Home Blessing Ritual

Supplies Needed As Follows:

1.Small piece of Rose Quartz.


3.Small size bowl(Glass works best).

4.Sage(Smudge Stick).


6.White candle.

7.olive oil


9.Candle snuffer

10.Candle holder

11.Spring,river,creek,or rain water.(Living water always works best for me)!

12.Sea Salt

A.)Get all your supplies and take them to your Altar Area.

B.)Scratch A Pentagram in your white candle.

C.)Anoint your candle with Olive Oil.(Visualize A white light rubbing into the candle coming from within your Sacred Space)

D.)Place your Candle in the candle holder and light the candle.(Always Remember to use the proper protection needed with any magickal workings)

C.)Light your Frankincense,and go counterclockwise around the room until you complete A full circle.(This Cleanses your Sacred Space)!Place the incense on you altar.

D.)Now light the Sage bundle and go around the house clockwise stopping at every window/Door or the house drawing A pentagram in the Air.Visualize A white Blessing Energy taking the she of A pentagram as you draw it in the air covering the window/Or Door.

Complete the entire trip around the house until you get back where you started from.

E.)Once back at your Altar,pour the water you have collected in your bowl.

Place the rose Quartz in the bowl and sprinkle some sea salt on top.

D.)Now stick your right hand in the water and Stir while you visualize Sacred white,or pinkish energy forming in the bowl getting stronger with every stir.When you feel as if the energy can get no stronger,its charged.

You should feel A tingle in your hand at this point.

E.)Now you are ready to complete the home Blessing.Go Around the house and dip your hand in the water flicking the water everywhere as you Bless the house with your Magickally charged Rose quartz water.

(((Note))) it does not take much water for this purpose.Its like using Holy Water…

F.)You can stop at every entrance to the next room,Every door,And Window.Anoint them with A pentagram and move on.Concentrate on rooms with the most negative energy(Such as Places where people argue,or just has A negative vibe)

G.)Make it all the way around your house and back to your altar.At this point you may bottle any unused Rose Quartz Water to use for future Home Blessings,Or Blessing any items on your Altar.I like to keep things like this As A tool,and on my Altar.

H.)Keep the Rose Quartz as A (Talisman) Or your home Blessing.Keep it on your Altar beside your Rose Quartz Water.

I.)Snuff out your Candle,and light it every day until the candle burns all the way out.Its used like A daily Devotion to your Altar.You can also Add Another white candle and anoint it with the water you have made as A representation of your home blessing.(Giving thanks to Deity)!

*You can Always Invoke Any deity you like to assist you in any magickal workings.

*Also its best to write any Chants,or Incantations yourself.It adds intent and Personalization to any spell or Ritual!

A Formal Ritual To Restore Prosperity

Such a ritual could be used, for example, to boost employment in a town that has become an urban wasteland.

Set four floor candles in the elemental colours in the four main compass points of what will be the circle.

The altar is in the centre.

Place a single large beeswax candle in the centre of the altar.

Arrange your tools and the four elemental substances, also on the altar, to form a square around the central candle: salt in the North, frankincense, fern or cinnamon incense in the East, a gold candle in the South, for abundance, and a jug of water and two small dishes in the West.

Set the pentacle containing a honey cake in the North, and place the athame in the East, the wand in the South and the chalice of juice or wine in the West.

Place a ball of clay or dough within the elemental square, on a dish in front of the candle so that light shines on it.

Facing North, light the altar candle.

Take the salt from the North and stir it deosil with your athame, saying:
Power of new life, power of healing, power of regeneration, enter this salt, I ask, mother and father of
light and love.

You can substitute the names of gods and goddesses associated with success, prosperity, fertility and renewal into the ritual if you wish.

Take next the water from the West and pour some into one of the dishes.

Stir it deosil, saying:
Power of growth, power of fertility, power of prosperity, enter this water, I ask, mother and father of
abundance and increase.

Now take the salt to the water and tip a little in it, stirring it once more with the athame, saying:
Dissolve and disperse, flow far and free to attract rebirth to -[name the town] and its inhabitants.

Now cast the circle around the elemental candles, with your wand, starting from the North in a single unbroken movement, visualising as you do a stream of light emanating from it that encloses you above, around and beneath.

(If you are working with a group, they can stand or sit within a circle while you cast around them.

This is better than slowing the ceremony by having people entering the circle separately after it is cast and then having to close the circle after each one.) Say:
I cast this circle of light, of power and of protection. May the circle that is cast always be unbroken.

Bless my workings this night [or day], O mother and father of rebirth and renewal, unified and yet two, and all that is and has been and shall be, creative spirit of the universe, the cosmos and the smallest blade of grass.

Pick up the bowl of salt water and sprinkle a second circle deosil around the perimeter of the first, saying:
Salt and water, enclose, bless and protect you who have sustained life from the beginning and will so to the end.

If others are present, a second witch then sprinkles all present individually with the water, saying

‘Bless and protect’.

Light the incense in the East (or add to it if it was lit before the ritual).

Create a third circle around the perimeter, saying:

Breath of life, bring purity, clarity and focus, force of life itself that flows alike within plant, tree, bird, animal, human and stone.

Bless and protect.

You are now going to light the elemental candles, and as you do so invoke the Guardians.

Re-light the taper from the central candle as necessary.

Light a taper from the central candle and carry it to the North, saying:
Lord [or Lady] of the Northern Watchtower, I call upon your strength and persistence to restore the prosperity and stability to this town where new industry and investment are so badly needed.

Light the green candle of the North.
*Go to the East, saying:

Lord [or Lady] of the Eastern Watchtower, I call upon your swiftness and clarity of purpose, to bring technologies and opportunities into this town to attract new kinds of work, perhaps from overseas.

Light the yellow candle of the East.
Go next to the South and say:

Lord [or Lady] of the Southern Watchtower, I call upon your cleansing fire and spirit of inspiration to purge what is redundant and corrupt and to bring hope and energy to this town where decay and despair have taken root.

Light the red candle of the South.
Go finally to the West and say:

Lord [or Lady] of the Western Watchtower, I call upon your healing and restoration to heal bitterness and divisions between the people who have experienced such hard times and whose town has become ravaged and neglected.

Light the blue candle of the West.

Now you are going to empower the clay.

If working as a group, once the clay has been empowered with the ritual substances, you could pass it round for each person to fashion it and add their energies.

Take the salt and sprinkle a few grains on the clay, saying:

Make new buildings rise, new industries grow, new houses and parkland, schools and health centres be created, that this town may be a worthy home to those who work in it.

Take the incense and circle the clay nine times, saying:

Bring retraining, new investment, government grants, new technology and new equipment so that the town may become a hive of activity and generate ever more opportunities into the next century and beyond.

Light the gold candle in the South (in this case it will be different from the candle of the southern watchtower) and pass it over the clay so that single drop of gold wax falls on it, saying:

Bring gold of prosperity, gold of abundance, fire of inspiration and creativity so that this town maybe rich in opportunity, in the arts and in culture, as well as in material wealth.

Finally, sprinkle the clay with a single drop of water from the jug or a second dish, saying:

May the lifeblood of the town be restored and fertility course through the veins of the people that their children and grandchildren may know happiness and lives unclouded by sorrow and anxiety for their livelihood and their dwellings.

Taking the clay between your hands, begin to mould it, using a marking tool if you wish, to make a tool, such as a wheel, or a figure, a bridge, a loaf, a house or a flower, or any abstract symbol that represents the rebirth of the town through its people.

Endow it with your wishes, visualising the place growing and prospering, perhaps reciting:

Go forth, increase and multiply, or Rise again from the ashes, rise anew, rise glorious, rise, rise again.

Chant faster and faster until at last you toss the ball into the air and catch it, saying;

Go far, go free, bring life to thee.

In a group, you could pass the endowed clay around a second time, tossing it from person to person while chanting.

Return the clay to the altar and take your honey cake on its dish.

Hold it over the central candle, saying:
Bring abundance to those who need it, enough for their needs and a little more, joy and hope.

Bite into the cake and scatter a few crumbs on the clay, instead of in a libation dish.
Take the athame and plunge it into the chalice, saying:
God to goddess, join thus thy power and give power to thy people who are in need this hour.

Drink from the chalice and instead of dropping some wine in the libation dish or on the ground, let a drop fall on the clay, saying:Fruit of the vine, harvest gathered and transformed, transform likewise what is barren to what is fruitful and living.

If you are in a group, you can pass the cakes and wine around and each person can contribute a positive thought or perhaps voice any personal worries they may have about employment and ask for a blessing.

Sit in the candlelight, seeing the new town rising from the old, and if you have any special fear about your own job security or those of loved ones, let these to flow away as the released energies multiply.

Allow any excess energies to drain back into the Earth, by pressing with your hands, feet and body.

Beginning in the West, blow out the candle, saying:
Lord [or Lady] of the Western Watchtower, I thank you for your healing and your harmonising light.
Go now in peace.

Move next to the South. Blow out this candle, saying:
Lord [or Lady] of the Southern Watchtower, I thank you for your inspiration and your cleansing light.
Go now in peace.

Move next to the East. Blow out this candle and say:
Lord [or Lady] of the Eastern Watchtower, I thank you for your clarity and your life-restoring light.
Go now in peace.

Move finally to the North. Blow out this candle and say:
Lord [or Lady] of the Northern Watchtower, I thank you for your grounding power and your protecting
light. Go now in peace.

Take again your wand and, starting from the North and working widdershins, close the circle just
once, saying:
May the circle be uncast but remain unbroken, and may light and love and healing still remain and fall on whoever needs their blessing.

Leave the clay and allow the central and elemental Fire candle and the incense to burn away.

When they are burned through, clear them away and bury the clay beneath a living tree or in a large plant of lavender or basil.

There are many other things you can add to a formal ritual, for example, ringing the bell or drawing pentagrams.

In this ritual, you could also have passed the elemental tools over the clay to give it additional power.

Ceremonies are really a glorious mix and match and this is just a sample of how you can combine the tools and the forms to create the ceremony you want.

You may like to record in your Book of Shadows those rituals that work well and others that did not seem so potent, together with any reasons why you think this is so.

In time, you will develop perhaps three or four basic ritual ‘templates’ for group or personal work, and with practice, the preparations and stages will become almost automatic.

As your energies ever more creative and spontaneous, they will, within a formal framework, become incredibly potent.


Known most often by its Cornish name of “Houzle”, the coming together of white bread and red wine or dark ale is seen as honoring the blood and bone of the Ancestors.

This is a complex piece of symbolism, considering how simple the practical technique itself it.

The libator dips the bread in the wine or ale, and toasts the Ancestors, the Gods, old Hornie, and whoever else they need to honour.

In a group, the participants take turns.

It seems very simple, but the symbolism runs very deep, as in addition to the act of symbolic theophagy that can be seen in the Catholic Mass, there is also the nature of blood and bone to take into account.

Frequently the blood is seen as the lineage itself — the Witch-Blood — and the bone is the body of Lore that both sustains the blood and enables us to discover and connect with it.

Traditionally, the Houzle is performed with a horn cup, which — depending on the tradition — can be an actual cup made of horn or a stirrup cup (the cups designed originally for members of the fox hunt to drink their libation before the hunt.

They do not have a base, but rather are stored upside down, and are frequently made in the shape of animals, especially stags and foxes.)

Preparing For Ritual

Preparation for ritual is important.

It is suggested that  you should try to slow your activities down in the hours before a formal ceremony, eat only a light meal and turn off all phones, faxes and computers if you are working from home.

Make sure you have all the basic tools and ingredients for the ceremony and that the room is ready.

About an hour before the ritual, prepare yourself, by having a bath in which a sprinkling of sacred salt and a few drops of cleansing oils, such as pine or eucalyptus, have been added. Light purple or pink candles in the bathroom and allow all your daily concerns to flow out of your body into the water, to
be transformed by the candlelight.

When you are ready to get out of the water, swirl the reflected light three times widdershins and as you take out the plug, say:
Go in peace, flow in harmony to the sea of eternity.

Wear something light and loose for the ritual.

You may like to keep a special robe for your magical work, ready-washed and pressed.

Though some witches work skyclad, in groups this can result in self-consciousness and sometimes unnecessary emotional complications that can detract from the magick.

Also, in Northern climes it is usually too cold! But the choice, of course, is yours.

Next sweep out and cleanse the area you will be working in and set up the altar, either in the North or the centre of your circle.

Practitioners who work from the East of the circle may want their altar there.

The position of the altar really does not matter.

If the altar is placed centrally or in the North, you follow the tradition, as I do, of working from the North; this means that you cast the circle from the North and enter the circle from the South so you are facing the North.

If, however, you work with the altar in the East, you will cast from the East and enter from the West, facing the East.

A central altar will work for either direction and it also means a group can easily circle it.

After all, for most of us space is at a premium, and sometimes it is a question of marrying metaphysics with logistics

What is a handfasting

A handfasting is a wedding or betrothal ceremony, and to be handfasted is equivalent to being married or betrothed.

Before we get into the details, let’s back up a bit and have a quick history lesson.

In most of pre-Christain Europe, weddings were fairly straightforward affairs, and this was especially true for northern Europe and Celtic lands.

Two families came together and they worked out a deal on land ownership and any trading of goods.

Then, the couple would exchange gifts, clasp hands, and make oaths of loyalty to each other.

Afterward their families and the community they lived in would throw a party and have a feast.

Going to the trouble of a full religious ceremony officiated by a Druid (or someone similar) was typically reserved for people of very high social status.

For most people the transition from single to married was a do-it-yourself affair, with the couple’s community acting as witnesses.

As Christianity began to spread across Europe, the new Church lacked the resources to have a clergyman in every rural village and hamlet.

As such, the Church would send circuit priests to travel to out-of-the-way parishes during the warmer months.

Obviously, this presented a problem to families who needed to make an alliance with another family or clan.

It’s also difficult to ask young people in love to wait so long before they can make a home together.

Especially if the young woman was already pregnant! Governments had a similar problem:

it was too difficult to provide a judge or magistrate to every little village, let alone manage all the paperwork required for marriage licenses at a time when everything was handwritten on parchment.

So, the folk looked back to the traditions of their grandparents and found a compromise. T

he couple would self-marry in the old style when it was convenient for the community.

The union would later be formally blessed by the church when the circuit priest came to visit.

In the Middle Ages, handfasting-type rituals became popularly used as betrothal rituals.

In some parts of Europe, such as Scotland, the word “handfasting” was used to say that a couple was engaged.

It was more common to hear that a couple was “handfasted” than “betrothed.”

These types of self-uniting marriage traditions lasted well into the colonial era, when settlers in the New World faced difficulties due to long distances and lack of resources.

It was only a couple of hundred years ago that nations began to pass legislation requiring couples to be legally wed via a specific set of rules.

In fact, in some parts of the world, self-uniting ceremonies are still perfectly valid and legal.

As modern Paganism began to truly grow in the early-to-mid 20th century, Pagans sought marriage rituals that had historical significance without strong ties to other religions.

Two fit the bill: the tying of hands in the handfasting tradition, and the jumping of the broom.

A Sun Magick Ritual For Energy

Because it can be dangerous to look directly at the Sun, catch your sunlight close to noon in a large crystal or in water in a brass dish.

As before, ‘inhale’ the sunlight via the crystal or water with your eyes open.

Hold the Sun breath, counting ‘One and two and three’, then close your eyes and exhale the darkness of your doubt, anger or lack of confidence. With practice, this will become a single movement.

Continue until you are filled with light and energy, then exhale a Sun breath, directing it to someone who is exhausted, frightened or ill.

Inhale the Sun and again exhale it towards a person or people in need.

Rinse your face in the Sun water, then tip the rest into the ground to energize a plant.

Whenever you feel tired, recall the Sun and inhale its light in your mind’s vision.

Repeat both these intakes of power once every month. If you have a particularly stressful or challenging time, hold a moonstone for your Moon energies in your power hand.

Hold a sparkling crystal quartz for the Sun in the other (receptive) hand to boost the flow as you visualize the natural sources.

In this way, you can balance the energies in both spheres of the brain for integrated mind and soul flow.

A Ritual Using Light And Cosmic Power

The following ritual can be carried out anywhere at all, as direction is not important.

It is most powerful when performed standing beneath a tree that perhaps has stood for hundreds of years.

If sunlight is filtering through the leaves, so much the better.

You can work alone, with a group of friends, or in a more formal group.

You may want to decide in advance on a focus for the power, for example healing a particular place or a person you know.

Alternatively, you can let the energies find their own target as they cascade through the cosmos, increasing the positivity of the universe.

Stand with your feet apart and your arms outstretched above your head like the branches of a tree.

Through your feet, draw up rich, golden light from the Earth and let it flow upwards, becoming lighter and more golden as it rises to your fingertips.

Feel the light from above flowing downwards to merge with it.

If you are working alone, then, holding a long, silk scarf in either hand, move around the tree with your hands rising and falling in a spiral path to create swirls of energies, the most ancient of the Mother Goddess sacred geometric forms, while chanting and dancing.

If you are with friends, join hands around the tree and pass the light and energy between you from hand to hand, deosil, until you can feel the circle of light (you may even see luminous energy transferring from hand to hand).

Begin to circle the tree deosil, reciting faster and faster:

Tree power, Earth power, Sun shower and light, Encircle me, enfold me, Goddess radiance bright.

If you do not want to use the Goddess as a focus for your magick, you can substitute the word ‘god’ or say ‘golden radiance bright’.

You can also create your own chant, if you prefer, that may change from line to line, or use a simple mantra, such as:

Touch me,
enfold me,
enclose me.

When you feel the power reaching a climax, cast the scarves high into the air and hug the tree, pressing your feet down hard to ground your energy and receive healing light from the trunk.

If you are working alone, you may feel that in a sense you are not alone but are joining with the tree spirits and Devas, the higher forces of nature who will dance with you as you spiral.

You may even see their luminous outlines.
If you are working in a group, when you feel the power has reached a climax, unclasp your hands and with a final call, Above! raise them straight above your head and allow the energies to spiral through the cosmos.

Then sink down so that your hands and feet are pressing the ground and let any excess golden radiance and power return to the Earth. (If you do not do this, you will be buzzing all day and night as though you had been drinking too much coffee.)