Dream of the Dead

Contacting someone who is deceased isn’t a simple task, but you can encourage them to leave you a message in a dream with this spell. The supplies are:

One white candle
Photo of the deceased
Dried lavender blossoms
Dried mugwort
Piece of moonstone

Plan this spell for a Monday night for the best results. Carve a small pentagram into the candle before you begin. Light the candle, and set the photo nearby. Think about the person you want to contact, focusing on the issue you want to know about. Sprinkle a few of the herbs on the photo and set the moonstone on the person’s face. Concentrate on making contact and making it clear in your mind that your are open for a message.

Sprinkle the remaining herbs on your pillow and go to sleep. Leave the candle burning until morning. During the night, you should dream about that person and they will answer your question. Don’t be surprised if the dream is confusing or hard to understand. That’s the nature of dreams, so you may have to spend some time thinking about it in order to “get” the message.

As I said, contacting the dead is not easy. If you do not get a message, try again on the next Monday night. If still nothing, wait until a full moon has passed before trying again.

The Honouring of the Ancestors

When many people hear the word “ancestor”, they instantly think of the blood relatives that they know of.
However the word ancestor is more fluid.

Ancestors come in many forms. They can be spirit beings of water, air, fire, earth, the blood ancestors of your lineage, elevated ancestors – those you don’t know, and the adopted ancestors or guardians who have chosen to work with you in past and present life times.

Those who came before you, that opened the way for you to be here, who prayed for you before they knew you. All are those who worked for your future.

Whether we are in tune or not, they walk among us. They are in our blood, in our bones, and when they heal, we are uplifted.

I have come to believe that our ancestors answer our prayers first.

Native American culture believes the ancestors are very much alive and are with us in the present time constantly. There is a belief that there was no real death, just a change of worlds.
This means the ancestors are very much alive spiritually as they were when they were here physically. They just reside in the spirit world.

To many shaman of South Africa, Ancestors are the center of their work – connecting them to the rest of the spirit realm. Their traditional beliefs include what western science is now validating.

When we do our own inner healing, we heal 7 generations forward and 7 generations back. This stems from the fact that the memories, traumas, pains, as well as the power and wisdom of our ancestors, runs through our blood – stored in our energetic, mental, emotional and physical bodies.

Honoring our ancestors does not have to always be through ritual or ceremony.
Honoring your ancestors is how you choose to live your life.
The path that you walk. It is choosing to heal, forgive, walk with honor and pride, and to keep their knowledge and memories alive through us.

The greatest way we can honor them is through teaching the children.
Bringing back balance and respect for the natural world we live in.
Respect for the elderly, respect for Mother Earth and respect for all things living.

Ask yourself “how am I living and would my ancestors be proud”

Mending the weakened Ancestral links

One stitch at a time, strengthening
Weaving new life into lost darkened places…
I’ve stepped up for this, been chosen for this
Asked by my Ancestors to take on this task.
So grateful for their blessings
And their hearts which surround me.
“There is nothing to fear”, they tell me
Just keep re-weaving the old stories
Into new ones, strong and unbreakable
Foundation built on courage, strength, and love
“You can do it, don’t give up”, they say
We are backing you all the way
You’ve begun with mending your own stories
Alchemizing the darkness into gold
Now it’s time to let that gold expand
Into the stories of those who came before you,
And those who come after you
Allow the gold thread to tie your new stories into theirs
Lending energy to them,
To re-write their own stories
It isn’t easy but it is very possible
Keep expanding that golden shining light
In both directions
Until the huge masterpiece of your sacred lineage
Is whole, mended, and complete.
You have all the colors available to you, they say,
Weave us all into a perfect rainbow again
We surround you with love, holding you up
As you dream a new story for all of us
We are coming closer to full freedom
Of the past, of all the suffering
Of the shackles of old
Of being beaten down into the ground
Thank you for choosing this work,
For standing up, for saying yes
Thank you for answering the call.
We are being freed, wings opening wide
We will be flying high soon
One big rainbow in the sky
With golden wings outstretched.

Letters To The Dead/Ancestors

Prayers to the dead are intoned to keep the connection between you and them and are said to help them continue to work on their own karma. Prayers for assistance are used to bridge the gap between the worlds and draw the protection you need on this plane around you with their help.

-A Purple Candle
-An Envelope -3 Stones

Light the candle, intoning prayers for the deceased.

Say: “I honor my Grandfather and Grandmother, Who have passed beyond the Veil. May the light of everlasting love and peace Always surround you.”

Write a letter to one of the people you honored in the prayer. Detail the problem. Ask for their assistance. Place the letter in the envelope and seal with a kiss. Release the circle by drawing the energy into the letter. Take the letter outside and place on top of three stones arranged like a pyramid. Repeat the prayer of honor. Burn the letter. Let the cool ashes escape in the wind. Leave the stones the way you have placed them. Know that help is on the way.

Witch Ancestors

How to Find Witches in Your Family Tree

Every one has an interesting ancestors in their lineage. We find preachers, movie stars, blacksmiths, villains, even royalty in our family trees. Some of us have accused witch ancestors, too! Think about how big a family tree is the further back you go – the likelihood of witch ancestors increases. Hundreds of thousands of people were accused of witchcraft between the eighth and eighteenth century throughout the world. The web gives access to ancestral information including lists of accused witches.

There are different methods to research ancestry for witch ancestors, discussed below. Get out your black pointy hats and broomsticks. Let’s take a ride into the past in search of our magical witch ancestors.

First, What IS a Witch Ancestor Anyway?

Look, you and I could sit around and debate over what constitutes a witch and what doesn’t. We could also sit and debate how to know whether our ancestors were witches or just “accused” of witchcraft. Sure, many of them might not have been witches per se but a portion of them had their own unique magick. Just like we do today. Maybe they didn’t call themselves witches, because truly that was a negative word in centuries past. Maybe they didn’t call themselves anything at all but made herbal remedies for their families and friends. Or talked to the fairies in their garden. Or were able to see the dead.

Maybe people came to them and asked them to read the cards or scry in a bottle to tell them their future. Or find lost items. Maybe your ancestor practiced folk magic or faith healing and kept it all to him or herself. In these cases, we might not even have access to their names or know via documentation that they were indeed magical ancestors. But the whole point to this article is to EXPLORE your family tree. Your witchy history that runs deep in your veins and in your very DNA. Okay? Let’s go.

Finding Your Witch Ancestors: Family Trees

Ancestry.com is a great place to research and document your ancestral line. While it does cost money and time, it is worth it. Another great site is Geni.com. First, prepare yourself to spend time on this project. It won’t be a quick google search. You will have to spend time researching and documenting your family tree to find a link to a witch ancestor. Most of us don’t have the same last name as our witch ancestors, so we will create a list of last names in our tree. Also keep in mind, there are variations of names over time and place. For example, your last name might be Spade now but two hundred years ago your ancestors’ last name was actually Spaht. When they moved, they changed it. This is common.

Step #1: Build Your Family Tree

Build your family tree online (if you haven’t already). If you can’t afford an online ancestry database like ancestry.com, build a family tree manually. This will take more time and effort, but it can be done by talking to people in your family and gathering important documents from family members and libraries. Go back as far as you can until you hit a wall, until you can’t find any further ancestors. Sometimes you might get lucky and find a story about one of your ancestors that might tip you off to the fact that he or she was a witch. If not, continue on to step #2.

Step #2: Build A Simple List

Make a separate list of your family’s names. This can be in a word document or on scrap paper. Keep the family names in alphabetical order for easy access while researching. Leave some space next to each person’s name and record their country of origin (and city/town if you have it). Make note of the years of birth and death, if available.

Step #3: Research, Research, Research!

Use the name list with locations and dates and compare to databases online of accused witches. First, look at the locations of each of your ancestors (i.e. if you have ancestors that came to the United States in the seventeenth century, search for a list of names in the Salem Witch Trials or New York Witches). Don’t forget there were witches publicly accused in almost every U.S. colony, so research each state’s list of witch names too.

Check for your ancestors’ names against the Salem Witch Ancestry:
Salem Witch Trials Documents: court documents on the trials and personal diary entries from the people in the Salem Witch Trials. Search for your witch ancestors’ names and info. here.
Wikipedia List of People in the Salem Witch Trials: Wikipedia has an extensive list of people who were involved in the Salem Witch Trials. You may be able to find your ancestor’s name on the list. And it’s broken down by outcome of each person (executed, indicted, etc).
The Witches of New York: ancestry allows you to search for your witch ancestors in their database of accused NY witches. If your ancestors immigrated to New York, this is a great tool to use.
Witch Bloodline Names from Salem and Elsewhere: check OUR database
There are dozens of websites that provide information on the people in the Salem Witch Trials. Most of us won’t find any witch ancestors involved in the Salem Witch Trials, so we’ll have to look back into our European ancestry (or elsewhere).

Do your witch ancestors hail from Salem?
The Salem Witch Trials involved quite a few people – check to see if your witch ancestors were Salem Witches!
Check the witch databases below for names of the accused across the world:
Witchcraft, The Witch Trials: information on the European Witch Trials. Click on each location to find your witch and ancestors from Europe. Note: if you don’t have the location or dates of your ancestors, this website will prove rather difficult for you to use.
Wikipedia’s List of People Executed for Witchcraft: a huge list of people executed for witchcraft in Europe and elsewhere. Just remember these are only people who were killed it doesn’t include the accused who were set free.

Scotland, Names of Witches, 1658: a huge document detailing names of the Scottish witches is available to search on ancestry.com. Access to the digital copy is available online to manually research (if you don’t have an ancestry account).
The Arcane Archive: one of my favorite resources for looking up witch names in Europe and elsewhere. Hundreds of names, dates and locations in alphabetical order.
Witch Hunt on Sacred Texts: this list has hundreds of names of accused witches from around the world. Not just Mainland and Insular Europe and the U.S. but also Ethiopia, Mexico, the Middle East, Malaysia and more.
It’s going to take time. It’s likely you won’t see results the first day. Keep going and take notes. If you do find a witch ancestor or witch hunter ancestor, do detailed research on that particular person. Look up the name online or at your local library.

Disclaimer: When a Name Matches But You Can’t Prove it

In some cases, you may find a witch or accused witch with your familial surname and even location of your ancestors. If you found this person via witch databases but you can’t link him/her to your actual family tree, it doesn’t mean you aren’t still related! In many cases, witches’ names were erased from family trees and some public records in an effort to further shame them or cut them off from their lineage.

For example, I’ve found witches that I believe are ancestors of mine. Their last names match my ancestors including the time period and exact location in which my ancestors lived. But I can’t find either in my family tree nor can I find them in anyone’s family trees online. This leads me to believe their names were expunged from their family trees. It’s a theory of mine. I can’t prove it but it would make sense if their families were ashamed of them or wanted to protect themselves from being accused down the line.

Don’t worry so much if you can “prove” the ancestor is yours. Ask and believe.
Local Witch History and Family Stories
If the online research fails, there are other ways to research without a computer. If your family has been in the same area for centuries, look into your local history to see if your family played a part. If you know where your ancestors came from, more specifically the town or region, this is important to note too.

Step #4: Research Location History

Often, local historical documents are available at the library or even online. Through this research, you might find a story about one of your family members being accused or suspected of witchcraft. It’s also super helpful to familiarize yourself with your ancestors’ location, whether local to you or elsewhere. If you know where they lived, start looking into the ancient history of this place. What were the people like? What was their religion? Then research the Medieval history…did they have any Witch Trials in this area? Are there names you can view and compare to your list of names?

Step #5: Talk To Your Family

Find information about witch ancestors by simply talking to family members. Sometimes another family member has already done research and built a family tree. If you are really lucky, there might be a story about a witch ancestor or witch hunter passed down through your family tree. Talk to your oldest surviving family member for closer insight. Keep in mind other terms used like herbs, herbalist, cunning woman or man, midwife, alchemist, berserker, sorceress, sorcerer, bruja, occultist, wise man, sin eater, water witch, pow wow, faith healer, fairy doctor, fairy friend, witch doctor, healer, outcast, shaman, hag, crone, granny, sage, etc.

Still No Luck? Don’t Forget Logic
So you’ve built an entire family tree, spent hours on research, and still haven’t found a link to witch ancestors in your family tree? Don’t fret. This was supposed to be fun! But if you’re that serious about it, think about it like this. By process of deduction, someone in your family tree was a witch or a witch hunter. Why? Because you have literally thousands of people in your lineage. Someone was either accused or executed as a witch! We all have witch ancestors, it’s just about finding them.

In the meantime, now you have information on your ancestors to educate other people in your family or simply enjoy on your own. Put together a ancestry photo album or scrapbook. Write a book or blog with the stories you’ve gathered on your family tree. In addition, consider asking your ancestors to send you a dream or message with an answer to this question. I promise you, you will receive one. And maybe your witch ancestor is just waiting for you to reach out. Light a candle and talk to them


”The ancestors are calling you.

These are your ‘spirit families’ and guardians from the deep, eternally-bound past. The ancestors gather around you, perhaps straddling many native cultures, traditions, communities and civilisations.

Your personal spiritual timeline – how your soul has reached across lifetimes and millennia – can be reflected in the shimmering faces of the sacred ancestors that make contact with you now.

You can easily link in with your spiritual ancestors by considering the traditions, cultures, perhaps countries, and ‘realms’ that you are instinctively attracted to. This is usually a very magnetic feeling; a pull or draw towards a certain group or tribe. For example, you may be very attracted to native traditions of countries such as America, South America, Africa, the Middle East. You may feel a pull towards the aesthetics, food, colours, textures and music of this culture or tradition.

Your ancestors of Light extend to those who you may consider to be ‘off-Earth’, such as angels and star-beings. They can be goddesses and gods. They can be sacred animal totems. There are endless forms of spiritual ancestry who form up the lifeblood of your Soul.

These guides specifically want to call themselves ‘ancestors’ today. They are your Great Mothers and Grandmothers, Great Fathers and Grandfathers, Brothers and Sisters. They comprise a Great Family of Light that surrounds your soul path.

It is important that you recognise your ancestors, as they connect with you now to deliver vital energies and new guidance. They know you inside and out, and can also take you on journeys to rediscover lost and forgotten parts of your Self.

This liberates your spirit and helps you to remember your deepest purpose. You will feel a closeness, a sweet familiarity with your ancestral families. They will often have significant messages for you, at poignant moments upon your ‘Earth Walk’.

It is no random occurrence that you are drawn inexplicably to specific realms or cultures, sacred rituals or healing traditions, at certain trigger points in your life.

You are responding to a Call from your spiritual ancestors, and they are asking you to be open to connection.

Ancestors create events and situations in which you can receive their contact, open to their assistance and expand your Self. This is usually out of the control of your mind’s plans about your life. It is serendipitous, magical, destined.

This is the Way of the Ancestors. They come to remind you of the realms beyond the veil. They come to remind you of your innate greatness, and capacity to illuminate the world. They come to offer healing, rituals, succour and sustenance for your opening into Spirit.

They believe in your deep powers and want you to use them, for the greatest good of all.

The Ancestors gather now, in healing circles, on the ground and in the air, in the oceans and rivers, the hills and mountains.

Listen, listen, listen.
Hear their Call.

It is only for you.” 

Calling on Ancestors for Help

A key aspect of my spiritual practice is my ancestors. Ancestor worship is common all over the world, particularly in China, Vietnam, parts of Africa, Mexico, and with certain indigenous American tribes. Some pagans are beginning to see the benefit of ancestor veneration – it connects you with your heritage and offers further spiritual growth and blessings. Often people are confused on where to start with ancestor worship. I say to start with ancestor prayer, including calling on ancestors for help with healing, protection, and comfort. And, guess what? Praying to the ancestors isn’t as difficult as you think. They are quite literally a part of you, which is something easy to tap into. So even if you think the ancestors are somewhere floating around in space or have reincarnated, etc. it doesn’t matter. They are totally reachable because of that inseparable link – your bloodline.

Ancestor Prayer: A Few Ways to Pray
Ancestor prayer can be done in a few ways, depending on what your most comfortable with. First, you can formally pray to the ancestors like you would pray to any other god or goddess. If you like to start your prayers with “Dear Goddess”, then start your ancestor prayer with the same “Dear Ancestors”. You can also say “Blessed Ancestors” or “Beloved Ancestors” as an opening statement. Then continue with your prayer. Whether you are asking for help in a certain area or giving thanks for their presence in your life, either way – it’s okay! I typically start my ancestor prayer with a statement of gratitude then proceed to request things I need. I will also close my ancestor prayer with something like “so be it” or “so mote it be” or “and it come to pass.”

Some people feel uncomfortable praying to ancestors in such a formal way. Maybe it reminds them of a religion that they left long ago. This is fine, too! Ancestor prayer can also be more of a general conversation with a friend or family member. Keep in mind, your ancestors are your family! So talk to them like you would a mother, father, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. You don’t have to have a formal opening statement, nor do you have to close it with “amen” or “so be it”, etc. Close your ancestor prayer in a friendly way by saying “good night” or “that’s all for now!”

But what if I was adopted or estranged from family?
You don’t have to know your ancestors by name. Again, your ancestors are a physical part of you. They live through you. Praying to the ancestors is as simple as addressing them as “ancestors”. So even if you were adopted and don’t know anything about your ancestors, you can still pray to them. They are still there to guide and protect you. Are you estranged from your family? Same thing applies.

Rhyming Prayers
I used to say rhyming doesn’t matter when it comes to prayers and chants. But in all honesty, rhyming helps focus our intentions and raise divine energy. Rhyming prayers don’t have to be said all of the time, but they are helpful when you are focusing on a specific intention. And they can be repeated easily. If you want an ancestral healing prayer, try writing one yourself. Even if you’re the “worst writer”, eventually you’ll come up with a poetic ancestral prayer that you can memorize and use any time you’d like! The ancestors appreciate when extra effort is put into communicating with them. It’s kind of like writing a poem for a family member – wouldn’t you be flattered if your family member wrote a poem for you? It’s communication and appreciation in the highest regard!

Ancestor Prayer for Protection

Ancestors within me
Wild and free
Guide and protect me
For eternity

Ancestral Healing Prayer

Blessed Ancestors hear me this night
Grant me your love and healing light

Ancestral Abundance Prayer

Money flow freely to me and my family
Money flow freely
For the highest good of all

Ancestors make it be.

Calling on Ancestors for Help
It’s as simple as what I wrote above. Calling on ancestors for help doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or fancy. It is nice to remember your ancestors appreciate gifts. Set up a small ancestor altar to honor them or even start an ancestor wall or scrap album. If you have pictures of your passed ancestors, hang them up. Display them on your ancestor altar.

Leave offerings your ancestors might have loved – food, beverage, jewelry, stones, cigars, whatever! If you know your great grandfather loved smoking tobacco – leave a bowl of tobacco as an offering. If you know your grandmother collected packets of sweet n’ low – put some of those out for her to stuff in her “purse”. Calling on ancestors for help will always result in a positive outcome – but remember they like to be thanked for their blessings, too!