
Candles are such an integral part of a spellmaker’s work that they have become a whole
branch of magic all their own. They represent
the Element of Fire, but also light. Various
colours bring different things to magical
workings and they are an important part of any


A burine is a sharp-pointed instrument used for
inscribing candles and other magical objects
with symbols, words and pictures in order to
make spells more effective. In many ways, it is
more effective than either the boline or the
athame and is seen much more as an instrument
which pierces a surface rather than cuts it


The boline is a knife traditionally used in
cutting plants, herbs, wands and other objects
for spells and other magical workings. It is akin
to the gardener’s pruning knife as a useful,
practical tool. It often has a white handle and a
curved blade. It is consecrated because this is a
way of honouring its purpose.


A besom is a different name for a broom, and is
particularly associated with the easily
recognizable so-called ‘witch’s broom’ of old. It
is a particularly personal tool, and is often
made specially for the practitioner, with twigs
from the tree of her choice. It is usually kept
specifically to be used in the sacred space or
circle – this time for cleansing – and is also used
both symbolically and spiritually