
POPPETS: Curse/hex

I personally do not believe in a 3 or a 10 fold law. But I feel it necessary to make this statement for those who do. What I believe is, we have a responsibility to be the best we can be. Help where y...

Dark Arts Oil- Cursing An Enemy

* Black dog hair* Mullein-Vandal root* Devil pod* Graveyard dirt What are Magickal Oils? Magickal oils have been used for their mystical, energizing, and transformative powers for thousands of years b...

How to Break a Jinx and Get Uncrossed

Does it seem like your life has suddenly fallen to pieces? Like everything you try, fails? Maybe your car broke down, and your dog is sick, your sick or ill all the time and suddenly you’re in argumen...

Tips for getting rid of curses

A curse is a nasty business to be under. While it’s nice to think about the karmic implications of throwing a curse on someone, it can still seriously ruin your day. So, here are some suggestion...

Cursed Objects

Everything in our know universe is made from either matter or energy, in witchcraft energy can be bestowed on an object, and if that energy is negative and prolonged enough like hate then the will and...

Cursing Someone

If you are here thinking that I will tell you how to curse someone then I’m afraid that you are on the wrong page as that would be irresponsible, this short note is to make you think about your action...

Bottle Curse

Supplies needed are as follows : 1)compass 2)4 baby jars 3)4 rocks large enough to smash glass 4)sage 5)cinnamon incense 6)black candle 7)candle holder 8)matches/lighter 9)digging tool 10)wand 11)spoi...

Mirror Curse

Ingredients A mirrorDescriptionCurse an enemy with a simple mirror hex. Spell Casting Capture your angered reflection in a mirror. (Variations of this curse say to capture the reflection of the enemy ...

Questions to ask yourself before making a Curse or Hex

A majority of people strive to be good people in general no matter what. But everyone reacts differently and according to their own personal ethics , no one needs a religion of rules on how to behave ...


A curse is a spell intended to bring misfortune, illness, harm or death to a victim. Curses are the most dreaded form of magic, as curses are universal. They are “laid” or “thrown” primarily for reven...


A curse that is the product of envy, revenge and anger. In earlier times, people commonly blamed their misfortune on the ill-wishing of others. If two people argued and then one suffered a mishap, bec...