Solitary Witch

Deities Of Change

These deities may be invoked in rituals involving not only change but also good fortune. Oya Oya is the African goddess, also known as Yoruba, who rules the winds and so controls the winds ofchange. S...

Herbal Tea Remedies

There are so many ways that our immune systems can be overwhelmed … it’s in our air, our water, our food, our workplace, our stress. This blend of organic and wild herbs is not only helpful but comfor...

Teas & Brews

You can make this fragrant tea with herbs from your garden or dried herbs that you buy. Seven Flower Tea cools you down on a warm summer’s day, helping to keep you calm and soothe your digestion.1 qua...

Blackberry Wine

Ingredients 3 pounds of blackberries3 pounds of sugar1 gallon of boiling water Method Wash berries, put in large bowl and pour over them the boiling water. Stir well, then cover the bowl and leave for...

Dandelion Wine

Ingredients 2 quarts of dandelion flowers3 pounds sugar1-ounce yeast1 lemon1 orange1 gallon boiling water Method Pick the dandelions on a sunny day. Pick just the heads until you have two-quart jugs f...

Old Fashioned Ginger Beer

Ingredients For The Starter:1/2 Ounce Yeast2 Teaspoons SugarTo Feed The “Plant”:7 Teaspoons Ground Ginger7 Teaspoons SugarTo Flavour:1 1/2 Pounds SugarJuice Of 2 Lemons Method Mix starter ingredients ...

Tea Potions

The brewing of magickal potions is a traditional skill of witches. Images of the cackling witches in Macbeth might come to mind, with their bubbling cauldron and horrible potion ingredients, or one ma...

A Beltane Ritual For Fertility And Earth Energies

Such a ritual can be used to encourage creativity and growth of all kinds. It may be performed either alone or in a group, with everyone present joining in the chants. Use as many kinds of wood as pos...

Beltane, Correspondences 

Candle colours: Dark green, silver and red Symbols: Fresh greenery, especially hawthorn; any flowers that are native to your region, placed in baskets; dew gathered on May morning (girls should bathe ...

Beltane, The Festival Of Fire

This Celtic festival of summer is also called Bel-fire, the festival of Belenus, the Celtic god of light. Time: Sunset 30 April-sunset 2 May (31 October-2 November in the southern hemisphere) Focus: T...

Beltane Rites and Rituals for a Hedgewitch

This is another traditional time when the veils between the worlds are thin, and we can encounter beings from the Otherworld easily as we slip between the worlds. It is traditionally a time to honour ...

Kitchen Witch: Beltane, May the First

We still observe May Day, a contemporary version of an ancient European Pagan religious celebration. In earlier times, Beltane was connected with the dairy, and so ice cream, yoghurt, cheese, custard,...


Also: May Day, Walpurgis, Roodmas Beltane, celebrated at the peak of spring around early May, is one of the four main fire festivals native to Celtic culture. The other festivals, commonly referred to...

Things To Do at Beltane, Dress your home and/or altar with greenery

Dress your home and/or altar with greenery – especially with hawthorn, rowan and birch branches. Ask permission from the tree before you take anything.

Things To Do at Beltane, Make some Hawthorn Brandy

You will need a bottle of brandy and at least one cup of hawthorn flowers, plus a little sugar to taste.   Mix the ingredients together and leave them away from direct light, for at least two wee...

Things To Do at Beltane, Dress a tree

This is the perfect time to go out and celebrate a tree. Especially a hawthorn, rowan or birch – but the tree spirit will welcome your attention whichever kind of tree it is. Sit with it, talk to it, ...

Trees of Beltane Birch

Birch is considered, by many to be a feminine tree. The Deities related to Birch are mainly that of love and the Goddess of fertility. The Birch is among one of the first trees&nbs...

Trees of Beltane, Rowan

A Rowan tree is one for protection and healing.   Branches of Rowan have been placed as protection over the doorways of homes and barns at Beltane to ...

The Core Concepts of Astrology

Even if you are already well versed in Astrology, I encourage you to read this chapter carefully as there are specific nuances and perspectives that relate to its use in Magick that are not part of st...

Astrology The planets

The following paragraphs are starting points to contemplate what the Planets represent. In fact, an entire book could be written on any of the Planets, and indeed, such books are common in the literat...

The Aspects

The Aspects in a chart show how the Planets are interacting with each other. Traditionally, some Aspects are referred to as harmonious and some as inharmonious, although you shouldn’t equate those ter...

How Astrology Is a Sacred Science

The scientific method can be thought of as the set of techniques for the investigation of phenomena, the acquisition of knowledge, the creation and testing of theories, the sharing of those results, a...

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