Dark Arts Oil- Cursing An Enemy

* Black dog hair
* Mullein-Vandal root
* Devil pod
* Graveyard dirt

What are Magickal Oils? Magickal oils have been used for their mystical, energizing, and transformative powers for thousands of years by many cultures and religions for ritual and occult purposes. The use of magickal oil goes back to ancient times. Spanning the boundaries of culture and doctrine, their widespread popularity throughout the globe speaks to their effectiveness and strength.

Today, we use these sacred oils in many of the same ways as our ancestors, harnessing a powerful energy that transcends space and time. An important use of magickal oil is to strengthen your intent for a specific task, or even strengthen your relationship with spirit. Magickal oil acts as a beacon for energy you want to attract, making it a powerful addition to any ritual or intention. You can use magickal oil as an aid or support to focus your energy throughout the day to your goals. Applying your intent with the oil helps opens the way for energy to flow towards the goal you want to achieve. Oils are known for their spiritually-infused uplifting properties. 

What are Magickal Oils?

First, Magickal oils are NOT “essential oils.” Essential Oils are a liquid (not necessarily oily) that has been distilled via steam or water from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, or roots of a plant. It takes a lot of an herb to create an essential oil. This is one of the reasons they are so expensive. They are highly concentrated, containing the true essence of the plant from which it was derived. They are also volatile, and are primarily used to make perfumes, flavorings, and to accentuate ritual and spiritual oil blends.

Magickal oils, on the other hand, are oils that have been infused with herbs or herbal combinations, most often for a specific purpose or ritual. Magickal (or Spiritual) oils have been used in ceremonies for thousands of years. They are often used to annoint the body, candles, and tools; in spells, as a sensory prop or an essential element of the spell’s intent, alone or combined with color magick, to turn crystals, amulet, talismans, etc., from mundane items to magickal ones.

Magickal oils are also used in rituals, thru annointing of the body or via aromatherapy. These can lead to ecstatic states or focused energy work. When annointing the body, however, care must be taken with the “carrier oil” for the scent. Some oils are much likely to cause skin irritations or rashes than others. 

Essential Oil Benefits: Basil

Health Benefits: Relieves nausea, digestive tonic, treats cramps, indigestion, and cramps, relieves colds, influenza, and associated fevers, treats asthma, bronchitis, and sinus infections, improves blood circulation, relieves depression, disinfects wounds and cuts, heals bladder infections, treats nervous tension, mental fatigue, melancholy, and migraines when used for aromatherapy, increases metabolism, soothes arthritis pain, wounds, injuries, burns, bruises, scars, sports injuries, surgical recovery, and sprains, reduces inflammation, stimulates adrenal cortex and nervous system, boosts immune system, treats motion sickness, stimulates the appetite.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Related: Vitamin A, C, K, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, antispasmodic, antibacterial, analgesic, ophthalmic, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant.

Beauty Benefits: Fixes dull looking hair and skin, calms irritated skin, treats oily hair.

Magickal Uses: Warding, astral projection, safe travelling spells, friendship spells, attraction, love spells, money spells, and protection.

Interesting Facts: European lore claims that it belongs to Satan and you must curse the ground as you plant it in order for it to grow properly. This is where the French idiom, “semer le basilic” “to sow the basil” came from, it refers to ranting.

Basil was used in English folk magic, like so many other things, to ward off harmful spells as well as to keep away pests.

Also, several sources say that if a gift of basil is given to a member of the opposite sex, he or she will fall deeply in love with the giver and be forever faithful. In Romania, this act is representative of an official engagement.

Oshun Oil

( Caridad Del Cobre Holy Oil)
Use this oil to honor the River Goddess and draw love and prosperity.
Use these essential oils to create this holy oil:
*SWEET Orange
*ROSE Scent, which can be one or more of these:
Essential oil of roses( rose otto),
Essential Oil of rose geranium
(You will also need rose petals and cinnamon chips )
Blend in a base of grage seed oil to honor the Love Goddess Oshun. Now to the above formula, add rose Petals for enhancing love, and Cinnamon chips for enhancing passion.

Mists and Shadows Oil

1⁄4 ounce olive oil
4 drops heather oil
3 drops lemon oil
4 drops lilac oil
5 drops rose oil
10 drops faery magic oil (above)
10 drops green forest oil
5 drops siberian fir oil
5 drops honeysuckle oil
2 drops dark musk oil
oat straw, oakmoss
peridot and amethyst

Use this oil when working in the space between the Faery Kingdom and our realm

Herbal Oils

Though extracting oils by steam distillation and other methods is almost prohibitively expensive, we are spared this cost by the wide availability of essential oils and synthetics on the market today.

Many so-called “essential oils” are actually synthetic; this does not negate their use in magic, however.

If they smell good, use them.

Essential oils are used in numerous ways. They are worn on the body, rubbed onto candles, dabbed onto sachets and poppets, added to baths, burned on charcoal blocks, and smeared onto roots.