Astrology The Sun

The glyph of the Sun is a circle with a point in the center. Both the circle and the point represent different kinds of infinity.

The point is at the same time dimensionless and contains infinite dimensions.

The circle consists of an infinite number of points in the same relationship to the central point.

The glyph of the Sun resonates with the ideas of the macrocosm and the microcosm, of spirit concentrating itself into manifestation, and of the aphorism that everything is at the center of its own universe.

The Sun is the source of purpose and power for all things great and small within our solar system.

The Sun is the voice, the face, and the emissary for the Source of all things, of the universe, within the frame of time that we live.

The Sun in the chart of a person, a collective entity such as a nation, or a particular event reveals by its Sign and its House placement the style of expression and the circumstances of how that purpose and power is manifested.

To the degree that choices and actions are in accord to the Sun, more vitality becomes available.

Conversely, when a person, a collective entity such as a nation, or a particular event runs counter to the natural flow of the Sun there is a reduction in the availability of power.

It is the light of the Sun that feeds the life of the Earth.

It is the Sun’s cycles of day and night and the passage of the seasons organizes how life moves through its stations.

The Sun is the purest expression of the power of integration, and as such contains the essence of individuality.

As Aleister Crowley said in The Book of the Law, “Every man and every woman is a star.” The Sun is a star, and in a chart it also shows us how true will and higher will express themselves in the manifest realm.

The Sun is assigned to the sphere of Tiphereth in the Qabala.

Harnessing the Power of the Sun in Witchcraft Practice

Witches Sun Magick is an ancient practice dating back to prehistoric times. It is a form of magick that is performed during the daytime, specifically when the sun is at its peak. This type of magick is often associated with the element of fire, as the sun is considered to be the ultimate source of fire energy.

Witches Sun Magick is often used for spells related to growth, abundance, and success. It is believed that the energy of the sun can help to amplify the power of these spells, making them more effective. Some witches also use this type of magick for healing and protection, as the sun is associated with vitality and strength. While this practice is often associated with Wicca, it is not limited to any one religion or spiritual path.

Sun Magick A Description

Witches Sun Magick is a form of magick that is performed during the daytime hours when the sun is shining. It is a type of solar magick that is associated with the masculine energy of the sun. This magick is often used for spells and rituals that involve strength, power, success, and vitality.

Witches Sun Magick is typically performed outdoors in a sunny location. The practitioner may use various tools and materials such as candles, crystals, herbs, and oils to enhance the power of the sun’s energy. The magickal workings may involve invoking the sun’s energy, calling upon the spirits of the sun, or using the sun’s energy to charge objects or talismans.

One of the key aspects of Witches Sun Magick is the use of solar symbolism. The sun is often represented by the symbol of a circle with a dot in the center. This symbol is known as the Sun Wheel or Solar Cross and is used to invoke the power of the sun in magickal workings.

Witches Sun Magick is a powerful form of magick that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is often used for spells and rituals that involve success, prosperity, and good fortune. It can also be used for healing, protection, and purification. The practitioner must have a strong connection to the sun and be able to harness its energy in order to perform effective Witches Sun Magick.

Sun Magick Spell: The Basics

Witches Sun Magick is a practice that involves harnessing the energy of the sun to cast spells. The sun is a powerful source of energy that can be used to manifest positive changes in one’s life.

To cast a spell using Witches Sun Magick, one must first choose a time when the sun is at its strongest. This is typically around midday when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.

Next, the practitioner must gather the necessary materials for the spell. This may include candles, herbs, crystals, and other items that correspond to the intention of the spell.

Once the materials are gathered, the practitioner must find a quiet outdoor space where they can perform the spell. They may choose to set up an altar or simply sit on the ground.

To begin the spell, the practitioner should take a few deep breaths and focus their energy on the intention of the spell. They may choose to light candles or burn herbs to further enhance the energy of the spell.

As the sun reaches its peak, the practitioner should raise their arms towards the sky and visualise the energy of the sun flowing into them. They should then direct this energy towards the intention of the spell, visualising their desired outcome.

Once the spell is complete, the practitioner should thank the sun for its energy and release any excess energy back into the earth.

In conclusion, Witches Sun Magick is a powerful practice that can be used to manifest positive changes in one’s life. By harnessing the energy of the sun, practitioners can cast spells that are both effective and meaningful.

The Sun Tarot: Meaning, Symbolism and Interpretation

The Sun Tarot is one of the most popular and iconic cards in the tarot deck. It is often associated with positivity, success, and happiness. The Sun Tarot is the nineteenth card in the Major Arcana, and it is represented by a bright, shining sun with rays of light beaming out in all directions.

In tarot readings, the Sun Tarot can represent a variety of meanings, depending on the context of the reading. In general, it is a symbol of optimism, vitality, and energy. It can indicate that the querent is on the right path and that success and happiness are within reach. The Sun Tarot can also represent a sense of enlightenment or spiritual awakening, as the sun is often associated with higher consciousness and divine wisdom. Overall, the Sun Tarot is a powerful and uplifting card that can bring positive energy and encouragement to any tarot reading.

The Sun Tarot Card Meaning

Symbolism of The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun Tarot card depicts a bright yellow sun with a smiling face, surrounded by sunflowers. A naked child rides a white horse, holding a red banner with the symbol of the sun. This card represents joy, positivity, and vitality. The sunflowers symbolize the life force, and the child represents innocence and purity. The white horse symbolizes strength and purity, while the red banner symbolizes action and passion.

Interpretation of The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun Tarot card is a very positive card that represents success, happiness, and achievement. It indicates that the querent is experiencing a period of growth, enlightenment, and clarity. The card encourages the querent to embrace their inner child, to be playful, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. It also suggests that the querent should be confident, bold, and assertive in their actions.

Reversed Meaning of The Sun Tarot Card

When The Sun Tarot card is reversed, it can indicate a lack of confidence, self-doubt, or a feeling of being lost. It can also suggest that the querent is feeling stuck, or that they are experiencing a setback or delay. The reversed card may indicate that the querent needs to take a step back and re-evaluate their situation, or that they need to let go of their fears and doubts and embrace a more positive outlook on life.

History of The Sun Tarot Card

Origins of The Sun Tarot Card

The origins of the Sun Tarot Card are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have its roots in ancient Egyptian mythology. The Sun was a symbol of life and vitality in Egyptian culture, and it was often associated with the god Ra. The Sun was also seen as a symbol of rebirth and renewal, as it rose each day and brought light to the world.

Over time, the Sun became a popular symbol in many other cultures, including Greek, Roman, and Celtic cultures. It was often associated with the idea of enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

Evolution of The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun Tarot Card as we know it today has its origins in the Tarot de Marseille, a deck of cards that was first published in the 18th century. In this deck, the Sun is depicted as a large, radiant sun with a face in the centre. The rays of the sun are shown as straight lines, and there are usually two children or cherubs riding horses in the foreground.

As the Tarot became more popular, different artists and designers began to create their own versions of the Sun Tarot Card. Some decks feature more abstract or stylised versions of the sun, while others incorporate different symbols and imagery.

Today, the Sun Tarot Card is one of the most popular cards in the Tarot deck. It is often seen as a symbol of success, happiness, and enlightenment, and it is associated with the idea of new beginnings and fresh starts.

A Sun Magick Ritual For Energy

Because it can be dangerous to look directly at the Sun, catch your sunlight close to noon in a large crystal or in water in a brass dish.

As before, ‘inhale’ the sunlight via the crystal or water with your eyes open.

Hold the Sun breath, counting ‘One and two and three’, then close your eyes and exhale the darkness of your doubt, anger or lack of confidence. With practice, this will become a single movement.

Continue until you are filled with light and energy, then exhale a Sun breath, directing it to someone who is exhausted, frightened or ill.

Inhale the Sun and again exhale it towards a person or people in need.

Rinse your face in the Sun water, then tip the rest into the ground to energize a plant.

Whenever you feel tired, recall the Sun and inhale its light in your mind’s vision.

Repeat both these intakes of power once every month. If you have a particularly stressful or challenging time, hold a moonstone for your Moon energies in your power hand.

Hold a sparkling crystal quartz for the Sun in the other (receptive) hand to boost the flow as you visualize the natural sources.

In this way, you can balance the energies in both spheres of the brain for integrated mind and soul flow.

Sunday Magick

Associated with our most powerful planetary influence, the Sun, which rules over things such as individuality, creativity, vitality, will power, and optimism, Sunday is the perfect day to celebrate who you are as an individual, and ideal time for self-expression, creative projects, music, dancing, and perhaps spending time with loved ones. Today, I recommend taking advantage of its power, energy, wealth of spirit. If weather permits, this is an ideal day for being outdoors, picnics, games, and being out in the Sun. Whether it’s with others or just you…today you should get in touch with your inner child. Carpe diem! Do what inspires you most! It will always lead you where you need to go.

Magical Correspondences for Sunday

Solar Deities: Aine, Irish goddess of love, summer, wealth and sovereignty, Jesus, the SUN of God, Horus, god of the sky whose right eye was considered to be the sun and his left the moon, Ra, god of the sun, Apollo, Olympian god of light, the sun, prophecy, healing, plague, archery, music and poetry, Baldr, god associated with light, beauty, love and happiness,
Freyr, god of fertility, sexuality, peace and sunlight, and the list goes on….

Anointing Oil: One drop of Orange, Clary Sage, and Ylang Ylang in a carrier as or just use three drops of Clary Sage. Ginger and Grapefruit oil are nice.

Herbal Tea: Tansy: Considered a herb of immortality, it will help you comprehend the eternal nature of the life force. Chamomile: Steeped with orange rind and a pinch each of cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove – perfect to honor the life-giving powers of the sun. Orange and Mango tea is lovely as well.

Herbs & Plants: Sun flowers and flowers in general on Sunday.Incense: Anything floral, fruity, spicy and warm….citrus, Cinnamon, Ginger, Orange Blossom

Colors: Golds, coppers, oranges, yellows, and neon pinks, blues and greens!Crystals: Goldstone, Carnelian, Amber and Tiger’s eye.

Metal: Gold

Tarot cards: The Sun, Three of Cups, Strength, and The Ace of Wands.