Fairy Witches: The Age-old Connection Between the Fay and Witchcraft

Today fairies are not just for little girls’ imagination, they’re for witches and magical practitioners too. There’s a magical trend – working with the unseen world, namely working with the fae. There are many historical and folkloric connections between fairies and witches dating back centuries. Let’s learn about this connection, as well as where and how the first witch made friends with fairies.

Morgan Le Fay: The “First” Fairy Witch

Ever heard of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table? Within the legends of Camelot are stories of a powerful and feared fairy witch. Her name is Morgan Le Fay, and in some versions of the Arthurian legend, she is King Arthur’s sister. The last two words of her name Le Fay literally means the fairy. Morgan Le Fay lived in Avalon and had abilities, and so was accused of being a fairy and witch.

Morgan Le Fay and the Isle of Avalon

Different versions of the Arthurian legend paint her in different lights. She was either the ruin or the savior of Arthur’s life. Legend says she took Arthur to the Isle of Avalon, to be his last resting place. Moreover, the Isle of Avalon was a magical place beyond the mist and inhabited by fairies. Nine magical sisters lived there, including Morgan Le Fay.

The Fairy Witch Trials

We have all heard of the unspeakable horrors that took place with the Witch Trials in Europe and America. Superstition and greed drove the massacres to occur. But what most people don’t know is fairies played a part in the Witch Trials too.

The Fairy Witch Trial of the Fisherwife of Palermo

Most of the Fairy Witch Trials took place in Italy. Out of the known sixty-five cases, the Fisherwife of Palermo’s fairy witch trial in Sicily was most well-known. The wife of a fisherman claimed she could leave her body behind and party with the elves whenever she wanted. She explained the King and Queen of Elves promised her riches and other pleasures if she denounced all other gods. She signed a contract and, on many occasions, spiritually joined the elves in feasting and revelry. The fairy faith was strong, and most believed the Fisherwife to be associating with fairies and not the Devil. So inevitably, they released her. Her accusers agreed she was merely “having dreams” of fairies and not physically copulating with “devils”.

Isobel Gowdie & the Queen of Elfame

In a witch trial in Scotland, an accused witch claimed she’d met with the Queen of Fairies (the Queen of Elfame) under the hills. Isobel Gowdie said the fairies taught her and other women how to fly on beanstalks to meet with other witches. Isobel’s confession is the most detailed account from this time period. And can be researched in its entirety online. I also recommend reading Emma Wilby’s book “The Visions of Isobel Gowdie.”

The Nature of the Fairies

Fairies were such an integral part of folklore in Europe that most people didn’t associate fairies with the Christian devil for many years. Often, as in the case of the Fisherwife of Palermo, the Church allowed the accused to go free. The Church explained these women’s experiences with fairies as simply dreams or mental illness. However, if fairies were mentioned in alignment with the Devil or familiars, or if the accused was thought to have harmed another using witchcraft, they were tried/tortured/executed.

The Irish and House Elves

As an elderly woman in Ireland you couldn’t keep your house too clean. Otherwise people would be suspicious of a bean-tighe in your home. A bean-tighe (pronounced ban-tee) was a female fairy similar to the Scottish brownie who tended house and watched over the children. They accused old women of witchcraft, particularly with fairies involved.

Cunningfolk and Fairy Friends

In opposition to witches who practiced maleficium, there were others who practiced “white” magic. The local cunningman or cunningwoman healed, counteracted curses, helped find lost objects and performed other helpful magical tasks. Many of the cunningfolk received their otherworldly knowledge from the fairies.

Biddy Early

An Irish woman by the name of Biddy Early was a cunningwoman who lived in the late 1700’s through the 1800’s. Biddy was called upon to not only heal people but to find lost items, to cure sick animals, and to aid in crop abundance. Biddy was well known for her herbal knowledge and for clairvoyance. Some said Biddy Early was given powers by the fairies, and that she carried a “fairy bottle” that told whispered the fairies’ secrets to her.

Modern Fairy Witches

The cunningfolk and witches of the past are gone but not forgotten. They live on in a new wave of witches and magical practitioners reviving the old ways. Some fairy witches practice fairy witchcraft by basing their magic and beliefs on fairy lore. Others follow a more religious form of fairy witchcraft.

The Feri Tradition

The Feri Tradition was created by Victor Anderson. This form of witchcraft is based on sensuality and can be very intense in nature. From my research it’s not focused on the actual belief or working with fairies, but more on an ecstatic experience within oneself. There are also various fairy Wiccan traditions that tie Celtic fairy beliefs into ritual and practice.

The REAL Connection Between Fairies and Witches

The real reason there’s a connection between fairies and witches is simple – nature. An undying, passionate love for nature and the preservation thereof. Witches walk the path of witchcraft because they seek to commune with the Universe starting with Mother Earth. Fairies are the spirits of nature, so naturally when witches work with nature, they are working with fairies. When nature spirits, fairies, realize a witch is a witch who cares and is in sync with Mother Earth, they will begin teaching that witch their secrets. Is it no wonder witches were closely linked with fairies during the Witch Trials? It makes sense to me.

Chants to Bless The Witch’s Tools

“I call upon the powerful, cosmic guardians who have the magnetic force to bring power and strength to those who believe.
I now declare and affirm that I am a living electromagnetic.
I am positive. I have a strong will.
I am fearless-absolutely fearless – nothing can harm me.
I am the master of my destiny.
I surround myself with a mental atmosphere of protection.
No harm can penetrate this positive armor.
Those would harm me shall be powerless and their “evil” shall return to them a thousand-fold.
I am strong.
I am safe.
I am positive, I am powerful.
So Mote It Be”

Home Cleansing & Home Protection Spell
To cleanse an area from malicious spirits… Smudge the area as you recite:
“Spirits that harbors ill intent,
Begone with you and never come again.
Only those with goodwill may enter & roam,
And visit this place that I call home”
Also protect your home… (You may wanna research on ways to protect your home), but here’s a simple Incantation I came up with:
Sit in a comfortable position (or in front of your Altar if you have one), close your eyes and meditate for awhile when you feel is right, you can recite:
“Lord & Lady, Hear my call,
Protect those living within these walls,
Shield my home from hex and curse,
By thy powers they shall reverse,
Shield us against All Spells of Black,
From whence they came, repel them back,
This I ask in the name of Divinity,
Work my will, So mote it be.”
After you are done thank the lord and lady:
“Lord and Lady, to thee I give thanks,
Merry meet and merry part, Until we merry meet again…”
Blessed Be

With the first and middle fingers (or your Athame, if you have it with you), trace a pentagram over the object to be protected.
Visualize electric-blue or purple flame streaming from your fingers (Athame) to form the pentagram.

Say this as you trace the pentagram:

With this pentagram I do lay
Protection here both night and day.
And to the one who should not touch
Let the fingers burn and twitch.
I now invoke the Law of Three:
This is my will, so mote it be!

Magic Book blessing Spell
Place the book on the table or altar and say:
I will serve the great Goddess
And give reverence to the great God
I am a pagan, a stone in the ancient circle
Standing firmly balanced on the earth
Yet open to the winds of heaven
And enduring through time
May the old Gods witness my words
So mote it be

Book of Shadows Blessing Spell Chant:
Hearken as the witches’ word
Calls to All, a gulf to ford.
Bridge the vast realities,
An it harm none, do as ye please.

Elements protect and guard this book,
From wandering eyes and prying looks.
Fill it with thine ancient power,
In this right and ready hour.

Powers of North, the East below,
Help me to live, to learn, to grow.
Lend your strength and stability,

Protection Chant
While chanting, visualize three white rings surrounding you.
One ring around your head,
Another around your center,
And a third around your ankles

“Three times the rings go round
All evil shall stay on the ground
If any evil is near this place
It cannot enter my safety space.”

Activating Your Magic Staff
By the time you have finished your last piece of decoration and after all the time you spent working with the staff, a powerful relationship and the energy of the staff has already grown and grown along the way.
It is ready for that threshold shift which activates the magic staff, wakes it up, makes it into a powerful magical tool for you to wield.
This is a very personal thing, like a marriage (which is why few magicians have more than one staff); and as with a marriage, you should consider carefully where, when and how this activation ceremony is going to take place.
The concepts and ideas for the ceremony will have naturally come into being whilst you were working on the magic staff throughout the journey from thinking about which tree to choose, sanding, preparing, naming, painting and varnishing.
Think in terms of a real marriage ceremony that terminates in the equivalent of, “I now declare you man and wife – and you may kiss the bride!” as the bells start to ring and the new couple makes their way into their new lives to cheers and much confetti.
“I (your magical name) take you (your magic staff’s name) to be my magic staff, to work with me, empower me, and let my will be done in love and light.” for example, and resonantly banging the magic staff on the ground once, three times, seven times or however many is right just for you and it on this one occasion will make for a wonderful activation.
You can surround this ritual with music, angels, and flowers; do it in a magic circle or at a sacred site; at home or in nature. As you would plan your perfect wedding, you plan this ritual and then conduct it according to plan.
The same goes for setting a date that is right and meaningful to you – and so now you and your staff can go on to make good magic happily ever after.

Witch Accessories
Athame (knife)
A knife isn’t one of the traditional witch’s props you can get at the costume shop, but the athame is an important part of many rituals. The athame is a double-edged knife with a blade about 6 inches long. It is not terribly sharp — it is used to mark the edges of the circle and to stir the salt and water that are used to consecrate (or make sacred) the circle. It is also used sometimes to carve symbols or words into candles. The athame’s owner marks either the handle or the blade with his or her witchcraft name and stores it in a white container or cloth. The athame is also used in the Great Rite ritual (more on the Great Rite later) as a phallic symbol, representing one half of the union of the God and Goddess from which new life comes.
Some witches use a bell during rituals, but there is no official or required use of one. Some examples of when a bell might be rung is when the circle is opened or closed, to invoke the God or Goddess or simply to signify when certain phases of the ritual are ending or beginning.
Besom (broom)
Witches don’t actually fly on brooms, although many do have them. They’re used to purify an area of lingering energies (similar to the use of sage below) before “casting a circle.” Circles are cast before any ritual.
Boline (knife)
The boline is another knife used in Wiccan rites. In contrast to the athame, the boline is very sharp and is usually made of copper. Its sole use is to cut herbs.

Book of Shadows
The Book of Shadows is essentially the witch’s guidebook. It contains all of a particular witch’s (or coven’s) ritual and spell information. It is the written record of everything the witches in that coven need to know, such as descriptions and explanations of all of the sabbats (more on sabbats later).
When a circle is cast for a ritual, there are four quadrants representing north, south, east and west. Quarter candles of specific colors are used: north is green (earth), south is red (fire), east is yellow (air) and west is blue (water). The candles are placed at the perimeter of the circle. There are also three candles used on the altar — the color of these candles represents the ritual being performed.
An altar paton is a plate (or disk) of either metal or wood with a pentagram design on it. It is used on the altar to hold the tools needed for the ceremony and to act as a focal point.
The pentacle is a five-pointed star (a pentagram) enclosed within a circle. The “upright” pentacle or pentagram (one point up, two points down) is a widely recognized symbol of witchcraft. The points represent earth, fire, water, air and spirit. The circle represents the God and Goddess that allow the energy of the pentagram to be focused. It is symbolic of the idea of bringing together spirit and earth.
Before a ritual, the area must be purified. Sage is often used (as is a besom, above) to cleanse the area of unwanted energies. When burned, the sage creates a thick, grayish smoke.
Salt container
Another purifying agent is salt. The salt is usually in either a seashell or a glass dish. Salt is mixed with water to represent the elements of earth and water in order to consecrate the circle.
Witches can use a staff like they would a wand. The staff is usually shoulder height.
Some witches choose to use a sword rather than an athame to mark the boundaries of the circle.
Thurible (incense burner)
Incense represents the element of air. When burned, it also represents fire, both of which are used to purify the area or the tools being used. The thurible is often a small cauldron of metal or any other fire-resistant material.
Many witches use wands. Wands represent fire and the life force of the witch. It is a symbol of power, wisdom and healing. The wand, like the sword, staff and athame, can be used to cast the circle. It may also be used to direct energy during a spell.
Water container
The water container used in the consecration of the circle can be any type of container as long as it is large enough to hold three pinches of salt and be stirred with the athame. Water is another purification agent.

Wiccan Ritual Preparation
This ritual preparation is a basic outline of the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca. Other traditions borrow extensively from this method, but they do have variances. What follows is a representation of the steps that may be followed in carrying out a ritual — like any religion, different sects have different methods, and there is no single “right way” of holding a ceremony.
Purifying The first thing witches do is purify a circular area to get rid of any unwanted energy or forces. A witch may use a broom (besom) to sweep the area and/or burn a bundle of sage, holding it over his or her head while walking in a spiral pattern around the circle and then pausing at each of the four quadrants (north, south, east and west). Each witch participating in the ritual is also purified by waving incense around his or her body.
Setting up the Altar The altar is set up at the east side of the circle with candles to represent the God and Goddess, salt and water for purification, the athames of the High Priest and Priestess and incense. They place quarter candles at each of the four quarters of the circle.
Casting the Sacred Circle The High Priest and Priestess cast the Sacred Circle. The Sacred Circle is considered to be a spot that is without place or time. The circle is cast by marking its edges with an athame or other tool such as a staff, sword or wand. They purify the area again with salt and water. They place three pinches of salt into the water and stir it nine times with the athame. Then, this salty mixture is sprinkled around the perimeter of the circle. Incense is then lit and carried around the perimeter of the circle.
Calling the Quarters The witches call together the spirits of the four elements: earth, fire, water and air. The elements are the guardians that guide and protect the witches.
Invoking the Deity A deity has to be involved in order to perform magick, so at this point in the ritual, the deities are called. Depending on the ritual, it could be either the God, the Goddess or both. They are called by reciting invocations related to the specific ritual.
Everything up to this point has been preparation for the ritual. It is at this time that the witches begin the actual ritual they are performing.

Performing and Ending the Ritual
There are many ceremonies and rituals performed by Wiccan witches. The Great Rite is a central one, so we will describe that ritual here.

Performing the Great Rite
The Great Rite ritual represents the sexual union of the God and Goddess, from which new life comes. This union is not only to bring good harvest, but is also to continue the circle of life so that the new God can be born at Yule (see the next section to learn about Yule). When this rite is performed, it can either be symbolic — using the athame and cauldron to represent the sexual union — or else the sexual act can be performed by the High Priest and Priestess. If the sexual act is to be performed, the entire coven must be in agreement that that is how they want the Great Rite carried out, and the actual union is performed in private, not with the rest of the coven present. Often, the High Priest and Priestess are married.
More common is the symbolic version of the Great Rite. In this version, the cauldron or chalice represents the womb and is held by the High Priestess. The athame is the phallic representation and is held by the High Priest. This rite may vary, but in some covens it follows that the High Priestess kneels at the altar with the cauldron in her hands facing the High Priest. The High Priest faces her with his athame. Each recites lines to bring the Sun King to dance with the Maiden of Spring. Then, the High Priest lowers the athame into the cauldron as they both recite words of the Land of Youth, the Wine of Life and the Cauldron of Cerridwen. The High Priest then takes the cauldron, holds it up in the air and proclaims that this rite symbolizes the union of the God and Goddess.
Once the ritual is complete, the circle must be closed.

Anointing Your Magic Wand
Once your stick is nice and smooth and becoming radiant in energetic terms and shaped to your desires, you will notice how HUNGRY the wood has become for oil, or moisture.
This is the perfect time to anoint the wand and have whatever you are using at this time travel right into its very structure. This will set the intention for the use and purposes of the wand; it cannot be undone because when the wood is fresh and pure it absorbs things like it will never again after that time.
Anointing a wand can be as complicated or as easy as you want to make it.
Personally, I use Essential Oils for all such purposes. These so called oils are immensely complex and vastly radiant on the energetic levels (for some oils, one MILLION flowers are condensed to get a small jug full!) and so very easy to handle and acquire, that no modern day magician can find an excuse to do some amazing things with them.

If you are already used to working with Essential Oils, no doubt something will come to you that you want to use in anointing the wand. Further, you can make the anointing process last for as long as you like, choosing a different oil each day for a week, or even a fortnight, and building up a complex matrix tapestry for your purposes in the process.
If you are a total beginner, work with something you are familiar with and that makes sense to you. Lavender Oil, for example, is wonderful for all healing and cleansing activities, even though it is “common and cheap” it is very powerful and would make a fine first anointing oil. If you want to do a lot of mystical things, go for Frankincense. For love, get Rose. It’s a very simple, common sense thing that does not need to be complicated – and if all else fails, go to your local supermarket and get some Sunflower Oil. Yes, that’s right, the cooking stuff. It’s made from the essence of a thousand sunflowers and is rich, radiant, golden and lends a golden glow of prosperity and growth to everything you anoint with it.
Get your oil/s ready. Get your wand. Think about the good magic you want to do with it. Talk to it like you would to a new cat or dog that you have taken into your home. Tell it what you are hoping for from the relationship and enjoy giving the wand a really sensuous massage with the oil. Feel it in your hands and fingertips, enjoy the scents, all the sensations, and have a wonderful time doing this.
The more love you can build up between you and your wand, the more powerfully it will work for you.

Dedicating The Magic Wand
When it is all done and all glues and varnishes have dried satisfactorily, there is one more step before you get to use your magic wand for real, and that is to dedicate it.
This should be a concentrated and meditative ceremony, as in all the steps of making the magic wand.
You want to give it a lot of thought and make notes whilst your wand dries and settles down on what you will say out aloud during the ceremony, who you want to involve by the way of deities, angels, ancestors and spirits; what you want the wand to do for you; its name, as we’ve discussed earlier.
Take some time to create a nice speech that is precise, powerful and covers the basics. Your speech should be rhythmical, heartfelt and sincere and raise enough energy to catalyze the sleeping wand into existence.
Don’t worry too much about this. People get all wound up about these sort of speeches in a ritualistic setting, and they think you have to look them up in some big book from way back, but that’s just not true. Something honest and real that comes from your heart and that you believe is a thousand times more powerful than some old thing from the dark ages – this is about you and your magic, and your very own magic wand.
You will make more wands as you go along, and it’s a learning curve. You don’t have to get it totally correct first time out. Your wand will work, even if you don’t, and with experience, it just gets better and better.
So relax, make a cup of tea and think about the dedication. Have a notepad handy and write down ideas. When you’re ready, assemble them to make your speech.

Here is a simple example.
State your name and purpose: I, Star fields, stand before the powers that be to dedicate this wand I made with my own hands.
Get help: I ask that my guardians come to me now, to aid in this endeavour.
Name the wand: I name this wand “Little Matrix”.
State the purpose: May it aid me in inscribing my will upon the tapestry of reality, for progress, for evolution, and for healing.
Gather energy and make the dedication: I, Star fields, now activate this wand. May it serve me well.
Thank the help: I thank the powers that be and my guardians for their aid this night.
Close: My will is done.

There are three basic reasons for cleansing and consecrating:
It removes any negative residue that has attached itself to the item or place.
It melds your positive energy with that of the Universe to bring divinity.
It instills this energy into the object or place for positive purposes.
Cleansing and Consecrating your Sacred Space and Tools
For this ritual you will need:
2 illuminator candles
Pre-blessed water (holy water)
4 element candles (red, blue, brown, yellow)
Incense (sage) and burner
Large pentacle (approx 14″)
At sometime during the day you plan to perform the ritual, you should thoroughly clean the sacred space that you intend to dedicate; dusting, vacuming, mopping, whatever. Once you have finished and have double-checked that you have everything, go and take a shower or a bath with scented oil. Choose clothing that is not restrictive, or you may even wish to work skyclad. When you are nearly ready to begin, place each of the element candles at the appropriate compass points. East, yellow or gold candle; South, red or orange candle; West, blue or purple candle; North, green or brown candle. Place the silver candle on the altar.
Light the illuminator candles with the lighter. Going desoil, light each element candle. Light the incense. Pick up the incense burner and as you walk inside in a desoil manner. Repeat: With the elements fire and air I cleanse this space.
Shut your eyes and feel the air and fire energy move within the circle. Return to the altar and pick up the chalice of holy water. Sprinkle the holy water as you walk desoil within the circle and repeat: With the elements water and earth I cleanse this space
Feel the elements flow desoil around the circle. Stand in the center of the circle in the Goddess position and say:With the element of spirit and by the powers of the Divine I consecrate this space!
Feel the power of the Goddess and God enter your being and your sacred space, feel the energy build within you and around you then let it go and meld with the Universe.
If you are not cleansing and consecrating any tools or jewellery, you will want to end the ritual here by thanking the God, Godess and any elements for their participation. When you are finished you must ground and close the circle. If you are going to cleanse and consecrate any items then continue with the following steps.
Stand (or kneel) before your altar and pick up the first item to be consecrated. Pass it over the incense and say: By the powers of air and fire I cleanse and consecrate this___________of all it’s negativity so that it may be used for positive means within my magickal workings.
Next, sprinkle the item with holy water and say: By the powers of water and earth I cleanse and consecrate this___________of all it’s negativity so that it may be used for positive means within my magickal workings.
Now lay the item down on top of your pentacle. Cup your hands together and imagine a growing ball of bright white light within them. When the ball is big enough push it into the heart of the item. Say: By the power of spirit I have empowered this item, may the Lord and Lady’s blessing shine upon and through it always. Follow the closing procedure, that is, thank the God and Goddess, then the Elements and then banish the circle.

 The dark Goddess of Transformation

Listen to the words of The dark Goddess of Transformation; She who of old was also called among men Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith, Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshkigal, Arianhrod, Durga, Inanna, Tiamat, and by countless other names:

“Hear me child, and know Me for I am. I have been with you since you were born, and I will stay with you until you return to Me at the final dusk. I am the passionate and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream. I am the One who calls to you at the end of your journey. After the day is done, My children find their blessed rest in my embrace. I am the womb from which all things are born. I am the shadowy, still tomb; all things must come to Me and bare their breast to die and be reborn to the Whole.”

“I am the Sorceress that will not be ruled, the Weaver of Time, the Teacher of Mysteries. I snip the threads that bring my children home to me. I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. Swallow your fear and come to me, and you will discover true beauty, strength, and courage. I am the fury which rips the flesh from injustice. I am the glowing forge that transforms your inner demons into tools of power. Open yourself to my embrace and overcome.”

“I am the glinting sword that protects you from harm. I am the crucible in which all the aspects of yourself merge together in a rainbow of union. I am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mists of midnight, shrouded in mystery. I am the chrysalis in which you will face that which terrifies you and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed. Seek me at The crossroads, and you shall be transformed, for once you look upon my face, there is no return.”

“I am the fire that kisses the shackles away. I am the cauldron in which all opposites grow to know each other in Truth. I am the web which connects all things. I am the Healer of all wounds, the Warrior who rights all wrongs in their Time. I make weak strong. I make the arrogant humble. I raise up the oppressed and empower the disenfranchised. I am Justice tempered with Mercy”.

“Most importantly, child, I am you. I am part of you, and I am within you. Seek me within and without, and you will be strong. Know me. Venture into the dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness. Take my Love with you everywhere and find Power within to be who you wish.”

Keep You Well Spell

This is a little herbal charm you can use to help ward off illnesses you might pick up from other people (like a cold).

A small branch or twig (about 3 inches long)
Sprig of dried rosemary
Gardenia petals, fresh
Mint leaves, fresh
Light blue yarn or ribbon
Freshly brewed chamomile tea
Bundle up the rosemary, gardenia petals and mint leaves with the twig, and wrap several times with the blue yarn. It should be wrapped enough so that no bits or pieces fall out of the charm.

Then set out a cup of hot tea on your altar surface. Have a sip, and picture a blue sphere around you that protects from illness. Now, dip one end of the exposed twig into the tea, and say the spell:

Herbal tea,
No illness be
Protect me,
Three times three.

Then dip the other end of the charm into the tea, and repeat the words. Set the spell charm aside to dry, then finish drinking the tea.

After that, carry the charm when you go out and are concerned about catching something from other people. You can recharge it with a fresh cup of tea, and repeating the words again. 

Specific Spell Timing

This is the other aspect of knowing when to cast a spell. Now I mean picking the right day or time to do the actual spell itself. There is no set rule that love spells have to be cast at exactly the right time or they won’t work. But choosing the time with the right energy will give your spell more power.

The most obvious choice is to cast a love spell on a Friday. That is the day dedicated to the Goddess Freya and it is influenced by the planet Venus. That makes it the strongest day for any love magick, so plan your spells for the end of the week.

You can add the phase of the moon to that is possible too, for some added love energy. Love is most active during a full moon, though new relationships can get a boost from the energy of the new moon. It depends on how you’re approaching your love spell.

Herbal Health Poppet

This a poppet spell for healing designed to improve your own personal health, though you could use it to direct healing energy to other people if you wanted (you’ll need their hair though).

White fabric or felt
Sewing stuff (needle, thread, scissors)
A piece of hematite or jade (or both)
Some of the following herbs:
angelica root
St. John’s Wort
Strands of your own hair
Blue marker or pen
Make a poppet or small doll out of the white material, sew it up leaving a whole for stuffing. Wrap the strands of hair around the stone, and stuff it into the head of the doll. If the hair is short, don’t worry about it, just put the hairs and crystals in the head part together. Stuff the rest of the doll with the herbs, and sew it shut.

In the middle of the chest, draw a circle, then a heart within the circle. Now you have a health charm to leave on your altar or in a quiet spot, until you’ve gotten over your illness.

Smooth the Waters

You can use this spell to help improve or mend a friendship that is going through a rough patch.

A large bowl (no plastic)
A sprinkling of salt
A sprinkling of rosemary
A key
Piece of string, about a foot long
Fill the bowl with water, and then add a pinch of two of both salt and rosemary. Give it a stir with your finger to get the water rippling. Repeat the following:

Calm the waters with my friend,
I want our troubles to finally end

While you watch the water, dangle the key over the surface and repeat the words again until the water is completely still.

Wear the key around your neck for 3 days, and make sure you put some effort into fixing what may be wrong with your friendship. This spell will help calm any tension right down

Seeds of Change

Nothing says change more than a sprouting seed that grows into a plant. So harness that transformation for yourself, as long as you have a little patience. This spell works best when you’re trying to make some changes within yourself. You need:

An egg
A quick-growing seed (bean seeds work well)
Potting soil
A small piece of crystal
A black marker
The first part is a little tricky, but you do need to get it right. You need a cup-shaped piece of egg shell to start your seed, so crack an egg carefully so that the top end comes off and you’re left with about half an egg shell. Rinse it out gently and sit it out to dry for a few days before continuing.

Then use the marker to write a word on the outside of the shell to represent what you want to change. Place the little crystal in the shell. You’ll want to use a type of crystal that relates to what you’re trying to change (check the crystal chart) or use a plain piece of quartz. Fill the rest of the shell with soil. Press the seed into the soil and keep it moist. Use a cut piece of egg carton to hold the shell and leave it somewhere sunny.

Check the shell every day and take note in your mind as it starts to sprout and changes. Focus on that change and start to make your own changes as it grows. When it outgrows the shell, gently crack the bottom and then replant the whole thing into a larger pot so the plant can keep growing. Your own changes will thrive along with your plant.

Abracadabra Healing Charm

This is a very simple spell, but it’s been around for thousands of years and comes from old occult practices. I thought I’d include it.

Write the word “Abracadabra” on a small piece of paper, and on each line, right the word with one less letter, like this:












Roll the paper up and wear it around your neck. The belief is that the illness will disappear just like the word did. 

What is Psychic Phenomenon?

The internet describes it as: “phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes.” or “phenomena lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge.”

So, in layman’s terms, psychic phenomena are abilities and/or practises that do not comply with known laws of physics and deal with the metaphysical.

*Metaphysics is “a branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space.”

Irish Fairies: The Banshee

The banshee (from ban [bean], a woman, and shee [sidhe], a fairy) is an attendant fairy that follows the old families, and none but them, and wails before a death. Many have seen her as she goes wailing and clapping her hands. The keen [caoine], the funeral cry of the peasantry, is said to be an imitation of her cry. When more than one banshee is present, and they wail and sing in chorus, it is for the death of some holy or great one. An omen that sometimes accompanies the banshee is the coach-a-bower (Cóiste Bodhar)–an immense black coach, mounted by a coffin, and drawn by headless horses driven by a Dullahan. It will go rumbling to your door, and if you open it, according to Croker, a basin of blood will be thrown in your face. These headless phantoms are found elsewhere than in Ireland. In 1807 two of the sentries stationed outside St. James’s Park died of fright. A headless woman, the upper part of her body naked, used to pass at midnight and scale the railings. After a time the sentries were no longer stationed at the haunted spot. In Norway the heads of corpses were cut off to make their ghosts feeble. Thus came into existence the Dullahans, perhaps; unless, indeed, they are descended from that Irish giant who swam across the Channel with his head in his teeth. ¹

The banshee appears in a few different forms, she can appear as a beautiful, ethereal young woman, or a stately matron type, but she is most commonly depicted as a crouching old hag with a hideous wrinkled face. She is also said to be the ghost of a woman who died in childbirth, and sometimes appears as a crow, stoat, hare, or weasel.

Whatever form she is witnessed in, she usually has long silver hair that she is brushing with a comb. Because of this, there is a superstition in Ireland that if you find a comb lying in the woods, you shouldn’t pick it up or you’ll be kidnapped and taken away by fairies. Although most people don’t touch mouldy forest combs for hygiene reasons.

She is said to wear either a grey hooded cloak or the grave robe of the dead, and her eyes are perpetually red from crying.

Many believe that she can take any of the above forms and change between them as she pleases.

Any child who grew up in Ireland has heard the stories of the banshee, who screams and wails mournfully outside of a house if a family member is about to die.

Aside from that, she isn’t known to interact with humans very much, never getting any more physical than scratching at the windows and doors of the unfortunate family. Which when you think about it, is beyond horrifying.

The sound of the screams is also a matter for debate, with people from different parts of Ireland claiming different screams. In Leinster, the scream is said to be so shrill that it shatters glass, in the north, it sounds like two boards being slammed together, and in Kerry, it’s a low pleasant singing.

Regardless of the sound, she is sometimes heard screaming for a few days before the death actually occurs, and sometimes just once.

Aside from being an omen of death, the banshee would also cry at the crowning of a true king, a famous example occurring at the crowning of Brian Bóru.

There are also stories that state that only descendants of legendary king Brian Bóru will hear the banshee’s cry. And another stating that only five specific families are targeted by the banshee: The O’Brien’s, O’Neills, O’Connors, O’Grady’s, and Kavanaghs.

The idea behind the banshee comes from medieval times, when women called keeners were paid to come to funerals and sing sad songs called Caoineadh (the Irish word for ‘crying’). As ridiculous as this sounds, families would actually pay a lot of money for a talented keener.

It is said the most wealthy and powerful families would hire a Bean Sidhe or ‘fairy woman’ to come and keen at the grave, since as we all know, fairies are much better singers than humans.

The myth was built upon by the fact that, in a true stereotypical Irish fashion, the keeners would be paid only in alcohol, and would end up as alcoholic old women who would eventually get banished from their communities as a result.

As for the scream, many believe it likely came from people hearing the screech of a barn owl late at night.

Again, since Irish mythological stories were mostly passed on orally, there are not a lot of ‘confirmed’ encounters with a banshee. But here are some famous ones.

In 1437, a woman claiming to be a seer approached King James I of Scotland and told him he would be murdered at the Instigation of the Earl of Atholl and he was.

Another, more recent case was in 1801 when Robert Cuninghame, the Commander in Chief to the British Forces in Ireland, dubbed the 1st Baron of Rossmore, invited some people to his house in County Wicklow after a party in Dublin castle. During the night, some guests reported hearing a ‘deep, heavy, throbbing sigh’ followed by a low voice saying ‘Rossmore’ repeatedly. The next morning the guests learned that their host had died suddenly during the night. ²

A Spirit Spark

When you’re feeling sluggish or just generally “down in the dumps” try this energy spell to help rev you up a little. All you need is:

orange candles for a energy spell in witchcraft
Orange candles have great spell energy
One orange candle
Orange yarn
A cinnamon stick
A heat-proof dish
Your length of yarn should be enough to go around the candle a few times. Wrap it around, and tie 3 knots in the yarn as you go so that they lie somewhat equally around the diameter of the candle. Set it in a candle holder and start to focus on your spell.

Concentrate on energy coming up from the Earth, and flowing up through your feet until it reaches your head. Once it’s filled your body, light the candle. Say the following out lout:

Energy, power, rise up the tower,

Energy, power, rise up the tower,

Energy, power, rise up the tower

Holding one end of the cinnamon stick, put the other in the candle until it lights. Let it burn and smoulder for a few moments, then set it in the fire-proof dish. Think about the heat of the flame until it burns itself out. Let the candle keep burning until it is done. 

Flavors & Correspondences

Almond(milk): mental clarity + fortitude, luck, abundance, healing + good health
Amaretto: opening the mind, warding against negativity, creativity, luck
Blueberry: aids in memory + mental clarity, calmness, youth + glamour magic, restoration, aura cleansing + strengthening
Caramel: aids in changes + transformations, soothing quality to spells, good in Fae magic, increases tenacity
Chestnut: warding + protection, prosperity, longevity + increase stamina
Chocolate: self love + nurturing energy, ancestral magic, grounding, love + sexual prowess
Cinnamon: spiritual + personal power, healing, success, lust, luck, prosperity, strength
Clove: protection, actualization of desires, banishing negative + hostile forces
Coffee: inspire creativity, clear emotional + spiritual blockages, dispel nightmares, fortitude + increased stamina, encourage diligence
Coconut Milk: confidence + aid in glamour magic, strength, beauty, love
Cow milk: nurturing, fertility + prosperity, protection, abundance, aid in motherhood
Hazelnut: self-love and compassion, inspiration, creativity, wisdom + insight
Honey: happiness, offerings + Fae magic, sweetness, love, prosperity, healing, passion, spirituality
Irish Cream: dreams + intuition enhancer, prosperity, growth, aid in change
Peanut(butter): stability, aid in manifestation + intuition, attraction, energy
Pecan: spiritual purification + protection, abundance + prosperity
Peppermint: healing, purification, psychic powers + transformation, sleep, prosperity, passion
Pumpkin: wishes + dream fulfillment, protection + guarding, prosperity, magic enhancer, love
Oat(milk): tradition + ancestral work, health, stability + fortitude, beauty + youth, comfort, home magic, healing
Raspberry: invoking fertility or love, kindness + compassion, desire fulfilment, creativity, libido + sex magic
Sugar: used to amplify spells, sweetness + love, attraction, comfort, Fae magic
Soy milk: success + strength, growth, healing
Toffee: playful 

Three Candle Joy Spell

Add a little joy to your life when you need it the most. All you need is:

3 orange or yellow candles
Cedar oil
A few pinches of rosemary and marjoram
Rub oil on all three candles, and set them up on your altar. Light each one, then sprinkle each of the herbs on the table around the candles. Focus on the heat of the flames, and repeat out loud:

Happiness and joy, come into my life

Away with anger, stress and strife

I am happy, I am free

No more negativity

Hold your hands above the flames to feel their warmth. No need to scorch yourself. Be determined to see the positive side of things, and leave the candles to burn out.

Happiness Blooms

Bring positive fresh energy to your life with happiness spells and fresh flowers. You just need:

Jasmine or Lilac oil
One fresh flower, any kind
Paper and pencil
Yellow candle
A heat-proof container

Light the candle, and write 3 things on the piece of paper that are making you unhappy right now. Put the paper in the candle flame and let it burn. You can drop it into the bowl when it gets going.

Rub a little oil on the flower, and breathe in the smell. Visualize your problems disappearing with the ash of the paper, and replace that stress with the joy of the flower. Set the flower in the bowl over the ashes, and leave on your altar to remind you to be happy.

Your Magick Teachings

You are your best teacher. Remember that while some people can help guide you on their path, that guidance is limited. Witchcraft is more of an internal process of figuring out who you are inside, what you can do, and what you need to improve on. Only you can figure this out as you are the only person who has access to your spiritual self. Do not expect others to teach you, either. Thank the people who give you some guidance as they do not have to do so.

Don’t be afraid to try things out without permission/asking. There is no need to ask someone else if you can do a spell or other witchcraft related activity. I’ve seen many people ask others if they can substitute an item for another item, if it would be okay to perform a spell in another way, and many more questions. Just do it. There is no need to ask, there is no need to get permission. This is your spell, your work, do what you want with it. No one else can promise you the results if you perform it a certain way or if you do it another way, so just try it out and see what happens. Do the spell as you want to and see what happens.


The purpose of this ritual is to charge a ritual blade with the elemental forces of nature via the assistance of draconic elemental mages.
As with human magic workers, different dragons can have an affinity with different elemental energies. Just as you don’t have ‘elemental humans’, you don’t have ‘elemental dragons’:You simply have those who prefer to work with the energies of one element in particular over another. Sometimes, you will find a dragon who works equally well with all elemental energies and other times those who couldn’t tell a salamander from an undine.

The common metaphysical representations of each element are:

Fire – the Salamander

Water – the Undine

Air – the Zephyer

Earth – the Gnome

Also while this ritual should be performed during a thunderstorm, and for best results, as close to the full moon as possible, it is not necessary (nor especially advisable) to place the blade you are charging directly out in the storm as this can ruin it. Placing the blade out on a sheltered, open aired porch, garage, gazebo, etc is sufficient. I also strongly recommend that the blade be coated with a good quality metal oil or silicon (spray or cloth such as can be found in the gun section of a sporting goods store), or coat it with a substance called “Renaissance Wax” which can be purchased on line at ‘Museum Replicas’. Just do a site search of “Renaissance Wax” and you’ll find it.

Needed items:

Normal altar equipment

Blade to be charged

Step 1: take the blade to be charged to a location where it will not be disturbed. If you trust the blade will come to no harm, sink it 3-6 inches into the ground (if you don’t have an area of ground you can safely use, the blade can be placed in a large pot of soil) and pour a circle of salt around it approximately 12 inches in diameter and say: In the name(s) of (personal deity), I ask the dragons of the elements to touch this blade and infuse it with elemental power! May all the forces of power and justice, as unstoppable as this storm, be drawn into this blade.

Step 2 : Call upon the guardian dragons of each gate to individually touch the blade with elemental force. If you have regular gate guardians and you know their names (or the names they use when working with you) then call their names at the beginning of each invocation.

“Great Dragon of the East, and all the Dragons of Air, riders of the storm winds, weavers of Wisdom, make this blade straight and true for the honor and glory of my Gods, my Dragon friends and my Clan! Great Dragon of the South, and all the Dragons of Fire, whose power is manifested by the lightening bolt, hold fast the power of transformation within this blade that it may better aid me in my service to my Gods, my Dragon friends, and my Clan!”

“Great Dragon of the West, and all the Dragons of Water, you who swim the ocean currents and bring the cleansing rains, rinse away all doubt and uncertainty of purpose from this steel and s/he who wields it that both may be as unstoppable as the raging flood in defense of justice and the innocent, for my Gods, my dragon friends, and my Clan!”

“Great Dragon of the North, and all the Dragons of Earth, shakers and shapers of the World, keepers of mystery and secrets, keep strong this blade and s/he who wields it that I may be able to see into the heart of mystery and with it’s aid discern the truth in any situation for the glory of my Gods, my Dragon friends and my Clan! “

Step 3: Ask for the blessings of the Gods by saying: (Name(s) of deity) , I ask that you pour forth your blessings upon this blade, and that you touch it with Your powers, that it may be a worthy magical weapon, aiding me as I work in your service.

Step 4: Go back indoors if you wish, or remain outside, until the storm has passed. Meditate on the desired effects of the ritual for at least 10-15 minutes. When the storm is over give thanks to the Gods and the Dragons for their assistance. Take up the Blade and immediately give it a thorough cleaning and oiling.

Fairy Witches: The Ages-old Connection Between Fae and Witchcraft

Today fairies are not just for little girls’ imagination, they’re for witches and magical practitioners too. But it’s not truly anything new. It dates back to at least ancient times. There are many historical and folkloric connections between fairies and witches particularly in European traditions. Let’s learn about this connection, as well as where and how the first witch made friends with the fae.

First, Let’s Define the Fae (As Best We Can)
For the intent of this post, I’ll be referring to the fae from an European traditional perspective. Keep in mind there are spirits similar or comparable to the fae all over the world in nearly every ancient, magical tradition. Just as there are mermaids in many cultures worldwide. For this post, I’m sticking to the fae of my personal ancestors’, as this is where my knowledge lies at this time.

So what are the fae, exactly? Can we even define them if we tried? The fae, also called faeries or fairies, have many names and many faces. We’ll see a large variation in temperament, appearance, folklore, traditions, etc. as we travel from country to country and region to region across the European continent. But if I had to define the fae, I’d say they are spirits or otherworldly beings that permeate Celtic lore. Sometimes they seem to be attached to natural landmarks, other times they are attached to homes, families or even individuals. They’ve even been known to attach to especially magical individuals….like witches.

Morgan Le Fay:
The “First” Fairy Witch

Ever heard of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table? Within the legends of Camelot are stories of a powerful and feared “fairy witch”. Her name is Morgan Le Fay, and in some versions of the Arthurian legend, she is King Arthur’s sister. The last two words of her name Le Fay literally means the fairy. Morgan Le Fay lived in Avalon and had many psychic and supernatural abilities, and so was accused of being a fairy and a witch by those who didn’t live on the Isle. And likely because of Christian influence in the Arthurian mythos.

Morgan Le Fay and the Isle of Avalon
Different versions of the Arthurian legend paint her in different lights. Morgan Le Fay is a paradoxical character, as are most powerful females in the old myths. Depending on the version of the story, she was either Arthur’s downfall or his healer and savior. The Morgan-friendly legends depict her taking Arthur to the Isle of Avalon, to be his last resting place. Moreover, the Isle of Avalon was a magical place beyond the mist and inhabited by fairies. Nine magical sisters lived there, Morgan Le Fay being one of the nine. Sometimes the Lady of the Lake is one of the nine sisters and in other stories Morgan is actually the Lady of the Lake herself.

The first fairy witch might have been Morgan Le Fay.
The fae have been known to “fraternize” with humans, particularly magical ones, for hundreds of years.
The Fairy Witch Trials
We have all heard of the unspeakable horrors that took place with the Witch Trials in Europe and America. Superstition, power-hunger, and patriarchal greed drove these massacres to abundance. But what most people don’t know is fairies played a part in the Witch Trials too.

The Fairy Witch Trial of the Fisherwife of Palermo

Most of the Fairy Witch Trials took place in Italy. Out of the known sixty-five cases, the Fisherwife of Palermo’s fairy witch trial in Sicily was most well-known. The wife of a fisherman claimed she could leave her body behind and party with the elves whenever she wanted. She explained the King and Queen of Elves promised her riches and other pleasures if she denounced all other gods. She signed a contract and, on many occasions, spiritually joined the elves in feasting and revelry. The fairy faith was strong, and most believed the Fisherwife to be associating with fairies and not the Devil. So inevitably, they released her. Her accusers agreed she was merely “having dreams” of fairies and not physically copulating with “devils”.

Isobel Gowdie & the Queen of Elfame
In a witch trial in Scotland, an accused witch claimed she’d met with the Queen of Fairies (the Queen of Elfame) under the hills. Isobel Gowdie said the fairies taught her and other women how to fly on beanstalks to meet with other witches. Isobel’s confession is the most detailed account from this time period. And can be researched in its entirety online. I also recommend reading Emma Wilby’s book “The Visions of Isobel Gowdie.”

Besse Dunlop, Fairy Witch of Lynn
Besse or Bessie Dunlop of Lynn was a woman accused of witchcraft in North Ayrshire, Scotland in the sixteenth century. The trial documents claim Besse Dunlop confessed to having a familiar spirit named Tom Reid, the ghost of a soldier who aided her prophecies and gave her healing remedies with which to make a living. She also confessed to visiting Elfame (elf-land) through an ancient cave. The Queen of Elfame supposedly sent Besse her familiar Thomas to help her as she was in a dire situation at the time.

The Nature of the Fairies
Fairies were such an integral part of folklore in Europe that most people didn’t associate fairies with the Christian devil for many years. Often, as in the case of the Fisherwife of Palermo, the Church allowed the accused to go free. The Church explained these women’s experiences with fairies as simply dreams or mental illness. However, if fairies were mentioned in alignment with the Devil or familiars, or if the accused was thought to have harmed another using witchcraft, they were tried/tortured/executed.

The Celtic and Germanic People and Household Fae
As an elderly woman in Ireland you couldn’t keep your house too clean. Otherwise people would be suspicious of a bean-tighe in your home. A bean-tighe (pronounced ban-tee) was a female fairy similar to the Scottish brownie who tended house and watched over the children. They accused old women of witchcraft, particularly with fairies involved. The kobold is a Germanic household fairy or dwarf that’s known to take up residence in a home and aid in the household chores. These household types seem to be more prevalent among magical or royal people.

Fairy witches are witches who work with fairies in their craft.
Cunningfolk and Fairy Friends
In opposition to witches who practiced maleficium, there were others who practiced “white” magic. The local cunningman or cunningwoman healed, counteracted curses, helped find lost objects and performed other helpful magical tasks. Many of the cunningfolk received their otherworldly knowledge from the fairies.

Biddy Early
An Irish woman by the name of Biddy Early was a cunningwoman and “fairy doctor” who lived in the late 1700’s through the 1800’s. Biddy was called upon to not only heal people but to find lost items, to cure sick animals, and to aid in crop abundance. Biddy was well known for her herbal knowledge and for clairvoyance. Some said Biddy Early was given powers by the fairies, and that she carried a “fairy bottle” that told whispered the fairies’ secrets to her.

Modern Fairy Witches
The cunningfolk and witches of the past are gone but not forgotten. They live on in a new wave of witches and magical practitioners reviving the old ways. Some fairy witches practice fairy witchcraft by basing their magic and beliefs on fairy lore. Others follow a more religious form of fairy witchcraft.

The Feri Tradition
The Feri Tradition was created by Victor Anderson. This form of witchcraft is based on sensuality and can be very intense in nature. From my research it’s not focused on the actual belief or working with fairies, but more on an ecstatic experience within oneself. There are also various fairy Wiccan traditions that tie Celtic fairy beliefs into ritual and practice.

The Connection Between Fairies and Witches: Natural and Ancestral Theories
I have a few theories as to why fairies and intricately linked to witches. I don’t think there’s any one answer, but it’s more of a web of answers. One of the reasons there’s a connection between fairies and witches is simple – nature. An undying, passionate love for nature and the preservation of it. Witches walk the path of the craft because most seek to commune with the energies all around us, radiating off of our Mother Earth.

Witches Love Nature, As Do the Fae
At least some of the fae are likely spirits of nature, so naturally when witches work with nature, they may find they are also working with elementals and the fae. When nature spirits, fairies, realize a witch is a witch who cares and is in sync with Mother Earth, they will begin teaching that witch their secrets. Is it no wonder witches were closely linked with fairies during the Witch Trials? It makes sense to me.

Fairies and Elves…They May Be Our Ancient Ancestors
Another theory is that the fae may actually be ancestral in origin. Shocking? It may be at first, but the more you study Celtic lore and history, as well as Norse Germanic tradition, you’ll see a pattern emerging. Many of our ancient ancestors claimed descent from faeries and elven races. In Ireland and Scotland, certain clans claim descent the Tuatha de Danann. Some say Cliodhna, Flidais, and Lugh are their ancestors (to name a few). And in Scandinavian countries, we have stories of our ancestors sacrificing to the álfar (elven beings), often on top of ancestral burial mounds. And being that many witches today seek to honor their ancestors, they are also naturally honoring the potential fae in their bloodline.

So when our ancestors in the Medieval Age and early modern era were accused of being witches and consorting with faeries, they were also often accused of being heathens or keeping the “old pagan ways” alive. Perhaps these faeries, our ancestors’ ancestors, came to those witches and pagans because they still believed. Unlike their converted counterparts.

Those Gifted With the “Sight”
In addition, in faery folklore, it was frequently said the fae would give their secrets and essentially “work” with people who had the “sight”. For example, Biddy Early. Or people who had psychic and medium abilities. And, of course, it also happened these individuals with abilities would end up being accused of witchcraft and sadly end up in a courtroom, on a pyre, or hanging from a tree. And if these individuals who had the ability to talk to the fae were fighting to keep the old ways alive including to honor nature and sacred fairy sites and traditions, it makes sense the fae would be more willing to communicate with them than those who weren’t


1. Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling.

2. Eat a pinch of thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams.

3. Place chips of cedar wood in a box with some coins to draw money to you.

4. Carry an anemone flower with you to ward against illness.

5. Hang a bit of seaweed in the kitchen to ward evil spirits.

6. Keep a jar of alfalfa in your cupboards to ensure the prosperity of your house.

7. Burn allspice as an incense to draw money or luck to you, as well as speed healing.

8. Cut an apple in half, and give one half to your love to ensure a prosperous relationship.

9. Carry an avocado pit with you to let your inner beauty shine outwardly.

10. Avocado is an aphrodisiac.

11. Strawberries are an aphrodisiac.

12. Place a piece of cotton in your sugar bowl to draw good luck to your house.

13. Celery is an aphrodisiac.

14. Place almonds in your pocket when you need to find something.

15. Scatter chili peppers around your house to break a curse.

16. Carrying a packet of strawberry leaves will help ease the pains of pregnancy.

17. Scatter some sugar to purify a room.

18. Throw rice into the air to make rain.

19. Carry a potato in your pocket or purse all winter to ward against colds.

20. Eat five almonds before consuming alcohol, to lighten the effects of intoxication.

21. Place a pine branch above your bed to keep illness away.

22. Chew celery seeds to help you concentrate.

23. Carry a chunk of dry pineapple in a bag to draw luck to you.

24. Ask an orange a yes or no question before you eat it, then count the seeds: if the seeds are an even number, the answer is no. If an odd number, yes.

25. Eat olives to ensure fertility.

26. Toss oats out your back door to ensure that your garden or crop will be bountiful.

27. Eat mustard seed to ensure fertility.

28. Place lilacs around your house to rid yourself of unwanted spirits.

29. Eat lettuce to drive lustful thoughts from your mind.

30. Rub a lettuce leaf over your forehead to help you sleep.

31. Add lemon juice to your bathwater for purification.

32. Eat grapes to increase psychic powers.

33. Carry a blade of grass to increase your psychic powers.

34. Smell dill to get rid of hiccups.

35. If you place a dill sachet over your door, those who wish you ill can not enter your home.

36. Place cotton on an aching tooth, and the pain will ease.

37. Buy cotton to cause rain.

38. Place pepper inside a piece of cotton and sew it shut to make a charm to bring back a lost love.

39. Carry a small onion to protect against venomous animals.

40. Eat grapes to increase fertility.

41. Place a sliced onion in the room of an ill person to draw out the sickness.

42. Place an onion underneath your pillow to have prophetic dreams.

43. Place morning glory seeds under your bed to cure nightmares.

44. Walk through the branches of a maple tree to ensure that you will have a long life.

45. Mix salt and pepper together and scatter it around your house to dispel evil.

46. Smell peppermint to help you sleep.

47. Hang a pea pod containing nine peas above the door to draw your future mate to you.

48. Eat a peach to assist in making a tough decision.

49. Carry peach wood to lengthen your lifespan.

50. Carry a walnut to strengthen your heart muscle.

Making Daily Tasks Magickal

Take daily tasks and make them magical! Enchant your cooking, cleaning, and working. A few simple words can go a long way when enchanting your daily activities. For instance, I usually bless my food for good health before microwaving and eating it!
Remember that spells don’t require a lot of materials and energy! A few words, sigils, drawing, singing, or imagining a spell is enough to cast it. Drawing a sigil on my arm for productivity is enough for me to get started on some homework.
 An altar doesn’t have to be fancy! You can use a pizza pan, a plate, a piece of wood, a cardboard box, or even a section of your floor as a space for an altar. Items on an altar can include a regular cup, some salt, blessed water, or whatever you want to add and can afford! All of these items are free, already on hand, or can be found at the Dollar Tree so you don’t have to break your wallet!
 Leave a sigil or charm for prosperity in your purse or wallet! Make sure to close or add loopholes to it so that it does not come from a negative place. This can attract some extra money to your pocket!
Enchant your most used items to make them last longer or to prevent damage! Clothes, shoes, kitchen appliances, and the laundry basket really could use a sigil or some type of enchantment so that they will not break on you when you really cannot afford to fix or replace them.