Fire Magick

Fire Dust”

“Fire Dust” is created by grinding several ingredients with a mortar and pestle. (If you don’t own one, breaking up the items with your hands works too!)
You can sprinkle a pinch of your own personal mixture to water spells to enhance your inner fire. You are free to add this to your bath, tea, or food. (Please look into more information on certain herbs if you are unsure about them.)
Here are some main ingredients. The following are usually involved with the Fire element.

Basil- Love, Protection, Wealth
Bay- Healing, Enhances Psychic Powers, Protection, Purification, Strength
Cinnamon- Healing, Enhances Psychic Powers, Spirituality, Success
Clove- Love, Money, Protection
Coriander- Healing, Health, Love
Cumin- Protection
Juniper- Health, Love, Protection
Rue- Enhances Mental Powers, Healing, Health, Love
Rosemary- Healing, Love, Mental Powers, Protection, Purification
Saffron- Happiness, Healing, Love, Power, Strength
Sage- Protection, Wisdom, Wishes
Thyme- Courage, Healing, Health, Love, Purification, Sleep

Rose- Divination, Healing, Love, Luck, Protection, Enhances Psychic Powers
Sunflower- Fertility, Health, Wisdom, Wishes
Poppy- Fertility, Love, Luck, Money
Hibiscus- Divination, Love

(Or any petals that are white, red, orange, or yellow. Leaves of the same colors work too)

Dragon’s Blood- Protection, Courage, Purification, Enhances Psychic Awareness
Cinnamon- Wealth, Prosperity, Success, Aid in Healing, Strengthen Psychic Powers
Frankincense- Luck, Astral Strength, Protection, Courage, Induces Psychic Visions
Myrrh- Healing, Protection, Spirituality

(Use incense to bless your mixture for added strength.)