Invoking Air


The direction of this Element is east and the colour usually associated with it is yellow.

Incense is often used to represent Air, since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke.

When you are looking for inspiration, need new ideas or perhaps to break free from the past or undesired situations, you would use this Element.

The quality associated with it is that of thinking or the use of the intellect.

When working in a magical circle, Air is the second quarter on which you call for protection.

The sylphs are the Air spirits; their Element has the most subtle energy of the four.

They are said to live on the tops of mountains and are volatile and changeable.

They are usually perceived with wings and look like cherubs or fairies.

One of their tasks is said to be to help humans receive inspiration

AIR MAGICK, Knot the Wind

Items Needed.

Three-strand of blue cord.

A Compass.

The calling or raising of the wind is can be seen as a very outdated magickal process, initially used when the wind was vital for cruising.

Witches were reputed to harness the power of the wind in a knotted cord, and then promote it to sailors.

When untied, the first knot would bring a gentle breeze.

The second would bring strong wind, and the third a gale. Modern Witches use the knot spell to for inspiration and creativity.

To harness the power of the wind you will need a strand of blue cord and a compass.

Go to the highest hilltop you can find. Face the East.

Take a number of deep, cleansing breaths.

Maintain the cord above your head.

When the wind begins to blow, tie the first knot, as you say the following,

I knot the wind, The wind of desire, I knot the wind, The wind that shall inspire.

Repeat the above conjuration as you tie the second and third knots.

Take just a few moments to really feel the cleaning energy of the wind.

Ask the wind to free you from all adverse ideas and vibrations.

Take your cord and hang it above your desk or workspace.

Whenever you really feel the need for inspiration, untie the first knot and say the following,

I free the wind The wind of desire I free the wind My mind to inspire.

Air Incense and Fragrance

A listing of some of the incenses and fragrances associated with the element of air

Ambergris (love, lust)

Wear ambergris to attract love. Mix Ambergris with a small amount of vanilla, burn on the night of the full moon to increase passion.

Benzoin (purification, prosperity)

Burn benzoin to clear a room of unwanted vibrations. Mix benzoin with frankincense and burn during the new moon to clear confusion, and increase psychic powers.

Lavender (love, protection)

Wear lavender oil to soothe the mind and body, and bring visions of love. Mix lavender with sage and burn during the waning moon to purify and protect the home.

Pine (healing, money)

Burn to clear air and help with breathing problems. Mix pine with eucalyptus and burn to enhance life and bring money

Sage (wisdom, protection)

Wear sage oil to clear the confusion. Place sage leaves under a doormat to protect the home from negativity. Burn sage during the waning moon for protection and to clear the confusion.

Star Anise (psychic power, luck)

Burn or wear the seeds to increase psychic power. On a windy day scatter the seeds in the wind to bring luck.

Sweetgrass (spiritual attunement)

Burn sweetgrass to call in the s

Working with Feathers

At times when working your craft with the element of air, bird may come into your mind.

After all, they spend most of their lives in the air.

They often “gift” us with feathers and these feathers can be honored as special Gifts.

Feathers have long been associated with the Air, Wind, the Mind, and New Flights, as well as at timesGods and Goddesses.

They have been used for different things and as gifts, they serve specific functions, and listed below are the most common.

A Direct connection to the Gods and Goddesses and specific Divine Forces.

A form of Divine Force the Creators take for flight.

A call to unfold your Wings and find the enchantment within your life.

A signal between Human to Human.

A reflection of change or an opening of consciousness.

Omens and signs.

A medicine or Quality you may consider developing.

Tools for Prayer, petitions, and alignment with Specific Natural Forces.

A link to Nature beings.

All Feathers may relate to the Human experience.

Every Feather can connect you to the Energies of species of birds.

Air is what separates Heaven and Earth and is the realm of the Bird which can move about easily in both.

Feathers can be a link between your Spirituality and your Physical consciousness.

Air in motion can be viewed as a force.

It can be the Wind and reminds us that we can fly using our Creativity and Imagination.

Air is essential to all life.

Whatever Energies are in the air, you Breathe them.

It can be a reminder to be aware of your surroundings as well as what you surround yourself with.