Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling

It is no great problem in ethnology or anthropology as to how gypsies- became fortune-tellers.We may find a very curious illustration of it in the wren.This is apparently as humble, modest, prosaic little fowl as exists, and as far from mystery and wickedness as an old hen.But the ornithologists of the olden time, and the myth-makers, and the gypsies who lurked and lived in the forest, knew better.They saw how this bright-eyed, strange little creature in her elvish way slipped in and out of hollow trees and wood shade into sunlight, and anon was gone, no man knew whither, and so they knew that it was an uncanny creature, and told wonderful tales of its deeds in human form, and today it is called by gypsies in Germany, as in England, the witch-bird, or more briefly, chorihani,  “the witch.”Just so the gypsies themselves, with their glittering Indian eyes, slipping like the wren in and out of the shadow of the Unknown, and anon away and invisible won for themselves the name which now they wear.Wherever Shamanism, or the sorcery which is based on exorcising or commanding spirits, exists, its professors from leading strange lives, or from solitude or wandering, become strange and wild-looking.When men have this appearance people associate with it mysterious power.This is the case in Tartary, Africa, among the Eskimo, Lapps, or Red Indians, with all of whom the sorcerer, voodoo or medallion, has the eye of the ” fascinator,” glittering and cold as that of a serpent.So the gypsies, from the mere fact of being wanderers and out-of-doors livers in wild places, became wild-looking, and when asked if theydid not associate with the devils who dwell in the desert places, admitted the soft impeach merit, and being further questioned as to whether their friends the devils, fairies, elves, and goblins had not taught them how to tell the future, they pleaded guilty, and found that it paid well, went to work in their small way to improve their ” science,” and particularly their pecuniary resources.It was an easy calling; it required no property or properties, neither capital nor capitol, shiners nor shrines, where unto work the oracle.And as I believe that a company of children left entirely to themselves would form and grow up with a language which in a very few years would be spoken fluently, so I am certain that the shades of night, and fear, pain, and lightning and mystery would produce in the same time conceptions of dreaded beings, resulting first in demonology and then in the fancied art of driving devils away.For out of my own childhood experiences and memories I retain with absolute accuracy material enough to declare that without any aid fromother people the youthful mind forms for itself strange and seemingly supernatural phenomena.A tree or bush waving in the night breeze by moonlight is perhaps mistaken for a great man, the mere repetition of the sight or of its memory makes it a personal reality.Once when I was a child powerful doses of quinine caused a peculiar throb in my ear which I for some time Believed was the sound of somebody continually walking upstairs.Very young children sometimes imagine invisible playmates or companions talk with them, and actually believe that the unseen talk to them in return.I myself knew a small boy who had, as he sincerely believed, such a companion, whom I called Bill, and when he could not understand his lessons he consulted the mysterious William, who explained them to him.There are children who, by the voluntary or involuntary exercise of1visual perception or volitional eye-memory,2 reproduce or create images that they imagine to be real, and this faculty is much more commoner than is supposed.In fact, I believe that where it exists in most remarkable degrees the adults to whom the children describe their visions dismiss them as ” fancies ” or falsehoods.Even in the very extraordinary cases recorded by Professor Hale, in which little children formed for themselves spontaneously a language in which they- conversed fluently, neither their parents nor anybody else appears to have taken the least interest in the matter.However, the fact being that babes can form for themselves supernatural conceptions and embryo mythologies, and as they always do attribute to strange or terrible-looking persons power which the latter do not possess, it is easy, without going further, to understand why a wild Indian gypsy, with eyes like a demon when excited, and unearthly-looking at his calmest, should have been supposed to be a sorcerer by credulous child-like villagers.All of this I believe might have taken place, or really did take place, in the very dawn of man’s existence as a rational creature—that as soon as ” the frontal convolution of the brain which monkeys do not possess,” had begun with the “genial tubercle,”‘ essential to language, to develop itself, then also certain other convolutions and tubercules, not as yet discovered, but which ad interim I will call ” the ghost-making,” began to act.” Genial,” they certainly were not—little joy and much sorrow has man got out of his spectro-facient apparatus—perhaps if it and talk are correlative he might as well, many a time, have been better off if he were dumb.


Gypsy is based on the word Egyptian and refers to Little Egypt or lesser Egypt. The people who came from this area on the outskirts of Egypt were highly skilled in natural magick and were especially gifted in their ability to divine the future. A cast of turbulent wanderers, the Gypsies travelled through Europe during the Middle Ages.

By the early 16th century, the Gypsies had spread across Europe. They were extremely clannish and did not marry or socialize outside of their bloodline. They lived, travelled, and worked in family groups called cumpanias.

The Gypsies were vagabonds, travelling in ornate horsedrawn wagons or caravans know as vardos. Living off the land, the Gypsies subsisted off their magickal and divinatory talents.

Famous for their powerful love potions, protection charms, and psychic abilities, the Gypsies were often the targets of Christian persecution.

Even though the Gypsies all but disappeared, their legacy of magick survived. Today, through historical and magickal text, it is possible to learn about the Gypsies’ way of life, and legendary magickal ways.


Gypsies Nomadic, are people who probably emerged out of northern India around the 10th century and spread throughout Europe, the British Isles and eventually America.

Gypsy tradition has little in the way of its own religious beliefs but is steeped in magic and superstition.

From their earliest known appearance in Europe in the 15th century, Gypsies have been renowned practitioners of magical arts, and they undoubtedly influenced folk magic wherever they went.

During the Renaissance, they were associated with witches and witchcraft, and many were persecuted and executed as such.

In addition, Gypsies were met with hostility and suspicion from populations wherever they went, which added to their persecution, banishment and deportation.

In England, it became unlawful to be a Gypsy in 1530; the law was not repealed until 1784.

The first record of Gypsies in Europe is in 1417 in Germany, although it is quite likely that they arrived in Europe much earlier.

They came as Christian penitents and claimed to be exiles from a land called “Little Egypt.” Europeans called them “Egyptians,” which became corrupted as “Gypsies.”

Their language, Romany, is related to Sanskrit, and many of their customs have similarities to Hindu customs.

The Gypsies also absorbed the religious and folk customs of the lands through which they traveled, and many of their practices contain
strong Christian and pagan elements.

Very little is known about early Gypsy practices; most of the present knowledge comes from observations and records from the 19th century on.

It is not known what led the Gypsies to leave India.

Various legends exist as to their origins and why they were condemned to wander the earth: They were Egyptians scattered by Yahweh (Jehovah, or God); they were survivors of Atlantis, left without a homeland; they had refused to help the Virgin Mary during her flight to Egypt; they had forged three nails for Christ’s cross of crucifixion. Voltaire proposed that they were descendants of the priests of Isis and followers of Astarte.

The Gypsies’ lack of religious creed is explained by an interesting Turkish legend:

When religions were distributed to the peoples of the earth a long time ago, they were written down to preserve them.

Rather than write in books or on wood or metal, the Gypsies recorded their religion on a cabbage.

A donkey came along and ate the cabbage.

The Gypsy universe is populated with various deities and spirits. Del is both God and “everything which is above”—the sky, heavens and heavenly bodies.

Pharaun is a god said to have once been a great pharaoh in the Gypsies’ long-lost “Little Egypt.”

Beng is the Devil, the source of all evil.

Like Christians, Gypsies believe the Devil is ugly, with a tail and a reptilian appearance, and has the power to shape-shift.

Legends exist of pacts with Beng.

Moon worship and fire worship are extensive among Gypsies; they apparently have not worshiped the Sun to any significant degree.

The Moon is personified by the god Alako, defender of Gypsies and taker of their souls after death.

Alako originally was Dundra, a son of God sent to earth to teach humans law, who ascended to the Moon when he was finished and became a god (compare to Aradia).

Fire is considered divine, with the ability to heal, protect, preserve health and punish the evil.

The cult of Bibi concerns worship of a lamia-like goddess who strangles gorgio (non-Gypsy) children by infecting them with cholera, tuberculosis and typhoid fever.

Gypsies also practice phallus worship and an animistic worship of objects, such as anvils. The horse and the bear are regarded as godlike beings.

Gypsies have a strong fear of death and the dead, and numerous taboos govern the way they deal with the dead and dying.

All of a dead person’s possessions, including his animals, are considered polluted and will haunt the living unless they are destroyed or buried with him.

This practice has dwindled since the 19th century, as a result of economic factors and the lessening of the Gypsies’ nomadic life-styles.

A great fear exists that the dead are angry at being dead and will return as vampires to avenge their deaths iron fences sometimes are constructed around graves in order to keep the corpses from escaping.

The Gypsies also seek to appease a vampire god by leaving out rice balls and bowls of milk or animal blood.

The names of the dead are believed to have magical power and are used in oaths and invocations.

The Gypsy witch is almost without exception a woman; she is called a chovihani.

She uses her occult powers according to need, to bless and heal or curse and kill.

Within the Gypsy community, she is not respected for her magical powers per se but for the money she brings in by servicing the gorgio (non-Gypsy) population.

The rise in witchcraft and folk-magic activity in Europe and the British Isles in the 15th and 16th centuries probably was influenced by the spread of the Gypsies.

The chovihani is said either to inherit her ability or acquire it in childhood through intercourse with a water or earth demon while sleeping.

Like gorgio witches, Gypsy witches are said to have an odd or ugly appearance and to possess the evil eye.

Of all the magical arts, the chovihani is best known for divination and fortune-telling, especially by crystal-gazing or reading palms, the Tarot and tea leaves.

The chovihani prescribes a multitude of charms to address virtually any situation; many of them involve blood and urine, two common ingredients in folk magic because of their sympathetic magic properties .

Most illness is ascribed to evil spirits, and the chovihani can heal by exorcising these spirits in a trance possession ritual.

Bird omens are important. The owl is a harbinger of death while the swallow, cuckoo and water-wagtail are signs of good fortune.

Magical rites are performed in conjunction with baptisms, marriages and divorces.

A newborn infant is unclean.

Baptism removes the taboo and protects it from evil.

Baptisms consist of immersion in running water, or tattooing.

Two names are given, one of which is kept secret in order to fool the Devil and evil spirits.

Some baptisms are done within a magic circle.

Baptisms are often repeated for good luck.

In marriage ceremonies, the newlyweds sometimes step over a broomstick and receive Salt, bread and wine.

In divorce, the broomstick ritual is reversed.

Another divorce ritual calls for sacrificing a horse by stabbing it in the heart and letting it bleed to death.