The Principle of Vibration

This principle teaches us that all is in motion, nothing is at rest. Everything moves; everything vibrates with its own rate of vibration. Everything is in a constant state of movement and change. Objects, plants, and animals have an energy signature that is often perceived as an aura. Interestingly, when we change our energy or mental state, the world around us changes to match the new vibration.

Now, there are two parts to the principle of vibration. First, there is the law of attraction, often called LOA for short. The LOA shows us that “like attracts like.” It proves that what you think—either good or bad—you will attract to yourself. After all, the first principle’s lesson was “thought creates”! This is a simple explanation of thoughtforms (and thoughtforms will be discussed in more detail shortly).

Part two of the principle of vibration is the law of change. Witches embrace change, and change is to be expected as normal. Honestly, when we work our magick, are we not working for positive change? It is also important to

remember that when we change our conscious behavior or attitude to a more positive one, then the world around us changes as well.

The Principle of Correspondence

This principle teaches us that “As above, so below. As within, so without.” We do exist on all planes—the astral/spiritual, energetic, and physical—so this principle is a lesson in perspective. When most authors try to explain this “lesson

of perspective,” often you will read a riff about holograms, which, I confess, makes me lose whatever is left of my mind.

Holograms? Please.

You’ll have to look within to learn more.

This was when I connected with a line from The Charge of the Goddess: “If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you will never find it without,” which is just another way of saying “As within, so without.” It is all about how

you perceive it. I had to find that answer by looking within before I could find it without—a “light bulb” moment.

The Seven Hermetic Principles

Here are the seven classic Hermetic principles. I kept them as straightforward as possible.

The Principle of Mentalism

This is the first principle. It states that “all is mind”—that everything exists in the mind of the God/dess, or the divine consciousness. In her book Power of the Witch, Laurie Cabot writes of the first principle that “all creation is composed by

the Divine Mind.” In other words, the Goddess literally thought us into being. To comprehend this principle, you need to realize that we are filled with unlimited potential. Everything that is apparent to our physical, material senses

is spirit, and everything on the physical and the mental plane is in a process of evolution—which means that we, as Witches, are constantly evolving too. So open up your mind and let the knowledge in. The physical, or mundane, world

works by the laws of nature. However, the true nature of power and matter takes a back seat to the mastery of the mind. If your mind is leading the way, then you too can create anything with the power of your mind (to be continued…)

The Principle of Cause and Effect

This principle illustrates that there are no coincidences; nothing happens by chance. Chance is a name for an unrecognized law. I have seen this explained this way: “There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law,” which is a classy way to say that for every spell outcome there is a prior action, or cause.

What we send out energetically or through spellwork, be it positive or baneful, will ripple out and return to our own personal world in some way, shape, or form. For every action, there is a reaction. Again, nothing escapes the principle of cause and effect.

The Principle of Gender

This principle is simply the law of polarity put in action. Masculine and feminine principles are always at work in the world, whether we recognize them or not. We are all a blending of both masculine and feminine energies.

Classically, feminine energy is considered to be magnetic, as feminine energy draws in and is nurturing and yielding, while masculine energy projects out and is strong and assertive. Imagine how the ideas of magnetic energy and assertive

energy can be applied. The possibilities are endless.

The Principle of Rhythm

This principle teaches us that everything flows and all things are in some way circular or cyclical. In order for our magick to be most effective, we must work with the natural rhythms of the seasons, the wheel of the year, the moon, and the

rhythm of our lives.

In the spring new life pushes its way into being. Energy, enthusiasm, and new beginnings are the tides of energy. In the summer there is bounty, passion, and growth. The fall brings a time to gather in—to celebrate harvest’s bounty and

prepare for the fallow time. In the winter we retreat to our warm homes to rest, study, and prepare. All of life exists within an order, or pattern, of cycles. The moon waxes and wanes, the seasons pass one into the other…everything has a cycle and a rhythm. As Witches, we follow those rhythms and ride the wave.

Seven Hermetic Principles

The Principle of Polarity

This principle shows us that everything is relative to something else—all things have an opposite, and all things are dual. Poverty is at one end of the scale and wealth is at the other. Also, here is a big mystery for you to wrap your mind around: each of the opposite characteristics contains the essence of the other; the best example of this thought is the yin and yang symbol. There can be poverty in

wealth—someone may have every expensive and fancy item that they could dream of, yet they could be miserably alone and poor in true friends—just as there could be wealth in poverty. Someone considered to be living in poverty

may feel very fortunate and incredibly blessed simply to be alive and have their family with them.

Opposites do create balance. As Witches, we are walkers between the worlds, searching and exploring the balance between the two extremes at all times. With opposites being identical in nature but different in degrees, it is these subtle

shades that we cultivate and work our magick with.