What To Do With The Offerings After The Ritual Is Done….

One of the more common questions I see come up from Pagans, especially those with Hellenic leanings or a devotion to a Hellenic deity, is what to do after the ritual is done. Most specifically, what to do with the food offerings made during the ritual.

In traditional Hellenism, which most of us Hellenes follow, even Revivalists like myself, there really shouldn’t be an offering left after the ritual. Offerings to the Ouranic (sky/heavenly) deities are meant to be burned while offerings to the Chthonic (earthly and underworld) deities should be buried or burned or both.

If you bury an offering, no aftercare to worry about. If you burn it, then you do have to deal with the ashes and whatever didn’t burn – simple to do actually, put it away in a container to leave for Hekate at the crossroads during the Deipnon.

The Modern Problem
Of course today we have a few problems that the ancients may not have had. Indoors, if you happen to live in an apartment building, a shared home or some other place with restrictions, then you may not be able to have open fires inside the home, or you may not be allowed to have anything that smokes (which really sucks, no incense either).

And of course many people do not have any yard to speak of, so burning or burying outside is out of the question. For those who do have a yard, burying may still be problematic if you rent or share, and if it is fire season and open fire restrictions are in play (as happens December through April where I am) no outdoor fires either.

What To Do Then?

Obviously this all means that burning or burying are simply not viable options for many people. There is nothing that can be done about it. You need to find a way to deal with whole foods that is respectful to the Gods you have offered to. Remembering that the offering now belongs to the Gods, you can’t take it back and reclaim it for yourself and you need to treat it with respect because it simply isn’t yours any more.

There are options, suggestions, but in truth none of them are perfect and in the end it is up to the individual as to what they are able to do and are comfortable with. I will present some of them, and some of my thoughts on them.

Eat it yourself. Don’t. If you are offering to a Hellenic deity, They own the offering you give Them. Do. Not. Eat. It.

Throw it in the bin. Please don’t, it’s just so disrespectful.

Leave it on the altar. Well, I mean if you want. But yuck!

Leave it until later. Some people leave it until they can burn it, bury it or get someone else to do so for them. A viable option, unless it takes too long and it gets all yucky.

Compost it. If you have compost, then this could be an option. I guess I see no real problem with this one, but I am sure some would – so it is very much an individual choice here.

Leave it in nature. This is a favourite option, to leave the offering somewhere in nature. Some people even have a specific place for this in their yard, a square or something with plants where they leave offerings and make libations. Alternatively, some wild area would work if you have no yard. Both nice ideas. But be careful, not all deities may be okay with sharing Their foods with the animals. Also on a more practical note, be careful the offering isn’t poisonous to any wildlife and won’t attract the wrong type of wildlife.

Throw it in a blender. Throw the offering in a blender, mix with some water and turn it into a smoothie type thing. Pour that in nature (or on a pot plant), where there is little risk to animals, or to offending the Gods by sharing it with animals but it will also feed the plants. It is also less messy than having, say, whole loaves of bread sitting all around the place. This was an idea I thought of the other day, in truth I do not know how I feel about this idea, if it’s good or not – but I should present it as an option anyway.

Those are your options for what to do with the offering after the ritual, not a lot of great options, a few restrictions that I know many people ignore – I think unwittingly, as they know it is okay in other traditions and so don’t realise it isn’t okay in Hellenism.

I should note too, not all Hellenic deities are completely Hellenic, so, it is possible that some of Them, individually mind you, are okay if you eat the offering or throw it in the bin. But please, Ask First! Don’t just do it and hope the deity will be okay with it and will accept your apology – ask first so you don’t make mistakes and piss off a powerful being. Divination is your friend.

What to do after the ritual is finished
I used to wonder this myself, what do you do after a ritual? I mean, do you just do the ritual and then be all, “Bye! Have a nice day Gods, see you next time”? I never really felt okay with that sort of ending to a ritual, even if of course it would likely be a bit more formal than that. It just felt so, wrong, uncomfortable, yucky to be honest. None of my general Pagan books ever really touched on this sort of thing, nor even my witchy books. Do the thing and then, what? Nothing?

Be a Good Host. One of the best ways I have seen it explained, was in a Facebook group by, I think it was the Dionysian Artist but it may have been J Martinios. When you do a ritual to the Gods, make an offering to a deity you are inviting Them into your home, your personal space, offering Them a meal and praise. They are a guest in your home, and what do you do when you have a guest in your home?

Do you just praise them, give them some food and then kick them out? Or do you actually spend time with them, interact with them, speak with them or even just watch a movie with them? Though I can understand not wanting to actually spend time with some people you have invited into your home, I would hope this isn’t the case with the Gods you invite in – and if it is, why are you inviting those Gods in anyway?

Do Something to Continue it. Meditate. Contemplate. Do some divination. Write about the ritual in your journal, if you have one. Write some poetry, a story, a hymn about the deity or connected to the deity. Read some myths, poetry, stories or hymns about or connected to the deity.

Do Something Relevant. Do something mundane that is connected to the deity, like housework for Hestia, metalwork for Hephaistos, study for Athena, play poker for Hermes. Watch a movie or TV show that you think the deity may like or that reminds you of them, or play some music of the same sort. Dance, sing, play a game.

Whatever it is you choose to do, remember that someone is there with you. How long for? It depends on the God of course, but over time you will be able to tell you are alone again, just as you learn to tell when you aren’t alone during the ritual itself.

Spells and Magical Uses for Rainwater…

Many spells and rituals call for water, but tap water just doesn’t have the potency of rain water. The water that pours from the heavens is said to have magical properties. It has not been purified, aka sterilized, by your city’s water processing facility.

Also, the simple act of capturing rainwater can be a really powerful ritual for magical use.

What does rain mean spiritually?
Rain is the result of water vapor condensing in the air, then falling to earth. It is a crucial component of the water cycle, which means rain is the connective force between the elements of air and earth.

This alone makes it a highly symbolic and potent ingredient in spellwork.

Rainwater is also arguably purer than mineral water collected from springs and rivers. It’s a bit more acidic (softer) and higher in sodium than tap water. Plants love it because their soil’s pH drops, making it easier for them to absorb nutrients. Of course, anything that enriches our plant friends’ lives is excellent for magick.

Rain that falls during storms is even more powerful. Many people consider it to be charged by lightning. Scientifically speaking, that’s possible: lighting breaks apart atom bonds, disrupting the water molecules in the air. A storm is also a balancing act between the earth and its sky, and natural magic imbues “lightning water” with restorative powers.

Ritual Uses of Rainwater
Because rainwater is associated with cleansing, restoration, and nourishment, it is often used in spells with these themes.

If you wish to perform a banishing, clearing or balancing ritual, rainwater — especially lightning water — is an excellent choice. Some people use rainwater to charge their crystals so they can better receive and transmit healing energy.

Rainwater is also cherished for its purity, which makes it ideal for your basin of altar water. It can be used in blessings, anointments, and healing rituals.

Many people rely on rainwater to clean their magical tools and avoid contamination from mineral-heavy tap water or bottled water.

Magical Uses For Rainwater
As a ritual ingredient, rainwater can be integrated into almost any practice you can use rain spiritually in the following ways:

1. Clear harmful energy from yourself or others, a space, or objects that carry negative vibes.

2. Cleanse a candle before a banishing ritual.

3. Add it to your bath to promote wellness and restoration.

4. Anoint yourself to clear your mind.

5. Spray it during a ritual to achieve abundance and healing.

Spells To Do In The Rain
Because the Moon’s pull on the Earth influences air pressure, rain is intricately linked to lunar cycles. A higher, waxing moon has a greater pull, reducing the likelihood of rain.

Thus, rainwater expresses the power of a waning moon: a time to purge negative experiences and release experiences and people that do not serve you.

It is ideal for purifying your life — literally washing away the clutter and instilling that introspective wonder we feel when it storms.

Types of Rainwater
Rain happens during electrical storms, wind storms, the passing of seasons, and the effects of the complex interactions among the earth, sky, and space.

Each type of rainwater has its own incredible potency for your spellwork.

⚡️ Lightning Water
Lightning water is associated with the fire element. It carries the scattered oxygen atoms and ferocious energy generated by the heat of lightning. In addition to purifying and breaking existing bonds, lightning water may be used for restoration and re-energizing spellwork. Use it quickly as lightning water’s potency is fleeting.

💨 Windstorm Rainwater
Windstorm rain reflects the air element. It represents momentum, release, and reflection. Use it in transformation rituals, banishing, and nourishment spells. Store it in a corked glass bottle to maintain that energy.

🍃 Plant Captured Rainwater
Plant-captured rain unites the Earth and Sky. It symbolizes the abundant life that water empowers. When you discover a fallen leaf filled with rain water, keep it for potent use in your spells involving gratitude, fulfillment, and healing. Store it in a ceramic container to maintain your connection to Earth.

How to Collect Rainwater
To ensure that your rainwater is as pure and powerful as possible, avoid collecting it from contaminated areas. Gutter drains, tarps, and puddles are rife with microbes, minerals, and chemicals that muddle your water’s potency.

Minimize dirt and pollutants from run-off. Instead, aim to collect rainwater directly from the sky with ritual vases, cisterns, or other vessels.

Spiritual Uses of Rainwater
A sanctified, clean container placed with intention below an open sky is ideal. Try glass bottles that you can immediately cork, ceramic bowls that suit your ritual needs, or stone basins that you can fill and disburse into other vessels.

Remember to collect with intention. Focus on the desires you’d like to achieve with the water you collect. Ideally, your collection vessel may become part of your ritual.

Envision your connection to the Earth and its abundant water. Rainwater is the purest form you may incorporate into your practice.

Rain Water Recipes
The options for rainwater spellwork are limitless!

You may use it as a cleansing agent, a purified source of water to nourish your altar or yourself during rituals, or as a potent ingredient in brews, anointments, and more.

Here are some simple recipes to consider:

1. Blend rainwater with mint, orange peel, and cinnamon to achieve wealth and wellness.

2. Add a few drops of patchouli, lavender, or mugwort oil to protect yourself and your home.

3. Combine plant-captured rain with eucalyptus oil to promote healing.

4. Infuse with green or black tea leaves for energy, insight, and focus.

In any of these recipes or spells, you may sprinkle the blend around the affected area and/or seal the container for use in a protective/cleansing barrier.

Here’s What you Need To Know About Using Rain Water In Spells
Rainwater is Mother Nature’s gift to us — a perpetual and divine source of nourishment, purification, and healing energy.

Maintain clear and passionate intentions as you capture, store, and incorporate rainwater into your practice. It provides a potent yet gentle ingredient in your rituals, altar cultivation, and spellwork.

Water is the core element of life.

By harnessing rainwater’s power, you can cultivate a healthier, stronger life that brings you joy and fulfillment.

What Does Rain Symbolize in Spirituality and Magic?
Rain has many different uses when you are working with magic and spells because it can mean so many different things depending on the kind of rainfall it was collected from. A light spring rain carries a very different energy than a heavy late-night thunderstorm.

Imagine the calm after a storm. When everything is still, and the air is still a little damp, it sort of holds the world down. This is the same calmness that rainwater can bring to your spellwork and other rituals when you use it.

🫧 Cleansing
Rainwater washes away the dirt and grime in the same way you can use it to cleanse the negative energies from your life. Use rainwater to banish negative thoughts, ideals, and things that no longer serve you.

👛 Change
Rain can make the whole world change in an instant. From warm and muggy to chilly and damp. It can bring about things you haven’t seen before or just shed a completely different light on things. Use rainwater in your spiritual practice when you want to see a change.

🤰🏼 Fertility
The water cycle and the circle of life are very similar in many ways. What goes around comes around, and when it comes to fertility, having babies is part of the life cycle in much the same way the rain water is part of the water cycle.

💪 Obstacle
Sometimes rain can be a major bummer and keep you from doing the things you love. In that same way, you can use it in your spiritual practice to represent an obstacle you want to overcome.

🌱 Rebirth and Growth
Without rain, there would be no life. Rain is the key to keeping plants, animals, and every living thing alive. Use your rain to represent a rebirth in your life or to grow something new and special.

😢 Sadness and Depression
Rain can make you feel sad. It can make you feel hopeless and just bring about a general feeling of blah. Use rainwater in your spellwork and magical rituals to banish that feeling.

How To Make a Witch’s Ladder

A witch’s ladder is one of those nifty things we sometimes hear about but rarely see. Its purpose is similar to that of a rosary – it’s basically a tool for meditation and ritual, in which different colors are used as symbols for one’s intent. It’s also used as a counting tool, because in some spell workings there is a need to repeat the working a particular number of times. You can use the ladder to keep track of your count, running the feathers or beads along as you do so.
Traditionally, the witch’s ladder is made with red, white and black yarn, and then nine different colored feathers woven in.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: Varied

Here’s How:

Realistically speaking, it makes more sense to use yarn colors that have a significance to you and your working. Also, finding nine differently colored feathers can be tricky if you’re looking for them out in the wild — you can’t just go plucking feathers from local endangered species — and that means a trip to the craft store and some oddly tinted feathers. I’d recommend using either found feathers of any color, or something else entirely — beads, magical uses of buttons, bits of wood, shells, or other items you have around your home.
To make your basic witch’s ladder, you’ll need:
Yarn or cord in three different colors
Nine items that are similar in property but in different colors (nine beads, nine shells, nine buttons, etc)
Cut the yarn so that you have three different pieces in a workable length – usually a yard or so is good. Although you can use the traditional red, white and black, there’s no hard and fast rule that says you must. Tie the ends of the three pieces of yarn together in a knot.

Begin braiding the yarn together, tying the feathers or beads into the yarn, and securing each in place with a sturdy knot. Some people like to chant or count as they braid and add the feathers. If you wish, you can say something like this variation on the traditional chant:
By knot of one, the spell’s begun.
By knot of two, the magic comes true.
By knot of three, so it shall be.
By knot of four, this power is stored.
By knot of five, my will shall drive.
By knot of six, the spell I fix.
By knot of seven, the future I leaven.
By knot of eight, my will be fate.
By knot of nine, what is done is mine.

As the feathers are tied into knots, focus your intent and goal. As you tie the final and ninth knot, all your energy should be directed into the cords, the knots and the feathers. The energy is literally stored within the knots of the witch’s ladder. When you’ve completed the string and added all nine feathers or beads, you can either knot the end and hang the ladder up, or you can tie the two ends together forming a circle.
If you’d like your ladder to be more like a rosary string, I’d highly recommend picking up a copy of Pagan Prayer Beads by John Michael Greer and Clare Vaughn.

What You Need:

Yarn or cord in three different colors
9 Feathers or other items to braid into your ladder

Energetic Cord Cutting: Colors & Textures of Cords and a Ritual

The spiritual community doesn’t put enough emphasis on energetic cords and cord cutting rituals. Which is sad, because Spirit says it’s so important for shadow work, healing, and our paths in life. If you have too many energetic cords attached to you, you might feel weighed down. Pulled in many different directions. If you don’t have any energetic cords, you might feel lonely and unfulfilled. In this article, we take an in-depth look at energetic cords: their colors, textures, how to identify them, and how to do an energetic cord cutting ritual. As well as how often.

What Is An Energetic Cord?
An energetic cord is exactly how it sounds: a spiritual “rope” that attaches your aura or lifeforce to another person’s aura or lifeforce. These energetic cords develop for many reasons. You’re born with some of these cords and attach others throughout your life. Some energetic cords are healthy for you and the person on the other end, while others are the exact opposite.

Why do energetic cords even exist? Because we are all connected through Source energy and typically you only develop cords with other souls of whom are a part of your soul group OR with whom you share a karmic contract. Energetic cords form between two beings: between lovers, family members, friends, co-workers and colleagues, pet-owners and their pets, teachers and students, etc. They can also form between enemies and rivals. Anytime there’s an emotional connection (be it negative or positive), the possibility of forming an energetic cord between those beings is there.

Types of Energetic Cords by Color and Texture
Before writing this, I did a little research online regarding energetic cord color and appearance. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of info out there. Other sources liken the cord color to chakra color, but there’s much more to it than that. And the colors of your energetic cords will vary depending on what that color’s symbolism means to YOU. Here’s some of the colors and textures shown to me by Spirit.

Cord Colors & Textures That Are Mostly Negative
Bright Red, Full of Blood: this means there’s a passionate relationship between you and the person on the other end of this energetic cord. This could be sexual or otherwise. Be aware that the blood in this cord should flow both ways if it is indeed a give-and-take, healthy relationship. If you notice the blood is flowing one way – this is an UNHEALTHY, one-sided and potentially vampiric relationship. Sever this cord!
Dull, Dark-red to black, crusted and dry: an old, clinging energetic cord that was once a passionate relationship of some kind. You may notice a slow, sludge-like liquid inside flowing one way. Cut this unhealthy, dying cord. These types of old cords can cause health issues!
Gray, dull in appearance: an older, dull and lifeless cord that needs to be severed.

Cord Colors & Textures That Are Mostly Positive
Light to Royal Blue, Swirling and Watery: a beautiful, light to bright blue cord that looks like or feels like water flowing both ways inidicates a deep, healthy relationship. An emotional bond that feeds each person life-giving spiritual water. There can also be an unconscious link between you and the other person. And if you notice it originating from your naval, this is a big sign that the other soul is your twin flame.
Yellow and appears like fluorescent light or sunlight: a mental connection between people of like mind. Yellow is linked to the solar plexus, as well as communication and knowledge. You may share a yellow energetic cord with a co-worker, teammate, close friend, or colleague. Again, make sure the energy is flowing both ways and not blocked anywhere.
Orange and bright: a creative relationship between two souls. This can also be a colleague, co-worker, or creative partner of any kind

More Positive Colors & Textures:
Pink, shimmering, sparkling and/or flowing: a relationship between friends often with a feminine energy (but not always) but can also indicate an intimate or romantic relationship
White and brilliant: divine light that connects a person to another soul, guide, ancestor, etc. Also seen between a pet and pet owner with a particularly strong bond
Green, flowing, bright to forest green: this energetic cord indicates a strong heart-to-heart bond between close family members, soul mates, or souls that were born of the same soul group. Mothers will frequently have green cords to their children, life partners as well. This cord may connect between heart chakras
Purple, bright and flowing or sparkling: a metaphysical or magical relationship between two souls. A teacher-student relationship, specifically when it comes to the magical arts like Reiki master and student, witch and mentee, mage and apprentice.

How to Know When An Energetic Cord Cutting Ritual is Needed
There are times when an energetic cord between you and another being must be cut. How do you know when a cord cutting ritual is needed? Examine your energetic cords through meditation and/or dreamwork. Notice their color, texture, shape, and flow. Also notice what part of your aura or body these cords originate from or connect to. Can you follow those cords to their opposite end to see who or what is on the other side? Here are some general reasons for cutting energetic cords:

Black, gray and dark cords: this indicates a negative attachment between you and the other being
Large knots or blockages: depending on the other being and the situation, this cord may need to be cut OR the relationship between the two beings UN-blocked so that energy flows both ways
Cords connecting you to a negative relationship from the past (or a relationship from the past in which you feel needs to be released)
Crusted, deteriorating, or dying cords: these are old connections that must be severed. These can cause health problems, physical and mental.
Vampiric cords: red, blood cords that show blood or energy flowing one way – from YOU to the vampire on the other side and MUST be severed immediately
Multiple energetic cords that seem to “pull” you in many different directions: in this case, you need to decide which cords should be severed and released to allow you to live life to your fullest
Other Signs of Negative Energetic Cords
Even if you can’t spiritually “see” these cords, you may feel their effects in other ways including:

emotional or mental blockages
relationship problems
feeling “drained” of energy, particularly after being arund a certain person/being
feeling pulled in many different directions, feeling scattered and unsure of your life’s purpose
not being grounded in reality: head always in the clouds or an overload of anxiety
health problems with no explicable reason
chakra blockages
thinking of someone of whom you haven’t in a long time AND/OR having them appear in your dreams
How to Do An Energetic Cord Cutting Ritual
If you found yourself nodding your head to any of the above signs, it’s time to do an energetic cord cutting ritual. There’s different ways to do a cord cutting ritual, so if one way doesn’t work for you, try another. Mine are most effective when I’m between sleep and waking…in dream space. But others claim energetic cord cuttings are best via guided meditation or trance. Here’s a simple ritual for you to try:

Turn down the lights and turn off your electronics (if it’s more helpful for you to turn on relaxing music, go for it!)
Close your eyes.
Relax by focusing on your breathing. Focus on the breath coming into your lungs and releasing from your lungs. Continue this for at least 3 minutes.
Begin by visualizing your aura – the energetic body of light that surrounds your physical body. See it as a bubble of bright light that starts just above the top of your head and travels out and all around you, ending and joining below your feet.
Breathe for a few minutes and hold the image of your aura in your mind’s eye.
Now focus on the space around your aura and begin to notice if there are any strings or cords protruding from your aura or going into your aura and into your physical body. These will typically look like strings of light (or darkness) and are various colors.
You will likely see at least a couple of these cords but up to dozens all around you. Take your time and notice if there are any black, gray, lifeless cords attached to you.
Now visualize a pair of scissors, a knife, a boline, or a sword (whatever you feel comforable with) in your hand and “cut” or sever that cord from your aura. Notice if it dissipates or re-attaches. If it re-attaches, make a mental note to perform this ritual a few times.
Carefully take your time and encircle your entire aura visually, cutting energetic cords that seem murky, draining, or dull.
Then return to the physical realm by breathing, centering and slowly opening your eyes.

A Few Helpful Notes and Precautions
Perform the energetic cord cutting ritual more than once for stubborn cords. Especially if you noticed a particularly thick or clingy cord in your aura the first time around. Following a cord cutting, you might feel relieved. Happy. Healed. And you may notice you have more energy! Also keep in mind, cutting an energetic cord between you and a person that you’ll still regularly in contact with won’t work. Physically cut this person out of your life, THEN proceed with a cord cutting ritual. For example, If you do a cord cutting from your ex-lover Bob, but you have to talk to Bob every day at work, that cord will remain or reattach. 

Purple Light Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Purple Candle
Purple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.
As you light the candle, repeat:
”This light is burning to help me gain and achieve (wish).
It’s protest is small but holds great power.
For only it can push this power up into the Loving Hands of the Goddess.
I am, like this candle, small, but my intentions and ambitions are big,
and with perseverance, I will get there.
Goddess, help me achieve this. So mote it be”

Focus your energy on the flame. Think of all your ambitions and dreams. Imagine
the flame being pushed up into the hands of the Goddess. Visualize the Goddess
receiving all your energy. Imagine you can see your energy being pulled into the
flame. As your energy is soaked into the flame, imagine it turning purple. The
more energy soaked in the deeper and stronger the purple gets. Imagine a long
purple ribbon flowing out of the flame and into the hands of the Goddess.

Confidence in Social Situations

You will need the following items for this spell:

A small drawstring bag
Ground nutmeg
Pine needles
Dried lavender
Piece of mandrake root
Put a pinch or two of the nutmeg, pine needles, dried lavender and mandrake root inthe bag and tie it closed. Consecrate and charge the bag during the waxing phase of the Moon so that you can use positive energy.

Wear the bag around your neck or keep it in your pocket.You should feel a surge of energy whenever you are in a social situation which you find difficult to handle.When you feel you no longer have need of the support your bag gives you, you can scatter the herbs to the four winds or burn them.

It is the consecrating of the bag which turns it into a tool for use in everyday situations, so choose your words carefully to express your particular need. Try to approach one new person everyday or go into one new situation, until you lose your fear.

Dream Incantation’

You will need the following items for this spell:

B.O.S/Dream Journal
Blessed Pen
1. Think what you want to ask
2. Take out your B.O.S/Dream Journal
3. Write an incantation (its kinda short spell or message)
Ask Your Future:
”Guardians of the dream world I would like to see my future.
So mote it be.”

P.S. This spell is use to ask the dream world guardian to tell us what we want to know. You can ask everything like animal totem, future, guide, 

How do Crystals Actually Work?

Energy Explaination ◊

Crystals and stones have been treasured and sought after for hundreds of years and used in nearly every culture of the world. Not only are they beautiful, collectable, and make wonderful jewelry or trinkets; but crystals are very powerful subjects for energy movement and manipulation! These precious minerals use a type of energy called

* Piezoelectricity *

Which is a huge factor in why many crystals are commonly used to transmit energy in technology and devices, such as the computer or phone you may be reading this from. Along with the ability to transmit, they can also take in, enhance, or ‘mingle’ with the natural energies from your own body or with the energies of another organism/object to produce a desired outcome!

The chemical makeup of each type of stone determines what exactly it’s own energy will do when combined with a persons’ natural energy, and because everyone has a different energy, this is also the reason why we all have different responses to the energies of varying stones.

For example, although Rose Quartz and Smokey Quartz may both be in the same family of stone, their differences in formation and make-up will act in different ways.

Here are some interesting informational posts that go deeper into crystal energies and makeup:

Pizeoelectricity: What is it?
Scientific Build of a Crystal
Quartz Crystal in Technology
The Natural Forming Process of Crystals – Smithsonian

How Shape Effects Energy ◊

Crystals, not only those used for jewelry, are often cut into specific shapes and sizes for personal use. Among the most common types are spherical/tumbled, pointed, and obilisk ~ And although you might not have considered the shape while thinking about crystal healing, meditation, or magick, it still plays an relatively important role! Here are a list of shapes and their best uses, as known by myself and collected from various sources:

(Cut) Pointed: Best used when energy is meant to be concentrated and strongly ‘pointed’ in only one specific direction. If a stone has more than one point, the energy will also tend to shoot in those multiple directions. (The second portion of this definition also fits for a crystal cluster piece, though those points are naturally formed rather than cut)
Raw/Natural: (Can included naturally pointed) Much like a crystal’s natural and seemingly random shape of growth, the energy of a raw stone will come out in a ‘blotted’ manner, and will most likely be emitted in different directions and frequencies from different areas of the stone, determined by the formation.
Spherical: The energies of a crystal sphere, much like those used for crystal ball scrying and divination, come out in a round and even manner; the smoother and more even the spherical shape of the ball, the smoother the energy will emit. Because it is completely round, energy will emit from all areas of the ball in even amounts.
Tumbled: (Similar to spherical) Crystals and stones that have been ‘tumbled’, or smoothed out – yet not into a sphere, will behave similar to the shape above. Although, because they are not completely round (just ‘soft-edged’) the energy will slightly differ in means of even-ness to that of a sphere.
Obilisk: A stronger version of the (cut) pointed stone, as the bottom of an obilisk-shaped crystal is solidly flat, and allowing for a more ‘grounded’ directional energy. Because these are meant to be displaced standing and pointing upwards, they are best used when energy is needed to be pointed up.

Now that I know these things, what could I do with crystals? ◊

Meditate with them
Create “Crystal Grids” ~ Tutorial post here
Aline and balance your bodys’ natural energy points with crystals (Also known as ‘Chakras’, first introduced in Hindu texts)
Use stones and crystals to create a desired effect or feeling (They can be used for love, physical & mental healing, focus, grounding, balancing, communication, emotional subjects, strengthening mental/metaphysical abilities, cleansing, etc.) ~ List of Crystal Properties (by name)
Create amulets from stones/crystals
Craft them into keychains/pocket keepsakes to carry with you for everyday use (Be sure to take gentle care of softer stones that scratch easily!)
Mixing up a gem elixer (see tips below; some stones are toxic to water)
And many more! While I could not list everything you could possibly do with these treasured pieces of earth, there are likely more options that I have never even explored myself

Extra Crystal Tips ◊

Some stones are toxic to water, and/or may ruin or dissolve when come in contact with it! Click HERE for a list of crystals that do not enjoy water, along with the materials that make them this way
In metaphysics, crystal magick, and technology, quartz is the universal substitute for all stones. Quartz can be physically and technologically programmed with an extremely high amount of data, and can also be programmed with intent for personal, healing, and magickal use. Think of quartz as the ‘empty jar’ of crystals: filled with possibility
When buying stones and crystals online, make absolute sure that you order from someone who a.) has positive and over 10+ reviews, and b.) will be willing to tell you the EXACT measurements and dimensions of the product. Too many online stores will trick you into buying a stone that is smaller than you were led to think upon purchase! I also recommend buying from someone who will provide insurance over fragile crystals possibly broken during shipping
When cleansing them, be sure to choose a method that is best for each type of stone. Some may fade in sunlight, dissolve or ruin in water, react badly with salt, etc. Do your research!
If the chemical makeup of a lab-produced crystal is the exact same to the makeup of a naturally-formed one, the only things that will differ between the stones are the frequency rates of energy they emit (a lab-produced stone would not be as powerful as a naturally formed one), and the energies they contain. Contained energies aren’t so important as the frequencies, as stones and crystals can be “cleansed” (cleared out / turned into a ‘blank-slate’) by multiple methods.
If you are wondering whether or not you have any crystal/mineral stores near you, try searching google maps with the terms “crystal”, “mineral”, or “metaphysical” – as these will usually yield the best results!
After acquiring a stone, it is best to cleanse out the energies that may have been transferred into it by the formation process or by other people handling it
If you feel fatigued, sick, head/body pain, or any sort of discomfort while using a stone for metaphysical purposes (on more than one occasion) give it a good cleanse before further use

Singers Dream Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell:

A pretend stage Setup (alter)
Beyonce’s ”AVE Maria”
White Candle
First, set up your stage as if your were going to perform in front of people your stage can be your bed, table, open space on the floor, (if you are using your bed remove pillows there are no pillows on stage).

Lay down on the stage lay flat as possible hands out think as if your laying on a pentagram. Place the candle down by your feet and light it, careful not to kick it. Play the instrumental and then lay down and dream and see yourself on stage and imagine you singing very strong and beautiful and listen to the voice calling you telling to pull me free

Most of all believe because as your dreaming the candle will summon a yellow ring around you and you should very free but if you doubt it then the spell will not work. As the song comes to an end awaken your eyes and blow the candle out and give it at least 24 hrs for the new voice to settle in your body.

‘Wyrd Scrying’

You will need the following items for this spell:

A wooden bowl
A small knife or chisel
Candle wax (optional)
Begin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and etch runes with speicifc and personal meaning into it. You may also wish to write your name to make it personalized. Get into a comfortable position. Fill the bowl with water now, and let it settle. Light the incense, of your choice, and spend a moment relaxing quietly, clearing your mind.

Call upon a specific deity that you wish to work with. Some like to call upon the Norns at this time, because they are the weavers of fate, and you will be attempting to read what they’ve woven. You may say something such as: “Three sisters, weavers of Wyrd, help me to see into the web that makes up the fates of myself, those I am connected to, and those I have yet to meet”. Close your eyes. In your mind, picture three women sitting in a circle with thread between them. This thread is wyrd. As they spin it, focus on it as much as you can.

Open your eyes, and peer into the water in the bowl. Spend as much time as you need looking into the waters. You may see something now, or you may not. Sometimes you will receive dreams later on. When calling upon the Norns you may wish to specify that you wish to receive dreams, if this is what you want.
An alternative to this would be to put drops of wax into the water and try to interpret them

‘How to make a blessed necklace ‘

You will need the following items for this spell:

A necklace
Your hands
A emotional bond with the necklace (optional but makes it stronger)
A wish

Go to a place where you wont be bothered and sit down. Close your eyes and put your hands around the necklace. Dominant hand first. Visualize the way your hand are around the necklace and then think of the thing you want he most. Do you want to have good luck? Or maybe you want to be loved. Just think of the one thing and say it out loud.

”I want this necklace to (thing you want [can also be ”I want
(crush name) to love me”]) and here by I am praying to the god and goddess to bring that to me. This is my will so mote it be!”

Then visualize a light with the color of the theme your wish is in (Love wishes red/pink, luck green, protection gold, and if you want to curse someone you visualize it black.) form into a orb in your chest right at your heart and then go through your dominant handed arm into the necklace. Keep going until you feel like the necklace is full and then visualize a (color of wish themed) glow around it. open your eyes and take a deep breath. Then you can do whatever you want to do with it.

Pleiadian Starseeds: Star Beings & Signs You Are One of Them

Perhaps one of the most enigmatic of the constellations is the Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters. In fact, the Pleiades isn’t a constellation but a cluster of stars within the Taurus constellation, and one that has captured our imagination for thousands of years. Today, there are people who believe they have incarnated here after incarnating elsewhere in the Universe. These people refer to themselves as “starseeds”. And many feel an affinity for the Pleiades. If you are here reading this, you likely feel that deep pull towards this beautiful cluster of stars. Here we will explore the origins and history of Pleiadians and give you some signs to determine if you might have once incarnated in the Pleiades before coming here.

Pleiades and Our Ancient Star Origins
We acquired the name for the Pleiades from the Ancient Greeks. The term Pleiades likely translates to something meaning “to sail”, and also has a mythological connection to the Pleiades sisters. The Seven Sisters can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere in the Winter months and are almost always visible near the mid-Southern hemispheres. Our ancient ancestors, including the Greeks, Celts, Maya, Maori, Aztec, Arab, Japanese, and Cherokee, are some of the few who knew of the Pleiades and associated the stars with the gods.

444 Light Years and The Portal
The Pleiades are approximately 444 light years from Earth, making them one of the closest star clusters. When we see the number 444, we are immediately reminded of the angel number 444 which symbolizes the balance of the Universe, infinity, and that we are not alone. According to author Christopher Penczak in Ascension Magick, the Pleiades may act as an otherworldly portal between here and higher dimensions. We may access it through meditation and through channeling the beings there. There are channels here on earth that claim to channel these beings with ease. Be careful which “gurus” you trust and the information they give to you. I’m a believer that you can access these beings on your own – you don’t need a “medium” to do so.

Pleiadian Gods, the Seven Sisters, and Starry Beings
According to Christopher Penczak, the Pleiadian beings have been aiding humanity for aeons, and whose mission is the elevation of humanity and to help bring us into the next dimension. “They have played a role in the Mediterranean, Chinese, and Mayan cultures, and are involved in the arts and poetry.” So, if you find yourself inclined to paint, write books, write poetry, or make music, you might have a Pleiadian guide on the other side providing you with inspiration. As they are trying to bring us into the next dimension, you would think this would be easy for them, since they live in the fifth dimension. But humanity still has a lot of work to do, don’t we?

It’s also believed the Pleiadian beings were here when humanity began and are keepers of our “light libraries”. Keep in mind, while most Pleiadian beings are benevolent and kind and loving, there are some that might be rebellious and have gone against their own dimensional missions. Vet your starry guides just like you vet your ancestors, gods, and other spirits you might work with.

The 7 Starry Goddesses
The main stars in the Pleiades are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek Mythology: Electra, Taygete, Maia, Celaeno, Alcyone, Sterope and Merope. These Seven Sisters were born of their Titan father Atlas and their mother an Oceanid named Pleione. What’s interesting is that these sisters were born to Atlas, a god that holds up the earth itself, and an Oceanid who reigned over the seas. So, even though these stars are “far away”, they have a close connection to our planet. In the Greek mythos, the Seven Sisters became the object of the hunter Orion’s obsession, and so Zeus changed them into doves (who then flew into the heavens and became stars) to protect them from his advances.

Interestingly, the Seven Sisters were not only nature nymphs but also companions of the Greek goddess of the Moon and of the Hunt – Artemis. The Seven Sisters cared for and taught the Greek god of the forest and of intoxication, Dionysus. And they are heavily associated with rain and sailing the seas. From these myths, we can take away energetic impressions of the Pleiadian starseeds and Pleiadian starry beings.

And if longing seizes you for sailing the stormy seas,
when the Pleiades flee mighty Orion
and plunge into the misty deep
and all the gusty winds are raging,
then do not keep your ship on the wine-dark sea
but, as I bid you, remember to work the land.
— Hesiod, Works and Days 618–623

Signs You’re From the Pleiades or are a Pleiadian Starseed
It should go without saying that if you’re drawn to the Pleiades, this is your first sign that you are a Pleiadian starseed. But there are other signs and characteristics that come through when a soul from the Pleiades incarnates here on this earthly plane. You may have one, five, or all of these qualities. And if not, check out our article on the many different Types of Starseeds.

You have a gentle nature about you
Meek mannerisms and truly humble
You work with or honor Artemis as a goddess and Dionysus as a god
Pleiadians feel at home in nature, particularly at the sea and in the forest
Your Zodiac sign may be Taurus OR you have Taurus in your birth chart somewhere
You find yourself willingly driven to humanitarian efforts and giving to others with no regard for yourself
Empathic: you take on the energies around you and in others quite easily
Physical qualities might show that you are tall and thin with bright to light blue eyes (this isn’t a requirement, though!)
You are all about the love and hate conflict
You may descend from ancestors from Northern Europe (again, not a requirement)
You’ve had experiences with otherworldly beings of light
You may have high cheekbones, long legs and arms, and a strong jawline and chin
There’s always been an interest in space for you
You are incredibly sensitive and a people pleaser (sometimes to a fault)
Pleiadian starseeds typically feel they have some great soul purpose or mission here on earth and feel different from others while they are growing up
You understand sacred polarity and don’t question it
Pleiadians sometimes struggle with allergies and sensitivities to toxins
They can also be sensitive to sensory overload
The Pleiadian Star Cluster
“Can I get two, maybe even three of these?
Come from space to teach you of the Pleiades
Can’t stop the spirits when they need you
This life is more than just a read-through“
~ Can’t Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers

How to Connect with Your Pleiadian Higher Self and the Pleiadian Beings

You consider yourself a Pleiadian starseed but now what? Is it just a label you give yourself to feel good or is there a higher purpose? I believe once we find our starry origins, we should dive deeper into those energetic vibrations through study, meditation, and practice. Here are some ways to connect with your Pleiadian higher self and with Pleiadian starry ancestors.

1. Read and Study
There are some wonderful books and resources out there that I recommend Pleiadians study. First, anyone and everyone would benefit from reading Christopher Penczak’s Ascension Magick. It speaks frequently of higher dimensions, other planes of existence, and our starry origins. Including Pleiadian. In addition, Barbara Hand Clow’s book The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light. Read anything you can get your hands on about ascending and other dimensions.

2. Meditation
When we meditate, we clear our mind and we are in a receiving state. When we are in a receiving state, it’s easiest for our guides and other worldly beings to communicate with us. And for us to come in alignment with higher dimensions and our higher selves. Try guided meditations on YouTube or Spotify if you’re not well-adept to meditating. Try different music and atmospheres too until you find something that works.

3. Time in Nature
It may seem cliche and simple but spending time in nature is so important for true alignment with our higher selves and with our Pleiadian star ancestors. I particularly recommend spending time in a local forest, field, or by the sea. The energies there are pure and evoke a sense of Pleiadian vibration. While out in nature, ask your higher self and Pleiadian star guides to send you a clear message via an animal or plant. Then be open to receiving that message.

4. Divination for Pleiadians
I’ve found that practicing divination is my main mode of communication with my ancestors and higher self. It is a practice, so it takes time to find what really works for you and your ancestors. So try different things – runes, Oracle cards, Tarot cards, scrying, etc. There are decks out there specifically focused on starseed energy including the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell and the Sirian Starseed Tarot deck. If the cards don’t work, try scrying with the clouds, water, or a scrying mirror. You’ll receive messages from your guides and higher self when you are open and in alignment.

5. Art and Poetry for Pleiadians
The Pleiadians are known for their affinity for the arts. Do you have a musical instrument you’ve not played in a long time? Time to dust it off and play. If you prefer to sing or dance, let it rip! By connecting with the music, you’re nurturing your inner Pleiadian starseed. If you’re a proficient musician, channel your creativity and spirituality into your music and inspire others. Paint a picture, write poetry, craft something with your hands. Making art makes the soul happy and connects us with our higher selves.

6. Work with the Seven Sisters
If you feel comfortable with working with godly energies, consider setting up sacred space for the Seven Sisters. Or Artemis or Dionysus. These beings are intricately tied to the Pleiadian constellation and will no doubt aid you in your ascension and in discovering your true self. Study, communicate with, and honor these Pleiadian beings and ask they come through with lessons and guidance for you on your earthly journey.

7. Finding Your Soul Purpose
I’ve been listening to a lot of Abraham Hicks work lately, and it’s all about finding alignment with your true self and finding your soul’s purpose. Some people think it’s difficult to find their soul’s purpose here on this planet. But I actually think it’s much easier than people make it out to be. Answer this question – what makes your soul happy? What do you do in life that literally brings you the greatest joy? That’s your soul’s purpose.

8. Humanitarian Efforts
The Pleiadians have been here for aeons, and their mission has to be aid us in our evolution and expansion. If you are a Pleiadian starseed, you might find great joy and growth in volunteer work. Or working in a career field that helps people, the planet, or animals. Consider a job in the healthcare field, spiritual field, or working a job in nature (i.e. a gardener, farmer, park ranger, etc.) And, if you already have a job, consider volunteering or donating time or money on the side.

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc

Deep in ancient history, all the way from the regions of eastern Europe and India to the British Isles, are the roots of the worship of Brighid. Her name is also spelled Brigit, Bridget, and Bride (pronounced “breed“). And it means “Fiery Arrow” or “Bright One”. She was always a Fire Goddess and also a Water Goddess. The largest Celtic tribe was called the Brigantes, and their name comes from the same root as the name Brighid. They had Fire Priests. Many place names and names of rivers and streams all over England, Ireland, and Wales have names with the same root as Brighid. She was, and remains, the most powerful and powerfully worshiped Goddess in the British Isles from long, long before the advent of Christianity.

Brighid is of the Tuatha De Danaan, the people of the Great Mother Danu, also called the Fae. She was probably originally a Sun Goddess. The story of Her birth is that She was born at sunrise, and a tower of flame burst forth from the newborn’s forehead reaching from the Earth to the Sun. She is a Fire Goddess.

Brighid is a triple Goddess, but not in the sense many think of as maiden, mother, crone. She has three aspects and all have associations with Fire and Water: Brighid the Healer and Midwife, Brighid the Smith-Craftswoman-Warrior, and Brighid the Inspirer of all arts particularly the written and spoken.

As Brighid the Healer, Her wells and springs figure prominently, as their water is considered holy and healing. She is a Water Goddess. In this aspect She is the teacher of herbal and plant medicine. She is the midwife for birthing women. She is the guardian and caretaker of household domestic animals, particularly cows. She Herself travels with 2 Sacred Oxen, and the white cow, the white swan, and the white wolf are associated with Her as totems. One of the symbols associated with Brighid is the white wand around which a snake is entwined. And this symbol pre-dates Asclepius, the Healer God of the Greeks whose symbol was a serpent coiled around a rod. Brighid tends trees and orchards and the Rowan is sacred to Her. No one in Ireland cuts down a Rowan tree without knowing there will be some misfortune befall him. And the beginning of February is the beginning of the Celtic Tree Month of the Rowan.

Brighid the Smith is mistress of the smithy fire, the anvil. She is associated with horses in this aspect. But this also extends to fine jewelrysmith workings – silver and gold – and any craft that a person might practice and seek to master. She was also then, the creator of swords, daggers, knives, shields and all weapons of protection, as well as cooking vessels and implements. The Hearthfire is sacred to Brighid, and its association with nourishment, food, and health of a family. It was also a place where people gathered together to tell stories, as the oral tradition was sacrosanct to the Celtic peoples.

And that leads to the third aspect of the Goddess, Brighid the Bard, the Inspirer of the Fire in the Heart and Mind, which produces song, music, poetry, stories, writing, eloquence, theatrical performances, and the harp. Although the oral tradition was extremely important to the Celts, and there were people who spent their lives gathering and remembering the stories of their people, Brighid is said to have invented “talking marks,” the Ogham, or writing. And since all of these are associated with the Element of Air, She is also an Air Goddess.

Her center of worship is Kildare, from the Gaelic “Cill Dara” which means Church of the Oak, which illumines a Druid past. This was built on a site which contained a perpetually tended flame. Her Eternal Flame. It was said to be an ashless fire, which indicates that it must have originally been made with tallow, oil, or even butter. Later, as wood was used to keep the flame alive, it was said that the ashes miraculously disappeared. The tradition is that there were 19 priestesses of Brighid, representing the 19 Year Cycle of the Celtic “Great Year”. Each priestess tended the fire in turn through a 20 day rotation. On the 20th day of each rotation, the fire was said to be tended by the Goddess Herself. It burned for centuries and for long after Christianity came to the Isles until in 1220, the Archbishop of Dublin decided that nuns tending the perpetual flame of Brighid, now St. Brigit, was too connected to pagan beliefs and practices and ordered it extinguished. After the death of the Archbishop, the nuns rekindled the ancient flame and it burned again without break until the Reformation around 350 years later, when the entire convent and church was closed. In modern times, several decades ago, The Flame was lit again, and is tended, by nuns.

Brighid is the Goddess associated with Imbolc, the holy days celebrated from the eve on January 31st until the night of February 2nd. It is the beginning of the first signs of Spring’s return. As a Goddess of fertility, household farm animals, plants, trees, She presides over the first buds of plants, the earliest flowers like the snowdrops, and lambs and calves which begin to be born at this time of year. That is why milk, cheese, butter are all set outside on Imbolc Eve to honor her and feed her oxen, as She is said to walk the land on Imbolc Eve.

Brighid’s cross of rushes, which was co-opted by the Church, is thought to have been originally a solar cross or sun wheel indicating the movement of the Sun in the turning of the great Wheel of the Year. People still make these today in the British Isles and Ireland and hang them over the front door for protection, laying the one for the previous year on the hearth fire. Many candles are lit all over the home to encourage and reflect the returning light of the sun, and bonfires are lit outdoors. Strips or squares of cloth are laid outside the door on Imbolc Eve or hung out the ground floor window for Brighid to bless as She passes, and they are brought in the next day to use when healing is needed throughout the year. Fabric bits or strips called clooties are also tied on branches of trees overhanging a Sacred Well or Sacred Spring as prayers to Brighid for healing (this custom happens all year round).

Some of the names referring to the Goddess Brighid are “Mother of All Wisdom”, “Bright One”, “Exalted One”, “Flame of 2 Eternities”, “Ashless Flame”. She is the Flame in the Hearts of All Women! May She bless you with Her mighty strength in this fragile season, in this liminal season as Winter turns to Spring and the earliest flowers of white and green venture forth from the snow seeking the Sun, our hearts greet them with a smile.

‘First Impression’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Whole Orange
4 Tablespoons of Vanilla Extract
8 Rose Petals
Cut the orange into 4 pieces. Run yourself a bath. Place the orange pieces, vanilla extract & rose petals into your bath then get in! Close your eyes, inhale the aroma & chant:

“The first time you see me
I can do no wrong
To you I am perfect
My name is your song
Youll always remember
When we first met
As the day you realized
Im the best you can get
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done”

Imagine the person you are meeting for the first time and repeat the chant as if you were saying these words directly to them. You may do this several times until you feel confident that you will make a great first impression! 

Dream Question, Dream Answer’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 blue candle
1 white candle (optional)
1 stick of cinnamon incense
A slip of paper
A pen
4 magickally charged stones (optional)
Light the candle(s). Light the incense with the blue candle. Leave the candle(s) on until the incense is completely burned out. Write the question on the slip of paper with the pen. Example:

Dear Aphrodite,

Is this person the right person for me?

Love (whatever)

When the incense is completely burned, pour the ashes on the question. Fold it. Hold it tight in your hands. Close your eyes and say:

”It is an answer that I seek,
In my dreams, I’ll take a peek.”

Place the folded paper under your pillow and blow out the candle(s)

NOTE: If you are using magick stones, place them around the alter before doing the spell. 

Tome of Imriel, Wisdom : the Stillness

1. In the days of old, a curious blue imp named Imriel roamed the land, easily swayed by the winds of emotion and ever-reactive to the world’s changing currents.

2. He would dance in joy when the sun shone and wail in despair when the rain fell, embodying every fleeting moment’s emotion.

3. One day, Imriel encountered a wise elder named Seraphan by a serene brook. The elder noticed the imp’s whimsical nature and shared, “Imriel, why dost thou let the world toss thee about like a leaf in the wind?”

4. Imriel responded, “I am but a reflection of the world, and thus, I feel its every whim.”

5. Seraphan nodded, then dropped a stone into the brook, watching the ripples expand and then still. “Look,” he said, “The water does not cease to be, nor does it protest when the stone disturbs its peace. It simply returns to its state of calm.”

6. Imriel watched intently, his azure hue deepening in thought. “But how can I, with a heart that feels so deeply, remain unaffected by the world?”

7. “By realizing,” Seraphan began, “that just as the sky remains unaltered by the clouds that pass through it, thy core self remains unchanged by fleeting emotions. You can observe without becoming.”

8. Days turned to years, and the blue imp practiced the elder’s wisdom. While he still felt the world’s joys and sorrows, he learned not to be swept away by them.

9. And so, Imriel became a beacon of stillness amidst chaos, embodying the stoic essence, teaching others that emotions are but ripples on the surface of deep and tranquil waters.

10. The land remembered, and whispered to the winds, the tale of the blue imp who found strength in stillness, reminding all that amidst life’s storms, one can remain unshaken, rooted in inner peace.

As it is so.

‘Basics of Spellcasting’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Now not many people know all of this and if they do know some it isn’t everything that you should know.

Magic secret #1: You MUST truly believe a spell will work from the bottom of your heart.

Magic secret #2: Direct your spell as desired by being in the frame of mind needed to cast it correctly.

Magic secret #3: Charge your spells with outside energy from nature. Use natural ingredients like herbs, wood, and other plants, and, I can’t stress this enough, thank the Earth for the energy you’ve borrowed!

Yemaya Unblocking

You will need the following items for this spell:

Blue and white candles
Seven white roses
Go to the beach and dig a small hole in the sand. Light the white and blue candles as you make your petition. Enter the water and greet Yemaya in her guise as a mermaid or a beautiful woman rising up from the sea. Offer her seven white roses. Immerse yourself completely in the water, then walk back out without looking behind you.

Summer Sun Jar’

You will need the following items for this spell:

One small, preferably glass, jar
Marigold Petals (fresh or dried)
Sunflower Petals (fresh or dried)
(Optional) Sealing wax; Yellow, Gold, or White
Fill up the jar 3/4 of the way up with honey. Then, put in enough of the herbs so it is almost full. Fill up the rest of it with water. Be sure to leave room for the cork!

Cork and shake it to mix everything. Leave it out in the sun for at least two hours, more if you like.

After it is done charging, hold the jar over your heart and say:
Though its light may fade away,
Summer sun is here to stay.

If you have the wax, melt it and seal it now.

To Use: When you are cold or just need positivity, hold it over your heart and visualize warmth and hope radiating out. It can be used more than once.

Note: You may want to strain it after a week to prevent mold. This will not affect the spell in any way. It has already absorbed all of the properties.