Colour Magick

Perhaps the simplest form of magic is that
which involves colour. This method of working
is also used in conjunction with various other
forms of magic. Colour can enhance, alter and
completely change moods and emotions and
therefore can be used to represent our chosen
goal. At its simplest it can be used alone and in
dressing an altar.

Purple Light Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Purple Candle
Purple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.
As you light the candle, repeat:
”This light is burning to help me gain and achieve (wish).
It’s protest is small but holds great power.
For only it can push this power up into the Loving Hands of the Goddess.
I am, like this candle, small, but my intentions and ambitions are big,
and with perseverance, I will get there.
Goddess, help me achieve this. So mote it be”

Focus your energy on the flame. Think of all your ambitions and dreams. Imagine
the flame being pushed up into the hands of the Goddess. Visualize the Goddess
receiving all your energy. Imagine you can see your energy being pulled into the
flame. As your energy is soaked into the flame, imagine it turning purple. The
more energy soaked in the deeper and stronger the purple gets. Imagine a long
purple ribbon flowing out of the flame and into the hands of the Goddess. 

Black in Magick

The color black is classy, mysterious, sophisticated, seductive, and secretive. It’s protective, absorbing negative energies and creating a barrier from emotional stressors of the outside world. It provides comfort, protecting our emotions by helping us to hide our vulnerabilities, insecurities, and lack of self-confidence from the outside world.

When looking at color psychology, black encourages introspection and self-examination; it also defines an end to which new beginnings follow. It symbolizes money, authority and encourages assertiveness, confidence, & independence. Black is also about harmony, hearing, and listening. It’s the go to color for magicks pertaining to binding or banishing.

In feng shui tradition, black represents water and career; for this purpose, it is best used in the north rooms of your home or office. It adds strength, definition and a grounding effect to a space. Plus it adds a nice contrast for other colors.

Black crystals symbolize self-control, resilience and create invisibility. They help protect against negative energy and promote peacefulness. These would include obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, jet, onyx, black pearls, lava, and moonstone

Silver Magick

Silver is a color that both illuminates and reflects. Use it today to help you reflect on an issue or let it illuminate your way … perhaps down a new path; it is the beginning of a new week after all. Its cleansing attributes give aid in releasing blockage, whether mental, physical or emotional, so new doors can be opened, lighting the way forward.

It is a considered a feminine color that helps to restore equilibrium and stability to spiritual energy by clearing negativity and bringing peace. There is a soothing energy about silver giving it the power to help with mental, physical and emotional relaxation. Silver also helps with good communication, plus enhances intuition and psychic abilities. It’s reflective qualities help us to see ourselves as others perceive us and helps us to gain better self perspective.

This shiny version of grey, relates to the moon and all her glorious feminine mysteries and power. Because of its reflection properties, silver helps you to see yourself as others do. Some consider it the “mirror of the soul” and can guide us when there is a need to reflect on our lives.

Silver is restorative, helping to bring balance and harmony to the day, especially to your spiritual energy. It helps to cleanse our spirit, clearing negativity, helping us to achieve peace within ourselves, guiding us to reach a better understanding of any situation. If a change in direction for your life needed, silver can aid in reflection and illumination of the right direction needed.

Purple Magick

Purple is associated with spiritual power and psychic protection. It also relates to introspection and imagination; it encourages deep thoughts and helps to fulfill aspirations. It is the color of magic, mystery, creativity, spiritual power, and emotional balance. The color purple is often associated with wealth, opulence, prosperity, sophistication and prestige. The robes of nobility were purple for centuries, hence, it is a color often connected to royalty.

Darker hues are often associated with luxury and decadence while lighter shades, such as violet and lavender draw sensuality, romance, creativity, and most of the positive traits of purple. Violet is most suggested for deep meditation, calming oneself and achieving a deep sleep. All hues of purple inspire and enhance psychic ability and spiritual enlightenment.

Purple combines the energy of red and calmness of blue; as it balances opposites, it is considered the ideal color. Using the color purple is useful when you are trying to re-balance your life as it calm overactive energy. Purple is also considered the color of gratitude and healing.

This lovely color can be used when practicing magicks concerning astral travel, divination and spiritual power; on a more earthly plane, use purple for spells and charms having to do with ambition, successful business progress and self assurance.

On a physiological plane, purple stimulates brain activity that is used for problem solving. It creates a peaceful environment by fostering harmony of the mind and the emotions; it enhances the link between the spiritual and the physical worlds. If you have a complex problem to solve today, purple will be the color to reach for. It actually stimulates the part of the brain activity for just that purpose and can guide you toward good judgement.

To increase your divine wisdom and understanding or open your third eye, use or wear purple crystals such as amethyst, fluorite, sugilite. They also help to ground you and enhance your feelings of harmony within your environment.