How to Break a Jinx and Get Uncrossed

Does it seem like your life has suddenly fallen to pieces? Like everything you try, fails? Maybe your car broke down, and your dog is sick, your sick or ill all the time and suddenly you’re in arguments all the time with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and you cannot get a call back about any jobs you applied for, and you just have to ask – what the heck is going on?!

You may want to consider the possibility that you’re crossed.

What does it mean to be Crossed?

The term “being crossed” originated in Hoodoo from foot track magic, where the soil from the tracks of an enemy were used against them in magical ways or something was placed in their path, like Hot Foot Powder, that would put them in a crossed state.

The term evolved over time to mean that a person is in a blocked state, where no matter which way they turn there is no way out. This can take the form of a long run of bad luck, or just bad emotions and feelings you can’t seem to shake.

If someone has done magic or root work to put you into a crossed state, then you’ve been jinxed or hexed. Before you jump to this conclusion though, think about if there’s anyone in your life who would try and jinx you, and if there is, think about if that person could magically jinx you. Do they know magic, and are they willing to use it against you?

The far more likely reason behind being crossed is because of your own actions, whether you realize it or not. You can get yourself into a crossed state by associating with people you know are bad to hang around, by visiting places that affect you negatively, or by constantly entertaining negative or self-defeating thoughts.

It can also be true that no one jinxed you, and you did nothing to bring negativity into your life, but you’re still crossed. We all go through periods of bad luck, and sometimes it’s hard to stop that cycle.

* Dealing with a Jinx or Hex

If you think someone may have jinxed you, you need to first try and eliminate the source of the magic that may be planted near you.

* Check for strange powders near your doorstep or other areas you walk across commonly. This could be some form of irritant like Hot Foot Powder, meant to drive you away or just irritate your mind.

* Check your shoes, socks, clothes, purse, etc for the same kind of strange powder.

*Check your house for any strange items. If you have one, check your yard for any signs of something being buried there. Jars and mojo bags can be set on your property to bring bad luck and negative energy into your life.
If you don’t find anything like we described, it’s still possible you were jinxed from a distance. Luckily, this form of remote magic is easier to get rid of than when something permanent is used. Follow any of the steps below to get uncrossed.

* How to Get Uncrossed
Whether you were jinxed or hexed or not, the steps to get uncrossed are the same. Start with a spiritual cleansing bath to cleanse yourself, then work on your home. Once you and your home are clear you can move onto protecting yourself with uncrossing oil or powder or using candle magic.

* Spiritual Bath for Uncrossing And Jinx Breaking

The first step to getting uncrossed is to purify and cleanse your body with a spiritual bath.

A cleansing bath is the first step towards getting uncrossed.
Here’s what you’ll need:

* 1 tablespoon of dried Rue – For spiritual cleansing and protection
* A few whole Bay leaves – for protection and to clear the mind
* 2 white candles – To burn off negative energy or spirits around you.
* If you think the cause of being crossed is related to people you’re trying to get out of your life, add:

* 1 tablespoon of lemon juice – to cut ties with the past
* 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds – to protect yourself from troublesome individuals
* A few pinches of each is plenty. Add them to a warm bath done at sunrise, which is a time of new beginnings.
* Light the candles, then use the water to wash yourself from your head downward, pushing whatever has crossed you away.

If you want to help bring a little luck into your life, you can add a few drops of Van Van oil. Van Van oil has many of the same powers we’re looking for to get uncrossed. In a pinch, you can just add it to your bath water instead of the other ingredients!

* Cleansing Floor Wash for Your Home or Business

Once you’ve been cleansed, it’s time to work on your home or where you work. Below is a simple recipe for a spiritually cleansing floor wash that you’ll use to remove negative energy or spirits from where you live.

Using a cleansing floor wash to undo a hex or jinx
In a bucket of water add:

* 5 drops of Pine needle essential oils – for spiritual cleansing
* 5 drops of Hyssop essential oil – for spiritual purification
* ½ cup of Florida Water – to repel bad luck and keep negativity away

If you want to do double duty and actually physically clean your home at the same time, you can add Pine-Sol to the mix too.

As you clean your house with this mixture and a mop, work from the back towards the front door to drive the negativity right out of your house. If you’re a Christian, you can recite the 51st psalm, which specifically mentions cleansing with hyssop. Its begins:

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.”

When you’re done, you should dispose of the dirty water at a crossroads. You can just pour the water out on the side of the road. As you do so, realize that you’re pouring out all the negativity that water absorbed in your home!

* Uncrossing Powder
After you and your home have been spiritually cleansed, you’ll need something to keep that negativity from coming back. Uncrossing powder does just that. It repels negative energy and jinxes so they can’t take hold again. You can sprinkle it under your bed, across your doorway, or in a circle around your entire house, assuming you can make enough of it.

* To make uncrossing powder, you’ll need:

* Poke root powder – for strong spiritual protection
* Lemon grass (either dried or in a powder) – for warding off evil and removing obstacles
* Cumin – to deflect bad luck
* Salt – to protect from evil
* Powdered peppermint – to ward off jinxes and open roads

Mix all the ingredients in equal amounts, and sprinkle it anywhere you need to repel evil, negativity, or bad luck.

* Uncrossing Oil
While Uncrossing Powder is great for protecting your home, you can use Uncrossing Oil with candle magic or to feed a mojo bag to keep you safe for the times you leave your home.

* To make Uncrossing Il, just put some Uncrossing Powder into a small bottle, and fill the rest with either almond or olive oil. Shake the bottle occasionally, and let the oil steep for at least two weeks before using.

* Mojo Bag For Protection

A Mojo bag, also called a gris gris, will let you carry around your protection from crossing and jinxing. For this mojo bag, which will protect you from evil and from any jinxes or hexes thrown at you, you’ll need:

* Angelica root – to work as a powerful guardian
* Salt – for protection
* Sulfur – to reverse jinxes sent at you.

It may seem strange to see sulfur in the mix as it’s normally used to do evil work, not protect against it. But in this case, combined with the salt and angelica root, it acts like a shield to bounce evil back at the sender, in the same way that the ends of two magnets will repel each other.

* Wrap the ingredients in a small piece of red flannel and tie it shut. Feed the mojo bag 9 drops of Uncrossing Oil every week to keep the spirit alive.

* Uncrossing and Reversing Candle Magic

If you don’t want to carry a mojo bag around with you all the time, you can use Hoodoo candle magic as ongoing protection instead. There are several ways to use a candle, depending on your situation.

* A White Candle For Uncrossing

*Dress a white candle with Uncrossing Oil (a few drops is plenty) and let it burn for an hour each day until you feel like the situation has been resolved.

* Reversing Candles for Jinxes

You can use reversing candles if you’ve been jinxed or to just turn a situation around. These candles are half black and half another color, depending on what you’re trying to reverse. The black part removes negativity, while the other half of the candle is used to bring positivity into your life.

* Hoodoo reversing candles

Half red is used to reverse a jinxed love life, half white for peace of mind, and half green if your money situation is jinxed.

If you think your relationship is jinxed, you can use a pair of reversing figure candles, one for you and one for your loved one.

Whichever candle you use, dress them with a few drops of Uncrossing oil before you light them.

* Conclusion
Dealing with a crossed condition is done in stages. You start by cleansing yourself with a spiritual bath, then using a cleansing floor wash on your home. Once you and your area are cleared, you need to make sure the bad energies don’t come back, either by carrying a mojo bag or working candle magic.

Always protect yourself when doing magik for yourself as well. If you have several friends or family that are into hoodoo and magik ALWAYS keep yourself protected.

Bottle Curse

Supplies needed are as follows :


2)4 baby jars

3)4 rocks large enough to smash glass


5)cinnamon incense

6)black candle

7)candle holder


9)digging tool


11)spoiled milk

(Couple ounces is enough)

12)tainted meat (Rotten)

13)13 nails or pins small enough to fit in baby jar

14)pepper(only a dash)

So about 3 packets

15)Hot sauce

(half a baby jar full)

16)single drop of your blood

17)needle,(Sterilized) it’s to prick your finger.

A) Take all your supplies to the propery location and pick out a spot for the ritual. Give yourself at least a circle of about 15 feet around.

B)light your sage and smudge in a clockwise direction until you complete a full circle, then smudge yourself!

C) light your cinnamon incense and do the same thing, then place in ground in the center.

(This creates sacred space, and provides protection)!

D)Take your compass and find north. Once that is done dig a small hole around shovel width and 6-8 inches deep at each cardinal point.

(North, East, South, West)!

E)Now before we begin, take out the black candle and that needle. Hold the candle in both hands and visualize your intent. See the property as black, rotting away, insects and spiders taking over, see dark manipulation of malicious energy taking over.

Now see all that dark energy going into the candle. (You should be able to feel a small tingle at this point.)

F)now prick your finger and anoint the candle with your blood.

(only takes a small amount)

G)light the candle and place it in your candle holder in the center of the circle.

H)Now fill your first jar with nails, or pins and sprinkle pepper over it and seal the jar.

Place it in the eastern hole.

Say ”As I crush this glass of pepper and pins, may he who lives here always live in sin”

Now take a rock and smash the glass. Leave the rock in the hole!

I) Now take another jar and fill it with rotten flesh

(Spoiled meat) (Pork is best)!

Seal it with the lid.

Place it in the hole and say,

“As I smash this glass of tainted meat,this property will always suffer great defeat ”

Now take another rock and smash the jar. Leave the rock there.

J)Now go to the Western quarter. Fill your jar with spoiled milk and seal the lid.

Place it in the hole and chant,

“As I break this jar of stinky milk, may this property always suffer from drought and silt”

Now take the third rock and smash the jar.

K)Now take the last jar and fill it with your hot sauce and seal the lid. Place it in the hole and chant,

“As I smash this jar of spicy hot, may the gods curse this property to be for naught ”

Now take your last rock and smash the jar.

L)Now starting at east go in order and cover each hole with dirt. Take your candle from the middle and place 7 drops of candle wax over each hole to seal the deal then place the candle back in the middle and let it burn the rest of the way out while you meditate.

Take your wand out and visualize all that deep dark energy you have manifested swirling around you spinning faster and faster. Now take your wand and with a quick snap, send the energy to the Earth Plane.

You should be tingling all over now. Once that feeling leaves you end the ritual with,

“So Mote It Be ”

*Clean your supplies up and thank the nature gods for supporting you in this ritual!

*Leave them a offering of bread, and sugar sprinkled on your way out as you walk!

Mirror Curse


A mirror
Curse an enemy with a simple mirror hex.

Spell Casting

Capture your angered reflection in a mirror.

(Variations of this curse say to capture the reflection of the enemy with the mirror).

Cover immediately with a black cloth.

Go to a place where everything is dead and pour your urine on the mirror while saying:

“He who has a double name be said to put himself to shame and I who bring this prophecy, cursed be my enemy

Questions to ask yourself before making a Curse or Hex

A majority of people strive to be good people in general no matter what. But everyone reacts differently and according to their own personal ethics , no one needs a religion of rules on how to behave and how to act ect .Live by your own set of ethics and rules , as some people can only be pushed so far . I honestly think it depends on the situation and people involved and how serious the situation may be .I personally think somethings are worth a curse serious stuff tho not dumb shit and these things clearly need to be thought out before doing , in no special order . 1,) is it worth my time ?

2.) is it worth my energy ?

3.) have i thought out of all possible outcomes ?

4,) am i willing to accept all possible outcomes ? including death as intended harm can range from mere annoyance and psychological stress to physical illness and suffering, to even death

5.) do you know WTF you are doing ? <<< that’s an important one

6.) Do their actions warrant a curse or hex ? Do they absolutely deserved a curse or hex ? why you want to take revenge / is it nothing you can’t take care of mundanely ? in which including a spell or curse takes time and effort , and up keeping plus mundane actions .

7.) think clearly and rational on why you are doing this . not in a moment of anger .anger is good for a curses working , but only after it has been well thought out with a level headed mind .

8.) can you physically and mentally accept the worst outcome ? and the after effects .?

9.) can you not forgiving and moving on with your life ? is seeking vengeance more important instead of moving on, can you not be bettering your life instead of wasting time on revenge ?

10.) is my curse above and beyond the appropriate level? Id it well written and to the point with no other leeways.

11.) Thoroughly consider the appropriate level of curse

12.) If there is absolutely any doubt in your mind as to whether the person deserves the curse or hex Then do not do it. 13) do a realistic assessment of your magical fighting skills, experience & training.

14) understand your own strengths & vulnerabilities

15 ) understand your opponents Strengths & vulnerabilities.

16) recognize you maybe fighting against someone who is much more magically capable or who fights at a completely different level then merely just curses/hexes..

there might be a few more but can’t think of them at the moment but others are also welcomed to add to this list and when cursing or hexing make sure you surround yourself with some proper protections.


A curse is a spell intended to bring misfortune, illness, harm or death to a victim.

Curses are the most dreaded form of magic, as curses are universal.

They are “laid” or “thrown” primarily for revenge and power but also for protection, usually of homes, treasures, tombs and grave sites.

A curse can take effect quickly or may be dormant for years.

Curses have been laid upon families, plaguing them for generations.

Any person can lay a curse by expressing an intense desire that a particular person come to some kind of harm.

However, the success of a curse depends upon the curser’s station and condition.

Curses are believed to have more potency—and therefore more danger—when they are laid by persons in authority, such as priests, priestesses or royalty; persons of magical skill, such as witches, sorcerers and magicians; and persons who have no other recourse for justice, such as women, the poor and destitute and the dying.

Deathbed curses are the most potent, for all the curser’s vital energy goes into the curse.

If a victim knows he has been cursed and believes he is doomed, the curse is all the more potent, for the victim helps to bring about his own demise, through sympathetic magic.

However, curses work without such knowledge on the part of the victim.

Some victims are not told a curse has been laid, lest they find another witch to undo the spell.

Witches and sorcerers perform both blessings and curses as services to others, either to clients in exchange for fees, or in carrying out judicial

As Plato noted in the Republic, “If anyone wishes to injure an enemy, for a small fee they [sorcerers] will bring harm on good or bad alike, binding the gods to serve their purposes by spells and curses.”

The most universal method of cursing is with a figure or effigy that represents the victim.

Waxen effigies were common in ancient India, Persia, Egypt, Africa and Europe, and are still used in modern times.

Effigies are also made of clay, wood and stuffed cloth.

They are painted or marked, or attached with something associated with the victim—a bit of hair, nail clippings, excrement, clothing, even dust from his footprints—and melted over, or burned in, a fire.

As the figure melts or burns, the victim suffers, and dies when the figure is destroyed.

The Egyptians often used wax figures of Apep, a monster who was the enemy of the sun.

The magician wrote Apep’s name in green ink on the effigy, wrappedit in new papyrus and threw it in a fire.

As it burned, he kicked it with his left foot four times.

The ashes of the effigy were mixed with excrement and thrown into another fire.

The Egyptians also left wax figures in tombs.

Waxen images were popular during the witch hunts, and numerous witches were accused of cursing with them.

James I of England, writing in his book, Daemonologie (1597), described how witches caused illness and death by roasting waxen images.

To some others at these times he [the Devil], teacheth how to make pictures of wax or clay.

That by the roasting thereof, the persons that they bear the name of, may be continually melted or dried away by continual sicknesses.

As an alternative to melting, effigies are stuck with pins, thorns or knives. Animal or human hearts may be substituted for effigies.

Hearts, animal corpses or objects which quickly decompose, such as eggs, are buried with spells that the victim will die as the objects

In Ireland, “cursing stones” are stones that are stroked and turned to the left while a curse is recited.

Gems and crystals are often said to have the power to hold curses; the Hope Diamond, purchased by Louis XVI from Tavernier in 1668, is deemed cursed because its owners have suffered illness, misfortune, and death.

It is against Wiccan ethics and laws of the Craft to lay curses.

Witches believe that a curse will come back on the curser in some form.

Some, however, believe cursing is justified against one’s enemies.

Some witches approve certain types of curses, such as binding spells to stop acts of violence.

Witches from ethnic cultures believe curses are justified.

Repelling curses. amulets that have been made according to various formulas are said to repel curses, as is dragon’s blood, which is used in herbal mixes for protection.

A cloth poppet stuffed with nettles, inscribed with the name of the curser (if known), then buried or burned, also breaks a curse.

Nettles sprinkled about a room add protection.

The oils of rosemary and van-van, and various mixed Vodun oils, placed in baths or used to anoint the body, are other remedies.

Burning a purple candle while reciting a spell is yet another method.

Hindu sorcerers turn curses in the opposite direction, “upstream,” sending them back to slay their originators.

Traditionally, the most propitious time for both laying and breaking curses is during the waning moon.


A curse that is the product of envy, revenge and anger.

In earlier times, people commonly blamed their misfortune on the ill-wishing of others.

If two people argued and then one suffered a mishap, became ill or had other problems, the other party was suspected of ill-wishing them.

Remarks such as “You’ll be sorry” were taken seriously as a form of negative witchcraft.

If someone enjoyed a great deal of good fortune or prosperity and then suffered a setback, they believed themselves to be the victim of the secret ill-wishing of envious neighbors.

The remedy for ill-wishing was to seek out a witch, a pillar, or a cunning man or woman and have the ill-wishing broken or neutralized with a charm.

If the identity of the ill-wisher was not known, magic or divination was performed to expose them