and has been used in lovecharms and spells throughout history. It shouldbe grown indoors for go...


Meadowsweet is feminine, its planet is Jupiterand it is ruled by Water. It is a sacred herb of theDruids and gives protection against evilinfluences; it also promotes love, balance andharmony. Place m...


Marigold is masculine and ruled by the Sun. ItsElement is Fire. Prophecy, legal matters, thepsyche, seeing magical creatures, love,divination dreams, business or legal affairs andrenewing personal ene...


Linden is feminine, ruled by Jupiter and itsElement Water. It is said to be the tree ofimmortality and is associated with conjugal loveor attraction and longevity. It is supposed to helpin preventing ...


Lilac is a feminine plant that is ruled by theplanet Venus. Its Element is Air. It is a goodprotector that also banishes evil and can be usedfor exorcism rituals.


Lavender is a masculine plant ruled by Mercuryand the Element of Air. It is one of the mostuseful herbs and can be used for healing,promoting good wishes and sleep; it can also beused to attract men.


Juniper is a masculine plant, ruled by the Sunand its Element Fire. It gives protection againstaccidents, harm and theft. Once they have beendried and worn as a charm, the berries are usedto attract l...


Jasmine is feminine and is ruled by Jupiter and the Element Earth. It attracts men and has beenused throughout history by women for this purpose


Holly is masculine and is ruled by Mars and itsElement of Fire. When planted around the homeit protects against evil. Holly water is said toprotect babies, and when thrown at wild animalsit calms them...


Clover is masculine and is ruled by Mercury; itis also associated with the Triple Goddess. ItsElement is Air. Use it in rituals for beauty, youth,healing injuries, and helping alleviate mentaldifficul...


Cinquefoil is masculine and is ruled by Jupiter.Its Element is Earth. Hang it around your doorsand windows to protect you from evil. It is usedin spells and charms for prosperity, purificationand prot...


Catnip is feminine and is ruled by Venus. Its Element is Water. Its magical properties areconnected with cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship and love. As an incense it may be used to consecrate magi...


Carnation is masculine and is ruled by the Sun.Its Element is Fire. Traditionally, it was worn bywitches for protection during times ofpersecution. It adds energy and power whenused as an incense duri...

A Short List of Magickal Plants

Aloe is feminine and ruled by the Moon. ItsElement is Water. Its magical properties areprotection, success and peace. Aloe has alwaysbeen known for its healing qualities, fortreating wounds and mainta...

A Word on Seeds

Seeds should be gathered as they ripen, usually in the fall. Seed Heads should be hung to dry inside a paper bag. Don’t use plastic as any condensation that gathers could lead to mildew and caus...

Some Magick in Plants

Geranium: These plants can provide luck and good fortune in various different ways, depending on the colour of your flower. Choose red geraniums for vitality and invigoration, pink for love, or white ...


Marigolds are herbaceous plants, some perennial, some annual, of the Asteraceae family, the blooms made up of many tiny florets. They are native to North and South America but are popular garden plant...


General Information Honeysuckles are shrubs or vines with opposite oval-shaped leaves and their signature sweet-smelling tubular flowers. The flowers contain sweet nectar, but the fruit is poisonous. ...


Cedar Wood Magic Properties Element of Fire and Earth. Male Energy. Planetary Associations: Sun Zodiac Association: Leo Associated Dieties: The Cedar wood tree is sacred to Artemis, Sezh and Persephon...


Neroli essential oil exudes an entrancing citrus aroma with slightly spicy, bittersweet undertones. The oil is rendered from the white blossoms of the bitter orange or Seville orange tree. It takes on...

Almond (Prunus dulcis)

Wisdom, money, fruitfulness, and prosperity. Invokes the healing energy of the deities. Provides magickal help for overcoming dependencies & addiction. Associated with Candlemas and Beltane. Carry...

Plant Magick, The key to understanding the Old Ways

Plants are an integral key to understanding the Old Ways. Our ancestors attached symbolism to different plant part such as flowers or leaves because of what their shape resembled, or even what the nat...


Heliotrope (wishes, money, healing) Wear heliotrope oil to attract money. Burn heliotrope incense to attract money and make wishes come true.


Bamboo – Protection, Luck, Hex Breaking and Banishing, and Wishes.

Bachelor’s Buttons – Love

Bachelor’s Buttons – Love.

Avens – Love, Purification and Exorcism.

Avens – Love, Purification and Exorcism.


Aster – Love.


Asafetida – Exorcism, Purification and Protection.


Arnica – Bruises and Sprains. Stimulates the Heart. CAUTION: Do not apply to broken skin. Do not take internally.


Arbutus – Protection and Exorcism.

Arabic Gum

Arabic Gum – Purify Negativity and Evil.

Anise Seed

Anise Seed – Awakening Subtle Energies for Magic, Ward Against “the Evil Eye,” Keeps Away Nightmares.

Angelica Root

Angelica Root – Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions, Cures and Bewitchment. Deflects Curses.

Angelica Leaves

Angelica Leaves – Protection and Healing.


Anemone – Health and Protection.


Amaranth – Healing, Protection and Invisibility.

Blackthorn in Bloom

githeach-dubh / droighnean/straif in Gaelic (prunus spinossa in latin). It seems appropriate to post about Blackthorn today as we have had a wee taste of another blackthorn winter or blackthorn hatch ...

Bee Balm

Although Bee Balm is somewhat of a giant in medicine and aromatherapy applications, uses in folklore and magic are surprisingly rather sketchy and hard to find for this herb. Of course, for purifying ...

Willow Herb Epilobium

Epilobium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Onagraceae, containing about 197 species. The genus has a worldwide distribution. It is most prevalent in the subarctic, temperate and subantarct...

Plant and Herb Magick

Plant magic is an age old tradition dating back to ancient Egyptian times, it has been used for many purposes, such as healing, self empowerment, love spells and protection. Each plant has its own mag...


Rose rosa species PARTS USED Flowers, petals, leaves GENDER: Feminine ELEMENTS: Fire and Water PLANETS: Mars and Venus POWERS Healing Love Love Divination Luck Protection Psychic Powers Ultimate Love ...

Fox Glove

“The plant has been particularly associated with midwifery and women’s magick” The foxgloves are back. “In Roman times, foxglove was a flower sacred to the goddess Flora, who t...


(Galium aparine) GGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: FirePowers: Relationships, Commitment,Protection, TenacityMagical Uses: Cleavers cling, or cleave, tofabrics. This can be used in binding spell...

Plants and Mythology

The magical plant or herb of immortality sought by Gilgamesh, the hero of ancient Mesopotamian mythology, provides one example of how myths use plants as symbols of life and of the healing p...


(Tussilago jar far a) P N XFolk Names: Ass’s Foot, British Tobacco,Bull’s Foot, Butterbur, Coughwort, Pasd’ane (French), Sponnc (Irish), Foal’s FootGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: L...

Water Lilly

Nymphaeaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around the world. The family contains five genera ...


Calendula is known to affect the menstrual cycle and should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Theoretically, calendula may affect conception when taken by a man or woman, so couples tryi...

The Hedge Craft – Plantain (Plantago lanceolota)

Plantain (Plantago lanceolota) – leaf• Antihistamine – good for insect bites, hay fever tea• vulnerary (wound healer) used as a poultice for clearing heat and inflammation, varicose veins and varicose...

Moon Wort

StatusBest Time to See June, July, AugustColour GreenHabitat Woodland, GrasslandA small fern with a magical reputation.So named for the shape of its leaves, which are fan-shaped and resemble a half-mo...


A poisonous perennial herb that grows in the Mediterranean region and that is reputed to have powerful magical properties. Mandrake, part of the nightshade family, has a strong and unpleasant odor. It...

Skullcap (Scutulleria nodosa)

Skullcap (Scutulleria nodosa) – herb


(Cupressus sempervirens) P Folk Name: Tree of Death Gender: Feminine Planet: Saturn Element: Earth Deities: Mithras, Pluto, Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Artemis, Apollo, Cupid, Jupiter, Hekat, Hebe, Zoroaste...

Magical uses of plants/scents

ACACIA -Blessing, raising of vibration, protection via spiritual elevation. AGRIMONY (Cocklebur) -Helps to overcome fear, dispel negative emotions, overcome inner blockages. ALLSPICE -Adds strength to...

BIRCH (Betula Pedula)

BIRCH (Betula Pedula) Plant family: Birch Family (Hamamelids) Parts Used: Sap, leaves, bark and buds. Soil and Environment: Woodland and heath, moor, parklands and gardens. Copes well in sandy, acidic...

Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Chickweed (Stellaria media) – aerial parts, skin soother, with cooling, drawing action when applied to bites, stings and rashes (can be used straight from picking or crushedfirst), helps to clear ecze...


Jasmine flower awakens your spirit and opens your heart to great energies involving all matters of Love, as Jasmine helps to attract love into your life in all forms. Long used as an aphrodisiac throu...

Cloth of Gold

(Crocus angustifolia) X Powers: Understanding Animal Languages Magical Uses: The cloth-of-gold gives the power to understand the language of birds and beasts. You must be barefooted with washed feet w...

Heather (Calluna vulgaris)

Heather (Calluna vulgaris) or (Erica cinerea “bell heather”) – flowers


Roses are a highly versatile and magickal herb that has the highest vibrational frequency out of all the plants. As such they have been used for cultural and medicinal purposes for over 5,000 years. W...

The Hedge Craft – Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) – root and leaf

Motherwort (Leonorus Cardiaca)

Motherwort (Leonorus Cardiaca) – herb *also known as Lionheart

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus)

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus) – leaf, blossom and berry. Hawthorn is a good heart tonic, beta blocker, protects the heart muscle, prevents heart attacks, is a vaso-dilator (peripheral), helpspromote...


Ulex (commonly known as gorse, furze, or whin) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The genus comprises about 20 species of thorny evergreen shrubs in the subfamily Faboideae of the ...