Kitchen Witch

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: Magical Things To Do at the Hearth

  A tea kettle whistling on the stove. The sun pouring through the kitchen window. A pie cooling on the sill. Magic fills the air in a home where a kitchen witch lives. Particularly in the kitche...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: What is Kitchen Witchery?

  There are many different types of witchcraft, one being kitchen witchery also sometimes called hearth or cottage witchcraft. This is a tradition in which the witch is primarily focused on weavi...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 1. Daily Herb Studies

Since kitchen witches are all about the herbs and spices, an easy way to study herbalism is to choose one herb/spice a day to focus on. Choose one that’s in your herb cabinet. Pull it out of the cabin...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 2. Brew Tea

What kitchen witch doesn’t love a hot cup of tea? Make your tea-brewing process a daily ritual. Put thought into the herbs you’re using, thank the water element while pouring the water, draw symbols o...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 3. Cook With Herbs

This is an obvious but simple one – cook with herbs every day! This becomes a daily ritual in and of itself when the kitchen witch selects an herb or spice from the cabinet or a specific intention. Fo...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 4. The Herb Garden in Daily Rituals

You don’t have to be a green witch with a green thumb to have an herb garden. The herb garden becomes part of the kitchen witch’s daily rituals when the witch visits it every day. She greets her plant...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 5. Tend To Your Kitchen Altar

If you haven’t yet, start a kitchen altar. It doesn’t have to be big and elaborate, it can be as small as a shelf with a candle and a few magical items. Tending the kitchen altar will become part of a...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 6. Kitchen Witch Guardians

Every kitchen should have a guardian spirit. The kitchen witch can create a guardian by making a kitchen poppet. Or you can purchase a kitchen witch doll or statue. Once you have your kitchen guardian...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 7. Candle Flame

One simple daily ritual I do every day in my kitchen is light a candle to honor the hearth-fire of my ancestors. The kitchen witch lights candles in the kitchen as a thankful gesture to the fire eleme...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 8. Keep a Kitchen Grimoire

The kitchen grimoire or Book of Shadows is important to a kitchen witch. It’s a book in which we keep our magical recipes, ancestors’ recipes, kitchen rituals and spells, herbal anecdotes, and more. W...

Flavors & Correspondences

Almond(milk): mental clarity + fortitude, luck, abundance, healing + good healthAmaretto: opening the mind, warding against negativity, creativity, luckBlueberry: aids in memory + mental clarity, calm...

Kitchen Herbal Flowers

Most people will have at least the basic kitchen herbs in their cabinet. Remember the term “herb” does not exclude flowers and trees. You may be surprised to know how many different flower...

Traditional Wassail Recipe

You will need: 6 small apples1 1/2 quarts ale or hard cider1/4 cup sugar1 teaspoon grated nutmeg1 teaspoon ground ginger Preheat your oven to 120 degrees F. Core the apples and then place them on a li...

Sacred Slaughter

Today, the animals we eat are butchered with no ceremony at all; but for Neo-Pagans, slaughter is sacred. When, in Teutonic Magic, Kveldulf Gundarsson talks about the central act of a blot (the word r...

Basil- Herbs of the Kitchen Witch

Basil – Basil is a wonderful, robust herb, which is attributed to a variety of magical uses such as consecration, divination, exorcism, fertility, fidelity, luck, happiness, harmony and love. Ba...

Anise -Herbs of the Kitchen Witch

Anise – Attributed to protection, youth and purification, Anise is tied to the planet Jupiter and the element of Air. Anise aids in sleeplessness and helps to ward off bad dreams. To strengthen ...

Avocado Fruit

Avocado Fruit – Love, Lust and Beauty.

Kitchen Altar

Kitchen witches spend much of their time in the kitchen, combining magic and cooking to create sacred food, spells and herbal remedies. The kitchen is therefore an ideal place to set up an altar, both...

Kitchen Witch: Artichoke

(Cynara scolymus) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: Greek legend states that the first artichoke was originally a beautiful woman. Some angry god (frankly, I don’t know which) was ...

Food Magick: The Oven

The oven is another symbol of the divine. It encloses, performs a transformative process (cooking), and is warm and bright. Humans have used many types of ovens, from the mud-brick ovens of the Middle...

Beltane Recipes,Cheese: Traditional Foods for Celebrating the May Day Festival

Beltane is a traditional Celtic festival that marks the beginning of summer. It is celebrated on May 1st and is known for its joyous and festive atmosphere. One of the key aspects of Beltane is the ab...

Solitary Kitchen Witch: Exploring the Practice of Cooking Magic Alone

Solitary Kitchen Witchcraft is a practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves using the kitchen as a sacred space for performing rituals and spells. Unlike traditional witchc...

Kitchen Witch: Mabon, September 21st/ 23rd

Mabon marks the second harvest. The bounty of nature is dwindling. Earth begins to pull her fertility from the land. Humans and wild animals alike scramble to gather as much food as possible in prepar...

Kitchen Witch: Corn

(Zea mays) Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Protection, spirituality Lore: Corn has played a central role in North and Central American religion for thousands of years. The Quiche Mayas of Guatemal...

Kitchen Witch: Asparagus

(Asparagus officianlis) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Sex Magical uses: As you prepare the asparagus to be cooked or steamed. Eat with power.

What is a Kitchen Witch

A Kitchen Witch is a Witch who focuses his or her magical practice on the home and hearth and uses things commonly found in the kitchen as magickal tools. Kitchen Witchery may be an expression of reli...

The Kitchen Witch’s Creed

The Kitchen Witch’s Creed In this pot, I stir to the sun an’ follow the rule of harming none. Banishment of bane when goin’ widdershins; an’ with water and salt negativity is cleansed. Household dutie...

Kitchen Witch: Spoons and Spatulas

The spoon is a bowl with a handle. As such, it is related to the moon and to the element of water. Spoons have been used for thousands of years. Until quite recently in Japan, the shamoji, or rice-spa...

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.4

There have always been vegetarians, and there have also always been omnivores (though most earlier cultures ate far less meat than we do today). Neither way is more “correct” or “ancient” or, indeed, ...

Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating 1.3

Our ancestors worshipped food, seeing it as a gift from the hands of their deities. Food magicians don’t worship food, though we respect it as a life-sustaining substance containing the energies of th...

Kitchen Witch: Watercress

Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection, fertility Lore: In the ancient world, watercress was thought to strengthen the conscious mind. The Greeks (who knew the plant as kardamon) ate watercre...

Kitchen Witch: Squash

(Curcurbita spp.) Element: Fire Energies: Spirituality Lore: Squash was cultivated in the Americas as early as 4000 B.C.E. Several American Indian tribes honored this plant. One striking Hopi kachina ...

Kitchen Witch: Pea

(Psium sativum) Planet: Venus Element: Water Energies: Love Lore: During the Inquisition, peas were thought to be standard food for“Witches.” They have always been sacred to the Mother Goddess. Magica...

Kitchen Witch: Poke

(Phytolacca americana) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Magical uses: All parts of this Native American plant are poisonous, save for the young shoots. These are cooked and eaten for pr...

Kitchen Witch: Endive

(Cichorium endivia) Planet: Jupiter Element: Air Energies: Physical strength, sex Magical uses: Endive is overlooked today as a salad green. This is a shame, because it can be eaten to promote physica...

Kitchen Witch: Chives

(Allium spp.) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Weight loss, protection Lore: Chives may have been first grown in what is now Siberia, near the shores of Lake Baikal, one of the deepest lakes in th...

Kitchen Witch: Cabbage

(Brassica spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Protection, money Lore: Superstitious persons once placed cabbage leaves on their foreheads on the dreaded Friday the 13th to keep evil far from t...

Kitchen Witch: Pretzel

Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: Pretzels have a long magical history. According to legend, the winter solstice was observed with a special bread in Europe during the Middle Ages. ...

Kitchen Witch: Oat

(Avena sativa) Planet: Venus Element: Earth Energies: Money Lore: In Scotland, cakes known as bannocks were baked and eaten at Beltane, the old Pagan observance of May Day. Oatcakes are still eaten du...

Kitchen Witch: Potato

(Solanum tuberosum) Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Protection, compassion Lore: The potato is a native of Peru, where it was first cultivated by about34000 B.C.E. It was introduced to Spain (an...

The Kitchen Witch

Sharing a meal with friends or those you love is a ritual in itself, there is a certain energy associated with this simple pleasure, and with the magic of food our life is sustained. The oven is one o...

Kitchen Witch: Knives

Knives were first created by flaking flint, jasper, and other cryptocrystalline quartzes into finely edged tools. The knife is ruled by Mars and the element of fire. This tool has been used both for l...

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.3

We’re all separate, distinct persons, connected with the rest of our fellow-creatures and with the universe, and yet apart. No one diet is correct for everyone, just as no single type of haircut, food...

Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating 1.2

When the harvest had been spared, our ancestors thanked their deities with offerings of food. This may have been buried, flung into the air, or tossed into afire. The portion earmarked for the deities...

Kitchen Witch: Truffle

(Tuber melanospermum) Planet: Venus Element: Water Energies: Love, sex Magical uses: The Romans believed that truffles were created by thunder. Add truffles to foods designed to increase your ability ...

Kitchen Witch: Sweet Potato

(Ipomoea batatas) Planet: Venus Element: Water Energies: Love, sex Lore: An English cookbook of 1596 includes the preparation of a sweet potato tart intended to excite sexual desires. Those sweetened,...

Kitchen Witch: Rhubarb

(Rheum spp.) Planet: Venus Element: Earth Energies: Love, protection Magical uses: Rhubarb is native to China, where it is still used in medicinal herbalism. All parts of the plant are poisonous save ...

Kitchen Witch: Radish

(Raphanus sativus) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: Wild radishes, eaten before breakfast, were once thought to protect the diner from being flogged and to enable one to overcome ...

Kitchen Witch: Mushroom

Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Psychic awareness Lore: Pharaohs in ancient Egypt ate mushrooms, but the common people did not. Romans believed that mushrooms provided strength to the body. Mush...

Kitchen Witch: Chili

(Capsicum spp.) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: From archaeological evidence found in Mexican caves, chili peppers seem to have first been cultivated 9,000 years ago. The Aztecs ...

Kitchen Witch: Broccoli

(Brassica spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Protection Magical uses: Broccoli is a fine addition to protective diets. Season with basil, garlic, and mustard seed for increased power

Kitchen Witch: Rye

Secale spp.) Planet: Venus Element: Earth Energies: Love Magical uses: The familiar taste and smell of rye bread comes from the caraway seeds used in its creation, not from the rye. Rye, however, is a...

Kitchen Witch: Rice

(Oryza sativa) Planet: Sun Element: Air Energies: Money, Sex, Fertility, Protection Lore: Rice is to Asia what corn is to the Americas. It has been laboriously cultivated and eaten in the East for tho...

Ingredients for a Kitchen Witch

Here are 13 easy to find ingredients A Kitchen Witch should always have on hand for everyday use, general use, and of course Magickal use. Sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest part. Discove...

The Magick Of Herbs In the Kitchen

Just stop and think about the Magickal properties of cooking…The Goddess and God energy that is in your kitchen…Well..if you haven’t given it a thought let me see if I can change your perspective abou...


Salvia Rosmarinus, commonly known as rosemary, is a shrub with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, native to the Mediterranean region. Until 2017, it was ...

Flavoring With Herbs

Beef: basil, horseradish, marjoram, mustard, thyme, savory Lamb: marjoram, mint, rosemary, savory Pork: basil, chives, elder, rosemary, sage Poultry: parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme, savory F...

Kitchen Herbs for Witches

Anise* Planet: Mercury/Jupiter Element: Air Main magickal uses: Contacting other planes, divination, love, passion, preventing nightmares, protection, psychic development, psychic protection, purifica...

The Kitchen Witch at Samhain

This ancient Celtic festival lives on in the United States and in other countries as Halloween, a degraded version of both the earlier Pagan holiday as well as the later Christian variant—All Hallow’s...

Kitchen Witch: Imbolc (February Second)

Imbolc is an old festival connected with the coming of spring and the growing warmth of the sun. In some areas of Europe, this day marked the emergence of a few brave plants from beneath the snow. As ...

The Kitchen Witch Cupboard

Altar Cloth Amulets, Talismans, Jewelry Athame’ or sharp Knife Baskets Beads Bells (brass or glass?) Book of Shadows Bowls, Platters, Pitcher Candles and Holders Capes and/or Robes Cauldron Censor or ...

Kitchen Witch: Greens

In general: Greens are linked with fairies in Scotland and Ireland. This may be one reason why green has long been thought to be an unlucky colour. Additionally, greens were once rarely found at weddi...

Kitchen Witch: Carrot

(Daucus carota) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Sex Magical uses: Carrots have been consumed since the days of ancient Greece to induce the desire for sexual contact. Prepared and eaten with the ...

Kitchen Witch: Bread & Grains 1.2

Bread, the basic product of grain, was offered to the deities. Ishtar, Shamash, and Marduk were each given thirty loaves a day in Sumer. Ra, Amon, Ptah, and Nekhbet received their share in Egypt.  Dem...

Kitchen Witch: Lentils

(Lens culinaris) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Peace Lore: In 1085 B.C.E., Egyptians traded lentils for the prized cedars of Lebanon. During Graeco-Roman times, the Egyptians offered lentils t...

Kitchen Witch: Summer Solstice, June the Twenty-First

The summer solstice is an ancient time of magic. Great fires were lit on hilltops in honour of the zenith of the sun’s strength. Fresh fruits (which are increasingly available as autumn nears) are fin...

Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating

The Ritual of Eating is a simple practice. We put food into our mouths, then chew and swallow it.  Because of food’s importance, it has been linked with politics, social structures, legal systems, hea...

Kitchen Witch: Sprouts

Planet: Various Element: Various Energies: Various Magical uses: Generally, all sprouts are fine for promoting psychic awareness. Here’s a list of some specific sprouts and their energies: Alfalfa (Ve...

Kitchen Witch: Spirulina

Planet: Venus Seaweed salad in bowl, Japanese cuisine Element: Water Energies: Physical energy Lore: After they’d arrived in what is now known as Mexico, the Spaniards observed the Aztecs eating what ...

Kitchen Witch: Leek

(Alliurn spp.) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection, physical strength Lore: Leeks are steeped in myth and folklore. In twelfth-century Persia they were worn over the left ear to prevent in...

Kitchen Witch: Brussels Sprouts

Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Protection Lore: Legend has it that Brussel sprouts were created from wild forms of cabbage growing in Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar relied on cabbage to prevent or to ...

Kitchen Witch: Bread & Grains 1.1

Humans have eaten bread for at least 8,000 years. We have made it round, oblong, square, and triangular; flat as a pancake or fat as a loaf. Bread has been twisted into a symbol of the winter solstice...

Kitchen Witch: Mortar and Pestle

The blender and food processor of earlier times, the mortar and pestle are still used by some cooks to crush or to grind herbs and nuts. Prehistoric mortars have been found among the archaeological re...

Kitchen Witch: Mabon, September the Twenty First

Mabon marks the second harvest. The bounty of nature is dwindling. Earth begins to pull her fertility from the land. Humans and wild animals alike scramble to gather as much food as possible in prepar...

Kitchen Witch: Ostara, March the Twenty-First

Ostara, the spring solstice, marks the astronomical start of spring. This was a time of joyous celebration, for the killing months of winter were over. Plants sprang from the ground in ways that seeme...

Kitchen Witch: Spinach

(Spinacea oleracea) Planet: Jupiter Element: Earth Energies: Money Lore: In the United States, spinach is remembered as the favorite food of a popular cartoon character, upon whom it magically bestowe...

Kitchen Witch: Lettuce

(Lactuca sativa) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Peace, money, celibacy Lore: Lettuce was sacred to the god Min in ancient Egypt. Min, whose graphic depictions as a phallic god were deemed obsce...

Kitchen Witch: Chervil

(Anthriscus cerefolium) Planet: Mercury Element: Air Energies: Weight Loss Lore: Folk magicians once boiled chervil with pennyroyal. The resulting brewwas thought to cause its drinker to see double. T...

Kitchen Witch: Bean

(Phaseolus spp.) Planet: Mercury Element: Air Energies: Money, sex Lore: Beans were a major part of the diets of many Mesoamerican cultures,including the Maya and the Aztecs. They’re still an importan...

Kitchen Witch: Plates and Platters

Plates were probably used before bowls. The first plates were flat pieces of wood or stiff leaves, which came in handy for holding and slightly cooling cooked food prior to eating. Plates are ruled by...

Kitchen Witch: Suggestions for Magickal Cooking

When preparing foods for specific magical purposes, cook with purpose and care. Keep your goal in mind. Know that the food contains the energies that you require.— Always stir clockwise. The clockwise...

Kitchen Witch: Tortilla

Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Spirituality, protection Lore: Tortillas are a standard Mexican food. They are still made in the same way as they were during Aztec times. Round, containing sacred ...

Summer Solstice, Watermelon & Feta Salad

1/4 watermelon, diced into bite-sized chunks 1/2 cucumber 2 oz. feta cheese, crumbled (I like to leave the feta in rather large chunks: personal preference) 1 lime 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (I be...

Kitchen Witch: Forks

Though they are commonly found in Western tables today, forks were once used solely for noneating purposes such as spearing fish, working with hay, and digging. The first fork was probably a forked st...

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.1

Many witches are strict vegetarians. They shun meat, poultry, and fish; some even avoid eggs and milk products. They often believe that spiritual advancement and magical ability can only be obtained w...

Kitchen Witch: Sunflower

(Helianthus annuus) Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Protection, success Lore: Sunflowers were viewed as symbols of the sun by the ancient Incas of Peru. Gold crowns inspired by this flower were re...

Kitchen Witch: Seaweed

Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Weight loss Lore: Seaweed (more correctly, sea vegetables) are surprisingly nutritious foods that are rarely found in Western diets, except as processed food addi...

Kitchen Witch: Onion

(Allium cepa) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection, weight loss Lore: The great city of Chicago was named for the local Indians’ word for the wild onions growing in the area—chicago. Accord...

Kitchen Witch: Cauliflower

Brassica spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Protection Magical uses: Eat fresh or cooked cauliflower as part of a protection diet. To increase its effectiveness, cook cauliflower with dill, m...

Kitchen Witch: Wheat

Planet: Venus Element: Earth Lore: Wheat has long played a part in the human diet. After rice, it’s the second-most commonly used grain for human food, and was first cultivated during the Neolithic ag...

Kitchen Witch: Millet

(Pucium miliacaeum) Planet: Jupiter Element: Earth Energies: Money Lore: In ancient China, grains of millet were used as a unit of measure: ten millet grains placed end to end constituted one inch, on...

The Kitchen Witch at Samhain

This ancient Celtic festival lives on in the United States and in other countries as Halloween, a degraded version of both the earlier Pagan holiday as well as the later Christian variant—All Hallow’s...

Kitchen Witch: Pantry

Pantries were once common to every home. Today, most of us fill cupboards with staples and canned foods. The pantry is ruled by the element of earth and the moon; because it is a container that houses...

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.2

Another rationale for vegetarianism seems to be that meat is a poison. It’s true that much of the meat eaten today in the United States is injected with growth hormones and is too fatty for sustaining...

Kitchen Witch: Lughnasadh, August the First

Lughnasadh is the first harvest—the promise of spring’s planting realized. Sometimes known as the Feast of Bread, Lughnasadh is a time for kneading, baking, slicing, and eating this basic food. Lughna...

Kitchen Witch: Tomato

(Lycopersicon spp.) Element: Water Energies: Health, money, love, protection Lore: Known as zictomatl by the Aztecs,the tomato is an ancient food. When it was introduced into Europe in the sixteenth c...

Kitchen Witch: Olive

(Olea europaea) Planet: Sun Element: Air Energies: Spirituality, health, peace, sex Lore: The olive was sacred to Aten in ancient Egypt. Olive oil, which was in great demand in the ancient world, actu...

Kitchen Witch: Cucumber

(Cucumus sativus) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Peace, healing Lore: Fresh cucumbers were once placed under swooning women’s noses (remember swooning?). The odor was supposed to rouse them fro...

Kitchen Witch: Beet

(Beta vulgaris) Planet: Saturn Element: Earth Energies: Love, beauty Lore: Beets have been eaten for centuries by persons wishing to lengthen their life spans. Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of ...

Kitchen Witch: Buckwheat

(Fagopyrum esculentum) Planet: Jupiter Element: Earth Energies: Money Lore: Buckwheat pancakes are common enough in the United States, but few seem to know the magical history behind buckwheat itself....

The Kitchen Witch’s Cupboard

Altar Cloth Amulets, Talismans, Jewelry Athame’ or sharp Knife Baskets Beads Bells (brass or glass?) Book of Shadows Bowls, Platters, Pitcher Candles and Holders Capes and/or Robes Cauldron Censor or ...

Kitchen Witch: New Year January the First

Many cultures celebrate the New Year, but not always on the same date. Japanese and Chinese New Year festivals, for example, fall on different days each year (according to our calendar). The pre-Chris...

Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating 1.4

About prayer: if you don’t subscribe to any particular religion, and haven’t been in the habit of praying before meals, there’s no reason for you to begin to do so. Prior to eating, simply attune with...

Kitchen Witch: Celery

Planet: Mercury Element: Fire Energies: Sex, peace, psychic awareness, weight loss Lore: Roman women ate celery to increase their sexual appetites. Magical uses: This plant’s aphrodisiac powers have l...

Kitchen Witch: Soy

(Glycine max) Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Protections, psychic awareness, spirituality Lore: We know soy in two forms: soy sauce and tofu. While soy sauce has always enjoyed popularity in th...