Is there someone you would like to have back in your life?This spell is different from the others in the chapter becauseit does focus on a particular person. No matter what thecause of an estrangement...
Joy is the state beyond happiness, an exhilarating lightness of-being, total body and mind sensation that takes youbeyond your ordinary self. It may be hard to recall itsometimes, but we have all expe...
Blessing your home helps to protect it and everyone wholives there. It attracts positive energy, such as friends andprosperity, and averts negative energy, such as unwantedvisitors and negative entiti...
Fertility can apply to human beings, plants, animals, ideas,creativity, plans, businesses, and anything else that has theability to grow or reproduce. Whether you call her Danu,Allat, Cybele, Isis, Is...
Abundance is the state of plentitude, of having more thanjust your basic needs fulfilled. Bread may be the staff of life,but abundance spreads some jam on it. Most cultures havehad gods and goddesses ...
Use this spell to stop or impede an adversary or irritating person who will not take no for an answer. Items needed: One small opaque container, a bottle of Tabasco sauce, and a picture of or handwrit...
When we say that something is “in the air” or “blowing inthe wind,” we mean that it is available or likely to happen.One of the many ways to make a wish is to literally put thewish into the wind.Nearl...
This is a joyful spell, so if you feel moved to dance, chant,whirl, or sing while casting it, by all means please do so. Ifyou are new to magick or to psychic work, or find that yourpsychic abilities ...
Every lake is presided over by a goddess or female naturespirit. It isn’t necessary to know her name in order to callupon her powers, because you can address her by the titleof Lady of the Lake.This s...
Whether your burden is a failed relationship, a difficultchild-hood, a financial loss, a crime, an unrealized dream, orsomething else, you can use this spell to help yourselffinally get over it. The g...
Casting spells in accordance with Moon phases increasestheir potency. To do this you can observe the skies everynight, as our remote ancestors did, or you can get a calendarthat has the Moon phases on...
Below is an example of ritual format. There are of course plenty of otherprocesses; depending on your practice and preferences, you mightperform your spells much differently. 1. Purification of self I...
A magical spell consisting of a single word, which was popular in medieval times to get rid of illness, misfortune or demons. The word is inscribed on an amulet or written out on paper in a magical in...
This spell is ideal to get someone to pay attention to you, draw someone you already know closer to you, or make your lover a better lover. Items needed: A picture of the desired one and some of his o...
Love spell that would make the love ones you desire fall in love with you or u want to repair your lost relationship or attract a lover, this is the kind of spell u need, this is a powerful love spell...
Beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder, it’s a reflection of our feelings about ourselves. When we dwell on our “defects” (no human body is perfect), we lessen our inward and outward beauty. This rit...