Fairy Magick

Connecting to the Lowerworld 7

With your hands upon the bark, feel the power of the tree flowing upwards from the earth, and also downwards from the branches.
Feel where it meets, and connect to that energy. You can then visualise a doorway opening up in the trunk of the tree beneath your hand, and with the slightest of movements it swings open, revealing a staircase that travels downwards.
You enter, and proceed down the dimly lit stairwell, the roots of the tree all around you, the smell of the earth clean andclear.
The light brightens as you descend, and eventually you reach the bottom of the stairs and find yourself in a world very similar to that above ground, only that there is no obvious source for the light; there is no sun and moon, no stars, only a silver light that illuminates everything.
It is neither day nor night, and the season may be different to that above.