Discovering yourself as a Witch

Discovering yourself, and defining yourself as Witch can be as long or short of a process as you make it. Learning the vital differences, however subtle, between Jinxing, Hexing, Banishing, Binding and Cursing is your first true step into the Crevices of the Craft. Healing is often wrapped up in all of the above, but overlooked as a Tool. Often those who need to harm others do it because they themselves are hurting. Perhaps before we Bind them so they cannot use their own Tools to harm us, we wrap them in a Healing. I am not a forgiver. Forgiveness has always made me uncomfortable because it is on the side of permission. However, depending on the harm inflicted, I will always turn to Healing before anything else. Healing is safer, for all parties concerned, and I have seen astonishing results when a nasty person is confronted by Self as an intervention.

Bear that in mind before making the Rune to hide in their car….

I have seen “harmless” jinxes go horribly wrong, because the Intent was mistakenly spoken in rage. A simple stumble turned into an horrific fall because the Witch did not understand the nuances.

Repeat after me “I am a Witch. I am not the master of all I survey.” Ok?

We do not need to tell all and sundry we are Witches, we should not need to, for it is obvious in the way we carry ourselves and our Energy. This is why we can see another Witch across a crowded room.

We Glow.

Banishment is more suited to merely making sure a person cannot find you, and in fact eventually forgets they were looking, or you simply no longer cross their mind. Usually set down for a specific amount of time, to allow you to get on with your own business without distraction. Be careful, there is always the possibility of unintended harm with ANY Witchcraft. Banishment should be done over the two weeks of a Waning Moon for best results.

Hexing brings about a greater degree of bad luck to someone than a Jinx. Say someone stole your idea at work and beat you to the boss, telling them that you in fact stole it from them. Suddenly their car won’t start, they miss buses, are late every day, and spill red wine on the white dress of a superior at a function. Nightmare stuff for them, and certainly a lesson on Karma if you believe that. Generally harmless but immensely satisfying. Same warnings apply. Magic is dangerous.

Binding is generally used against another Witch, or a bully, to stop them from damaging your own Crafting, or, like what happened to me once, a bully calling herself Witch used my old page as a weapon against me. Hacking it and making it look like I was attacking other Witches verbally. Eventually I got to the bottom of it, and came out the winner, but not before having to shut my page. Binding becomes a physical barrier between you and the one who is harming you. Making a poppet is the best way to Bind, but without eyes, to keep them blind, without ears so they never hear you coming, and with mouth sewn shut with wire, so they can never speak your name, and it cuts if they try. Much more intensive than a Banishing. Danger level is up accordingly.

I understand why people Curse. I know why I do. I don’t do it often, and in fact when I do, it takes days to recover. Mostly because I choose to do it by way of object, and the Curse only ends when the object is broken, or discovered and discarded far from the recipient.

I prefer the Healing first. Give them a chance if they have hurt me or someone I love. My exception is of course for those who beat animals, children, or romantic partners, rapists and murderers. Those people get the pointy end of my Witchcraft.

I’ll tell you what DOESN’T work. Long distance Curses. You need to be able to touch the person, or put an object in their car, under their house, or in a gift such as a plant.

You know why I don’t believe in long distance Cursing? One, you’re sending something Darkly Powerful out into the Ether, hoping it will connect with a person you don’t know, haven’t been close to physically, you’ve never felt their Energy. Honestly it’s like sending a remote Drone to the house of a famous person without any GPS or clear instructions on what to do even if it finds them.

Two, I’ve seen so many people attempt it, and heard way too many stories of others accidentally being harmed. Badly.

There’s no such thing as acceptable numbers of collateral damage in Witchcraft.

Healing. It’s not all about Light. Sometimes we Heal only to stop a Greater Darkness from being born.

The main Feng Shui schools

Over the centuries many different schools of
Feng Shui have developed. The basic principles
are broadly the same, though each school has a
slightly different focus. There are three main
schools in existence today:
Form School
This school focuses on the features of the
surrounding landscape and the correct use of
the positioning of buildings – and, in former
times, burial sites – to gain protection from
inauspicious winds (feng) and provide
adequate water to sustain life (shui), though the
latter’s energy can be unpredictable.
A site or building, by tradition, needs the
protective or energizing force of particular
animals. (The Chinese believe that four celestial
animals guard the four directions: the dragon
to the east, the red bird or phoenix to the south,
the tiger to the west and the tortoise, enlaced by
a snake, to the north.) If landforms or other
natural features surrounding the site can be
seen as such symbols, then the location is
extremely fortunate. The building is protected
and/or energized according to its position. The
art of the practitioner is to minimize or deflect
bad energy (sha) and bring beneficial energy
(chi) to the establishment.
Compass School
This style of Feng Shui uses the eight major
trigrams of the I Ching (see pages 135-143 for a
full explanation) and relates them to the eight
principal points of the Compass. These are laid
out to form the eight-sided figure called the Pa
Kua, which is used to interpret the favourable
and unfavourable locations, not just for
buildings as a whole but also house floor plans
and room layouts. The Feng Shui practitioner
will advise on the correct placement of objects
within each ‘mansion’ and will often advise on
colour. The Compass school may also use the
Flying Star system, which takes into account
the astrological significances (calculated
according to the Chinese system) of the time at
which the house was built.
The Chinese compass works in the reverse to
the Western way of thinking, with the South at
the top of the diagram. Just as with Western

astrology and magical systems, in Chinese
thought, each direction is focused on certain
important areas of life or significances. Each
compass point and trigram has its own
‘Mansion’ within which are held the energies of
that direction, to be drawn on or mitigated at
will by the able practitioner.
Above are the significances of each of the
eight trigrams. These are, in order, Family
Position, Element, Polarity, Colour, Season, Area
of Life (most important) and, finally, the Shape
which enhances the energy of that section.
Black Hat Sect School
This is a more modern version of Feng Shui
which has its roots not only in traditional Feng
Shui but also in Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism.
In this school, the Pa Kua (often called the Ba
Gua) is used, but it is based on the direction of
the front door of the building, rather than the

compass points. The house or room is divided
into eight sectors, similar to the Eight
Mansions, each one having a bearing on an
aspect of life that might need enhancing.
Shown opposite is a Pa Kua calculated for a
house that has recently been purchased. Using
Chinese astrological calculations, a ‘fit’ must be
found between the occupants’ life energy and
the energy of the house. There are four helpful
areas (Longevity, Prosperity, Health and
Excellent) and four unhelpful areas (Death,
Disaster, Irritation and Spooks – also known as
the ‘Six Curses’). The diagram has been drawn
in accordance with the Western method of
having south at the bottom of the diagram.
The energy of this house is very much in
accord with the birth date of one of the
occupants, yet there are certain problems
associated with it in that, for instance, the
kitchen is in the ‘Death’ area. This means that

either the kitchen must be moved, which is not
immediately practical, or certain changes must
be made within the area to minimize risk. There
is a toilet in the house within the ‘Spooks’ area,
but with a little thought this can be used to
keep the area clear – one simply remembers to,
quite literally, ‘flush away’ the negativity.
Presenting Feng Shui in such a simplistic
fashion in no way honours the art as it should
be. It is much too complex a subject for that,
and true practitioners will study for many
years to perfect their skill and reach the state of
Perfect Man. Feng Shui is one of the ways of the
philosophy known as Tao, which assists us to
remain in harmony with ourselves and the

Feng Shui

ONE OF THE most important adjustments
that we can make as we begin to work
consistently with magic is to the
environment in which we live and to our own
personal space. As we reach an internal peace
we create tranquillity around us, but equally
our environment must nurture us. For the
practitioner this means understanding both our
living space and our own subtle aura – or
energy field – created by our own vitality.
Scientific discoveries that were made during
the 20th century mean that we are becoming
more and more aware of the constantly shifting
fields of energy through which we move in our
daily lives. Today we call them electromagnetic
fields and talk of ‘adjusting the flow’. This
concept of energy fields is by no means new,
however, because the fact that there was subtle
movement between the two polarities of yin
and yang (negative and positive) was
recognized as far back as 5,000 years ago in the

I Ching (The Book of Changes), which we shall
study in more depth later.
The art of Feng Shui gives an understanding of
these energies and movements, both tangible
and intangible; it is the art of correct placement.
Good Feng Shui practitioners will understand
the processes of transformation, both internal
and external, which can take place when we are
in tune with our environment and will do their
best to balance the external energies in a way
that is appropriate for the task in hand, whether
that is creating a harmonious home, a
productive working space or a healing vibration.
To understand the theory of Feng Shui we
must first redefine our understanding of
divination. Divination – in this case using the I
Ching and the hexagrams as a tool – means
being able to ascertain the most likely course of
events should we be able to adjust any or all of
the energies when we are out of balance. It
consists of working with the flow of essential
energy and making very subtle adjustments
when necessary, so that we approach the ideal
or the divine as closely as possible.
Feng Shui can have an effect on every aspect
of our lives. The way it is applied can be either
beneficial or detrimental (or both) to the way
we live and to the surrounding environment. It
is by no means a game or fad, but it is a way to
live in harmony with nature, as it is understood
in the Tao, so that the energy surrounding us
works for us rather than against us.
In the West, Feng Shui is not yet accepted as a
science, since its principles cannot yet be
proved by science – although it does require
mathematical calculation. Neither a religion, a
philosophy nor a belief system, it puts into
practice tools and techniques that enable us to
be as perfect as we can and remain so.
A system that has stood the test of time
naturally changes to keep pace with
knowledge, and it is unfortunate that the
superstitious ‘silly’ side of the wealth of
information available to practitioners of Feng
Shui has received so much publicity in recent
times. The judicious placing and use of mirrors,
wind-chimes of a certain type of material, or
crystals hung in windows do all enhance the
available energy, but only when carried out
according to strict laws of correspondence.

Customs Associated with Birth

There are, in fact, several customs associated
with birth and the surrounding period which
have survived without people today necessarily
appreciating their magical significance. In Celtic
lore, the ‘toadstone’ protected the newborn
from evil spirits and the Virgin Mary nut,
actually the seed of the plant Entada scandens,
counteracted birth pains. The shell of a sea
urchin, known as the ‘cock’s knee stone’ – but
also representative of the Virgin – has also
always been considered to bring good fortune.
Birth and death were, in the minds of people
whose lives depended on the cycles of the
seasons, very closely connected. This led to a
perhaps greater understanding of the two great
events in life than we have today. ‘Primitive’
societies accepted that there would be loss and
deprivation through disease around these
times and the people would use anything that
they considered powerful to help them.
Magical stones were often used as protection
against disease, which was generally believed
to have been brought by demons and evil
spirits. It was said that healing stones could
impart their qualities to water and this ability
can still be seen today when healers use
crystals, or elixirs infused from crystals, in their
healing. In both Scotland and Ireland there are
many tales of the existence of such stones.
Many plants and herbs were also regarded as
specifics against bad spirits. For example, rowan
or mountain ash, even today, is often to be found
close to isolated cottages or near standing stones
as a form of protection. The berries were thought
to be the food of the gods. St John’s Wort was
often carried as a charm against witches and
fairies – in the Isle of Man it is said that a fairy
horse will rise from the earth and carry you
about all night if you tread on the plant.

Incenses are a natural outcome of this use and
today we are fortunate to have relatively easy
access, particularly via the internet, to the
ingredients which are necessary to allow us to
use ancient knowledge. Throughout the book
there are various recipes for incenses which can
be used specifically for protection or as a quick
solution to the various problems which can be
met on a day-to-day basis. As people become
more sophisticated, but equally more aware,
problems such as the evil eye do not seem to be
particularly relevant, yet jealousy and envy can
be a huge cause for concern, both nationally
and globally.

Winter’s End

White candle
Corn dolly
Fireproof receptacle
Either the sticky burrs from a cleavers plant
(which has a cleansing effect) or several pieces of
paper on which you have written your irritations
✤ Light the candle.
✤ Cup the corn dolly in your hands and review
the previous year, particularly winter.
✤ Attach as many of the sticky burrs as you can
to the corn dolly, making each one represent
something that has irritated you.
✤ Alternatively, tuck the pieces of paper into the
corn dolly.
✤ Carefully set the dolly alight and place it in
the receptacle.
✤ As the dolly burns say these words or similar:
Begone dull and nasty times
Welcome moments fine
I greet the new times with joy and laughter
✤ When the corn dolly has burnt out, bury the
ashes as an offering to the earth or dispose of
them in running water.
Nature-based religions gave way to the Christian in
other ways as well. For example, the four-leaved
clover has long been associated with the sun, good
fortune and luck. To pagans it also represented the
Goddess form, the quaternity – the fourfold aspects
of deity

In Ireland, St Patrick is thought to have used
the trefoil (three-leaved clover) to demonstrate
the principle of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son
and Holy Spirit – to his followers. He would
have used material that was readily available to
him rather than the rarer and more magical
four-leaved plant, and would thus have
signified the move away from intrinsic magical
knowledge associated with Mother Earth.
Incidentally, the clover plant is thought to give
the wearer the ability to see the fairy form.

The Blending of pagan and Christian Festivals

Ways of dealing with problems within the
community, which used a blend of Christian
and pagan rituals, was partly a product of the
interaction between Christianity and paganism.
Pagan belief demanded rituals that appeased
their gods while Christian thought required
that there was a focus on only one God. This
meant that such rituals belonging to the Wheel
of the Year had to be accommodated into a
more acceptable framework. The local clergy

therefore became agents of this assimilation
process. The mixing of liturgical, medical and
folklore medicine was a whole medley of ideas
as to how nature functioned.
The line between these ideas was very unclear
– rite blended into medical practice or was
mixed with apparently magical, and certainly
ceremonial, pre-Christian practices. This
coming together is evident in a charm ritual for
blessing the land, the Aecerbot ritual, which
was performed yearly and is still retained
centuries later on Plough Monday (usually the
first Monday after Epiphany – 6 January).
Originally an Anglo-Saxon fertility ritual, it
was gradually Christianized. In this agricultural
– or field – remedy for witchcraft, four pieces of
turf were taken from the four corners of the land,
along with other agricultural products such as
fruit, honey, herbs and milk as well as holy water.
Certain words (such as ‘grow’ and ‘increase’)
were said in Latin over these goods. The
individual turfs were then anointed and blessed
along with the fruits of the farmer’s labour, taken
to church and placed carefully under the altar.
The priest then said four masses over the altar.
The turf was placed back in the ground before
sunset, along with four crosses marked with
the name of the Apostles. Similar words and
prayers to those above were said, including a
specially written prayer calling on God, the
earth and heavens to help in bringing forth the
power of the earth for a successful crop. The
ritual was closed by the owner of the field
turning around three times while reciting
Christian prayers. There followed a similar
ritual for blessing the plough using herbs and
other sacred items. The strong similarities to
the rites calling upon Mother Earth and the Sun
God in pre-Christian rituals are quite marked.
Historic customs are often perpetuated in
seasonal festivals. One example is Homstrom
(celebrated on the first Sunday in February),
which is an old Swiss festival exulting in the end
of winter with the burning of straw people as
symbols of the end of Old Man Winter or the Old
God. A similar sort of festival has recently been
revived in Scotland round Lammas-tide.
Following the success of the 1970s film The
Wicker Man, which highlighted an ancient pagan
festival, today this gathering has been given new

meaning as an alternative music festival. The
ceremonial burnings commemorate the
sacrifices which our ancestors needed in order to
feel that they had done what was necessary to
achieve a plentiful harvest.
A similar celebration takes place at
Queensferry on the east coast of Scotland in
August, when the Burryman parades through
the town and finishes his day covered with burrs
(sticky balls of seeds), possibly representing all
the irritations which the townspeople wish to
get rid of before the winter.
If you want to celebrate in the same way you
might like to make a corn dolly in the shape of
a man

Happiness Blooms

Bring positive fresh energy to your life with happiness spells and fresh flowers. You just need:

Jasmine or Lilac oil
One fresh flower, any kind
Paper and pencil
Yellow candle
A heat-proof container

Light the candle, and write 3 things on the piece of paper that are making you unhappy right now. Put the paper in the candle flame and let it burn. You can drop it into the bowl when it gets going.

Rub a little oil on the flower, and breathe in the smell. Visualize your problems disappearing with the ash of the paper, and replace that stress with the joy of the flower. Set the flower in the bowl over the ashes, and leave on your altar to remind you to be happy.

Your Magick Teachings

You are your best teacher. Remember that while some people can help guide you on their path, that guidance is limited. Witchcraft is more of an internal process of figuring out who you are inside, what you can do, and what you need to improve on. Only you can figure this out as you are the only person who has access to your spiritual self. Do not expect others to teach you, either. Thank the people who give you some guidance as they do not have to do so.

Don’t be afraid to try things out without permission/asking. There is no need to ask someone else if you can do a spell or other witchcraft related activity. I’ve seen many people ask others if they can substitute an item for another item, if it would be okay to perform a spell in another way, and many more questions. Just do it. There is no need to ask, there is no need to get permission. This is your spell, your work, do what you want with it. No one else can promise you the results if you perform it a certain way or if you do it another way, so just try it out and see what happens. Do the spell as you want to and see what happens.

Making Daily Tasks Magickal

Take daily tasks and make them magical! Enchant your cooking, cleaning, and working. A few simple words can go a long way when enchanting your daily activities. For instance, I usually bless my food for good health before microwaving and eating it!
Remember that spells don’t require a lot of materials and energy! A few words, sigils, drawing, singing, or imagining a spell is enough to cast it. Drawing a sigil on my arm for productivity is enough for me to get started on some homework.
 An altar doesn’t have to be fancy! You can use a pizza pan, a plate, a piece of wood, a cardboard box, or even a section of your floor as a space for an altar. Items on an altar can include a regular cup, some salt, blessed water, or whatever you want to add and can afford! All of these items are free, already on hand, or can be found at the Dollar Tree so you don’t have to break your wallet!
 Leave a sigil or charm for prosperity in your purse or wallet! Make sure to close or add loopholes to it so that it does not come from a negative place. This can attract some extra money to your pocket!
Enchant your most used items to make them last longer or to prevent damage! Clothes, shoes, kitchen appliances, and the laundry basket really could use a sigil or some type of enchantment so that they will not break on you when you really cannot afford to fix or replace them.

The Truth-speakers

The Truth-speakers, the ones who refuse to contain their feelings, those who challenge and humanize the toxic status quo, are often scapegoated and vilified, made to feel crazy by those who lack the courage and insight to see beyond the family’s madness.

If you have been labeled the ‘crazy one’, take heart. You are truly not alone.

Most great creators and paradigm shifters were met with fiery resistance by those afraid to grow. Whatever you do, do not allow your voice to fade away in the face of their messaging.

Your Voice, your vision, your ways of being, live at the heart of your unique Soul’s Journey and are the key to collective transformation.

No one has the right to bury them under a bushel of shame. No one!

And remember- what is crazy to an unconscious person is often brilliantly sane to one who is Awakened.

Without you, we are lost. Blessed be the ‘crazy’ ones!

The history of Witchwalking

The history of Witchwalking is as old as movement itself.
Like many other examples of occult knowledge, it is a legacy that often conceals itself within the various cultures and people who have engaged in its practice.
It is a tradition that sometimes emerges under different names and guises depending upon the societal climate and religious views of those in power. In many cases Witchwalking has remained hidden, becoming a ritual safest practiced at night or alone and far from the authorities wary of its power and benefits.

You may know Witchwalking as travelling the path of Songlines or Dreamwalking. You may know it as a North American initiation rite demanding the neophyte undertake an arduous journey through dangerous terrain.
Or, you may be aware of this practice as a marathon shamanic-type dance assisted by drumming and entheogens.
Witchwalking even survives within early Christian writings, thinly disguised as a meditative desert walk of 40 days and nights, as well as today in the stations of the cross. Another contemporary incarnation within Christian spirituality is the Camino pilgrimage.
The Latin phrase ‘solvitur ambulando’ means ‘it is solved by walking’.

When we look with a keener eye we will find that Witchwalking is embedded into all of the world’s esoteric practices and rituals in one form or other.
Witchwalking continues to evolve even in today’s contemporary societies in the form of forest walks, ritual hikes to sacred places and even within the techniques of esoteric modern dance and musical therapy.

There are many reasons why someone is called to this path, be it for healing ourselves or others, or to gain insight from the deeper aspects of our minds. For more serious practitioners it is a way to contact ancestors and spirits of the land and to return from these trance states with advice and new knowledge.

But there is also a necessity at the roots of this practice. In many of the archaic, matriarchal cultures, from Catal Huyuk to the Hathor cult of ancient Egypt, there are embedded midwifery skills within the Witchwalking practices. The Moura Encantada, the female shape-shifters of Southern Europe, for example, were said to travel between megalithic sites, creating new life and spinning the sun. These motifs of ‘spinning’ and ‘new life’ epitomise the coded and almost forgotten wise-women who assisted with childbirth and who were believed to draw souls from the spiritual realm and into new bodies. These were the same women who were almost erased from history by the later patriarchal religions and persecuted through inquisitions and demonization.

The writer, Ali Isaac, has drawn attention to specific mentions of walking ceremonies and processional paths within ancient Irish history and mythology.
Interesting, and possibly connected to Ali’s Tara research.

Another Witchwalking connection is ‘Well-Wyrding,’ which is a practice where women would visit a holy well or sacred spring on certain nights and divine prophecy based upon the movement and sound of the water.
This type of pagan spirit-contact at holy wells was so widespread in Europe that there was even a law in 1178 created to ban women from going out alone in order to receive these prophecies.

An ancient link between holy wells and wisdom occurs in the Irish Dindsenchas which describes one in particular, Connla’s Well, as being ‘The Well of Knowledge’ or ‘The Well of Wisdom’ because of the hazel trees which grew over it and dropped hazel nuts into the water.

In Ireland, holy wells are still very much associated with cures and healing.
Specifically related to ‘witchwalking’, Holy wells also continue to draw visitors who practice the tradition of patterns and rounds, which is a type of meditative walk.
The esoteric practice of shape shifting is also intimately connected with Witchwalking in non-European cultures and is at the root of totem power and witches familiars.

Today, these techniques and spells, the wisdom and methods of spiritual contact are quickly being retraced and recovered. Cross-cultural comparisons are revealing that no matter how it is named or known, Witchwalking has always been a part of spiritual and ritual expression. Witchwalking in its many forms is once again revealing itself as an instructional and, ultimately, primal response to life.

Indeed, movement, change and discovery are the alchemical ingredients that lead us all down the pathways of questions.
Witchwalking takes us towards the inner parts of ourselves which has always known the answers we seek, if we are courageous enough to go and find them.


Nature is the great teacher, in her are all things revealed. Nature reflects the higher ways of the spirit. The creators established the law of nature so that through them we might come to know the laws of the Great Ones. Therefore, observe the ways of nature around you, both great and small. Everything has a purpose and reason. Be not confused by its seeming cruelty, for there s a duality in all things.

Respect Nature in all ways. Take only that which you must from her, and remember nothing can be taken except that something be given. This is law for all Witches.

Know that the winds speak of the knowledge of the earth, and the spirit of the kindness of all living things emanates from everywhere.

Nature teaches all living things all that must be known. She teaches birds to make their nests, animals to hunt and survive, children to crawl and walk. She teaches life. Once she taught all people of her ways, but they chose to go their own way. They chose to oppose her and to control her. But for the witches there can be no other way than hers. A witch must live in harmony with the forces of nature.

Signs You’re An Old Soul

(You’ve Lived Many Times Before)

You have that longing for home. And yet you’re more than familiar with this existence. There’s that knowing deep inside that you’ve been here before. Why? Because you have. You’re an old soul and you’ve been told time and time again. But, just for confirmation and a little fun, here’s 50+ signs you’re an old soul living in a modern world.

First, What is an Old Soul?

What does it mean when someone says you’re an old soul? Does it mean you act older than your age? No, not exactly. Though that can be a factor. Being an old soul means you’ve been here many times before. You’ve incarnated and reincarnated – living multiple lives beyond the one you’re living now. Yes, I’m talking about reincarnation: the belief that souls are recycled. That we don’t just live one human life, but dozens. Possibly hundreds. Maybe even more. But I’ll let you in on a little secret – we don’t just have past lives. We have other lives. Because time isn’t linear – it’s cyclical and infinite. We may be living other lives in a parallel universe right now. We may be living past lives parallel to our current life. Who truly knows? All I know is, the universe is divine and we’ve only begun to understand the meaning of life.

50+ Signs You’re An Old Soul

Without further adieu, here’s how to know if you’ve lived many lives. 50+ signs you’re an old soul. You may nod your head to ten, or twenty, or even the entire list. But if you know, you know. You don’t need a list to confirm it for you.

1. You’ve been told you’re an old soul. Many times.
If you’ve been told over and over again by multiple people that you’re an old soul, you likely are. The funny thing about this is – old souls recognize other old souls. So the people who see it in you, are likely old souls themselves. And vice versa.

2. The old soul is drawn to decades and centuries past.
This is a big sign you’re an old soul. If you’ve always found the distant past fascinating, it’s because you’ve lived in it. Ancient Egypt? The Wild West? Prehistoric Africa? Ancient Greece? The 1920’s? Medieval France? What’s that one time period you’ve always been drawn to?

3. You’re decidedly old fashioned in your morals and values.
While you’re forward thinking in many ways, you might also feel traditional and old fashioned when it comes to solid morals and values. You might even feel like these are values other people should have but don’t. Old souls wonder why the newer souls don’t share the same outlook on life. It’s because they’re new. And you’re not.

4. That sense of longing to go home never subsides.
Old souls have a longing in their hearts for home. A home we might never find here on this plane of existence. And, I’m sorry to say, that longing may never subside.

5. You’ve always been interested in reincarnation.
As a child, someone talked to you about reincarnation and the concept rang true. You’ve believed in past lives, future lives, and parallel lives ever since.

6. You have an interest in alternative spiritual pathways.
Another sign you’re an old soul is having an interest in alternative spirituality. Maybe you follow a more new age path, are Wiccan, pagan, goddess-worshiping, or Hindu. You tend to seek your peace in religion and spirituality outside the mainstream.

7. Old souls know the true meaning of life.
You don’t spend your time on pointless things. You know the true meaning of life – to love, live and learn. To experience what it’s like to be a human being on Mother Earth. You don’t obsess with the mundane things, but enjoy them openly. Your goal in life is to experience the human condition, you might even prioritize things like travel, family, and self growth. The old soul rarely prioritizes things like money, power, and earthly possessions.

8. You have “old soul” or “wise” eyes.
People tell you you have wise eyes, or the eyes of an old soul. This is because the eyes are the windows to the soul.

9. Dreams of the past
Old souls often dream about their past lives. You’ll know these dreams are different in that they are much more vivid than typical dreams. And they seem like an actual memory, rather than a jumbled up dream. These are more like visions and transport you to the past.

10. You prefer antiques over modern furniture
When you walk into an old home or antique store, you’re drawn to furniture and décor of the past. You prefer antiques and a rustic ambience over modern furniture. This is because old souls gravitate to things that remind them of their past lives.

11. You wore vintage clothing before it was cool.
I’m aware that vintage clothing is now the cool thing to wear. However, there was a time in the early 2000s and before when vintage clothing wasn’t popular. If you started wearing vintage clothes before they were cool, you’re likely an old soul. Again, folks with many past lives gravitate to the things they had in those other lives.

12. Certain movies and shows affect you deeply.
You watch Outlander and something about the scenery, songs, and words sing to your heart. The Mummy was your favorite movie for many years. As a kid you obsessed over any movie or TV show that featured Billy the Kid or Jesse James. OR if you’ve ever had a moment where a troubling scene affected you much deeper than others – this could be a nod to one of your past lives.

13. An addiction to history
Another sign of an old soul is an obsession, or downright addiction, to history. You studied history in college. You became a historian. Or you just love history so much that it’s all you think about.

14. You prefer to be alone to recharge.
New souls frequently enjoy the company of lots of other people. They feel energized in largely social situations. On the other hand, old souls seek solitude when they need to recharge their batteries. We’ve been around plenty of people over the course of our lives, so sometimes silence is golden.

15. You go to nature to heal.
Old souls appreciate the strength and healing power of Mother Nature. When we’re feeling anxious or depressed or just out of sorts, a walk in the woods sets us right. Or maybe meditation on the beach. Or even just a stroll through the neighborhood. We know that nature heals every ailment.

16. Old Souls Carry Birthmarks
Sometimes our birthmarks are breadcrumbs to our past lives. They help us unravel the puzzle that is our eternal soul. Perhaps you have a birthmark in the shape of a country. Or continent. Or maybe you even have a birthmark that resembles a rune or symbol. Sometimes old souls carry birthmarks that show how they were killed in a past life. Family members may even have the same birthmark as you, as a sign you’ve incarnated with your soul group once more.

17. Palm Signs on Old Souls
Just as our birthmarks can be symbolic messages from our other lives, so can the lines of our palms. Learn more about palm signs here.

18. Longing for the stars
Some old souls haven’t just lived on this planet. But they’ve lived on other planets, in other star systems, in other galaxies. Some have even lived in other dimensions. These souls are called starseeds. If you long to be among the stars and have dreams of floating into space, you likely are an old soul that has lived in another dimension or galaxy.

19. Old Souls Astral Travel Easily
You’ve naturally been astral traveling and lucid dreaming since you were a child. I believe old souls have this ability, as we’ve been traveling between dimensions and planes for an infinite number of lifetimes. Some of us even have the ability to travel to the Akashic library and see our past lives on glimmering, golden pages there.

20. A Career in Healing or Teaching
Many old souls live a life of purpose: specifically to heal or teach the people around them. You may have a career in healing: doctor, nurse, acupuncturist, midwife, death doula, herbalist, chiropractor, etc. OR you’ve chosen to be a teacher, guidance counselor or some other role that teaches others.

21. Animals Are Drawn To You
Animals are naturally drawn to people with old souls. This is because old souls recognize the beauty and divinity in animals. They aren’t just animals. They have souls too. And old souls know and can connect on a deep level.

22. People Are Drawn To You
Along the same wavelength, people are drawn to you too. Ever have a complete stranger tell you their life story at the grocery store? Do people with problems seem to flock to you like moths to the flame? Your old soul shines a bright light in the darkness and so people can’t help but seek you out for friendship, advice, and compassion.

23. You Stay Away From Drama
Because old souls have lived lifetimes before, we tend to stay away from drama. We’ve already been through lifetimes of it and prefer a quiet, peaceful existence to a noisy, chaotic one. If you avoid high maintenance people and drama in general, you might be an old soul.

24. A Few Close Friends
To the point previous to this one, old souls are selective of their friends. We enjoy having close, personal relationships with people similar to ourselves. Rather than having lots of fairweather friendships and acquaintances.

25. Deja Vu: A Frequent Occurrence for Old Souls
Have you ever had Deja vu? It’s when you get the feeling you’ve been in a certain place before, or you’ve lived a particular experience before. Yet you know it wasn’t in this lifetime. This happens when we visit a place we were familiar with in a past life. Or meet someone with whom we shared a connection in another life.

26. Past Life Readings and Regressions
If you’ve lived many past lives, you’re more inclined to seek out past life tarot readings and past life regressions. I’ve found folks that have newer souls typically don’t have as much of an interest in reincarnation. Why? It’s simple – because they’ve only incarnated a few times.

27. The Old Soul Keeps Learning
Old souls have an insatiable desire to learn. We never want to stop learning all we can about life, the planet, and about ourselves. We take classes on things that interest us. And we read and study many topics, sometimes all at once.

28. Your Perspective On History Differs
Have you ever been told a piece of history that you downright felt was incorrect? Or distorted? This may be because you lived that piece of history and remember it occurring in a much different way than it’s been taught. Remember, history is written by the victors. And the folks who were defeated or suppressed didn’t have a voice. There’s always more to history than we’ve been taught.

29. Alternative Medicine
Do you believe in a holistic approach to healing? Old souls seek out alternative ways to heal themselves and others, including practices like Reiki, meditation, crystal healing, herbalism, acupuncture, etc. That’s not to say you don’t believe in western medicine, but you do believe in healing the whole self. Body, mind and soul.

30. Old Souls Always Ask Why
You have a tendency to question everything. A very logical, grounded mind wants to understand the why behind laws, beliefs, rules, morals, etc. Old souls tend to always ask why?

31. You feel very different from the rest of the world.
You’ve felt like the black sheep or odd-man-out since you were a kid. You still do. It’s because you are different – your soul is ancient. Embrace your uniqueness. But stay humble.

32. Old School Morals
Old souls may notice the morals of their peers don’t align with theirs. You believe in manners, respect, kindness and consideration for others. You believe in raising your children to be independent, self sufficient members of society. And you realize a lot of folks around you don’t believe or live in the same way. It’s because you’re carrying your old school (past life) morals along with you.

33. A Desire to Go Back to Simpler Times
Do you want to leave everything behind and go off grid? Start a homestead or live on a farm? Old souls long for the old ways…we long to go back to simpler times when we were closer to the land. And closer to our families.

34. Old Souls Care About Money Less
It’s not that we don’t have money or access to money, it’s that we care less about earthly riches. We care more about riches of the heart – family, close friendships, seeking wisdom, helping those in need, etc. We’ve lived lifetimes on this planet (and others) and likely have had wealthy lives. Money makes things easier but it doesn’t fulfill our purpose here.

35. Sensitivity to Electronics
Some old souls find themselves being extra-sensitive to electronics. I find this is particularly true for those who have lived many lives in other star systems and dimensions (starseeds). Whether it’s because we’re too grounded or extremely tuned-in, I’m not quite sure. But you may find yourself getting headaches from looking at screens much quicker than others. It might even make you sick – nauseous, dizzy, etc.

36. An Old Soul Isn’t Afraid of Death
Well, we have lived and died many times before. So the experience serves to lessen our fear of death and the afterlife. Many of us end up going into services like morticians, death doulas, hospice nurses, coroners, and funeral directors.

37. Inexplicable Fears of Drowning, Fires, Etc.
It’s interesting. I’ve found my fears of drowning relate to my past lives. I’ve had multiple lives in which water was an element of destruction for me. In this life, I’ve had no brushes with drowning. Maybe you’re afraid of heights, airplane rides, horses, or something that you can’t explain. Old souls may carry these fears with them from lifetime to lifetime. You might not be scared of death, but of the thing that could cause it.

38. You Dream of People Before Meeting Them
I can’t really explain this one. But it seems old souls tend to dream about others before meeting them in real life.

39. You Have a Twin Flame
Having a twin flame means your soul is connected to another through an unbreakable energetic cord. Unlike what Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelley claim (that your soul elevates to a level where you join with another elevated soul). A twin flame is actually a soul that was created along with yours at the beginning. If you’ve realized you have one, you’re re-membering things new souls typically don’t.

40. You’ve Known Your Family Members Before
Have you looked at your daughter in the eyes and thought, “gosh I feel like I’ve known her forever. In lifetimes before.” It’s likely that you have, and as an old soul you can tap into that connection easily. Or with any family member or close friend, for that matter.

41. Old Souls Have a Desire to Help Others
Around the holidays, heck throughout the year, old souls enjoy helping others. You might find them at the local food drive, soup kitchen, volunteering at the children’s hospital or even at the local animal rescue.

42. An Inexplicable Sense of Knowing
If you’re an old soul, you likely have an inner sense of knowing. Even when things are confusing in the world, you have peace in knowledge that everything will be all right. Your friends and family members might even ask you, how did you know that? It’s because old souls have been around the block and seen all kinds of things happen.

43. An Old Soul Often Believes in the Supernatural
As an old soul, you know we can’t always explain everything. That science, while valid, hasn’t quite caught up with the spiritual world. Maybe you believe in aliens, ghosts, angels, and gods. It’s only because you’ve met a few or have had numerous experiences over your lifetimes.

44. Tend to Have Views Outside the Norm
While everyone else is running around fighting with one another over whose political party is correct, you’re sitting back going – I don’t trust either one of them. An old soul has lived many lives over many centuries and has seen nearly every form of government. So you tend to have political views outside the societal norm. You just know better than to believe the rhetoric.

45. Toxins Affect You More than Others
I can’t quite explain this one either, but if you’re an old soul you’ll find toxins affect you harsher than other people. This means alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, dye in foods, etc. You’ve developed an allergy to certain foods or random things that most people don’t.

46. You Pick Up On Signs and Omens Easily
An old soul will pick up on signs and omens much quicker than the normal person. Signs and omens are messages from the spirit world. They send us these messages as lessons, warnings, and encouragement. Old souls are tuned into the spirit world and therefore acknowledge these messages easily.

47. An Old Soul Sees the Beauty in Little Things
Instead of getting stuck in an endless cycle of daily life, in which everything is the same…dull and lifeless. An old soul stops to smell the roses. Every day. And sees the beauty in the little things in life. We know this is important…because why else would we be here?

48. Old Souls Are Artistic
Because an old soul sees the beauty in life and in the world, he or she is frequently an artist of some kind. Maybe you paint, write, sing, play an instrument, bake, or engage in crafting or woodworking hobbies. Maybe you even make digital art or design video games. All of these art forms are frequented by souls who have reincarnated many times.

49. You’ve Read Many Lives, Many Masters
Many an old soul has read the book Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss. And re-read it. This book strikes a deep-seated, soul-ingrained nerve for many of us. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it!

50. An Old Soul Feels Connected to the Universe
If you’re an old soul, you likely have felt a connection to everything. You feel we are all connected to one another and to the universe. Because of this connection, you know it’s important to care about all forms of life.

The Remanifestation of the Ego

Bear in mind that the consciousness of the naked Self has already been awakened. This point — when the Eye of the Void opens — is the Ordeal of the Abyss often spoken of by Crowley; it is the experience of ZAX, The Tenth Aethyr”.

The choice that now lies before the Initiate is whether to ultimately follow the Left-Hand Path or the Right-Hand Path. Let’s take time to consider what this choice entails at this elevated stage. There are actually four shades of choice which are habitually made here, not two. Ranging from the most purely Right to the most purely Left.

1. True Right-Hand Path:

The Right-Hand Path Initiate (such as the Buddhist) seeks the extinction of Self. The ego is left behind on the shores of the Abyss, abandoned for ever. The Right-Hand Path Magister then makes every effort to close the Eye once again in an act of permanent Self-annihilation. In actual fact, the Essence is dispersed throughout the Void and the potential for Remanifestation remains as an unshakable magical Law.

2. Half-Arsed Right-Hand Path:

This is the path of most religions who profess themselves Right-Hand Path. Most of the followers of such creeds simply pay lip service to their beliefs or follow them blindly and without any philosophical struggle on their own part. For such, they never come near the Eye in the Void. It neither opens, nor is it existence suspected. They pay lip service to the greater good and the worship of their god, but remain slaves of the ego, the higher faculties unawakened. Those few who do open the Eye believe it to be a demonic abomination (as, by certain formulae, it is) and reject it loudly, falling back into the unawakened ego, but haunted by nightmares which compel them to inflict suffering upon others as punishment for their own inadequacy.

3. Half-Arsed Left-Hand Path:

This is a upsettingly familiar theme even among those who do their utmost to live accordingly to the principles of the Left-Hand Path. Any Left-Hand Path magician worth their salt will sooner or later stand upon the edge of the Abyss and behold Leviathan staring back at them. Some few will turn their backs in fear at this point and try to retreat, but once seen it cannot be forgotten and they are invariably drawn back again to stand upon the precipice, often for years.

The true Initiate will revel in the immensity of the Mystery of Self and Non-Self and will launch fearlessly into the depths of their inner Hell, opening their own Eye in the Void and Becoming a Black Magus. The problem that then arises is that so many of us – yes, even us – still carry the vestiges, the guilt’s and the attitudes of our Christian indoctrination within us, even though we swear that we don’t. Thus, so many of the Black Magi succeed in opening the Eye in the Void, only to then renounce the ‘lower ego’ altogether and live a life professing piety. Their intent remains true, their magical prowess is not diminished, but they are only half the God they could be and should be.

4. True Left-Hand Path:

This follows the previous course until the Eye in the Void has opened. But this Initiate – a true devotee of the Stooping Dragon – does not then seek an ascetic existence. Freed from the shackles of their everyday personality, they now return to it and embraces it as a long lost brother, with one enormous difference: they are now the Master, no longer the slave. They have transformed compulsion into Indulgence, actualizing the Formula of the Magus.

So why is this Remanifestation of the ego so important?

Why shouldn’t we just leave it behind, with all of its fads and foibles? Surely those who have opened the Eye in the Void are like Gods and the lesser things of Earth should no longer interest them?

The personality is the record of who we have been; of how we came to be at the place we now are. It is the guide to who we may yet become. All of the wonders that enthralled us as a child, all of the lessons we have painfully learned, all of the loves that have stirred our passions, all of the Keys to the Being we are, are encoded in that lowly little personality, so despised by mystics and magicians everywhere.

So reach out and draw it back to yourself, accept it fully with all of its faults and inconsistencies. They may have misguided you once, but you have seen through them now and can accept them for what they are. Embrace it wholeheartedly.

The ego may have been a rubbish master, but it will make a beloved servant. Without it, you lack all sense of purpose. Your ego is already encoded and conditioned by the things that inspire you and ignite your passions. It contains the Keys for your successful operation in the world. And make no mistake: this world is where you are supposed to be.

The Desire and aspiration of the highest, most spiritual spark of your consciousness is to clothe itself in flesh and personality and to Come Into Being here and now. The purpose of Initiation is not to swap one for the other: it is to open the eyes of both, perceive what is Real, and empower the entire Self to its maximum potential, chasing after the shadows of possibilities yet to come.