Protection Magick

Warding, banishing, shielding, binding, even hexing and cursing—these all fall under the broad title of “protection magick.” Protection magick means directing psychic energy toward self-preservation, or against those who would harm you. You can set protective boundaries around yourself, your loved ones, or your home or business.
Protection magick goes back to ancient times, when people crafted amulets to protect them from evil spirits or ill-wishers. Sacred symbols such as the cross or pentagram are often used for protection. Perhaps the most basic protection magick is to visualize a protective circle around yourself, through which no negativity can enter. Ritual tools like a pendant or spell bag can help you maintain the barrier for longer.
The best time to cast a spell of aggressive protection is on a Tuesday at noon (the day of Mars, at the Sun’s height). To cut yourself off from someone or something, aim for Saturday at midnight.
☆Apotropaic magic (from Greek αποτρέπειν “to ward off” from από- “away” and τρέπειν “to turn”) is a type of magic intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the evil eye. Apotropaic observances may also be practiced out of vague superstition or out of tradition, as in good luck charms (perhaps some token on a charm bracelet), amulets, or gestures such as crossed fingers or knocking on wood. The Greeks made offerings to the “averting gods” (ἀποτρόπαιοι θεοί, apotropaioi theoi), chthonic deities and heroes who grant safety and deflect evil
☆Protective Energy Fields
The concept of Protective Magick is to create a protective barrier or field around ourselves, loved ones, valued objects, and the spaces where we reside. The skill of creating protective energy fields is essential to this Magickal practice. A protective barrier is what guards us and our valuables against energies that have the potential to do harm or cause disruption in our intent or flow. These fields are used in just about every aspect so get to know them well, and become good at creating them.
Although, creating a Magickal barrier is not exactly the same as locking our valuables in a safe, it can be very effective with the right focused intent. Protective Magickal barriers can make our valuables/us invisible or less desirable to harmful entities and energies.
The drawing up of a protective field or invisible Magickal barrier for the purpose of protection is sometimes called Casting Circle, and is also related to calling quarters. It is a simple process you can practice any time, whenever and where ever you might need it.
One effective method of casting a Magickal barrier is to imagine yourself enveloped in a white light. The light may start at your head and slowly works its way over your body down to your feet. As you envision this field forming around you, feel at peace and isolated from unwanted energies and influences. This practice is also effective for protecting and defining Magickal circles and work areas, hence the term casting circle.
If you would like to protect an object from it being touched or moved you can use a similar method. Envision the object enveloped in fire. Envision the object becoming extremely hot, so hot it glows like an ember. This is effective in many ways. I have to admit I have used it on many occasions to keep unwanted hands off my goods.
☆Calling Upon Magickal Entities
Magickal entities are what you might think they are. They are fairies, elves, brownies, dragons, power animals, spirits, and so on. When calling upon Magical entities for protection I recommend you only do so if you have a well-established relationship with the entity or entities.
Having a deep respect and personal knowledge of these creatures is essential in working with them. They are after all, sentient and intelligent beings who are not here to specifically serve our purposes. They may however, do your bidding out of mutual respect and adoration. Developing a solid relationship is essential in asking them for anything. They must be willing to work with you.
Once you have developed a specific relationship you will develop your own way of interacting and calling upon them for help. In fact, if your relationship is of high enough quality you may never have to ask for help because the entity will always be at your side.
☆Calling Upon Magickal Elemental Energies
I apply the same basic principles to calling on elemental energies as I do with Magickal entities. I feel you should have a very good understanding and skill level when working with outside entities and energies of any sort.
Elemental Energies are obscure. Some view elemental energy as elementals. I tend to think of them in the context of natural or nature energy. The very essence of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, if you will. Unpredictable like the wind, volatile like fire, solid and un-moving like stone, the fluid and ever changing like water, and ambiguous like spirit.
To work with the elements you need to have a specific level of control and skill to adequately us these energies. A good example is calling upon Earth for protection. Although, Earth is strong and hard to break through, it is a slow energy and needs time to build up in order to be effective. You will need to know when and how to use the energy in order for it to be effective. Fire is also a very effective element to use for protection, but it is hard to control. Too much fire energy and you will end up burning yourself in the end… no pun intended. Okay I take it back, every pun intended.
So know what and how to work with the energy you seek to incorporate into you Magickal practice.
☆Symbols & Sigils
Dating back to the Stone Age, the drawing of symbols and sigils looks to be the oldest form of protection Magick. It is also the most widely used. Today many faiths practice this form of Magick, making it non-exclusive to Witchcraft, Paganism, or Wicca. For centuries protective symbols have been carved into a variety of items from stone to peach pits. I don’t think there is a religion or culture out there that does not have its own set of protective symbols that are worn or displayed in some way.
This Magick works through the vibrations that resonate between you, the symbol, and the universe. I will not pretend that I completely understand how it all works. What I do know is that when you give a shape, symbol, or object meaning, you also give it power. This can be as simple as drawing a Magickal symbol of protection on a piece of paper and carrying it in your pocket, or as complicated as a 6 month ritual to invoke the powers of invisibility and shape shifting.
☆Wearing Amulets & Protective Objects
To reflect the plethora of options related to Protection Magick, this Magickal art form is full of options. We are led from the ideal of Magickal symbols and sigils to how we employ their use. Of course the most common form is to wear these symbols in jewelry. If you desire you can take this practice much further. You can embroider bags and clothing with protective symbols, get your skin tattooed or shave them into your head if you like. There really is no limit when you think about it.
To give you even more possibilities you don’t have to stick with your regularly designated protection symbol. You can wear the carving of your own protective entity.
Here is an example to consider. If you have developed a relationship with Wolf and Wolf is your personal protector, wear an amulet carved in the likeness of a wolf or have an image of a wolf tattooed on your body, etc. It is possible you already do this, and perhaps you did not give it much thought.
☆Herbs, Spices & Foods
There are dozens of herbs, spices, and foods we can grab out of our pantries that will lend us a great barrier of protection. You can mix them into recipes, place them in sachets to carry with you were ever you go. Heck you can even mix them in with flower arrangements or infuse them into water to create a fragrant and beneficial room spray.
☆Categories of Protection Magic
Preventative: encourages good luck and diminishes bad luck, attracting good fortune and benevolent spirits. A core concept of any spiritual practice, requiring regular attention.
Purification: the removal of harmful/stagnant energies, a kind of magical hygiene meant to prevent the attraction or attachment of all forms of negative energy.
Sacred baths and washes, anointing with protective oils.
Saining, smudging and censing through the action of burning protective plants for their purifying and protective properties.
☆Defensive Operations
Warding: A kind of spiritual alarm system that is “set” and “tripped” when activated by undesirable forces and individuals. Can be programmed to detect specific persons, entities or forces or to act as a general sentry. These semi-conscious programmed energy forms can be created to serve a specific function, to last indefinitely or to dissipate after a pre-determined period of time.
Boundaries: They are part of all healthy relationships, both physical and ethereal. Boundaries keep us from feeling vulnerable, and give us dominion over our environments. Developing healthy boundaries in our relationships, both physical and spiritual makes both parties aware of the terms of the relationship, keeping toxic people and spirits at bay.
Physical Boundaries: are tangible parameters where protection is cast around a specific person, place or object. They take the form of protective circles, a continuous marking of a boundary or multiple points that when connected create geometric shapes.
Psychic Boundaries: Strengthening the aura and energy centers, while keeping them clear of blockages is like strengthening the immune system to protect the body from disease. This can be achieved by regular cleansing, energy work and shielding.
☆Divine, Spiritual and Magical Protection: By petitioning protective deities, guardian spirits and familiars to actively patrol and protect a person, place or object, protection can be bestowed in return for regular offerings and requests for the entity’s intervention. By gaining the protection of a spirit with greater power than the one sent against you, the offending spirit can be commanded to cease and desist. Hierarchical spirits or those of a contrasting influence can be set against one another, although this requires greater offerings.
A focal point such as an altar, spirit house or statue serve as an anchor for the entity in a particular area. These spirits can also be tied to the land itself, particular objects or organic matter such as wood or bones. These objects are the physical representations of the spirit in question, and are treated with reverence. This is a type of magical agreement that is continually renewed via ritual offerings.
The witch or magician’s own spiritual power may be employed in this way through visualization and willpower to place a protective aura around a person, place or object. The will of the caster is catalyzed through concentration and ritual, usually some physical representation of the spell such as an object or talisman bearing symbols of protection serving as the focal point.
☆Offensive Operations
These forms of protection actively seek out the perpetrator when harm is coming from a specific source, whether known or unknown. Hexing and cursing can also be considered a form of protection, utilized to neutralize the threat or distract them by creating strife and discord.
The more aggressive forms of protection magic are considered taboo by some practitioners that follow the maxim of “harm none.” However, there are some situations that call for such drastic measures.
☆Deflection/Return to Sender: similar in nature, deflection spells are preventative in the sense that they bounce back negative forces directed at the practitioner before they can hit their target. Return to Sender spells are done in retaliation to spells that have already been cast.
They combine defensive measures with offensive maneuvers. When harmful energy, intent, spells or spirits are detected they are returned to their source and sealed with the originator.
Mirror boxes, witch bottles, and witch balls are some of the protective objects kept in or near the home for the effect of protecting from harm and returning it to the sender.
☆Binding/Banishing Spells: Also used in times when protection is needed, a more assertive protection measure.
Binding is used to restrict the actions of would-be perpetrators before additional harm can be done by themselves. Binding can also be used to protect others, and even protect people from themselves. Through a physical binding with cord, nailing or tying down sympathetic magic is enacted which cuts the target off from their energy, and prevents them from manifesting harm.
Banishing is the forcible removal of harmful forces and malevolent energy or entities, which can then be sealed with the sender or neutralized in some fashion. Banishing requires the will of the practitioner, who is free of fear and doubt.
There are different levels of banishing depending on the level of severity. Simple banishing rituals may be performed on a regular basis to remove any unwanted energies as part of one’s regular devotional practice. By banishing what does not benefit us, we make room for what does.
Taking the broadest view possible, it can be said that protection spells and charms take on a variety of forms, and that these include:
shielding through spiritual invisibility
attracting good spirits who will shield you
attracting good spirits who will fight on your behalf
setting up cross-me-not barriers
reflecting back evil to the specific sender
repelling evil generally
killing or nullifying evil where it lays
☆Pentacle (or Pentagram)
The pentacle, or five-pointed star, is probably best-known as a symbol of the Wiccan religion. This symbol has been passed down to modern Witches through the tradition of ceremonial magick. Wiccans and Pagans wear it as symbol of faith, but it is also used as a protective glyph.
The pentacle’s protective legacy probably began in medieval times. The five points were said to represent the five wounds of Christ. Early occultists saw the pentacle as a microcosm, or representation of the human being. The pentacle’s affinity with the body makes it immensely useful to the human magician. Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” is the most famous representation of a man’s shape drawn over the pentagram.
To contemporary Pagans, the five points of the pentagram stand for the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) and the “fifth element” of Spirit. Placing Spirit at the top is a reminder that Spirit inhabits and presides over all forms of matter. The circle surrounding the star evokes both infinity and the aura or energy field that surrounds the body.
The pentacle has diverse magickal uses, including protection. The pentacle is a powerful reminder of a world in balance. Witches draw pentagrams in the air to banish or consecrate sacred space. Pentagram amulets are a popular choice for warding the physical and energetic bodies.
☆Solar Cross
The Solar Cross is an equal-armed cross, which may also be surmounted by a circle. It is one of the oldest spiritual symbols in existence, dating back to Stone Age carvings.
The Solar Cross represents the light and movement of the sun. The sun was extremely important to early humans, both for its life-giving energy and its predictable cycles of days and seasons. Many subsequent religious symbols (including the Christian cross) are related to this simplest of drawings. Many more mytho-spiritual concepts can be found therein: The Celtic-Pagan Wheel of the Year, the Wheel card of the Tarot, the classical Sun Chariot, and the Native American Four Winds are just a few.
As a protective symbol, the Solar Cross evokes the power of the Sun God or All-Father, as well as the guardians of the Four Directions. To meditate on the cross’s intersection is a powerful centering exercise.
The Solar Cross represents both balance (at its center) and infinity (at its extremities). It it a symbol of eternity that embodies themes of birth, death, and rebirth. Use the Solar Cross as a centering and calming aid when under threat. As a solar symbol, it is used to banish negativity and cast out shadows.
☆Mars Sign
Named for the Roman god of war, the planet Mars is big, red, and brutal. Astrologers and alchemists developed the Mars symbol as a shorthand for the planet. In magick, it stands for all things martial: Conflict, personal power, and virility.
Mars magick includes protection spells of the more aggressive variety. Mars brings its warrior energy to curses, hexes, banishing, and counter-magick. This is not a glyph for your “white light” or “live and let live” shielding magick. Evoke Mars when you want to stick it to someone who’s bothering you (and make sure they think twice about doing it again).
This hand-shaped amulet is popular throughout the Middle East and Africa. Hamsas are worn as jewelry and hung over walls and windows. With its all-seeing eye in the center of the palm, the Hamsa is said to ward off the Evil Eye. The open right hand represents power and blessings.
In the Middle East, the Hamsa tradition is known by Jews and Muslims alike. However, the right hand of protection can be traced as far back as the Mesopotamian cult of Ishtar. Modern Witches sometimes say that the palm stands for protection, while the fingers represent the five blessings: Love, Money, Health, Wisdom, and Power.
There are many variations of the Hamsa symbol, from simple line drawings of the five fingers to the very elaborate and stylized versions. It is a very common practice to personalize the amulet with words and symbols of power. A custom Hamsa charm can be as specific as you want it to be. Or, use it as a general charm against ill luck, jealousy, and poverty.
☆Eye of Horus
The Eye of Horus (or Eye of Ra) is one of the most enduring protective symbols in history. Featured in ancient Egyptian amulets and artwork, it symbolizes divine power. The All-Seeing Eye is said to protect anything it looks upon. The shapes within the Eye have links to sacred geometry and sacred mathematics.
Through the myths of Ra (the Sun God) the Eye represents eternal life and rebirth—hence its use in Egyptian tomb decorations. It is also popular as an amulet against evil-doers and ill-wishers.
The Triquetra (or Celtic Shield) is sometimes used as a protective symbol by Pagans and Celtic Christians. The three-cornered knot represents the Triple Goddess or Holy Trinity. As it has no beginning and no end, the interwoven knot stand for protection that cannot be broken. The circle is also a symbol of eternity.
A bindrune is a sigil composed of one or more archaic letters (runes). The bindrune combines the properties of each rune into a single symbol. Bindrunes may be created for any magickal purpose, but they are commonly used in protective charms.
The most effective bindrune is one that you assemble with intention, using your own understanding of and relationship with the runes. The bindrune’s exact meaning will be known only to you. Afterward, the bindrune is worn as an amulet or incorporated into sigil magick.
The picture is an example of a protective bindrune incorporating the runes Ingwaz (harmony) and Isa (solitude). It is meant to confer a peaceful environment and inner strength upon the wearer. Also hidden within the bindrune are the shapes of Algiz (divine protection) and Othala (birthright), in case the two main runes are not enough for the job!
☆Hexagram of Solomon
The six-pointed star is an important esoteric and religious symbol. It is composed of two interlaced or interlocking triangles. Ceremonial magicians know it as the Hexagram of Solomon or Seal of Solomon.
Mystical interpretations of the hexagram are many, and depend upon who is viewing it. Western occultists see a fire (upright) triangle superimposed over a water (inverted triangle). This represents the spiritual fire of the aspirant reaching upwards towards heaven, while the fluid grace of God descends simultaneously. The interlocking triangles can be seen as a kind of shorthand for the Hermetic axiom, “As above, so below”.
The symbol is named for the Biblical king Solomon, who was said to practice spirit evocation with the aid of a signet ring with a hexagram seal. Later, medieval occultists would seek to replicate Solomon’s mastery over unruly spirits. The hexagram was said to represent the authority of God and to offer the wearer protection from evil. It is often inscribed with divine names and other symbols and words of power.
☆Crossed Spears
Sometimes the best magickal symbols are the simplest. There is no mistaking the meaning of the crossed spears. A simple line drawing easily conveys the message, “Do not pass.” This type of sigil is often used within folk magick traditions, where a lack of formal literacy is no obstacle to crafting powerful spells. Drawings of axes, swords, hammers, and shields may also be deployed for power and protection.
Variations of the crossed spears motif appear in many cultures and time periods, from British heraldry to the national flag of Kenya. It is also one of the eight Witches’ Runes. In divination, it signifies quarrels and conflict. In magick, the Crossed Spears emblem (and its cousins) are used to put up a psychic barrier or block the actions of an adversary.
There are several actions, behaviors, techniques, and tools you can use to help protect yourself from negative energy and intentional attacks. They may be as elaborate as a full-blown ritual or as simple as putting a gargoyle out as a family guardian. The following are some ideas and suggestions to help you find what will work best for you and your needs.
Shower daily. This should go without saying for physical hygiene purposes. Try to take your showers at night (or both morning and night) to wash away negative energy you have accumulated while out and about. You will find going to bed much easier.
Create a shield. Imagine yourself surrounded by a sphere of white light (another version is to imagine a “rainbow rain” that pours through the top of your head, to the bottom of your feet, and moves back up to repeat the process) around you. This shield will protect you from harm and deflect negative energy sent your way. Keep in mind however, that you do not want to shield yourself from everything. There are positive experiences out in the world. You are protecting yourself from harm, not building a fortress in which to lock yourself in.
Be confident. You can protect yourself. We (even those of us who are seasoned in this area) all get caught off guard from time to time. You can cleanse yourself and stop the negativity from returning. You can get through hard times and you can create the future you desire. In intentional attacks, loss of confidence is often the primary or one of several goals against you. Standing your ground is best.
Use stones. Keep protective stones in at least one corner of every room to protect your house. Black tourmaline is a favorite for this purpose as it is both protective and absorbs any negativity in the area. This will make spiritual cleansing much easier.
Exercise regularly and eat healthy. As with showering, these should go without saying. A healthy body leads to healthy energy. In the same way you need a healthy body to help fight back when germs and disease try to find their way in, you need a healthy body to use magick effectively when fighting off negative energy and intentions. A healthier you is a more powerful you.
Ward your home, vehicle, and other spaces. Doing so will not 100% guarantee nothing bad will happen or that negativity will always be averted, but it is a great protective measure. Think of it as loading up on Vitamin C during cold and flu seasons. You will boost your immune system, but you may still catch a cold. Ways to ward include hanging a protective wreath on doors or broom over the threshold.
Other symbols and tools for protection. Gargoyles, horseshoes, and certain symbols all work great in protecting the home. Symbols may include the pentacle, Star of David, ankh, Eye of Horus, triskele, Thor’s Hammer, and any variation of a cross. Some witches also make use of the pentacles from the Key of Solomon.Whatever symbol you choose to use, make sure it is something that resonates with you as a protective device. If you are Christian, for example, you may find a simple cross is far more effective than the most elaborate of pentacles. Do not feel that a pentacle must be used because some spell book said that is the symbol to use to protect yourself. Use what makes you feel safe and protected and brings you the confidence you need to fight back against any attacks.
How to Make a Witch Bottle
Witch Bottles have been around for hundreds of years and have been found all over Britain. The original purpose of a witch bottle was to keep witches and evil away! It was the idea of sympathetic magic that made people think that making these bottles would work. They were suppose to protect the person from the witch or evil, while also bringing on harm caused by all the objects in the bottle. Today the purpose of the witch bottle is to protect a person from negative energy targeted at them. Objects like rusty nails, razors, pins, thorns, urine and hair from the person being protected, blood, and other sharp and nasty things went into the bottle. This is a simple way to make and use a witch bottle for general protection.


A glass or ceramic jar or bottle, with a big enough iopening to put the objects in it
wood pieces
hair, fingernails or blood
rusty nails
protection herbs
any other sharp or nasty object that would divert negative energy

First place all the items in your bottle. With each object, visualize the bottle being infused with protective energy. Know that any negative energy directed towards you will be absorbed and destroyed by the bottle. You could also write on a tiny piece of paper all the things you want to be protected from and stick it inside. The last items you add would be the blood (menstrual blood could be used) urine, vinegar or hair and nails (urine and blood symbolize yourself, they connect you to the bottle, they are a really strong element to work with in magic). Lastly seal the top (you can drip black candle wax over it, or just close the lid). Now you should bury it somewhere outside or in your home. These bottles have been found under floor boards, in walls, under the porch, in fireplaces and buried outside. Wherever is most convenient for you.

As long as the bottle stays intact and doesn’t break, it will work.

Witch bottles can also be constructed in other ways and for other purposes. Just think of it as a spell in a bottle. To draw money you would add things like coins, herbs to bring money, dollar signs made of cloth, and any other thing you can think of to symbolize money. You could also add those other things, like blood or hair to tie the bottle to yourself.
¤Make an Onion Braid
This is a simple protection charm to hang in your home to protect those who live there. Braiding is a very relaxing and magical way to spend an evening, and by braiding your onions, you can prepare them for winter storage – basically, you’re accomplishing the magical and the mundane all in one shot. To do this, you’ll need a bunch of onions with the green tops still attached, and about four feet of heavy twine. Begin folding the twine in half, and tying a knot near the end, creating a loop. Lay the twine on a flat surface and place an onion upside down so that the greens of the onion form a third “string”, along with the two free ends of the twine.
Using the two free lengths of twine and the onion stem, form a tight braid. Repeat this until the onion is securely in place. Repeat the process with the rest of your onions, braiding them in and out between the other stems and the two strands of twine. As you do so, focus your intent. Onions are magically linked to protective magic, so you can braid the onions and recite an incantation linking them to whatever sort of protection you feel you need. Some sample incantations might be:
For protection of a home:
Onions wrapped around a braid,
This charm for my home I have made,
Keep negative energy away from me,
As I will, so it shall be.
For protection of a person:
Layers and layers of onion skin,
Layers of safety for those within,
Layers to make all harm stay out,
Keep (name) safe, without a doubt.
Use crystals or stones with magical properties, such as Hematite to create a barrier around your home. Put a piece of Hematite at each outside corner of the house. Other protective stones you can use include amber, carnelian, and onyx.
Brew up some Protection Oil, and anoint yourself with it. This will keep you safe from psychic or magical attacks. This magical blend that includes lavender and mugwort can be used around your home and property, your car, or on people whom you wish to protect.
To make Protection Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
4 drops Patchouli
3 drops Lavender
1 drop Mugwort
1 drop Hyssop
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Plant herbs with protective properties, such as violet, thistle, honeysuckle, or fennel around your home. When they bloom, harvest them and hang them up to dry. Use the dried herbs in protective sachets or incense.
Hang an iron horseshoe, open end facing down, to keep evil spirits out of your home. A horseshoe found along the side of a road was particularly powerful, and was known to provide protection against disease. In some areas, the horseshoe is displayed with the open side at the top, to contain good fortune. If you have access to iron railroad spikes or nails, pound them into the soil surrounding your property to form a metaphysical barrier – just be sure you get them all the way into the dirt, so you don’t stub a toe on them later!
Make a batch of Black Salt to sprinkle around your property for protection.
In western Scotland, it was once popular to make a small cross of rowan twigs and bind them together with red string. Hanging this in the window or over a door will keep negative influences from crossing the threshold.
If you’re suffering from bad dreams, consider making an Herbal Dream Pillow to protect you in your sleep.Make a magical poppet to protect yourself or a loved one.
Tools needed:
* Mirror
First, bless and consecrate the mirror to be used only in positive magick.
In quiet meditation, on your altar, repeat:
“Mirror, Mirror, do as I say,
Turn all negativity back away.
Send it back from where it did come,
Send it back, an it harm none!
So mote it be!”
To cut the link with your past, which influences your present life in a negative way.
There are some experiences in our life, which are still haunting us and therefore could be for us harmful, could influence our life in a negative way. It could be for example memory of bad relationship, unhappy childhood, trauma from some life situation or some accident. This spell has two levels: magical (we influence energy flow, we cut our links with the past and it cannot reach us anymore) and therapeutic (we define our problem, accept it and let it go).
What you will need
1. A charcoal disk and a fireproof dish
2. Incense mix used in a church (for purification)
3. Matches or lighter
4. Chalk or salt for the magic circle
5. One dark blue candle (representing deep mind or unconscious mind)
6. A black cord (length 21cm)
7. Scissors
8. Another fireproof dish for burning (for example old pot)
9. A list with past experiences (we have worked with for 28 days)
If you like Tarot, you can use the card Death as a symbol for your ritual. It will symbolise the end of your suffering. Death must come first in order to start again, this “death” will clear a new path for you.
Best time
Dark moon (or dead moon), best day is Saturday, but any other day is also ok.
Preparation for the ritual
– write a list of past experiences you would like to break with. Best time to do it is one day after dark moon. You will work then every day, that means 28 days, with your list. This will accumulate enough power for the final ritual.
– every day, say to the each of the experience: “ I accept you as you are. Thank you for lesson you gave me. From now, you have no power over me. You are free and I am free, too. Goodbye.”
– you don’t have to really feel it first, most probably you will feel resistance to do it. But do it, just mechanically. Think about relief which will be your reward!
– do it till the day of the dark moon. Then, you will perform the ritual and after the ritual you will burn your list and put ashes to the flowing water.
Ritual Instructions
1. Cast a circle, to mark a circle, use chalk or salt (you can find instructions for magical circle here)
2. Light the charcoal disc and the candle. Say: “ Where was a darkness, there is now the light”.
3. Put the incense onto the charcoal. Relax and feel how the smoke purifies the atmosphere.
4. Tie a knot on the left side of the cord- it represents your past. Tie another knot on the right side of the cord. It represents your future free from experiences of the past.
5. Ask higher power of light and love to come and assist you.
6. There are two options, how to cut the connection between past and future. First one is to hold “past” in your left hand, “future” in your right hand and let the flame to burn through the cord. Another option is to cut the connection between past and future with the scissors. Choose, what “feels” better for you.
7. After that, put the past knot together with the paper (your list) into the fireproof dish and let it burn entirely.
8. Sit, relax, meditate. Pray to the Higher power. Thank this Power for help.
9. End the ritual. Then, go to the nature and put the ashes into the flowing water. Or go to the hill and let the wind to take it away. 

Intelligence Booster Potion (Home Herb Addition)’

You will need the following items for this spell:

2 strawberries
2 teaspoons thyme
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon honey
Unrefined quartz
Mash the strawberries over the bowl until they have been entirely crushed and there is juice in the bowl.

Add water until the bowl is around halfway full.

Add the Thyme, Cinnamon and Honey.

Stir until the honey has disappeared.

Add 2 thoroughly washed quartz stones

Let it soak for 1-2 hours

Strain over jar until there is no potion left in the bowl

Bless this potion by adding 1 teaspoon of holy water and leaving outside under the moon for a night.



We work with many methods of meditation. Here is one, inspired by the deep peace of the trees, that you can practice, either as a spiritual exercise in its own right, or as a prelude to prayer, ritual or other meditation or movement work.
Its purpose is to help you feel centred and grounded, and to help you deepen your experience of being in your body and in relationship to the natural world. It encourages the flow of life-force, cultivates peacefulness, and harmonises Heart and Mind.
Each element of the meditation may be experienced for as long as you wish, and once you have mastered the simple sequence, you can deepen your experience by dwelling for a longer time on each part of the meditation.

Begin by standing or sitting, and becoming aware of the environment around you. If you are not outside in a natural setting, you can imagine yourself in one – such as a forest or woodland grove.

Now move your awareness to your body, and start to move the focus of your attention slowly down from the top of your head, relaxing into your awareness of your body as you do so. Relax your eyes and mouth, release any tension in the shoulders, and gradually move your awareness down through your torso and legs to the soles of your feet.

Feel your feet planted firmly on the earth. Imagine roots travelling deep down into the soil, and sense these great strong roots spreading wide and deep beneath you.

Feel the nourishment and energy from the earth travelling up these roots now, until you sense again the soles of your feet. Feel the energy flowing up your body as you move your awareness slowly, with love and acceptance, up your body: up your legs, your thighs, your torso and arms, your chest, your neck, your head.

When you reach the top of your head, just let go of this movement of awareness and rest in an awareness of just Being… still and calm, breathing in and breathing out.

When you feel ready, raise your arms, not forwards in front of you, but out to either side of you, palms facing down. Let your arms float up effortlessly as if they doing so of their own volition, floating up until they are parallel to the earth. As they reach this position at shoulder-height, turn your palms to face upward, and as you do this, move your arms back a tiny amount – just a centimetre or so – and enjoy the sensation this gives of opening your chest, your heart: welcoming the world. Imagine your arms and hands are like the first great boughs that mark the beginning of the crown of your tree. Sense the branches and leaves of your crown moving in the sunlight and sky above.

Stay in this position as long as you like, and then slowly move your arms up until your fingertips touch above the top of your head, sensing as you do this the top of the crown of your tree. Enjoy the stretch of this movement, and then retrace the movement: slowly lowering your arms down on either side, palms facing up until they reach shoulder-height, at which point they turn downwards, and continue in one flowing movement down, until fingertips meet at the groin, at the mid-line of your body. As you move your arms down to this position allow your awareness to move towards the earth and a sense of your roots, and then feel the energy of the earth flowing up the trunk of your tree, in other words your legs, until it reaches your hands, at which point your hands begin to travel, fingertips touching, up the mid-line of your body to your chest. Pause at the chest and let your fingertips touch your body. Then bring your fingertips up to the brow to touch there. Then raise the fingertips right up as high as they can go, to repeat the stretch above your head to the top of your crown.

Stay there as long as you wish, and then repeat the sequence twice more: separating your fingertips and sweeping your hands down with palms up, flipping your palms to face downwards at shoulder level until your fingertips meet just in front of your body, then bringing them up again to touch heart and brow before stretching up to the crown.

On the third and final sequence, after stretching up above your head, lower your arms and bring them to rest on either side of you. Then just rest in stillness for a while, open to your awareness, sensing yourself breathing in and breathing out.

When you are ready to finish this phase, give thanks to the trees, and gradually allow any sense of having roots, branches and leaves to dissolve as you become fully aware of your own body.


Even on your first attempt to perform this meditation, you will probably notice the sense of calm and grounding the exercise brings. Stretching outwards seems to open the heart and engender a feeling of gratitude and openness to life. Stretching upwards seems to help one feel aligned, and touching heart and brow can feel very powerful, bringing into our body an awareness of the goals of the Druid: Love and Wisdom. As with any meditation technique or spiritual practice, the more you work with it, the more benefit you will receive. To begin with, you may be concerned with following the sequence of the exercise correctly, but once you are familiar with this you will be able to relax into it and can take more time with each phase. You can then – if you choose – build on the basic practice, by – for example – performing the meditation facing each of the cardinal directions in turn, or by using the sequence to refresh your body and energy field during prolonged sessions of meditation or contemplation.

To see this exercise being done go to You Tube : Deep Peace of the Trees Meditation.

Simple Protection

You will need the following items for this spell:

First, centering, grounding, meditation and shielding are recommended, but not required, though they will yield better results. Second, be still, focus on the energies around you and chant:

“God and Goddess hear my plea,
I ask that you protect me.
Give me love and give me life,
Let me not be led to strife.
God and Goddess hear my plea,
Love to all and blessed be.”

Repeat as many times as you like, or until you feel uplifted or secure. 

Penny for Luck

You will need the following items for this spell:

A penny
Take a penny out of your pocket.
Hold it in your hand, getting used to the feel of the penny.
Hold it near your heart.
Hold it near your third eye.
Kiss the hand you hold it with, and say – ”Penny for Luck!”
Throw the penny into the grass, on a fence or on a tree, for the fairies to come and take it away.

Unwinding Universal Messages – Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are messages that the universe sends us in times of need. Humans are living in 3D lives. Three directions we are typically aware of in our reality are past, present and future. However, this limitation exists in our mind and physical reality, this vast universe has infinite possibilities and realities. Due to our ignorance of the other universes and realities divine has various ways to send us guidance in this reality. Many times despite receiving the guidance we have a hard time interpreting and implementing in our lives.

Divine and angels reach us through various mediums. This is the very reason the numerical digits or mathematical expressions came into play since numbers are within the human mind awareness and this is frequently encountered in our daily lives in various forms. Divine and angels choose to send us a particular frequency and repetitions to emphasise a particular situation that is boggling our minds. Have you been experiencing repeated numbers and particular digits in your daily lives? Then this is for you, in fact, this particular write-up was guidance from the universe. Here is an interpretation of various numbers to help you understand what the angel numbers could mean…

111 – When you see 111 continuously, angels and divine are trying to make you aware of your spiritual awakening, you might be starting or reaching a new height in that line. You are being sent a message that you will attract what matches your vibration. You are being reminded of starting to think of leaving the past where it was and attract thoughts that are in your best interest. Be Aware!

222 – Are you looking for balance in your life? Pay attention to your thoughts! Divine is asking you to choose your words carefully since they become your manifestations. Life is a long journey and things will fall into its perfect place when you align with the highest vibration of gratitude. Harmonize with yourself and others. Ask and you shall receive is the message you are being sent. Write, say and pray your desires & worries, allow the universe to send you what you are ready for.

Unwinding Universal Messages – Angel Numbers for You
333 – Numerous ascended masters chose to help and guide humankind eternally. Actively being a part of this universe their guidance reaches us in many forms. Blessed by Ascended masters 333 asks you to make a decision. Be real to yourself! What do you want? Once you have the answer only then you will make the required changes and take actions to accelerate your manifestations. Have a plan!

444 – Acknowledge that your guardian angel is trying to reach out to you. You are protected at all times all you have to do is request them to be around and guide you at all times. 444 reminds you of the good choice you have made, the right direction or action you are being guided towards intuitively. Follow your intuition with a mindset of gratitude. There is a higher force guiding you and protecting you at all times.

555 – Are you suffering inside due to a situation or condition of the past? 555 will show up to remind you that your past has been haunting you for no good. Turn to a direction that has been aligned to you for your highest good. If a major shift is being made in your navigation this is the numerical series that will show up. Stay positive no matter what, it’s a phase that you are going through and will alter depending on your thought process. Your thoughts are being manifested. Think of the best for yourself and others.

666 – Do you stress out easily or imagine the worst outcome of a situation? Reassess your situation and deeply analyze a situation that disturbed you but realize that how that decision or situation has transformed you. You are a stronger person because of that phase of your life. No matter how much you hate it, it was meant to be a soul lesson for you, you have already reached new heights of possibilities because of that. Dream big for future manifestations and do not settle for old. Let Go!

777 – Have the confidence to receive what you deserve. Focus on your karma and watch things and situations transform for your highest good. Loved ones in heaven might be sending you messages. Try to take it easy on yourself and others. Do not hold onto things that do not serve you. You have the strength and wisdom you require to move on. Do grounding by walking on earth with bare feet, find your balance from within.

888 – Abundance is being welcomed by your soul. Stay aware of the opportunities surrounding you, take a leap of faith. Ask you, guardian angels, to hold your hand and help you walk in the direction set for you. Never forget you are a drop of the universal river that flows in this physical reality at all times whether you know or not. New successes and relationships are awaiting you. Abundance is your new best friend. Are you aligned?

999 – The infinite force of forgiveness will change your course of life. Move beyond your existing vibration. Release past and move. Give away what you desire most, so it comes back multiplied. Be kind and gentle towards self and others. The road to hope is within your reach by selflessly serving other beings. Angels have been guiding you so far and will lead you further to help you reach new heights of being human.

000 – 0 itself signifies completion and all that starts will end. Nothing is forever. Do not connect with outcomes, give your best effort to opportunities and relationships around you. You might see this when something for you is coming to a completion. What is it? If you have been hesitant of letting go or starting something new, here is the answer your angels have for you. No need to hold yourself back. Horizons of guidance have already been opened to you! Are you aligning your thoughts and actions to support your blessings? It’s about time now you create your own destiny.

Divine is not limited to a series of a particular number. The universe is eternal and ever-changing, there are many messages that you will receive from your angels. The idea is to let go of your ego, hurtful past & welcome new beginnings and monetary opportunities with open arms. When you are afraid of something you align with lower vibrational thoughts. Keep your vibes high by thinking the best of yourself and others, be of service to someone in need. Give away gently so even better things can cover that void in your soul. I wish you luck and love today and always. 

Lucky Spells And Rituals To Attract Good Luck

Whether you believe in luck or not, a lucky spell can help you focus your energy on a specific intention you want to manifest. Where our attention goes, energy flows, and energy is powerful. Energy + action make shit happen, whether it’s in your business, romantic relationships, or personal goals.

Have you ever blown out the candles on your birthday cake and made a wish? Or turned your back to a fountain and threw a penny in, hoping your wish would come true? What about crossing your fingers, touching wood, or even praying to your spiritual guides to help you manifest your deepest soul desires? If so, you’ve already been casting good luck spells without realizing it!

Even if you don’t believe in rituals like this, I invite you to shift the way you think about luck because it’s no more than energy and attitude. When you believe in your dreams and are committed to achieving your goals, luck will automatically be on your side. This is simply the Law Of Attraction. And working with a lucky spell or ritual for good luck can help you declare to the Universe what you want and channel your energy into making it happen.

What is spellwork?
FYI: you don’t need a book of spells, fancy ingredients, a cauldron, or a million crystals to practice spells and magic!

At its heart, spellwork is simply the art of setting an intention, then raising and directing your energy toward it. A spell is anything you do with a magical purpose behind it. Most importantly, you’re clear on your intention and connected to the action when performing a spell or ritual.

Mini rituals for good luck
There’s a good chance you’ve experienced some of these luck rituals over the years without realizing you were practicing magic:

Making a wish before blowing out birthday cake candles
Blowing on a dandelion while making a wish
Finding a four-leaf clover
Wishing on a shooting star
Wishing on a rainbow
Keeping a specific statue or charm on your desk
Hanging a dreamcatcher above your bed
Splitting the wishbone after eating dinner and making a wish if you get the largest piece
Throwing salt over your shoulder while cooking
Avoiding walking under a ladder
Not opening an umbrella indoors

7 Lucky spells and rituals for good luck
Here is a range of simple spells for good luck that you can try at home without buying many tools and ingredients.

Use one of these spells next time you want to channel your energy toward a particular intention, like finding an amazing partner, making more sales in your business, or getting that dream job you just applied for!

I’d always recommend cleansing your space at the start of any spell or ritual. You can do this by burning some herbs, using essential oils in an air diffuser, using a room spray, or however you prefer to cleanse.

Good luck spell #1: Lucky charm
You will need:

A candle (select your color based on your needs)
Any small object that symbolizes luck to you
How to do it:

Choose a green candle if you want more luck with money, abundance, and work. Choose a red candle if you want more luck in the romance department. And if you want help attracting more positive energy and getting rid of negative vibes, choose a black candle for protection. A white one is fine if all else fails, and you can’t find any colored candles!

Try and perform this good luck spell in a room with a door, and make sure the door is closed to start off with. Light your candle, and hold your lucky object in your hand. Visualize good luck and good energy encompassing you and this object. You might want to imagine a specific color of light (that matches your candle). Once you feel good luck energy all around you, open the door. This means that good luck can follow you wherever you go!

Carry your chosen object (or wear it on a necklace if suitable) when you need some extra luck. For example, on a first date, a job interview, etc.

Let your candle burn out.

Good luck spell #2: Cleansing bath ritual
You will need:

A candle
A mix of herbs and flowers (chamomile flowers, cloves, basil, mint, rosemary, and cinnamon sticks are all great for good luck)
Essential oils (optional)
A crystal (optional)

How to do it:

You can take a good luck bath ritual any time you like. It is relaxing and will help clear any stagnant energy away and make space for better things to flow in.

Set up your bathroom, so it feels relaxing and nourishing. Light your candle. Gather your herbs and add them to the tub while the water runs. If you add essential oils and/or a crystal, choose the ones that support your intention.

As you soak in the water, focus on your intention and visualize your wish coming true. How do you feel? What can you see? Who is with you?

Let your candle burn out after your good luck spell.

Lucky spell #3: Lady Luck
You will need:

A candle
A new penny
A fireproof bowl or tray
A four-leaf clover (a paper one is fine)
How to do it:

Lady Luck (also known as Goddess Fortuna) is the perfect person to pray to when performing a lucky spell.

Light your candles, then flip your penny in the air, letting it land on a surface. The aim is to have it land heads up three times in a row. Keep going until this happens (be patient)!

Next, burn your four-leaf clover using the flame of the candle. Keep it over the fireproof bowl while you do this. Communicate with Lady Luck while you do this. You can say anything that feels right but be specific.

Keep the candle lit until it burns out (but don’t leave it unattended).

Good luck spell #4: Salt & Cinnamon
You will need:

A candle
Cinnamon powder
How to do it:

Place your candle on your altar, spread a circle of salt around it, and say something like, “negative energy and spirits, be gone!”

Next, light your candle. Visualize any misfortune and struggles melting away and leaving your body and home. You might want to meditate to help you get into the right headspace.

When you’re done with your visualization, sprinkle the cinnamon powder on top of the salt and say a lucky spell incantation (that’s a fancy way of saying, use your words to declare what you desire).

You can use visualization again here (a bright white light) to imagine good luck and amazing new opportunities coming your way.

Let your candle burn out.

Lucky spell #5: Red rose
You will need:

A candle
7 red rose petals (fresh or dried)
A fireproof dish or tray
How to do it:

Although the rose petals might make you think “love,” this lucky spell will help you attract good luck and abundance in all areas of your life.

Salt cleanses, while the rose is a sacred flower, so the petals make a wonderful offering.

Place your candle in the center of your dish, make a circle of salt around the edge, then place your petals over the salt. Light your candle.

Take some time to get comfortable, sit peacefully, and breathe. Visualize your mind, body, and spirit being cleansed, with new doors opening for you.

Now it’s time to say an affirmation, chant, or mantra that aligns with your intention. Don’t overthink this part. What’s important is that the words feel powerful to you.

Repeat this spell for good luck every day for the next seven days. Blow the candle out every day, apart from the seventh, when you can let it burn down on its own.

Good luck spell #6: A tea ritual
You will need:

A beautiful mug
Your favorite tea blend (use fresh herbs and flowers for a nourishing herbal tea)
A teaspoon
How to do it:

Brewing and drinking tea can be a sacred, magical experience if you treat it this way. And if you’re using natural herbs and flowers in your tea, these can have a healing and energizing effect on the body. The best part about this ritual is it’s so simple to add to your morning or evening routine.

Cinnamon, cloves, mint, and chamomile are all great for good luck spells.

Brew your tea in a teapot, cafetiere, or on the stove. Pour your tea into your mug, take your teaspoon and stir the tea. While you do this, recite a good luck blessing.

As you sip your tea, focus on your intention.

Lucky spell #7: Wish upon a star
You will need:

Gold or silver paper or card
String, twine, or ribbon
A hole punch
Colorful markers, paints, glitter pens (whatever you’ve got to hand!)
How to do it:

Wishing on a star is an ancient tradition that has bled into our present society. Hence, stars are the perfect symbol to weave into a lucky spell!

What Is A Sigil + How To Make One For Protection & Abundance
Draw out a star on your paper and cut it out. Have fun decorating it. Remember to write your intention or wish on one side. At night, go outside with your star, and repeat the following children’s rhyme:

Star light, star bright,

First star I see tonight.

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight.

Then, repeat your wish out loud.

Bring your star back indoors and hang it above your bed when you’re done. As you sleep, dream about your wish coming true.

Things to be mindful of when performing lucky spells

1. Perform spells when you’re calm and centered
It’s okay if you’re performing a good luck spell in reaction to something that happens to you, e.g., a new job opportunity, a handsome stranger entering your life, etc. But it’s best practice to avoid spellwork if you’re stressed or highly emotional. The energy that goes into your spells will always impact the outcome. For example, if you’re angry when performing a spell, you can expect this negative energy to affect your results.

The only real rule with spellwork is to make sure you’re not casting a spell to harm yourself or others. Your magic reflects your soul, so fuel your spellwork with love, kindness, and compassion.

2. Set a time & location
Lucky spells work any time of day or night. But doing them at dawn or dusk, during any of the wheel of the year sabbats, or on the new or full moon can strengthen the power of your good luck spell.

Physical entrances can act as cosmic portals, e.g., doors, windows, and even floor or loft hatches. This makes them great places to perform good luck spells or practice any kind of magic.

3. Set an intention
Unless you’re clear on your intention, you’re not ready to perform a good luck spell.


Because how can you direct your energy somewhere when you don’t know exactly where you want to direct it?

So think about where you want luck to work its magic in your life. What would success look like to you?

It’s equally important that your intention is authentic and you feel a burning desire toward it. Your spell will probably have mediocre results if you feel lukewarm about it.

4. Think positive thoughts
What we think about most, we become and draw into our world. This happens at a subconscious level, whether you realize it or not. You are writing your own destiny as you read this. And this shouldn’t frighten you; it should empower you!

For a good luck spell to work, you must believe it will and channel your thoughts and attention toward it.

5. You don’t need to spend a fortune!
As I mentioned, you don’t need to spend a fortune online gathering witchy tools and objects like candles, incense, and sage bundles. In fact, you’ve probably got many things you can use in your house already.

Most people have salt, spices, dried herbs, and candles lying around. You might also have flowers in your garden or herbs you can forage nearby. Pots, pans, and pottery can serve as your cauldron or chalice.

The only must-have ingredient for a lucky spell is your intention. After that, do your best to work with what’s around you.

If you want additional tools, be mindful of who you’re buying them from and how they’ve been produced because this energy will work its way into your spell.

6. Take action
The final thing to remember when performing good luck spells is to combine your spellwork or ritual with physical action in the real world. Without this, nothing will happen.

For example, if you want a sprinkle of luck on your career and hope to land an amazing new job, you’ve got to take action by searching for a new job you might like, speaking to recruiters, networking, etc. Similarly, if you want your lucky spell to help you meet someone special, you can’t sit around at home every night hoping they’ll appear at your door. You’ve got to get out there, speak to new people, join a dating app, and put yourself out there!

Are you ready to change your luck?
I hope these good luck spells have inspired you to channel your energy toward manifesting whatever you truly desire because spellwork is one of the simplest and most effective ways to declare what we want and write our destiny.

Good Fortune and Happiness Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Bird Seeds (That are safe to eat by birds in your area. Do your research!)
A small pouch
A larger pouch (alt. a large jar)
Anything that you have lying around that has positive correspondences!
A Few Examples:
River Stones
Vial of Moon Water
Cinnamon, etc.
Take your birds seeds and pour some in the small pouch. Take the larger pouch (or jar) and fill it with all the happy items you can fit in it, then insert the smaller pouch into the larger one and leave it for a day to soak up all those energies.

After a day, remove the smaller bird pouch from the jar/larger pouch and go out to feed some birds (ideally on a bright, clear day). It’s recommended you remind yourself of your intent and project it onto the seeds as you feed the birds. And voila! You’re done!

Remember to help out your community after to help strengthen the spell.

Get A Job Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

A candle, preferably green
A penny, piece of copper, quartz, or anything else to be a charm
A boline, terminated quartz crystal, or something else for carving
Cast a circle. Carve the rune for wealth into the candle and light it. Meditate on your intentions and charge the candle with power. Then take the item to be made into a charm in your dominant hand and whisper to it exactly what you want. Then, pass the charm quickly through the flame and speak the following words:

“By the power of charm and fire
I draw to me what I desire
Prosperity I seek to gain
Employment I will soon attain”

Imagine getting a job as clearly as you can. Visualize it with perfect clarity and focus your will on making it happen. Keep the charm with you until you become employed.

Invocation for Discovering Truth

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 beeswax candle
2 pieces natural paper
A pen/pencil
Bowl of water
A single candle of beeswax should be lighted and placed on a table away from the draft and chill. Two pieces of natural paper need be torn to the length of three finger’s breadth and the width of two finger’s breadth. On each need be written the choices from which Truth shall choose. A bowl of clean water should be placed on the table at thy front and a circle drawn round the bowl. Once the circle be drawn, no more should thy hand pass in.

The following invocation need be spoken aloud and with a firm and somber voice: “In the name of Vuall, I summon thee Truth that thee may choose of these and show that pure. By the virtue of the highest of thee, I command thee come forth lest thee suffer the pain of disobedience.”

Fold each piece of paper singly and cast them together into the water, not allowing thy hand cross into the circle. That piece which doth unfold first be the answer of Truth and that which unfolds last be the lie. When Truth hath made its choice, dismiss the spirit, extinguish the candle and dispose of the water on freshly turned soil.

If you receive no answer. If Truth does not find the working favorable then he wont tell you

Hekates Night 13th August

August 13th is listed in modern Pagan calendars as being Hekates Night, a night sacred to Hekate. This purportedly ancient Greek festival is for propitiation, where we ask Hekate Lady of the Storms to not send any of those nasty storms among us. We are meant to leave an offering at the crossroads to Hekate and ask Her to keep us safe from storms, or even better, just keep the damaging and dangerous storms away completely.

So we will begin at the end, this is not an ancient festival and yet it also kind of is. Kind of. The struggle we have with this festival is that it is kind of based on an ancient festival, or two or three. It is also maybe based on ancient ideas, that have little to do with those ancient festivals. And it almost certainly exists as it does because of confusion over various things.

Or maybe it is completely made up and modern and we have all been finding coincidental connections that don’t actually exist. That is the problem right there, we can’t be entirely sure of who first said this festival existed in modern times. We can’t be entirely sure of why they said it existed. We can’t be sure who added the extra bits and pieces, nor why they did so.

The Modern Line

Hekates Night is mentioned in several modern Pagan books, by that name and sometimes not by any name, simply listed as a night sacred to Hekate. When these books cite other modern, but still older, books this makes the festival seem a touch more legitimate. Then you get a book by reputable or at least popular Pagan authors, they don’t even need to cite a source. They say it, it must be true.

“Her annual festival on August 13 (also that of the Roman Diana) was a propitiary one, to avert harvest-destroying storms.

The source was likely to be a book I do not have and haven’t read, Witchcraft Out of the Shadows by Leo Ruickbie. According to those who have read this book Leo notes in a side box that August 13th is a day the ancient Greeks would propitiate Hekate so She wouldn’t send crop destroying storms. He does cite a source and it’s one I was able to access through Open Library.

“[August] The 13th. Celebration of Diana and Hecate of the Moon in The Goddess Book of Days, Diana Stein (first published 1988).

The piece from Goddess Book of Days about August 13th

So here we can see the progression quite clearly. Going backwards we have numerous internet sites stating we must offer to Hekate at a crossroads to prevent storms from destroying our crops. Farrar and Bone, and Ruickbie seemingly don’t mention anything about crossroads offerings, but they do mention storms and crops/harvests and propitiation. Steins book on the other hand doesn’t mention storms at all, just protection for the harvest.

It’s like Chinese whispers.

Offering at the Crossroads

The crossroads offering is seemingly a later addition and it’s pretty obvious where it comes from – the Deipnon. Every lunar month, on the dark moon, we offer to Hekate at the crossroads to honour Her of course, but it is also a propitiation offering that in some ways asks for protection. On the dark moon She wanders the world as leader of the host of the Restless Dead. So we offer at the crossroads to feed Her and the dead and Her hounds I suppose, but also to give us some protection from the dead.

As a protective sort of offering it stands to reason that this would become part of a protection festival that has little to no details about what one should do for that festival.

The most interesting part of this festival, and actually kind of makes me really like the whole thing, is the part where it is about Hekate as a storm Goddess. As we can see, the storm part of the festival appears to have originated with Leo Ruickbie. Given that the source he cites doesn’t mention storms at all, we have to assume that even if this did somehow originate in an ancient festival, the storm part of it is a modern addition.

I suppose it makes some logical sense though, a festival to ask Hekate to protect the harvest… why? Others who have searched before me often show confusion over why Hekate of all the deities is the one being asked to protect the crops/harvests. She’s not generally noted as an agricultural deity, so why Her? I suppose the addition of protection from storms makes it seem a little more palatable to those who know Her as the Lady of Storms.

Her storm aspect isn’t mentioned very often – but it is actually a slightly popular one. Fact is we don’t have a lot of information about Her as a storm Goddess, nor much about any cultus that revolved around that aspect. But some fragments of history do exist.

The main tangible piece of historical evidence we have of Hekate being a storm Goddess – at least to some of the Greeks is from my favourite place in ancient Greece, Samothrace.

“In Samothrace there were certain initiation-rites, which they supposed efficacious as a charm against certain dangers. In that place were also the mysteries of the Corybantes and those of Hecate. The initiates supposed that these things save [them] from terrors and from storms.

So, She was given offerings, or sacrifices, in Samothrace, asking for protection from the storms – and from terror. But we can also go further. Though it isn’t generally outright stated, as an Oceanic deity, Hekate would have province over stormy weather – especially on the ocean and the shore. Add to the fact that She is also a Ouranic deity, this would seem to give Her even more rule over the weather. As Brimo, the angry one, we can also hazard a guess that She again holds sway over angry storms or any natural disaster really.

The storm aspect holds firm in reference to Hekate, but whether it should be part of this festival is another matter. As a note, I actually did check the climate and weather patterns for Samothrace – they have really nice weather during August, with rare showers and storms. But for the most part, August is not a stormy season, any storm propitiation would likely not have happened at this time of year.

Protection and Harvest or Crops

As noted above, one of the things people find issue with when it comes to this festival, is the idea of Hekate protecting the harvest/crops. Many people find the idea of Hekate and agriculture to be, well, just wrong. Some also find it difficult to understand why Hekate would be called on for protection. So we need to look at these aspects of the festival as well – do they fit Hekate or not?

“Hecate, the symbol of her varying phases and of her power dependent on the phases. Wherefore her power appears in three forms, having as symbol of the new moon the figure in the white robe and golden sandals, and torches lighted: the basket, which she bears when she has mounted high, is the symbol of the cultivation of the crops, which she makes to grow up according to the increase of her light: and again the symbol of the full moon is the goddess of the brazen sandals.

Or even from the branch of olive one might infer her fiery nature, and from the poppy her productiveness, and the multitude of the souls who find an abode in her as in a city, for the poppy is an emblem of a city. She bears a bow, like Artemis, because of the sharpness of the pangs of labour.

And, again, the Fates are referred to her powers, Clotho to the generative, and Lachesis to the nutritive, and Atropos to the inexorable will of the deity.

Also, the power productive of corn-crops, which is Demeter, they associate with her, as producing power in her.

In this one reference we can see that She is indeed linked to agriculture, as the waxing moon, “symbol of the cultivation of the crops” and also in Her association with Demeter, “the power productive of corn-crops”. This is only one reference, but sometimes that is all you need.

Protection is actually a more common thing when it comes to Hekate. The offerings given on the Deipnon are all about asking Her for protection – as well as being just offerings to Her, the dead and Her hounds. One of Her epithets is Apotropaios, which means “averter” and is in reference to Her being a protector, averting evil. She is also named Medousa, Protector and Pylake, Guard, Who Keeps Watch.

1Nemoralia – August 13th

There is an ancient Roman festival called the Nemoralia which was held on either the 13th-15th of August or over the full moon of August. This festival is in honour of Diana Nemorensis. Women would hold a torch procession to Lake Nemi, they would leave Diana various offerings as well as tokens of gratitude and requests for various help especially healing.

Diana was often heavily conflated with Hekate, both being named Trivia – indeed one can see in Diana the beginnings of the modern triple goddess. Hekate is of course a torch bearing Goddess, making this festival peculiarly suited to Her, even without the Diana conflation. Some, including Wikipedia, state that during the festival Hekate is also given offerings of garlic – but I can’t find the source of that.

This festival seems to have little to nothing to do with storms, harvests or propitiation and so doesn’t really match up with the modern festival very well in that way. But the date is quite significant and cannot be ignored.

It is worth noting too that James Frazer (Golden Bough) notes that Nemoralia is the festival that was eventually turned into the Feast of the Assumption, this doesn’t seem important at all until we look at the above quote from our oldest modern reference, the Goddess Book of Days. “The 13th. Celebration of Diana and Hecate of the Moon in pre-Hellenic Greece, to protect the harvest. Origin of the Assumption Day in the Church Mary cycle. “


The ancient Greek calendars were luni-solar. The years were marked by the solstices or equinoxes (region dependent), for example the first day of the year in Athens was the first new waxing moon after the summer solstice. The months thereafter were purely lunar, beginning on the first waxing moon, ending on the dark moon. This means that no matter how we spin it, the calendars back then can never match our calendar today. There was no August 13th, because there was no August. And even if there was an August, it would not be the same time as it is now, but instead would be based on the solstices and lunar months.

August generally coincides with the month of Metageitnion in the Attic calendar, this year Metageitnion began on July 25th and will end on August 22nd. On the 16th day of Metageitnion, this year August the 9th, the festival of Kourotrophos was (and is) held. Kourotrophos is the name of the Goddess who protects children and is also an epithet of numerous Goddesses, including Artemis and Hekate. Thus, for this particular festival Hekate and Artemis, as Kourotrophos, were and are honoured, offered to and sacrificed to.

Though this festival has nothing in common with the modern 13th festival, we can see something else that could match up. The date. Since the calendars don’t match up, the 16th of Metageitnion is on a different day in August (perhaps rarely July and/or September) each year. This means it isn’t impossible for the Kourotrophos festival to land on August 13th, in fact it is highly likely to have happened.

Whether this could have contributed to the date of Hekates Night is impossible to know. But fact is it wouldn’t be the first time a festival is given a static annual date based on a confusion over a yearly changeable date. I suspect this is what happened with one (or both) of the November festivals to Hekate, but with the Deipnon instead of an annual festival.

If we look back to the years before our first modern link was published in 1988, we can see that the full moon was on August 11th in 1984, and two days later would have been the Kourotrophos festival – the 13th.

Further Dating

There are two more possibilities or connections to the 13th and Hekate. The first is the possibility, though I call it the least likely, that the date is simply because one year the Deipnon fell on the 13th of August and people got confused thinking the festival always happened on the 13th.

The other is this interesting statement,

“The time was at hand when smoke fills Diana’s grove, Her sanctuary at Nemi, for a runaway slave made king, Hippolytus’ hidden lake glowing. Diana herself crowns Her ancient hounds, polishes up her arrows, and allows The wild creatures to pass in safety: all the land of Italy Celebrating the Ides of Hecate, and every hearth purified.” – Silvae, by Statius.

This is obviously in reference to the time of the Nemoralia, which happens over the 13th of August (or the full moon of August) in ancient Rome. But the interesting part here is how that particular time of the month of August is not called the Ides of August (or whatever name the month had back then) but is instead called the Ides of Hekate.

There are also two more curiosities that also coincide with this time of the year, though I don’t think they mean anything for this festival I find them interesting nonetheless. The first is that August 12 is usually during the period referenced as the dog days of summer, named for the dog star Sirius. According to Wikipedia (ever so trustworthy) the ancient Greeks associated this time with, among other things, sudden thunderstorms. Why is this of note, other than the thunderstorms mention? Because of the connection between Sirius and the Titan Perses – father of Hekate.

The second curiosity is the Perseid meteor shower which is during August and, this year at least, happens to peak on the 12th. The shower is named for the constellation they appear to come from, Perseus. Not that special, until you again consider the father of Hekate. He is not Perseus of course – but they do share a similar name. As I said, it means nothing but it is interesting anyway.

Hekates Night Conclusion

After this super long post, what have we discovered?

The middle of August coincides with many things that relate to Hekate. The Nemoralia festival, the Kourotrophos festival, possibly a Deipnon one year, the Ides of Hekate, and loosely the dog days of summer. Nemoralia is however the most likely originator for the modern festivals date.

The things observed in the festival all match with Hekate to some degree – She is associated with storms and protection from storms. She is associated with harvests. She is associated with protection and propitiation. She is associated with crossroads and is often offered to on them.

This festival is based on the dating of an ancient festival (or several of them). It contains aspects that definitely relate to Hekate. But the dates of the ancient festivals do not match those aspects celebrated in the modern festival. So, it’s not an ancient festival, even if it is based on ancient things.

The sheer number of ways that Hekate is connected to this time of year is notable. This may not be an ancient festival, this may be a bit of a mixed bag of a modern festival – but any festival named Hekates Night is definitely on the correct date, whatever its origins and meanings.

‘Angelic Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Egg yolk
White candle
Put the egg yolk into a glass. Add sugar and milk, then mix them very good untill it looks like a foam. Take the glass and put it near the candle. Light the candle and put the pentagram into the glass( wash it before). Then chant aloud: “Gods and Goddesses, and angels from above, give me an angelic voice so that I can sing in your name forever more!”.

Take out the pentagram( do not forget to wash it). Drink that egg yolk with milk and sugar slowly. After this blow the candle. After two weeks of doing this daily, you can have fun with your voice. 

To Create Opportunity

You will need the following items for this spell:

A bowl of sand (to represent the earth)
Green cloth
Needle and thread
Pen Cinnamon or cedar incense
Dried camomile, vervain or squill
Mint and honeysuckle oil
Make a poppet out of the cloth .While concentrating on the opportunities available to you, write your name on the poppet and stuff it with the dried herbs that have had a few drops of the oils added. Sew the figure shut.

Light the incense. Hold the poppet in the incense smoke. Say: “Goddess of opportunity, Bring good fortune now to me Guide me by your gentle hand For I am as worthy as these grains of sand”.

Let the sand trickle through your fingers to signify touching the earth. Repeat this an odd number of times (seven works very well). Keep your poppet safe, you do not have to have it with you at all times, just with your possessions or papers.

For the spell to continue to work, renew it every Full Moon. This is a good spell to use for business opportunities, since the poppet can be kept unobtrusively in a drawer or cupboard and hopefully will become imbued with the excitement of your day-to-day work. It can also be used when you wish to enhance your career prospects. 

The Verdanthrope

In the deep recesses of the forest, a tale whispered by ancient trees and dreaded even by the shadows unfolded. The Verdanthrope — a creature carved from moss, branches, and the dark secrets of the woods — was more than mere legend. It was a dire warning.

Barely twice the height of a man, its unassuming size masked its sheer power and dread. Wherever humanity’s greed reached, encroaching upon nature’s sanctum, the Verdanthrope responded not just to those with the axe but to those who whispered orders in gilded halls, sealing nature’s fate with ink and parchment.

Villagers shared hushed tales of decision-makers who, after endorsing vast clearings, vanished from their opulent homes, leaving rooms filled with an eerie cold and the faint scent of moss. The Verdanthrope didn’t simply target. It stalked, blending seamlessly with nature, watching, waiting before it unleashed its dread.

“It doesn’t attack,” a shaken foreman once muttered, “It absorbs. You’re there one moment, and then… engulfed in green, lost to the forest.” Whispers spread of its ability to manipulate shadows, making the very forest come alive, turning every rustle, every creak into a harbinger of doom.

Its presence was a pulsating fear. While no one had seen it in its full terror, its silhouette, eerily human but wreathed in twisted branches, haunted dreams. Those who felt its presence spoke of a paralysing dread, the chilling realisation of being watched by eyes unseen but always felt.

Yet, beyond the terror it evoked lay an undeniable truth: The Verdanthrope was the forest’s last line of defence, a protector born from the heart of nature. It was a living testament to the price of disturbing the delicate balance. For in its silent watch, it bore a message — respect the balance, or face the verdant wrath of the forest’s guardian

The Empathic Process

1. The Empath picks up on someone who has an issue or a problem, through the emotional energy they are expressing, even if they are not saying anything, because they are a highly tuned receiver of this type of energy. This is a form of absorption on the Empath’s part and projection on the other person’s part.

2. The Empath naturally reacts in a compassionate way, in order to set the person at ease in the Empath’s presence. This is a form of projection. And by copying their mannerisms, facial movements, hand gestures, posture, and what not, it also becomes a form of introjection, in that the Empath takes on the characteristics of the other person.

3. The Empath then sets about finding the cause of the negative emotional energy. And the person, sensing someone who is willing to listen and help, opens up and shares their issues or problems. This is again, the Empath projecting to the other person that they are interested in listening and willing to help. And the projection of the issue, verbally, by the other person.

4. And as the other person speaks, the Empath begins to connect the dots, in that the emotion connects with the issue or problem. Thus they begin to absorb the other person’s problems, emotional energy, and see through the other person’s eyes.

5. The Empath begins to identify with this issue as though it were their own, based on their own experiences that closely relate to the other person’s issue or problem, and help to find a resolution to the problem. And as they share this resolution, even if it is only calming words of comfort, emotional energy transmutation occurs, because the energy that was absorbed by the Empath is being transmuted into something much lighter, loving, and caring, which leaves the other person, if not with a resolution, then feeling like they are not alone and their feelings have been validated.

This is a multilayered process that is done on many different levels such as energy, verbal, non-verbal, physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual. And its all based on the sharing and interaction of energy, Emotional Energy. 

Become Wealthy

You will need the following items for this spell:

Paper (back and front side)
You should understand wealth is the form of givings, not takings. So if your business is going to make other people business go down then it will effect your karma, like monopoly or something.

Write on the paper (the paper must be very quality and don’t shred or dirty for long time) “Oom good wealth god and goddess ,that was in up and down, that near me or far from me, that capable to help me. Please give me wealth to this day and until my time. Please give me wealth with easy way. I will pay it forward (list how). I am (list personal information) and I need (specific amount of money) by (specific time)”.

You should keep your writings from other people because if it becomes lost , many bad people can use this writing to close your wealth 

Daily Pagan Rituals: List of 30+ SIMPLE Everyday Traditions

When we embark on a spiritual path, sometimes the path gets twisted and we feel we lose our connection to the Divine. Sometimes we’re too busy with the physical to cater to our spiritual needs. But there’s ways to include simple daily pagan rituals into your routine without a fuss. You don’t have to do every single one every day, pick and choose a few that will fit into your schedule. The key is to create a habit of your daily pagan rituals so that you don’t forget.

1. Light a candle
Many of us pyromaniacs already love burning candles in our homes, so why not make it a part of your daily pagan rituals? Light a candle and say a quick prayer of gratitude to your god or goddess or ancestors. Or leave an LCD candle burning (I believe the energy from batteries lends energy to our gods and ancestors, too!) Then go about your day.

2. Offerings for the Gods
Offerings are simple. They can be anything your god or goddess would enjoy: food, beverage, water, incense, herbal blends, art, crystals, candle flame, dance and poetry. Some gods enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. Some enjoy a portion of your dinner at night. While others prefer the scent of patchouli incense. Incorporate offerings into your daily routine and watch the blessings roll in!

3. Offerings for the Ancestors
Same as above – make offerings to your ancestors one of your daily pagan rituals. Did your granny like to steal sweet n’ lows? Add a couple to your ancestor altar for her. Did your Uncle enjoy bonfires? Light a candle for him in the evening. A refreshing cup of water, a shotglass of liquor, a bowl of tobacco.

4. Rise to Greet the Sun
If you’re an early riser, this should be a simple one – rising to greet the sun. Sit outside with your coffee and watch the sun rise. Bask in the glory of the star that gives life to this planet. Bonus: getting out into the sunlight within one hour of waking aids in regulating our circadian rhythms. Which means, you’ll sleep better at night!

5. Runic Stadhas or Yoga
Edred Thorsson talks about runic stadhas in his book on the Elder Futhark. Stadhas are similar to yoga positions. So whether you enjoy yoga or feel a connection to the runes, try physical positions like the runic stadhas or yoga on a daily basis. Even if you only do one or two in the morning to get your day started or in the evening to relax and connect.

6. Go for a Walk
Simply going for a walk outside is enough to relax you and re-connect with Mother Earth. Don’t have a lot of time to fit in a walk? Instead of sitting at your desk for lunch break, take your lunch outside and go for a walk afterward. Even if it’s only a ten minute walk. I also enjoy walking through ny garden in the evenings. Go barefoot and ground yourself naturally.

7. Dream Journaling
Keep a dream journal at your bedside. Before you even set foot on the floor in the morning, record your dreams. This is a simple, yet effective way to tune into your higher self and gods – through dreams. The more you journal your dreams, the more dreams you will recall. And the closer you’ll become to your spirit guides and gods.

8. Meditate
You don’t have to meditate for an hour or even a half an hour. Pop in a set of earbuds and listen to a ten minute relaxing guided meditation for free on YouTube.

9. Nature Signs and Omens
Throughout your day, pay attention to any nature signs or omens. This could be anything – a praying mantis on the windshielf, a blue jay that seems to repetitively visit you, a cloud in the shape of a heart, a snail that’s entered the house, etc. The gods and ancestors often use nature to communicate with us. This is one of the most enriching daily pagan rituals in my practice.

10. Light Incense
Just as you light a candle for your gods or simply to re-connect, light incense on a daily basis. Something about the scent of incense in the air puts me into an otherworldly state of mind. It is relaxing and grounding, too.

11. Read a Spiritual Book
Take fifteen minutes out of your day to read a spiritual book. Whatever topic you’re studying in the realm of paganism, set aside a little time daily to read and absorb what you are reading. If you don’t have time to read a book, listen to an audiobook while commuting to or from work.

12. Love Your Pets
Whether you have a dog, horse, or a hamster, set aside some time every day to love on your pets. This doesn’t seem like a pagan ritual, but anything done with intention and in a routine can be a ritual. And what’s more pagan than loving on animals?

13. Light a Red Candle in the Kitchen
Keep a red candle in your kitchen. Light it in honor of the ancestors who came before you, who cooked hearthside to feed and nourish their families just as you do today!

14. Smoke-Cleanse Yourself
One of those self-love daily pagan rituals is smoke-cleansing yourself. You don’t have to do this daily, but I promise if you do take up the practice, you won’t regret it. This practice removes the negative debris stuck in your aura, helps to relax you, and to ground you after a long day of work.

15. Love Your Family
One of the most pagan things to do is to honor and love your family. Think back hundreds of years ago – what did your ancestors value back then? Life, love, and family. They focused on survival and did what they had to do to feed and care for their families. And it’s a good thing too, because you’re here because of them! Honor your ancestors by loving your family every day. Spend quality time with your family as a daily pagan ritual. Othala.

16. Write in Journal / BOS
Keep a record of your spiritual journey, traditions, and thoughts by writing them down in a spiritual journal or Book of Shadows. Take five minutes a day to write something down – even if its just your emotions or your thoughts in that moment.

17. Wear a Stone
Choose a stone to wear on a daily basis. This is a simple, small daily pagan ritual to do in the morning. If you can’t wear it, then put it in your pocket. Choose stones for protection, grounding, energy, etc.

18. Pray to the Gods
Take time in the morning while you’re getting ready for the day or take time just before falling asleep to say a simple prayer to the gods. Prayers of gratitude are best. The more grateful we are for the gods’ presence in our lives, the more blessings roll in.

19. Visit the Garden
Whether you keep an elaborate garden or just have a few plants and trees in your yard, take some time in the early morning or the evening to pay the garden a visit. You never know what wisdom the plants, trees, and wildlife have to share with you. I find garden visits comforting, peaceful, and enlightening.

20. Exercise
How is exercise a daily pagan ritual? In this modern day and age, everyone is so busy and sedentary. We don’t have the time to work out. But here’s the thing – we were gifted with these bodies by the gods/universe/ancestors and so we should be grateful for them and care for them just as we care for our spirits. Even if you just go for a run in the morning, do something to get your heart pumping every day. Make the gods proud. Prepare to go to Valhalla.

21. Brew a Cup of Tea
Make brewing tea a daily ritual. Enjoy choosing your own loose leaf herbs, hearing the tea kettle whistle on the stove, and then pouring the hot water over the herbs. Sit down, be quiet, and sip your tea while waiting for the Divine to speak to you.

22. Smoke-Cleanse Your House
Along the same lines of smoke-cleansing yourself, cleanse your house to rid it of any negative vibes or spirits. A quick session does the trick, even if its only ten minutes. Don’t forget to open the windows, or else you’ll piss those demons right off.

23. Rune or Card of the Day
Something I enjoy doing in the morning, draw one rune or one tarot/oracle card for the day. It might give you a sneak peek of what’s to come or just provide some sage advice. Either way – drawing one rune or card of the day is one of the easiest and enlightening daily pagan rituals.

24. Use Herbs in Cooking
Have a garden with herbs or vegetables? Use them in your cooking on a daily basis. If you don’t have a garden, choose spices from your kitchen cabinet for specific purposes. For example – cinnamon for money. Sugar to sweeten up situations and people. Rosemary for love. Etc.

25. Pray to the Ancestors
Just as you pray to the gods, pray to your ancestors as well. They enjoy hearing from you too. It doesn’t have to be a complicated prayer. Talk to them as if they’re right there with you.

26. Freshen Up Your Altar
Clean up your altar on a daily basis. This means dump those ashes off your incense burner. Dust off any dirt or debris. Refresh your offerings. Make your altar a place worthy of the gods and ancestors.

27. Gaze at the Moon
On nights when the clouds are clear, go outside and gaze at the moon. Feel the lunar rays on your skin.

28. Plan the Next Sabbat
Take time to plan the next sabbat. Write down ideas on traditions, rituals, food, etc. This is a fun daily pagan ritual to do with the whole family (if they are pagan, as well).

29. Call a Pagan Friend
On days you feel you need an extra boost of comfort or confidence, call a pagan friend. There’s nothing like talking to someone of like-mind and kindred spirit.

30. Ground and Center
With how crazy life can get, making grounding and centering a part of your daily pagan rituals can really do wonders for your health and wellbeing. Even if you touch a tree before going inside or walk around outside with barefeet, both of these rituals help.

31. Plan the Next Esbat
Just as planning the next Sabbat can be fun, so can planning your next Esbat. Plan an aura-cleansing bath on the New Moon – what herbs will you use? Will you use sea salt or epsom salt? Plan to do a releasing ritual on the next Waning Moon. What will you do next full moon? Write down your thoughts and ideas.

32. Research Your God/Goddess
In addition to reading a spiritual book once a day, spend a few minutes doing further research on your god or goddess. This can be online or in books. Read your god or goddess’ mythology, folklore, and history. This gives honor to your god or goddess and enriches your relationship with them.

33. Listen to Music
Music is important to us all. Depending on your mood, it can relax or energize you. As a daily pagan ritual, play some pagan or witchy music instead of the typical pop or rock you might listen to. If you’re into a Norse or Germanic path, I recommend listening to Heilung, Danheim, Eivor, and Wardruna. There’s also a ton of Celtic music on Spotify, YouTube, Pandora, etc. Try music that makes you feel connected to the old ways. 

Nocturnals Embrace

You will need the following items for this spell:

Moon light
Lay with ur feet toward the moon
An say if you aren’t families with nocturnal
Nocturnal let me feel the embers of our new beginning let me feel the cold heart of yours through this warm embrace let it last only quick for our duty is to cause pain.
If you are familiar with nocturnal then say:

“Nocturnal let me feel your embrace the embers of darkness the chill of the night the power withing you an the moon nocturnal hear my deep please.”


Aidônaia (Lady of the Underworld)
Anassa eneroi (Queen of those Below, Queen of the Dead)
Angelos (Messenger)
Antaia (the One in Front)
Antania (Enemy of mankind or Sender of Nocturnal Dreams)
Atalos (Tender, Delicate)
Brimo (Angry One)
Dadophoros (Torch bearer)
Despoina (Lady)
Epiphanestate Thea (Most Manifest Goddess)
Enodia (Of the Roads, Of the Paths)
Erodia (Gatekeeper)
Khthonia/Chthonian (Underworld, Of The Earth)
Kleidouchos (Keeper of the Keys)
Kleidophoros (Key Bearer)
Koure mounogenes (Only Begotten Maiden)
Krataiis (Strong One)
Kurotrophos (Protector of Children)
Liparokrêdemnos (Bright-coiffed, With Bright Headband)
Monogenes (Only Child)
Nyktipolos (Night Wandering)
Nykipolos Khthonie (Night Wanderer of the Underworld
Perseis (Destroyer)
Phosphoros (the light-bringer)
Propolos (Guide, Attendant Who Leads)
Propylaia (the Guardian, The One Before the Gate)
Prothuraea (Before the Door)
Skylakagetis (Leader of the Dogs)
Soteira (Saviour),
Trevia/Trivia/Trioditis (Of The Three Ways, Of the Three Roads),
Tricephalus (The Three-Headed),
Trimorphis (Three Formed, Three Bodied),
Trioditis (Of the Crossroads),
Zerynthia (Of Mt Zerynthia)

Other Epithets
The Distant One
Queen of Night
Night Mother
Queen of the Ghosts
Queen of the Witches
Mother of Witches
Mistress of Magic
Most Lovely One
Prytania The Invincible Queen Of The Dead

torches, keys, rope, knife, dogs, snakes

dogs, owls, crows, snakes, frogs, the toad (conception), snakes (guardian and underworld), dogs (guarding and hunting)

yew, cypress, hazel, black poplar, willow, black dogs, black
bulls, black lambs, myrrh, civet, camphor, aloe, menstrual blood, red
mullet, bread, eggs, cheese, honey, garlic, apples, figs, pomegranate

Primary Cult Center(s):
Lagina, Miletus, Argos, Eleusis, Aigina

Hecatesia or Hekate’s Night (celebrated on different dates – August 13 or 16, November 16)
Dark Moon – last day of the lunar month (Deipnon)
Day of Hekate at the Crossroads (October 31 or November 30)
The last day of the calendar month
December 31 – Roman

Ways to honor:
Keep sacred the Deipnon and Her festivals.
Study Her history, search for the truth of Her origins.
Study magic and prophecy, particularly theurgy, as she is the
patron of that art.
Go for walks at night, or among strange places.
Aid fellow travelers and strangers, especially if they have dogs. (Or
are wild dogs!)
Appreciate the weird and uncanny.

A Simple Way to Honor Hekate by Pythia Hecateira
(copyright E A Kaufman 2010)

In whatever guise Hekate presents Herself to you, regular devotions are an important part of spiritual practice. A simple, basic way to do this is offered here for you.

You may perform your rite indoors or outside; if working indoors, take and leave the offerings and libation outside. Offerings of any of the following or combination thereof are suggested: garlic, eggs, almonds, barley, pomegranate and/or seeds, figs, dates, apples and olives as well as the wood and/or leaves of willow and yew. A libation can also made to Hekate. Prepare wine, cider or even tea, laced with honey, spices and herbs. I am drawn to use dark sweet spices such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and, for some reason, oregano. Prepare the offering plate and libation in advance.

Begin by sitting in some quiet place, lighting a candle and incense. I suggest calling out Hekate’s various titles as listed above under appellations – choose those that most resonate with your experience of Her; She presents Herself to each of us differently. Invocations, poetry and/or song may be offered as well as quiet contemplation. Petitions can be made and meditative or other workings done, including divination. When you have finished, take the offerings outside after making a blessing over them. The libation should be placed in an offering cup or chalice, placed on the ground and gently tipped over to flow into the earth. The offerings should be placed directly on the ground as well. These offerings and libation can be left at a place you find sacred. A crossroads is an especially powerful place to leave the offerings for Hekate; a quiet intersection, where you can place them safely, would be appropriate. A entranceway, opening in a fence or gate, as well outside your door would also be appropriate. When you have placed the offerings and made your libation, walk away and do not look back, especially if you have made some petition.

Give thanks, snuff your candles and have something to eat to ground the energy you have raised. As Dion Fortune said and I paraphrase, there is nothing like food to ground the magic and bring one back to the mundane.

Invocations, Prayers & Poetry:

I have included some invocations if you would like to include them.

The Orphic Hymn To Hekate
I invoke you, beloved Hekate of the Crossroads and the Three Ways
Saffron-cloaked Goddess of the Heavens, the Underworld and the Sea
Tomb-frequenter, mystery-raving with the souls of the dead
Daughter of Perses, Lover of the Wilderness who exults among the deer
Nightgoing One, Protectress of dogs, Unconquerable Queen
Beast-roarer, Dishevelled One of compelling countenance
Tauropolos, Keyholding Mistress of the whole world
Ruler, Nymph, Mountain-wandering Nurturer of youth.
Maiden, I beg you to be present at these sacred rites
Ever with a gladsome heart and ever gracious to the Oxherd.

Hymn to Hekate
Hail, many-named Mother of the Gods, whose children are fair.
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold.
Shape the course of my life with luminous Light
And make it laden with good things,
Drive sickness and evil from my limbs.
And when my soul rages about worldly things,
Deliver me purified by Your soul-stirring rituals.
Yes, give me Your hand I pray
And reveal to me the pathways of divine guidance that I long for,
Then shall I gaze upon that precious Light
Whence I can flee the evil of our dark origin.
Yes, give me Your hand I pray,
And when I am weary bring me to the haven of piety with your winds.
Hail, many-named Mother of the Gods, whose children are fair.
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold.
Proclus Diadochus (410-485 AD)
Hymn VI: To Hekate and Janus adapted by E A Kaufman 2008

Invocation to Hekate
Hekate of the Three Ways, I invoke You,
Maiden of the Land, the Underworld & the Seas as well,
Chthonia, Enodia, Phosphoros,
Propylaia, Atropaios, Propolos,
She of the Saffron Robe & beautiful hair,
Nocturnal One, Keeper of the Keys,
Hekate, hear me.
Upon this night, the path is open.
Approach the Crossroads of the Worlds and be with me.
Keeper of Ancient Wisdom,
She who guides the Souls of the Dead across the River.
You who are
Black as Night, Red as Blood, Wise as time everlasting,
You who are the Pale Mother,
Be present at this my Hallowed Rite.
I bow to You, Lady.
With scent & flame I make offerings to You.
With honey & cider I pour a libation to You.
I have given my blood that You may know me,
Keep me,
For I am one of Your especial breed.
I bow before You, Hekate,
Come, Hear me, Know my Name,
Be with Me.