The purpose of this ritual is to charge a ritual blade with the elemental forces of nature via the assistance of draconic elemental mages.As with human magic workers, different dragons can have an aff...
When we embark on a spiritual path, sometimes the path gets twisted and we feel we lose our connection to the Divine. Sometimes we’re too busy with the physical to cater to our spiritual needs. But th...
One of the more common questions I see come up from Pagans, especially those with Hellenic leanings or a devotion to a Hellenic deity, is what to do after the ritual is done. Most specifically, what t...
The spiritual community doesn’t put enough emphasis on energetic cords and cord cutting rituals. Which is sad, because Spirit says it’s so important for shadow work, healing, and our paths in life. If...
The purpose of the ritual is to bring the individual into closer contact with the Godhead/Spirit/God and Goddess. It can also be used as a minor dedication, when a person who desires dedication has no...
Binding is one of those hot terms in the witch community. Some people do them, others proclaim against them. In this article, we’ll dive into the basics of binding and answer your questions: what are ...
Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The veil between the spiritual and physical realm is at its thinnest, making this the perfect time for paying our respects to o...
Solstices are the extreme points as Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun—when days and nights are longest or shortest. On equinoxes, days and nights are equal in all parts of the world. Four...
Samhain, the final harvest festival of the year, marks the Witches New Year. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest, making this a good time to contact passed loved ones and do some divination. Sa...
Wild Garlic (Allium usinum)This herb was well known to the Celts, Teutonic tribes and ancient Romans. They gave this unassuming, wild plant of the lily family the name herba salutaris, “healing herb”....
Items needed: a vacuum (or broom, whatever you have)a cloth and wood polishera white candlea mix of salt, sugar, and rosemaryolive oil or vegetable oilAfter gathering the items, take a moment to relax...
The year is 1586, the night is dark and mysterious, only a sliver of the moon hangs in the sky. The autumn wind is chilly, and it blows the leaves from the trees. Two witches, one an old woman with gr...
Timing: Work this solitary ritual on a Sunday at sunrise. Supplies: a yellow or gold votive candle a straight pin or boline (for inscribing the candle) a votive candle holder a plain, small plate or s...
At some point during your studies of modern Paganism, you’ll probably run across references to ritual sex, including – but certainly not limited to – the Great Rite. It’s impor...
Charges are declarations of the powers of the gods or goddesses involved in the ritual, and are inthemselves empowering and a way of linking the practitioner’s own divine spark with that represented...
Crafting Ritual/Ceremonial Candles Ritual Candles are a form of symbolism used within the circle while summoning the elements and guardians therein. Each is created with the symbols of a specific elem...
The various properties of incense and it’s importance in Pagan spiritual work. Throughout the long history of Pagan spirituality, incense has been used as a valuable tool in ritual work. Incense...
Solitary Pagan Witch Healing Spell is a powerful tool used by many witches to help themselves or others heal from physical or emotional ailments. This type of spell is often performed alone, as it req...
Supplies Needed As Follows: 1.Small piece of Rose Quartz. 2.Frankincense(Incense). 3.Small size bowl(Glass works best). 4.Sage(Smudge Stick). 5.Wand 6.White candle. 7.olive oil 8.Matches(Lighter). 9.C...
Such a ritual could be used, for example, to boost employment in a town that has become an urban wasteland. Set four floor candles in the elemental colours in the four main compass points of what will...
Known most often by its Cornish name of “Houzle”, the coming together of white bread and red wine or dark ale is seen as honoring the blood and bone of the Ancestors. This is a complex piece of symbol...
Preparation for ritual is important. It is suggested that you should try to slow your activities down in the hours before a formal ceremony, eat only a light meal and turn off all phones, faxes ...
A handfasting is a wedding or betrothal ceremony, and to be handfasted is equivalent to being married or betrothed. Before we get into the details, let’s back up a bit and have a quick history lesson....
This ritual can be used when, for example, a colleague, family member or friend is intruding in your life, but you do not want to hurt their feelings. It can be very successful if you have received on...
Because it can be dangerous to look directly at the Sun, catch your sunlight close to noon in a large crystal or in water in a brass dish. As before, ‘inhale’ the sunlight via the crystal or water wit...
The following ritual can be carried out anywhere at all, as direction is not important. It is most powerful when performed standing beneath a tree that perhaps has stood for hundreds of years. If sunl...
Infusions can be made, using lemon, peppermint, pine or tea tree oil, to wash away negative feelings. Use 12 drops of essential oil to a bucket of hot water. Alternatively, add two peppermint tea bags...
You Will Need A White candle A Corn dolly A Fireproof receptacle Either the sticky burrs from a cleavers plant (which has a cleansing effect) or several pieces of paper on which you have written your ...
Use this ritual to welcome the winds of positive change You can perform it on any of the three days of the rising equinox energies that precede the equinox. Alternatively, it can be adapted for cleans...
It might be said that Witchcraft, recognizes the laws of the Universe symbolically through the Goddess and God, the Wheel of the Year, and reverence for all living things. Rituals performed in celebra...
Ritual magick is no different from any other activity that you may carry out in a systematic way. Yes, it is true, it is more formal than folk magick: you are using special tools and following a serie...
We previously looked at the word, enchantment (en chantement, “to sing into”) as that which brings the songs of magic and the universe together so there is a flow, balance and harmony as well as a gui...
1. Choose the timing of a spell. 2. Outline the ritual and prepare your tools and materials. 3. Purifying yourself. 4. Purifying the working space. 5. Creating a sacred circle. 6. Have an invocation. ...