
Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira, 4.

Pomba gira spell for quick money You will need : ​ 1 red tea light 1 pack of long white cigarettes 1 box of matches 3 red roses 1 bottle of Gin { airline bottles work well for this} 1 piece of pink pa...

Invoking Fire

Fire is the Element of the South and is usually represented by a candle or a cauldron with a fire inside. Its color is red and its associations have to do with power, determination, and passionate ene...

Invoking Air

The direction of this Element is east and the colour usually associated with it is yellow. Incense is often used to represent Air since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke. When y...

Invoking Earth

Traditionally the direction of this Element is north and the colour normally associated with Earth is green. It is represented on the altar usually by salt or sand. Crystals, because they are totally ...


In most systems of magical working you willfind mentioned the four (or sometimes five)Elements, often in conjunction with theirdirections or, as they are known in magic,quarters of the universe or car...


This type of spell prepares the magical workerand his helpers for further work by heighteningtheir awareness. It does not set out to call up thepowers, but appeals to gods, goddesses,powers of nature ...


These call on what is believed to be the ultimatesource of power, which differs from spell tospell. Quite literally, they call up that powerand ask for permission to use this influence fora stated pur...

Healing spells and charms

Within this type of spell it is wise to go beyond the presenting symptoms and to ask for healing on all levels of existence – physical, mental and spiritual – because the practitioner may not have the...

Blessings Spells

These might be counted either as prayers orspells and need a passionate concentration onbringing, for instance, peace of mind or healingto the recipient. They hold no danger for thepractitioner but ar...

Bidding spells

These are spells where the spell makercommands a particular thing to happen, butwithout the co-operation of those involved.Trying to make someone do something whichthey do not want to do, or which goe...

Love spells

Many people’s first thought in this context is oflove spells – ways of making another personfind them sexually attractive and desirable. Intheory, love spells should be unconditional andthis type shou...

What is a Spell?

IN ANCIENT PAGAN communities the elders, orwise ones, had, by their very experience, anawareness of custom and a firm grasp ofwhat had previously worked when trying togain control over Mother Nature a...

Removal of the Evil Eye

YOU WILL NEEDLemonIron nailsMETHOD✤ Drive the nails with some force into the lemon.✤ Visualize the evil eye being pierced.✤ Keep the lemon for three days, by which timeit should begin to rot.✤ If it d...

Diagnosis of the Evil Eye

YOU WILL NEEDOlive oilBowl of waterMETHOD✤ Drip three drops of olive oil on the surface ofthe water.✤ Watch what happens.✤ If the drops remain distinct there is no evil eye.✤ If they run together ther...

Weight loss knot spell:

Cut a piece of yellow ribbon that’s the length of wrapping it around your waist once. Say, as you tie your knots: “By knot of 1, my overeating is done. By knot of 2, I exercise too. By kno...

Keep You Well Spell

This is a little herbal charm you can use to help ward off illnesses you might pick up from other people (like a cold). A small branch or twig (about 3 inches long)Sprig of dried rosemaryGardenia peta...

Specific Spell Timing

This is the other aspect of knowing when to cast a spell. Now I mean picking the right day or time to do the actual spell itself. There is no set rule that love spells have to be cast at exactly the r...

Smooth the Waters

You can use this spell to help improve or mend a friendship that is going through a rough patch. A large bowl (no plastic)A sprinkling of saltA sprinkling of rosemaryA keyPiece of string, about a foot...

Abracadabra Healing Charm

This is a very simple spell, but it’s been around for thousands of years and comes from old occult practices. I thought I’d include it. Write the word “Abracadabra” on a small piece of paper, and on e...

Three Candle Joy Spell

Add a little joy to your life when you need it the most. All you need is: 3 orange or yellow candlesCedar oilA few pinches of rosemary and marjoramRub oil on all three candles, and set them up on your...

Intelligence Booster Potion (Home Herb Addition)’

You will need the following items for this spell: 2 strawberries2 teaspoons thyme1 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoon honeyWaterUnrefined quartzBottle/JarBowlMash the strawberries over the bowl until they ...

Simple Protection

You will need the following items for this spell: NoneFirst, centering, grounding, meditation and shielding are recommended, but not required, though they will yield better results. Second, be still, ...

Penny for Luck

You will need the following items for this spell: A pennyBeliefTake a penny out of your pocket.Hold it in your hand, getting used to the feel of the penny.Hold it near your heart.Hold it near your thi...

Witch Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: YouFavorite piece of jewelryBelieveBetween 9pm and 1am1. Put your favorite piece of jewelry on2. Say this 3x “I call to you, and only you.I wish...

Lucky Spells And Rituals To Attract Good Luck

Whether you believe in luck or not, a lucky spell can help you focus your energy on a specific intention you want to manifest. Where our attention goes, energy flows, and energy is powerful. Energy + ...

Good Fortune and Happiness Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: Bird Seeds (That are safe to eat by birds in your area. Do your research!)A small pouchA larger pouch (alt. a large jar)Anything that you have lying a...

Get A Job Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: A candle, preferably greenA penny, piece of copper, quartz, or anything else to be a charmA boline, terminated quartz crystal, or something else for c...

Invocation for Discovering Truth

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 beeswax candle2 pieces natural paperA pen/pencilBowl of waterChalkA single candle of beeswax should be lighted and placed on a table away from the d...

‘Angelic Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell: Egg yolkSugarMilkWhite candlePentagramPut the egg yolk into a glass. Add sugar and milk, then mix them very good untill it looks like a foam. Take the...

To Create Opportunity

You will need the following items for this spell: A bowl of sand (to represent the earth)Green clothNeedle and threadPen Cinnamon or cedar incenseDried camomile, vervain or squillMint and honeysuckle ...

Become Wealthy

You will need the following items for this spell: Paper (back and front side)BallpointYou should understand wealth is the form of givings, not takings. So if your business is going to make other peopl...

Nocturnals Embrace

You will need the following items for this spell: Moon lightVoiceLay with ur feet toward the moonAn say if you aren’t families with nocturnalNocturnal let me feel the embers of our new beginning...

Spells and Magical Uses for Rainwater…

Many spells and rituals call for water, but tap water just doesn’t have the potency of rain water. The water that pours from the heavens is said to have magical properties. It has not been purified, a...

Purple Light Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Purple CandlePurple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.As you light the candle, repeat:”This light is burning to ...

Confidence in Social Situations

You will need the following items for this spell: A small drawstring bagGround nutmegPine needlesDried lavenderPiece of mandrake rootPut a pinch or two of the nutmeg, pine needles, dried lavender and ...

Dream Incantation’

You will need the following items for this spell: B.O.S/Dream JournalBlessed Pen1. Think what you want to ask2. Take out your B.O.S/Dream Journal3. Write an incantation (its kinda short spell or messa...

Singers Dream Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell: A pretend stage Setup (alter)Beyonce’s ”AVE Maria”White CandleFirst, set up your stage as if your were going to perform in front of ...

‘Wyrd Scrying’

You will need the following items for this spell: A wooden bowlA small knife or chiselIncenseCandle wax (optional)WaterBegin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and ...

‘First Impression’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Whole Orange4 Tablespoons of Vanilla Extract8 Rose PetalsCut the orange into 4 pieces. Run yourself a bath. Place the orange pieces, vanilla extract...

Dream Question, Dream Answer’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 blue candle1 white candle (optional)1 stick of cinnamon incenseA slip of paperA pen4 magickally charged stones (optional)Light the candle(s). Light ...

‘Basics of Spellcasting’

You will need the following items for this spell: NoneNow not many people know all of this and if they do know some it isn’t everything that you should know. Magic secret #1: You MUST truly beli...

Tell Me My Fortune’

You will need the following items for this spell: A 4 leaf cloverAn amuletYour birthstonePlace the clover on the amulet. Then chant, “Oh, good luck and fortunePlease tell my luck today in my sle...

Yemaya Unblocking

You will need the following items for this spell: Blue and white candlesSeven white rosesGo to the beach and dig a small hole in the sand. Light the white and blue candles as you make your petition. E...

‘Good Luck and Well Being’

You will need the following items for this spell NothingChant the following as many times as you like: “To the moon.To the sun.To the skies.To the waters.Stars, let your fire burn.Winds let your...

Cinnamon Spell First of the Month for Prosperity and Protection

Did you know that cinnamon in your witch’s cabinet is super useful and super powerful? We’ve written an entire article on the magical and medicinal properties of cinnamon here, if you’d like to dive d...

Amazing good luck Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: Green candles, one or two (optional)Full moonChant this spell on the full moon:”I summon earth, fire, water, and air to protect me with the stre...

‘Altar Blessing Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: NoneHold the object that you wish to bless in your hands and envision energy flowing through your body and into the object. Then, say this chant: R...

Anti-depression/Sadness Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Blue candle Ribbon/string Rain water (optional) Light the blue candle and tie the string/ribbon (preferably blue) around the candle. You can put dro...

A spell to help someone with their education

You will need the following items for this spell: This is more Force of Will Magick, in that you don’t need any tools or items just energy work. But because everyone’s practice is their ow...

Attract Good Fortune Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: A piece of yarn or stringA trinket with a hole in itA green candleLight the candle and loop the string in through the trinket and tie it. Then start p...

A Spell for Wishes

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 White pillar candle1 pencil or candle carving set1 yard of white ribbon or yarn (shoe laces work too. just cut the tips off)1 lighter3 MirrorsPlace ...

Hoodoo Money Candle Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Green Chime or Votive CandleCandle holderHoneySugarCinnamon ( Grounded )High John RootTigers eyeMoney Incense: Money Powder, Frankincense EXTIncense...

Pendent/Spell Jar

So you know that one saying girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice? Well, ever since I could walk my mother told me I was purely spice. This spell is a twist on this thought, even though ...

Mabon spell

During September, collect some fallen tree leaves and write them down your wishes for the rest of the year. Do you promise yourself to study harder? Do you want to start exercising? Do you want to sig...

‘Spell of Answers’

You will need the following items for this spell: Glass JarWhite Dish SoapGlitterWaterWhite CandleFill the glass jar with water half full. Pour some dish soap into the jar with the water, and add a pi...

Wealth and Fortune Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: 3 candlesThis spell will only work during certain times of the month. It can work on a new moon, 1st quarter moon, full moon, or 3rd quarter moon only...

Open Sesame’

You will need the following items for this spell: A pretty glass or ceramic bowlHandful of sesame seedsPlace the sesame seeds in the bowl. Put the bowl somewhere near the door of your home in a safe s...

‘All-Purpose Wishing Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: 3 white candles2 candles that are a color related to your wishPen, black, silver, or that matches the candle colorPiece of paperGlass bowl with water ...

Spell to Bring love into your life

You will need the following items for this spell: 9 inches of yarn, thread, or another string-like cord (preferably pink/red)piece of papersomething to write withscissors10th night before a full moonA...

Spell To Hold Someone Down:

If you ever have an issue with someone and you just want to stop them and what they are doing, then you need a pencil with no eraser on it, their photo and a heavy rock, 1. Take the pencil and place t...

Silver Money Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: A small bowlSeven silver coinsA green candle and holderPlace the bowl, the candle and its holder on a flat surface in your home, where it will be pass...

To Obtain Money Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: CauldronWaterDuring the Full Moon. Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from ...

Stop the Gossip Spell

For this spell to help stop gossip or rumors, you’ll need one overripe apple and one sage leaf. Follow the instructions in the following verse. If possible, perform this spell on a windy autumn day. O...

Age Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: HopeStrong soulDesire to forgetPicture yourself as the kid you want to be.Feel the power from your soul fade and your body shift.Feel your old life go...

Spell: Personal Eleusinian Mystery

There are conflicting tales of the content of the Eleusinian mysteries, the initiation rites held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone. Dates are also in dispute, although the rituals wer...


Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The veil between the spiritual and physical realm is at its thinnest, making this the perfect time for paying our respects to o...

Forest With Me Spell 

The forest is full of peace and magick, bring it home with you to boost your spells and provide peace. Gather Bottle  earth (dirt, sand, rocks)  Assorted forest items (berries, leaves, ...

Weeping Candle Spell

Fire is associated with action, destruction, and transformation. This spell calls upon these qualities of fire to burn away sadness or anger in order to transform it. When you are feeling extremely st...

Writing Spell Incantations

Keep it simple. I like to memorize my incantations. It just keeps the spell moving smoothly. So keep it simple, keep it short. Rhyme. Rhyming helps me get in the witchy mindset. It just feels more lik...

Samhain Spells, Blessings, and POWERFUL Forms of Divination

Every year, when Samhain rolls around, my urge to create, craft, and communicate with the spirits becomes almost too much to bear. So what do I do? I give in to the urge, of course! I cast Samhain spe...

Confidence and Beauty Spell

Natural pearl or rose quartzOil that represents beautyOn a Friday during a waxing moon, hold the pearl or quartz in your dominant hand and anoint in the oils while saying Beauty lies so deep within me...

Spell for a Medicine Boost

This spell is designed to help charge your medication to make it work better. You are just giving your meds a magical boost. Always take all meds as prescribed. If you need a higher dose, this spell w...

Spell to Heal the Earth

Plant a small tree, bush or local flower from seed. Bless the soil it is placed in, bless the water you use on it and allow it full moonlight when the moon is full. When it is strong enough, take it t...

Jack-o’-Lantern Spell

One of my favorite childhood memories is carving a jack-o’- lantern and setting it outside for the whole neighborhood to see. A jack-o’- lantern’s warm glow can imbue magical feelings and deter negati...

Thunderstorm Spell

Ingredients: – Measuring cup – Pen and paper – Water 1. First, make a sigil. I used the statement “it will storm”. Decorate the sigil with lightning bolts, raindrops, and storm cloud...

How to use the Moon Phases for Spells and Magick

Ready to make your spells more powerful? Want to learn how to make your spells work faster? Use the timing of the Moon to add more energy to your spells and intentions!For centuries, our ancestors hav...

Blanket Spell

There’s something about a soft, cozy blanket that makes us feel safe and secure. Use this spell to make your favorite blanket extra special by charging it for a specific purpose, such as comfort, heal...

Bill/Debt Spell

This spell is intended for use when you have a specific bill or debt to be paid, rather than just general prosperity. You need the following: Green CandlePatchouli or cinnamon oilIncense to match the ...

The Process of Writing Spells

On to the actual process of writing a spell. The first thing you need to do is clearly define the purpose of the spell or your objective. A good beginners rule is to start with guidelines that are sim...

Suggestions on When to Cast Spells?

DAY:SUNDAY: (ruled by the sun) is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving banishing evil, exorcism, healing and prosperity. Colours: orange, white, yellow. MONDAY: (ruled by...

Banishing Spell: Slander and Gossip

Items: cauldron – a piece of paperTime: Night, Waning Moon Ritual: Light a small fire in a cauldron or whatever you have available to contain the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3×3″, the word...

Spirit Spell

This spell is designed to work for a most spirits. It doesn’t work as well against the fae or spirits with a gift for illusion and glamour. It hampers them but doesn’t work as well against them. Still...

A Spell to Aliviate Stress and Anxiety

 Sometimes we get involved in situations that are so wildly out of our control that we’re holding on with the skin of our teeth. Stress and anxiety are constant companions and you just want t be safe...


Lost your crew and phone is dead? Had to do a runner while protesting and not sure if it’s safe to text the others? This spell can help. Get yourself to a safe location and send up an energy flare int...

Spell for Overall Health

What you need: A rib bone, (must be white) string, knife or needle, water and water basin. Instructions: Fill the basin with water and cut a length of the string and sink it into the water. Cut the ti...

Release Intense Emotions Spell

Perform this easy spell to calm yourself when dealing with intense emotions, anxiety or anything stressful. By ridding yourself of this excess emotional energy, you can help your mind and body stay he...

Barrier of Stones

Items needed Random stones gathered from around your housea sharpie or nail polish or painta small shovel Gather the itemsHold the stones in your hands and feel their power “Protect, protect”Take the ...

Psychic Moon Bath

This spell is best Preformed during either the New Moon or Full Moon This Herbal bath will help bring out or enhance ones psychic abilities, while working with and utilizing the energizes of the Moon....

Silence their tongues.

This is an easy enchantment that you can do just about anywhere, even in front of your target. Be sure to check the notes for suggestions. What you’ll need: Their drinking glass, eating utensil, plate...


This is a super simple spell that works great any time of the year but is particularly effective during life changes, the new year, or newly gained resolves. Pretty much any time you want to start som...

Good Luck Knot Spell

Find yourself some red, white, yellow/gold, blue, and green string (or ribbon, yarn, embroidery thread, whatever).Cut them into about 10 inch pieces. Ideally, the string should wrap around your wrist ...

How to Start Learning Spells

Once you start practising witchcraft, you have to deal with learning spells. This can be a bit of a chore but it shouldn’t be too difficult. Some really easy spells will only have a couple of steps an...

Fame Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Glass of water1 mirror to have behind the glassImageyourselfyour voiceTake the glass of water and place it infront of the mirror.Look through the gl...

Spell to get Something.’

You will need the following items for this spell: A charm related to the object you’re trying to get, or a candle/incense/oil burner. Place incense/oil burner/candle on an alter if you have one ...

Paid Bills’

You will need the following items for this spell: Five pumpkinseedsThree Cinnamon sticksOne dollar billGreen clothGreen candleCinnamon or basil oilGreen ribbonOn a Friday during the waxing moon, assem...

Charge Cards’

You will need the following items for this spell: A pack of cards(casino,spanish etc)A wandYour own altar with a pentagramCasino Cards: Hearts means loveSwords means strengthFlowers means growthDiamon...

Power of 3 Healing Spell

This spells uses the strength of the number 3 to help speed healing of an illness. It’s best used when someone is ill, rather than injured. You can use this spell for yourself (if you are well enough ...

Removing Misfortune’

You will need the following items for this spell: Three small jarsNine cloves of garlicNine thorns from a white rose or nine pinsPierce the garlic cloves with the pins or thorns saying forcefully whil...

Candle Flame Love Divination

You will need the following items for this spell: candle of any colourmatch/lighterLight the candle and meditate. once you feel ready, open your eyes and study the flame: a rising flame means you burn...

Purple Light Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Purple CandlePurple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.As you light the candle, repeat:”This light is burning to ...

A God/Goddess Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: Your voice and alone timeSay this 4x Gods and Goddesses hear my pleaits my greatest wish so i hope to beA god of nature,life and furyBlood and war may...

Get Your Considered Dreams’

You will need the following items for this spell: 3-5 White candlesSit down cross-legged alone. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say : “Goddess of Dreams, let me get dreams I want...

‘Spell to Get What You Want’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 red candlea horseshoea quill penblack inka piece of papertweezersTo get what you want:Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the cand...

See the Demon in Yourself with a Mirror’

You will need the following items for this spell: MirrorBlue LED Lights (older the better)Or a old TV that has a blue no signal screenNight TimeComplete Darkness (until use of blue light)In the shadow...

To Honor Shadow Work ..

Salt Balance SpellAs we know Shadow work involves spells ro adjust ( or honor) our not so positive qualities. You know like speaking sharply or just not letting something that irritates us go includin...

Nature Circle’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 spell1 candle (appropriate color)Some dirt or soilSand (Optional)Salt(optional)WaterFirst off sit comfortably on any smooth surface and put the cand...

Opening the Inner Eye’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 white or purple candle1 herb (rosemary,thyme)Light the candle and burn the herb as soon as you see smoke say: “Give me the power to see throug...

Spell: Nature Peace Wind Spell

When life feels overwhelming, you might be having trouble processing stressful, worrisome thoughts. This peace wind spell can help. Allow yourself time for some self-care and consider going on a natur...

Empower Yourself

Words have power. You can utilize the power of positive, encouraging words every day. Write words on small pieces of paper and place them in spots around your house where you will notice them. Put the...


Any of the following items you can acquire from occult supply shops. You will need: 1. Bottle of perfume, new, not used before. 2. Some Devil’s Shoestring. 3. Some Jerusalem Root. 4. Some Adam a...


Purpose and Focus: Be clear with your intention. What is the purpose of the ritual? Are you focused? Did you take a moment to ground and center and to put aside all negativity? Do not focus on fears o...

Preparing for Spell Work

Several processes become automatic when preparing for spell work. If you choose to wear special clothing, then this has to be prepared before you actually start your personal preparations. We give bel...

Good health wishing spell

This spell is worked at the time of the New Moon and is incredibly simple to do. Bay leaves possess a great deal of magical power and are used for granting wishes. This spell can be used to fulfil a r...

Healing the body

This spell works on a simple principle, that of identifying within the body whether the pain it is suffering is physical, emotional or, as is often the case, has a more deep-rooted spiritual component...


Burn copal on a charcoal as an offering to Aphrodite and ask for her assistance: “Stately Aphrodite, born from the gentle foam of the sea She who encompasses divine beauty and inspires love in the hea...


You will need the following: 1 rose quartz 6 rose petals bottle of witch hazel oil Look at your face in a mirror and all of its flaws. Visualise your face changing into the face you want and desire. R...

Spell to break up a couple

A lot of people asking me of this. As far as I don’t do it, because it is against my magick ethics, I do understand that not all of you are so bothered about laws. So, I still advice to think be...

Kiss me spell

You know how sometimes you like person and being together you think- oh, come on, kiss me you fool- but both of you too shy to make a move. Here is a good spell to change it. Take a red color lipstick...

Spell to heal physical pain

YOU NEED: piece of amethyst (as clear as possible), or a piece of Fluorite. a good visualization skill. Sit in a quiet place and clear your mind of everything you can. Take the amethyst (or fluorite) ...

Gypsy Protection Spell

The Gypsies placed great value in the power of cards. This simple spell was used to protect the family from those wishing them harm. On the face side of the ace of spades, the person’s name is written...

Confidence Spell using Tigers Eye and a Golden Candle

The purpose of this simple confident spell is for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem. A tiger’s eye is used . This crystal strengths your solar plexus chakra, which is the seat for you will. A...

Breaking A Spell With A Spell

This is known as a counter spell, or the kind of spell that can break any spell that may have gotten cast on you. It is always best to cast this during a waning moon. While it is not completely necess...

How To Write Your Own Spell in 5 Steps

While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using other peoples’ spells — and in fact there is an entire industry devoted to publishing books full of them — there are times when you may wi...

A Spell Against Spite and Gossip

In life we often deal with not so nice people. I want to share spell, that probably will be useful to many of us. Traditionally, witch bottles filled with rusty nails, sour red wine (or even urine) an...

Spellwork Aligning Conscious with Subconscious

Casting a spell is about aligning conscious with subconscious to carry out the intentions of individual witches. In turn, this is a restatement of the second rubric from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes: ...

Spell Work/ An Opinion

Witchcraft isn’t something you can just jump into and start casting spells; it takes time to study and understand that there are laws to learn and rules to obey. Most that are new to witchcraft think ...

Revenge Spells

More and more people seem to asking witches for spells, curses or hexes because they have recently been jilted or dumped by an ex and now they are looking to take their revenge. For those of you who d...

Spells for beginners (part 2)

For those of you out there that have asked me or will ask me if I supply or do spells, the answer that I will give you will be the same that I will give to everyone, and that is “sorry no, I am a big ...

Spells for beginners (part 1)

Believe it or not I can pretty much guarantee that nearly everybody has cast a spell at least once in their life time whether they know it or not, as an example have you ever blown out the candles on ...

Spell work preparation

This is down to personal choice; there are many witches that have rituals that they conduct before doing any spell work like bathing is salt water to purify the body, drink herbal tea to cleanse, ligh...

Resurrection Spells

The resurrection spell is by far the hardest and most complex spell there is and possibly will ever be, and as far as I am aware nobody has actually made this spell work in its entirety. These spells ...

A Smoke and Fire Love Spell

One sheet of white parchment paper, love drawing incense (mix together 2 tbsp. each of sandalwood, lavender buds, orris root powder. To the powdered mixture add six drops rose oil and one drop cherry ...

Fireplace Magick Spell

This simple spell isused to make a wish come true, and is especially effective if done on New Year’s Eve. It is also great way to end a romantic evening or group gathering. Items needed: One square of...

Casting Spells Using Planetary Hours Magical Timing

Not every Witch worries about magical timing, but many feel that it gives a boostof energy that is conducive to your efforts.Another way to plan your magical timing is by planetary hours. Planetary ho...

Black Cat Protection Spell

A good spell to ward off the evil intentions of another, block a psychic attack, or turn your luck around. Items needed: One black cat candle, Black cat oil (composed of patchouli and frankincense), A...

AIR MAGICK, Knot the Wind

Items Needed. Three-strand of blue cord. A Compass. The calling or raising of the wind is can be seen as a very outdated magickal process, initially used when the wind was vital for cruising. Witches ...

Solitary Pagan Witch Healing Spell: A Guide to Performing the Ritual Alone

Solitary Pagan Witch Healing Spell is a powerful tool used by many witches to help themselves or others heal from physical or emotional ailments. This type of spell is often performed alone, as it req...

Spell Work for a Solitary Pagan Witch: Tips and Techniques for Effective Magick

Spell work is an essential part of Paganism, and it is often used to manifest the practitioner’s desires. For a solitary Pagan witch, spell work can be a powerful tool to connect with the divine...

How to Write your own Spells

While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using other peoples’ spells — and in fact there is an entire industry devoted to publishing books full of them — there are times when you may wish to use yo...

To Cast a Spell

Probably the most obvious characteristic of a Witch was the ability to cast a spell. A spell being the word used to signify the means employed to carry out a magical action. A spell could consist of a...

Spell crafting exercise

Exercise1. Do not do the following exercises in bed until you are used to the technique, as it is likely that you will fall asleep. 2. Have a soft, dim lamp or a lighted candle behind you somewhere, a...

Witches Bottle Spell

Supplies Needed 1 mason jar,A variety of sharp items such asnails,broken glass,barbed wire,thumb tacks,Shovel or digging tool.1 red candlematches or lighterpen or pencil and paperWandYour DNASea SaltB...