Developing a sacred space, and should youchoose to work with an athame, wand orchalice, you can use representations that arequite clearly associated with the idea behindthe magic. You might wish to ca...
Just as most modern-day priests will carrysmall versions of their consecrated tools withthem, in case they are needed, so every magicalpractitioner can do the same. In some ways thelatter are more for...
The staff is used very frequently bypractitioners today, particularly if they are ofthe Druidic persuasion. Longer than the wand,it has the same attributes and uses. A staff isdeliberately fashioned f...
The pestle and mortar are so symbolic of theunion of God and Goddess that they deserve aspecial mention within the use of magical tools.Mainly used to prepare herbal mixtures andincenses, they can als...
The pentacle is a shallow dish, which is usually inscribed with a pentagram – a five-pointed star. It is used as a ‘power point’ for consecrating other objects such as water or wine in a chalice, amul...
Traditionally, quill pens were used for writingspells and incantations, but if you can’t find aquill then use the best pen you can afford. Tryto keep it especially for magical work andconsecrate it by...
During spells you will often need to write yourwishes or aims down and it is good to have somepaper ready prepared. Parchment type is best,but heavier good quality is perfectly acceptable.You consecra...
The choice of this tool must be a personal matter.An incense burner should give plenty of room toallow the aromas and smoke to disperseproperly. Traditional material such as brass orclay may be used. ...
While this may seem a somewhat unusual tool,many spells, rituals and techniques require thatyou honour or face certain directions or compasspoints in their performance. It is also necessaryto know the...
Charcoal is a component of incense and oil burning. Nowadays, the best charcoal is usually found in compressed small discs of about 3 cm (1 inch). These give a burning time of approximately 45 minutes
Used as a ceremonial drinking vessel, thechalice is sometimes made from precious metal,although it can also be made from glass. Anelegant object, the chalice will usually bebeautifully decorated with ...
A burine is a sharp-pointed instrument used forinscribing candles and other magical objectswith symbols, words and pictures in order tomake spells more effective. In many ways, it ismore effective tha...
The boline is a knife traditionally used incutting plants, herbs, wands and other objectsfor spells and other magical workings. It is akinto the gardener’s pruning knife as a useful,practical tool. It...
A besom is a different name for a broom, and isparticularly associated with the easilyrecognizable so-called ‘witch’s broom’ of old. Itis a particularly personal tool, and is oftenmade specially for t...
By tradition, the athame is a ceremonial knifeused especially in the performing of spells. It isnot intended for cutting herbs and so on: itsrole is ceremonial, for example indicating thequarters or d...
Depending on the tradition, the coven, and/or the individual Witch, variations and additions to the tools described above may be used in ritual and spellwork. For example, some Witches use a sword in ...
Perhaps the most common (and commonly misunderstood) symbol of Witches and Witchcraft in popular culture, the broom has been part of Witchcraft and other pagan lore around the world for centuries. The...
The wand is a symbol of Fire and should be placed in the South of the altar. The wand is sometimes represented by a spear. Both the wand and spear, like the athame and sword, are male symbols. The spe...
Babylonian Devil trap A terra-cotta bowl inscribed with charms or magical texts to drive away evil. Babylonian Devil traps were common between the third to first centuries b.c.e. and sixth-century c.e...