Flavors & Correspondences

Almond(milk): mental clarity + fortitude, luck, abundance, healing + good health
Amaretto: opening the mind, warding against negativity, creativity, luck
Blueberry: aids in memory + mental clarity, calmness, youth + glamour magic, restoration, aura cleansing + strengthening
Caramel: aids in changes + transformations, soothing quality to spells, good in Fae magic, increases tenacity
Chestnut: warding + protection, prosperity, longevity + increase stamina
Chocolate: self love + nurturing energy, ancestral magic, grounding, love + sexual prowess
Cinnamon: spiritual + personal power, healing, success, lust, luck, prosperity, strength
Clove: protection, actualization of desires, banishing negative + hostile forces
Coffee: inspire creativity, clear emotional + spiritual blockages, dispel nightmares, fortitude + increased stamina, encourage diligence
Coconut Milk: confidence + aid in glamour magic, strength, beauty, love
Cow milk: nurturing, fertility + prosperity, protection, abundance, aid in motherhood
Hazelnut: self-love and compassion, inspiration, creativity, wisdom + insight
Honey: happiness, offerings + Fae magic, sweetness, love, prosperity, healing, passion, spirituality
Irish Cream: dreams + intuition enhancer, prosperity, growth, aid in change
Peanut(butter): stability, aid in manifestation + intuition, attraction, energy
Pecan: spiritual purification + protection, abundance + prosperity
Peppermint: healing, purification, psychic powers + transformation, sleep, prosperity, passion
Pumpkin: wishes + dream fulfillment, protection + guarding, prosperity, magic enhancer, love
Oat(milk): tradition + ancestral work, health, stability + fortitude, beauty + youth, comfort, home magic, healing
Raspberry: invoking fertility or love, kindness + compassion, desire fulfilment, creativity, libido + sex magic
Sugar: used to amplify spells, sweetness + love, attraction, comfort, Fae magic
Soy milk: success + strength, growth, healing
Toffee: playful 

Kitchen Herbal Flowers

Most people will have at least the basic kitchen herbs in their cabinet. Remember the term “herb” does not exclude flowers and trees. You may be surprised to know how many different flowers and woods fall into the magickal category.

Roses are traditionally aligned with water. They can be used for psychic powers, love divination, luck, protection, and healing. Use a single rose in a vase on the altar for powerful help in love divinations. A cup of rosewater tea at bed time can help you dream prophetic dreams.

Even a Daisy has power where lust and love is concerned, and is said to bring love when worn. A simple divination that’s been done for years can be done with a daisy. Remember the “He loves me, He loves me not?” That is love divination in its most basic form.

Carnations can offer protection, healing and strength. Place carnations on the altar during healing rituals, and use the petals in amulets and incense.

Oak is good to use for money, protection, potency, fertility, and luck. It is said that carrying any piece of oak will draw good luck. Take 2 twigs from an oak tree and tie them together in an equal armed cross; hang them in your house to guard against evil. Make a small equal armed cross and carry it with you in your wallet or purse for protection during the day.

So much for the garden, on to the kitchen

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals

Magical Things To Do at the Hearth

A tea kettle whistling on the stove.
The sun pouring through the kitchen window. A pie cooling on the sill. Magic fills the air in a home where a kitchen witch lives. Particularly in the kitchen itself. Many kitchen witches want to know what rituals they can do on a daily basis. How do we fit magick into our everyday mundane lives? Here we provide the Kitchen Witch with daily rituals to incorporate into their witchcraft practice. Use and/or adapt the ones you like.

But First, What is Kitchen Witchery?

There are many different types of witchcraft, one being kitchen witchery also sometimes called hearth or cottage witchcraft. This is a tradition in which the witch is primarily focused on weaving his/her magic into their daily domestic lives. The kitchen becomes the witch’s sanctuary. The counters are the kitchen witch’s altar. Wooden spoons become magical wands. The dutch oven? A cauldron. The stove and oven become the catalyst for spells and workings of all kinds.

Kitchen witches love to cook and bake, and they use these acts as actual spells and rituals. In addition to cooking and baking magically, kitchen witches might also enjoy brewing herbal teas, making candles, and infusing oils at the hearth. They may grow culinary herbs to use in their food and brews. And they might also honor their ancestors, kitchen gods, and household spirits at the hearth. The best thing about being a kitchen witch is that cooking, baking and cleaning, once mundane tasks, become magical rituals and powerful invocations.

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals With Herbs

1. Daily Herb Studies
Since kitchen witches are all about the herbs and spices, an easy way to study herbalism is to choose one herb/spice a day to focus on. Choose one that’s in your herb cabinet. Pull it out of the cabinet and set it on the counter. Research it’s folklore, medicinal and magical uses. Then try to use it in a meal or herbal concoction, etc.

2. Brew Tea
What kitchen witch doesn’t love a hot cup of tea? Make your tea-brewing process a daily ritual. Put thought into the herbs you’re using, thank the water element while pouring the water, draw symbols over the tea kettle as it heats, etc. A small and simple daily ritual for the kitchen witch. You’ll need a kettle, herbs, a special teacup or mug, and either a tea diffuser OR your own fillable tea bags.

3. Cook With Herbs
This is an obvious but simple one – cook with herbs every day! This becomes a daily ritual in and of itself when the kitchen witch selects an herb or spice from the cabinet or a specific intention. For example, adding garlic to any dish has a purifying, healing effect on those who eat it. My herb cabinet has literally become one of my favorite corners in my house! I feel witchy just walking into it.

4. The Herb Garden in Daily Rituals
You don’t have to be a green witch with a green thumb to have an herb garden. The herb garden becomes part of the kitchen witch’s daily rituals when the witch visits it every day. She greets her plants, tends to her garden, and harvests herbs for magical, culinary, and medicinal purposes. Even if you can’t have a garden, a couple of pots with your favorite herbs will do. I recommend rosemary, basil, sage, thyme, oregano, mint, lavender, and parsley.

5. Tend To Your Kitchen Altar
If you haven’t yet, start a kitchen altar. It doesn’t have to be big and elaborate, it can be as small as a shelf with a candle and a few magical items. Tending the kitchen altar will become part of a kitchen witch’s daily rituals when offerings are given to ancestors, household spirits and kitchen gods.

6. Kitchen Witch Guardians
Every kitchen should have a guardian spirit. The kitchen witch can create a guardian by making a kitchen poppet. Or you can purchase a kitchen witch doll or statue. Once you have your kitchen guardian, you’ll need to infuse the guardian with your magical intentions/energy OR invite an ancestor’s spirit to take residence in the doll/statue. This kitchen witch guardian will then protect your kitchen and family. Caring for the kitchen guardian will become part of your daily rituals. Offerings and care are essential.

7. Candle Flame
One simple daily ritual I do every day in my kitchen is light a candle to honor the hearth-fire of my ancestors. The kitchen witch lights candles in the kitchen as a thankful gesture to the fire element (which gives us the ability to cook), as well as for the household spirits, kitchen guardians, and ancestors.

8. Keep a Kitchen Grimoire
The kitchen grimoire or Book of Shadows is important to a kitchen witch. It’s a book in which we keep our magical recipes, ancestors’ recipes, kitchen rituals and spells, herbal anecdotes, and more. Writing in your kitchen grimoire becomes a daily ritual for the kitchen witch.

9. Cleaning & Cleansing
Every day, the kitchen witch should make sure his or her kitchen is clean. There should be no dishes in the sink when you go to bed else you’ll have nightmares (or so the old wives tale goes). Keeping a clean kitchen is honorable to your household spirits and ancestors. In addition, cleansing the space of negative vibes is also a simple daily ritual. You can use sprays, smudge bundles, etc. The besom is used to sweep away negative energy (a quick cleanser).

10. Offerings as Daily Ritual
Giving offerings to your kitchen gods, spirits and ancestors is a daily ritual that is rewarding and easy. Leave a cup of water, coffee, wine, etc. on your altar for your gods/ancestors. Change it daily. If you’re in a place where you can’t leave offerings out, setting aside a bite or two on your own plate and mentally praying to your spirits is offering enough.

11. Charge Your Meals With Symbols
Another great daily ritual for kitchen witches is to charge your meals and beverages with sacred, magical symbols. This is as simple as drawing a symbol over the meal or drink in the air. OR using condiments, oils, herbs, etc. to draw symbols and sigils directly onto food. Many baking witches even enjoy sneaking magical sigils at the bottom of pie crusts!

12. COOK Like a Kitchen Witch
I think it’s funny that I wrote this blog post years ago, not realizing that I FORGOT to add the most important daily ritual for a kitchen witch – COOKING. LOL! We have to eat every day, don’t we? Which means many of us cook every day. So make your cooking process magical by choosing ingredients based on your intuition and based on their magical and medicinal properties.

When you have more time, get inspired and try cooking something NEW and exciting. Maybe something your ancestors once made or something that utilizes ingredients you’ve never used before. Try making your own homemade pasta. And then make your own pesto using homegrown basil and mix it into your homemade fettuccine!

13. BAKE Magical
Baking is a science in and of itself. It is truly an art form and sometimes takes kitchen witches longer to master than cooking. Case in point, I thought I was the cookie master until this Christmas when I started coming up with burnt and flat cookies! It takes extra effort and thought. So I’ll be going back to the drawing board and trying again! Start small with baking, like making banana bread from scratch. Then work your way up to making homemade bread wreaths, lattice pies, and elaborately decorated layered cakes. Always add your own touch to it with favorite herbs, symbols, edible flowers, etc.

14. Work with Kitchen and Hearth Deities
One of my key practices is spirit work…specifically developing connections with gods and goddesses. And if you happen to be in the kitchen for most of your witch-crafting, why not incorporate kitchen gods and hearth goddesses into your daily routines? Set up a small altar or space for a deity that watches over the hearth i.e. Hestia, Vesta, Bes, Frigg or Loki. Include them in your kitchen workings on a daily basis and watch your blessings flow in.

Traditional Wassail Recipe

You will need:

6 small apples
1 1/2 quarts ale or hard cider
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground ginger

Preheat your oven to 120 degrees F. Core the apples and then place them on a lightly greased baking tray. The apples will swell slightly as they bake, so space them a couple inches apart from each other. Bake the apples for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, put 1 cup of the ale (or cider) and all of the sugar in a tall pan. Warm this over low heat, stirring continuously to dissolve the sugar.

After the sugar has dissolved, add the grated nutmeg and ginger. Continue to simmer, stirring as you slowly add the remaining ale or cider. After the apples are done baking, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool for 10 to 12 minutes. Then cut each apple in half and scoop out the baked “flesh” into a bowl. Discard the skins. (Ideally these apple skins should go into your compost!) Using a fork or potato masher, mash the apples until they are smooth.

Slowly add the smooth, mashed apples to the warm ale or cider, mixing them in vigorously with a whisk. Continue to warm the wassail over very low heat for about half an hour. Whisk again just before serving.

Kitchen Altar

Kitchen witches spend much of their time in the kitchen, combining magic and cooking to create sacred food, spells and herbal remedies.

The kitchen is therefore an ideal place to set up an altar, both for kitchen magic and honoring the goddess of hearth and home.

Making a Kitchen Altar

Depending on the size of the kitchen, an altar can be anything from the corner of a shelf, to a dedicated table.

The ideal spot for a focal point also needs to be practical and safe.

A witch does not want an altar where spillages or accidents can occur, but at the same time needs it to be within easy reach and view.

The altar can either be a space already in existence, such as the shelf of a dresser or a small table, or a newly created shelf, cupboard or shrine.

Many kitchen witches are creative craftspeople, so might wish to carve something to house the altar items themselves.

Alternatively, it is possible to ask a friend to make one or buy one made from sustainable wood.

Even shop-bought shelves can be personalized and made special by decorating them.

The shelf can be painted a suitable color, perhaps one sacred to a particular hearth goddess, and also embellished with rhinestones, shells, ribbons, and other trinkets.

Honoring the Kitchen Goddess

Most kitchen witches will work with several goddesses, but also have a dedicated goddess of hearth and home.

Choosing a kitchen goddess to work with provides a mentor and protector when weaving magic in the kitchen, be it cooking up successful, healthy meals or brewing medicinal potions.

The kitchen altar should recognize the chosen goddess, perhaps with a figurine or picture, or with a selection of items that represent them, such as symbolic charms, certain foods, or candles and ribbons in associated colors. There are many sources offering statues and artwork to buy, but crafty witches might like to make their own representation of the goddess, by sculpting her from salt dough or polymer clay.   Once baked, the clay statue can be painted and embellished accordingly.

Beltane Recipes,Cheese: Traditional Foods for Celebrating the May Day Festival

Beltane is a traditional Celtic festival that marks the beginning of summer. It is celebrated on May 1st and is known for its joyous and festive atmosphere. One of the key aspects of Beltane is the abundance of fresh, seasonal ingredients that are used in traditional recipes.

Whether you are celebrating Beltane or simply looking for some delicious recipes to enjoy during the summer months, there are plenty of options available. From fresh salads and grilled vegetables to hearty stews and fruity desserts, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Many of these recipes incorporate traditional ingredients such as herbs, berries, and wildflowers, making them a perfect way to connect with nature and celebrate the changing of the seasons.


Cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various Beltane recipes. It can be served as a main dish, a side dish, or as a dessert. Here are a few ideas for incorporating cheese into your Beltane celebration:

Cheese Board

A cheese board is a perfect appetizer for any Beltane celebration. It is easy to prepare and can be customized to suit any taste. A cheese board typically consists of a variety of cheeses, crackers, fruits, and nuts. Here are some cheese options to consider:

  • Cheddar
  • Brie
  • Blue cheese
  • Goat cheese
  • Gouda
  • Feta

Serve the cheese board with some fresh fruits like grapes, strawberries, and apples. You can also add some nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews for some crunch.

Cheese and Herb Scones

Cheese and herb scones are a delicious addition to any Beltane meal. They are easy to make and can be served as a side dish or as a snack. Here’s how to make them:


  • 225g self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 50g butter
  • 50g grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh herbs (such as thyme, rosemary, or chives)
  • 150ml milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas mark 7.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper.
  3. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
  4. Stir in the grated cheese and chopped herbs.
  5. Gradually add the milk, stirring until a soft dough forms.
  6. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead gently.
  7. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2cm and cut into rounds using a cookie cutter.
  8. Place the scones on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  9. Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown.
  10. Serve warm with butter.

Cheese and Vegetable Tart

A cheese and vegetable tart is a perfect main dish for any Beltane celebration. It is easy to make and can be customized to suit any taste. Here’s how to make it:


  • 1 sheet of puff pastry
  • 150g grated cheddar cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 150ml double cream
  • 1 red onion, sliced
  • 1 red pepper, sliced
  • 1 courgette, sliced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas mark 6.
  2. Roll out the puff pastry and place it in a tart tin.
  3. Prick the base of the pastry with a fork.
  4. In a frying pan, heat the olive oil and sauté the onion, red pepper, and courgette until soft.
  5. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and double cream.
  6. Add the grated cheese and salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Pour the egg mixture into the pastry case.
  8. Arrange the sautéed vegetables on top of the egg mixture.
  9. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.
  10. Serve hot or cold.

Cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various Beltane recipes. Whether you’re looking for an appetizer, a side dish, or a main dish, cheese is sure to add flavour and richness to your celebration.

Solitary Kitchen Witch: Exploring the Practice of Cooking Magic Alone

Solitary Kitchen Witchcraft is a practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves using the kitchen as a sacred space for performing rituals and spells. Unlike traditional witchcraft, which often involves working in groups, solitary kitchen witchcraft is a solitary practice that focuses on the individual’s connection with nature and the elements.

Solitary kitchen witchcraft is a modern take on traditional witchcraft practices. It is a way for individuals to connect with their spirituality and the natural world in a way that is personal and meaningful to them. The kitchen is seen as a sacred space where magic can be performed through cooking, brewing, and blending ingredients. The focus is on intention and mindfulness, with practitioners using their intuition and creativity to craft spells and rituals that align with their individual beliefs and values.


Honouring is an essential part of the Solitary Kitchen Witch practice. It involves showing respect, gratitude and appreciation to the deities, spirits, ancestors, and other entities that the practitioner works with. Honouring can be done in many ways, such as through offerings, prayers, rituals, and daily practices.

One way to honour the deities is by creating an altar dedicated to them. An altar can be a simple or elaborate setup that includes candles, incense, crystals, and other items that represent the deity. The practitioner can offer food, drink, flowers, or other gifts to the deity on the altar, as a sign of respect and appreciation.

Another way to honour the deities is by performing rituals or ceremonies in their name. These can be done on special occasions or during the practitioner’s daily practice. The rituals can include offerings, prayers, chants, and other forms of devotion.

Honouring the ancestors is also an essential part of the Solitary Kitchen Witch practice. The practitioner can create an ancestor altar, where they can offer food, drink, and other items to their ancestors. The practitioner can also perform rituals, prayers, and other forms of devotion to honour their ancestors.

In addition to honouring the deities and ancestors, the Solitary Kitchen Witch can also honour the spirits of nature, such as the spirits of plants, animals, and the elements. This can be done through daily practices, such as gardening, foraging, and spending time in nature. The practitioner can also offer gifts, such as herbs, flowers, or other items, to the spirits of nature as a sign of respect and appreciation.

Overall, honouring is a crucial aspect of the Solitary Kitchen Witch practice. It helps the practitioner to connect with the divine, the ancestors, and the spirits of nature, and to show respect and gratitude for their guidance and support.

Being Thankful

In Solitary Kitchen Witchcraft, being thankful is an essential part of the practice. It is a way of expressing gratitude for the blessings in life and acknowledging the abundance that surrounds us. Here are some ways to incorporate thankfulness into your practice:

Gratitude journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is a simple but powerful way to cultivate thankfulness. Write down three things you are thankful for each day, no matter how small they may seem. This practice can help shift your focus from what you lack to what you have, and increase your overall sense of well-being.

Blessings before meals

Before eating, take a moment to express gratitude for the food on your plate. You can say a simple blessing or prayer, or silently give thanks for the nourishment the food provides.

Thanking the elements

In Kitchen Witchcraft, the elements – earth, air, fire, and water – are revered as sacred. Take a moment to thank each element for its presence and the gifts it provides. For example, thank the earth for providing the ingredients for your meal, thank the air for the breath in your lungs, thank the fire that cooks your food, and thank the water that quenches your thirst.

Giving back

Expressing gratitude can also involve giving back to others. Consider volunteering your time or donating to a charity. This practice can help you feel more connected to your community and increase your sense of purpose.

In conclusion, being thankful is an essential part of the Solitary Kitchen Witchcraft practice. Incorporating gratitude into your daily life can help cultivate a more positive mindset and increase your overall sense of well-being.