Lets examine the curious and sometimes sinister superstitions that have grown up around clocks over the years, and related how a stopped clock was often related to a death in many folk beliefs. Now th...
Three fires are burning within me,three fires, no less and no more;three flames are flickering in methat drive me and dance at my core. The first is faith, the bright lanternwith a steady beacon of li...
Here is a few facts on Death Witchcraft. I personally define death witchcraft as working with and honoring spirits of the dead (ghosts, ancestors) as well as the power of death itself (endings, resurr...
Listen to the words of The dark Goddess of Transformation; She who of old was also called among men Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith, Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshkigal, Arianhrod, Durga, Inanna, Ti...
This is the other aspect of knowing when to cast a spell. Now I mean picking the right day or time to do the actual spell itself. There is no set rule that love spells have to be cast at exactly the r...
This a poppet spell for healing designed to improve your own personal health, though you could use it to direct healing energy to other people if you wanted (you’ll need their hair though). White fabr...
Nothing says change more than a sprouting seed that grows into a plant. So harness that transformation for yourself, as long as you have a little patience. This spell works best when you’re trying to ...
This is a very simple spell, but it’s been around for thousands of years and comes from old occult practices. I thought I’d include it. Write the word “Abracadabra” on a small piece of paper, and on e...
The internet describes it as: “phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes.” or “phenomena lying outside the sphere of physical scien...
The banshee (from ban [bean], a woman, and shee [sidhe], a fairy) is an attendant fairy that follows the old families, and none but them, and wails before a death. Many have seen her as she goes waili...
When you’re feeling sluggish or just generally “down in the dumps” try this energy spell to help rev you up a little. All you need is: orange candles for a energy spell in witchcraftOrange candles hav...
Almond(milk): mental clarity + fortitude, luck, abundance, healing + good healthAmaretto: opening the mind, warding against negativity, creativity, luckBlueberry: aids in memory + mental clarity, calm...
The purpose of this ritual is to charge a ritual blade with the elemental forces of nature via the assistance of draconic elemental mages.As with human magic workers, different dragons can have an aff...
Today fairies are not just for little girls’ imagination, they’re for witches and magical practitioners too. But it’s not truly anything new. It dates back to at least ancient times. There are many hi...
1. Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling. 2. Eat a pinch of thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams. 3. Place chips of cedar wood in a box with some coins to dr...
Warding, banishing, shielding, binding, even hexing and cursing—these all fall under the broad title of “protection magick.” Protection magick means directing psychic energy toward self-pr...