Naming an Entity

Naming an entity can be one of the most difficult things to
do for some magi. Some, unnecessarily, agonize over what
type of name would give justice to their creation. Others are
afraid that they are not creative enough to come up with an
original name. Still, others fear that the name that they pick
will conflict with preexisting entities.
For most, however, naming an entity is just as easy
as breathing. There really is no reason why you should feel
any differently about the subject. There are many different
formulas and methods that you can employ to help you
come up with a name that suits your entity.
One of the easiest ways of naming an entity is to derive
its name from the statement of intent. This is done by first
taking the statement of intent, “To influence and attract fine
art purchasers that are able to and that will purchase my
sculpture for the price that I set,” for example, and removing
all of the unneeded words like “a,” “the,” “and,” “that,” “of,”
etc. Ideally you should have around three to nine words left,
for example “influence attract fine art purchasers able will
purchase the sculpture price I set.” As you can see from the
example, the “three to nine words left” rule of thumb will
not be valid in every case.
Next, you will take the first letter of the remaining
words, and combine those letters together to form the entity’s
name. So in our example, we would have “iafarawpmspis.”
As you can see, this name is very unintelligible and not
easily pronounceable. In this case, we will further reduce the
name down by removing all of the repeated letters. When
we do this, we come up with “iafrwpms.”

The result is somewhat more manageable, but lacking
some vowels, it is still difficult to work with. In such cases,
we will want to add vowels that will allow for us to create a
name that is pronounceable. Choosing the extra letters can
be done in many different fashions. One of the easiest is to
pick and choose the letters that you think will compliment
the name the best. Another way is to choose the letters that
have numerical symbolism that will bring the full name to
a number, via numerology, that resonates with the entity’s
task. For our example, we will take the numerology route,
which gives us “firiwaspim” with a numerology equivalent
of the number 6 (magnetic, sociable, artistic, etc.) using the
Pythagorean system of numerology. Now, this is a little
bit easier to read and say, but we are going to take it a bit
further and split the name into two. Doing that gives us
“Firi Waspim.”
Sometimes you may want to name the entity after
it’s function, like “buy a new car.” You may want to spell it
backward like “rac wen yub,” and combine them to form
the name of “Racwenyub.” The names ma y be long, or un –
pronounceable in the long-form. If this is the case, it is OK to
break the name up like “Racwen Yub,” or “Rac Yubwen.”
The reason for spelling the words backward is to free
your mind of the name’s meaning and also to give the feeling
of “antiquated” names of spirits of old often found in
spell books and such—this is not necessary, it is merely a
point of personal taste. Some magi feel that working with
entities with “odd” names seem to help them in focusing
on the magickal working at hand, while others feel that it
hinders them. Use what feels and works best for you.
What ever type of naming convention you use, it is
a good idea to try, if possible, to somehow incorporate the
entity’s task into the name. This will serve to further the
entity’s connection to the desired task and will build power
in the use of the entity.

One thing that should be mentioned here, is that you
should be wary of any negative feelings that you get from
a name, whether you constructed the name from scratch or
simply chose describing words. If the name feels negative to
you, or has negative descriptive words, it may hinder your
magickal workings. This is not to say if you are constructing
an entity to curse someone or thing that it should not
sound negative in general, rather the name should not feel
negative to you—the one working with it. If it does feel
negative to you, in other words, you don’t like the name
or it leaves a bad feeling when saying or working with it,
then you should not use it. For if you do, you may begin
to resent your entity, and your magickal -working may not
manifest in the manner in which you had hoped. Always
t r y to name your entity with a name that you like and that
feels good to you when you work with it.
Of course, you do not have to name your entity at
all. Some very successful entities have never been named.
Naming them, however, affords them personality. Since we,
as humans, tend to have an easier time relating to things
that have names.
Names also allow us to have control over that which
is named. In some magickal traditions, names are symbolic
of the thing that is named. Because of this, by naming a
thing—or entity in this case—you can guide it to do your
wishes. That is an important thing to keep in mind when
creating your entity—after all, you are creating it to serve
you and your wishes.

Your Entity’s Appearance

There are many different ways to come up with an appearance for your entity. A rather simple way is to take its general realm of influence and look for symbolism that ‘would afford a good appearance. You could also think about the entity’s task and then design an appearance that would be best suited for completing the task successfully. The list is seemingly endless.

We will focus on a method that is not well documented on general occult circles. This method creates the entity’s appearance from the letters of its name. You do this by taking the name and turning the letters into symbolic
representations of the astral body parts of the entity. The first letter represents the head area, and the last letter represents its foot . The remaining letters represent different parts between the head and foot regions. The amount of detail depends on the amount of letters that are between the first and last letters—the more letters the finer the details, the fewer letters the more general the details.

In our example, we will use numerology as our symbolism. In numerology, specifically Pythagorean numerology,
each number is assigned to a letter of the alphabet and is viewed as feminine or masculine. Every number has a
specific “characteristic” which can lend to us an idea of what the entity can look like.

Our example entity, Firi Waspim, has the letter “F” as a head and the letter “M” as the feet. So, looking to our numerology, we see that the letter “F” is the number six. The number six, which is feminine in nature, will provide our entity with female-like features in the face. Since the number six is associated -with occupations like artists, host/hostess, advisers, public speakers, etc. we can start to visualize the facial features of people that fill those roles. The letter “M” is also feminine by nature due to its association with the number four. The number four is related to the occupations of architect, sculptor, TV or radio personality, etc. We will continue to do this for the rest of the letters in the entity’s name. You -will find that in numerology a number can represent different many different things. It is up to you to decide which aspect that you wish to have associated with your entity. For example, we have chosen the following associations for our example entity:













Upper Chest

Arms/Hand s

Lower Chest


Buttocks Area


Shin Area


6 (Feminine)—

9 (Masculine)-

9 (Masculine)-

9 (Masculine)-

5 (Masculine)-

1 (Masculine)-

1 (Masculine)-

7 (Masculine)-

9 (Masculine)-

4 (Feminine)—











We have chosen professions that we feel will add to the entity persona, and provide us with an idea of what it should look like. We can also look at the amount of feminine and masculine letters/numbers that make up the name to find out its sex. In our example we have a greater number of masculine letters/numbers than feminine letters/numbers, so our entity is male. You can use any system that you feel comfortable with to use as the symbolism for the letters. For example a mage that is versed in Norse Mythology ma y want to use some incarnation of Runes. Another mage, knowledgeable in the Kabbalah, ma y wish to use the Hebraic alphabet to aid in his or her creation of his or her entity’s appearance. The important thing is to use what ever feels right to you,and -works best for you. Even though our example suggests that our entity is anthropomorphic, this does not have to be the case. In many books entities often take on shapes that are not found in our common everyday lives. Some of these entities were half beast or half animal. Other entities were completely alien in appearance. You ma y create your entity’s appearance in any form or fashion that you would like. An important thing to remember, besides doing what feels right and works best for you, is to make sure that the appearance of your entity is in harmony with its realms of influence. It would be counter productive to have an entity that beautifies things to look so horrible that you could not stand to look at it. Unless you have a specific reason not to, you should try to keep your entity’s appearance related to its task(s). Think of it like this, lets say you took your car to an auto-mechanic’s shop. You notice that all of the mechanics are wearing three-piece suits. You also notice that this is not the first time that they have worn these suits—they wear them all of the time. There is never a speck or spot on them. Would you feel comfortable taking your car to this shop? What kind of work could you expect from it?

There is nothing saying that this may not be the best shop in the world, but by going on looks alone, you ma y have reservations about having your car worked on there. This is something that you should think about when constructing our entity’s appearance. You should make sure that you are satisfied with the appearance of your entity and that it is right for its task(s). This will make it easier for you to do the magickal working at hand

Housing your Entity

One of the easiest ways for people to interact with entities is to evoke the entity into a physical item. Usually, the physical containers of entities resemble the entities themselves. It is thought that as long as the physical container resembles the entity as much as possible, the entity “will feel encouraged to stay in its physical representation.

Using objects as the physical bodies of entities is very effective for magickal workings because it calls upon the instinctive and intuitive behaviours from our childhood. Children are born with the ability to give life to things. An example of this is the ability to give life to their toys; they are so good at this that they even have the ability to hear them speak. The way that a child creates an imaginary
friend is similar to the manner in which you would create an entity.

Using images as a focal point of entity communication is nothing new. Catholics pray to Saints, Jesus, Mary, etc. by using paintings, statues, and altars to aid their communication. This technique of working with entities has been used for thousands of years by many
different cultures.

Making a physical object have an entity live within it can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. The basic requirement to animate an object is to treat it as though it were already alive. Once this basic requirement has been understood, it can be dressed up as fancily as you would like, though you are not required to do so. Because of its ease, many people may not acknowledge their effectiveness.

The technique noted above is very similar to the way witches create familiars. Alchemists have used the technique to impregnate their formulas with entities. This technique has been able to remain “occult” (i.e., hidden or secret) due to its simplicity. It is a classic case of hiding something in plain sight. It has been disregard because of its simplicity, and thus remains a very effective and powerful occult technique.

What attracts entities to take up residence in physical objects is the sincerity and devotion of a person wishing to have such an entity. The person, of course, must have firm faith and belief in the presence of the entity. Ritual, to create an entity or otherwise, helps to express this sincerity and devotion. Rituals can also be used to confirm the person’s faith in the entity.

Entities respond very well to the idea of “like attracts like” (i.e., that the more two things resemble each other, the more likely they are to relate to one another). Having understood this, it becomes very important to carefully choose the symbols and characteristics of the physical object within which you wish your entity to reside.

Nearly anything can serve to house an entity. If you can identify it, it can be a suitable home for an entity, although some objects are better than others. Objects that are harmonious with the entity’s realm of influence are a better choice than those that are not.

The size of the entity’s home is not of great importance. What really matters is the shape, appearance, and the substance of the home. The object should be of a size that is convenient to work with. When selecting a suitable home for your entity, you have two choices. The first choice is to select a prefabricated object. This can range from statues of all shapes, sizes, and substances to pictures, paintings, candles, rocks, buildings, balloons, books, glasses, computers, animals, plants,talismans, dolls, telephones, crystals, or even a remittance envelope for your business bearing your entity’s programming symbol on it. The second option is to construct the housing using your knowledge of the entity’s personality, a realm of influence, and other occult virtues.

Whatever the object is, it must be one that is attractive to you. It must stir feelings of interest. If the housing seems lifeless or uninteresting, it will be a poor home for the entity. To be effective, the housing must have qualities that make you wan t to interact with it.

It is better to avoid objects that resemble a living or dead person that you know in any fashion or recognize. This will help you keep your work -with your entity as pure as possible. If such objects are used, you ma y confuse the energy of the person with that of the entity. This may cause ill effects on the person that the object resembles. Of course this does not apply if you are intentionally trying to create an entity that is to have a bond with the person represented by the object. Entity housing can be formed from just about anything.
The important thing to remember is to choose materials that will withstand wear, tear, and repeated handling for the life of the entity.

Some have entities that are housed within their voice, coming forth only when he says specific words, while others go into a more sight oriented manifestation, like paintings.

If you are artistic, you may -want to create the object yourself. By doing so, you are unconsciously forming the entity in your mind. This will serve to strengthen the bond between the entity and yourself. Also, in this way the object will resonate deep within your psyche and improve your workings with the entity.

When creating an object for the entity to live in, you may want to plan for a cavity in the object that will allow for you to deposit items vital to the entity. For example, you may want to place the entity’s task and programming symbol on a small scroll and place it inside the cavity. You
may want to have an area that you can place blood, semen, or other fluids during the ritual giving life to the entity.

There are many other reasons, if you choose to have one, for leaving a cavity in the entity’s housing. If you are constructing the entity’s housing, you may wish to incorporate a color, or colors, that correspond and are harmonious to the entity’s realm of influence. If you
are not sure which color or colors to use, choose something that is attractive and pleasing to you.

You may also wish to use astrological times when creating the entity’s housing. Magickal workings can be greatly influenced if they are used. On the other hand, it is not essential to use them either. As a matter of fact, the magickal working can be greatly simplified if they are not
used. It can be helpful, however, to do workings during the proper phase of the moon, and on days that are harmonious
with your magickal endeavour.

In ancient times people would use stones and crystals, with appropriate attributes, to bind an entity to a plant that had similar attributes to the entity’s realm of influence. As long as the plant and stones were harmonious with the entity, it would use the plant as a home while working with the person that bound it. The stones served to charge the plant with the energy of the entity and with its realm of influence. If you have a green thumb and a bit of ingenuity and creativity, you could do something similar.

Once an entity has been provided with a physical body, it tends to respond and perform better than a disembodied one. Also, an entity with a physical body tends to show more interest in human experience. Therefore, an embodied entity will actually want to help you in your efforts. This will provide the entity with the human experiences that it soon grows accustomed to.

Not all entities require housings. Short-term entities sometimes have a life span that is so short that a physical housing is not necessary. For those types of entities, it may be better to link (or “house”) them to aromas. The aroma could be inhaled during the creation and evocation of your entity. You may even wish to anoint a physical housing, if one is used, with the selected aroma. Remember to choose one that that is appealing to you and is harmonious with the entity’s realm of influence.

You may want to consider constructing a shrine for the entity. The entity’s housing serves as the “physical body” of the entity, while the shrine serves as the “house” of the entity. The shrine does not need to be detailed or elaborate. Again, the most important things to remember are to make sure that it is pleasing and attractive to you, and that it fits the personality of the entity and its realm of influence. You
may even wish to make your shrine “portable.” This will allow you to move it, or keep it out of sight.

Whenever you attempt to create an entity, the physical object in which it is to reside, or both, use personal judgment and intuition. There are many correspondences with specific meanings and uses in most, if not all, magickal systems.

Because of this, it may be difficult to decide which one to use. If you have a general idea of what the entity’s realm of influence is, this will help narrow down the choices that you have. In any rate, use your own mind to guide you and never act as a slave to any magickal system.

Respecting Nature and Energies

The primary thought of the vast majority of Pagans and Witches is that we should respect nature and all its offerings. There may always be exceptions to this rule but they are probably few and far between if not completely non-existent. Respecting nature possibly means not taking more than you need as well as trying to make a recompense for what you have taken. So for example, if you have a Basil plant in your kitchen or garden and you remove leaves of the plant to eat, you leave that plant in a state where it will grow new leaves. Taking only what you need may involve not only living in the modern world but also in balance with the planet.

Many witches tend to shop second hand and make at least some of the things they use as well as recycling when they can, thus meaning they will tread lightly where they can.

It’s not just that there is a respect for nature, many witches see themselves reflected by the elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth & Spirit. Whilst these elements are all around us in nature they are also within us: Air is our thought, Fire is our passion and enthusiasm, Water is our emotions, Earth our bodies and Spirit our inner selves. These are the energies many of us harness in working magic and in order for this magic to be effective it may be wise to find some form of balance between them. These elements all have a reflection on daily life and for every project to work it needs to have its reflection on daily life. For these projects to work it may be best for them to have there phases of thought, enthusiasm, emotional involvement, formations as well as being imbued with its own spirit.

Attuning Your Energies

The first step to working with entities is learning to attune
your energy to work with an entity. What that means is
that you should have some degree of control over your own
energy. If you do not, working with an entity, let alone
creating one, may be difficult. What are some things that
you can do to improve your connection with entities?


Meditation is a tool that will allow you to gain control of
your thoughts and actions. With proper control, anything
is possible and accurate results can be achieved.
It is important to be clear in your mind what exactly
it is that you want for your magickal working. Meditation
will help you to define your goals and desires. It will also
allow you to see the situation from different angles. This
will often reveal hidden situations that may lend themselves
to helping achieve your goals.

If you do not have a regular meditation routine, it is
recommended that you start one as soon as possible. There
are many books out on the subject. If you look in your local
phone directory, you may be able to find local community
classes that teach meditation.
You may even want to join a Tai Chi class if it is
offered in your area. Tai Chi is a Chinese form of moving
meditation. This serves you two-fold, as you gain the
benefits of meditation as well as keeping your body fit and
in tune with your spiritual growth.


Regular exercise is an important factor in over-all health.
Exercise not only will keep you in good physical shape, but
also reduces stress, alleviates depression, and improves the
quality of your sleep. You don’t have to run out and get a
membership at a gym. Try spending an hour doing martial
arts, yoga, or any other type of exercise such as walking,
dancing, swimming, or even inline skating. Exercise can
aid you in daily attunement to your personal energy as
well as the energies you work with. Physical exercise causes
you to sweat, which helps clean some of the toxins out of
your body. This will help your energy flow throughout
your body better.


A good diet and perhaps even a good multi-vitamin can
make a big difference in your energy as well. There is no
one “true” diet that everyone should follow. However, try
to eat balanced meals with moderate portions. More small
meals a day are sometimes better than three large meals a
day. Buy or grow organic whenever you can and try to eat
food that is minimally processed. Raw fruits and vegetables
are more nutritious than when cooked. If you must cook
them, steaming is preferred. If you’re a meat-eater, organic
meat and poultry or wild game is best. If you choose a
vegetarian or vegan diet, make sure you get the protein and
iron you need through nuts, seeds, tofu, etc. Drink lots of
pure water. Cut back on caffeine, sugar, artificial colors and
flavors, and preservatives. Changing your eating habits can
be very difficult. You don’t have to do it all at once, pick one
or two of your unhealthy eating habits and replace them
with new, healthy habits.


Getting enough sleep is very important for health and
energy. With only a few exceptions, the average adult
needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep within each 24-
hour period to be adequately alert for 16 to 17 hours.
Without the proper amount of sleep, the body cannot
and will not function to its fullest potential. If you have
trouble sleeping, try taking a hot bath before you go to
bed. Lavender and Chamomile are soothing scents…try
spraying your sheets and pillow with water and a combination
of lavender and chamomile essential oils. Don’t
drink caffeinated beverages or eat sugary foods before
going to bed.


Another tool in your toolbox is the art of creative visualization.
Creative visualization will help you align the
physical, mental, and spiritual minds to act together to
achieve a desired result. It also allows for you to gain
insight and information that was once hidden. The type of
information that you may receive may come in the form
of a scent, an image in the mind’s eye, a sense of coolness
or warmth, etc.
Creative visualization is often thought of as a balancing
act between meditation and hypnosis. This is because
creative visualization has the controlled state of awareness
that meditation affords. At the same time it has the potential
“programming” power that hypnosis provides.
Self-help clinics and various magickal groups usually
teach creative visualization. There are books that teach
and explain the subject, but some individuals find it hard
to practice creative visualization through the guidance of
a book. Therefore it is recommended that you seek out a
magickal group, self help group, or clinic that offers creative
visualization courses. You may even want to supplement
your practices and studies with some hypnosis training.
Experiencing Energy Signatures
Each person and entity has their own energy signature. By
learning to recognize your energy signature from someone
else’s, you become more attuned to the energy around
you. There are many exercises that you can do to help you
with this. One that is easy is making note of some of your
friends’ energy signatures (or how they feel to you when
they are around you). When someone comes into a room
where your back is to them, try and figure out who it is by
their energy signature before turning around to see who it is. Of course, if you have friends that are magi, then
you can structure this a bit more. Another way to attune
yourself to someone’s energy signature is to stand facing
each other with your palms 1-2 inches apart from each
other. Feel each other’s energy and then decide who will be
the leader. Now, the leader will move their hands around
in circles, figure 8’s, or whatever patterns they wish. The
follower will follow their energy. Once you get used to this
with your eyes open, both leader and follower should close
their eyes and continue to follow the energy signature of
their partner. Start slow at first, then speed things up, or
start with your hands close together and then work them
farther apart.

Become More Creative

Expanding your creativity is extremely helpful when
working with any type of magick. When it comes to creating
entities, however, creativity should be given the highest
priority of development.
Thinking in a creative manner will allow you to solve
a problem with at least ten different solutions, with most of
them being highly feasible. When you think creatively, you
realize that not only is anything possible, but that there
may be several different ways to achieve success. Creative
thinking allows you to see situations in a multidimensional
aspect. This will allow you to find the fastest way to achieve
results in a way that will make everyone involved satisfied
with the outcome.
With a little bit of creative thinking, you may find solutions
to your problems without the use of any magickal
workings. When magick is required, however, your creative
thinking skills will allow you to develop the best laid out
plan of magickal attack, which will cover almost every area
that needs to be addressed to assure a successful outcome
for everyone and everything involved.A method to start sharpening your creative thinking
skills is to come up with ten solutions to every problem that
you are faced with. The next time that you have an issue
that needs to be resolved, write down on a piece of paper at
least ten different possible ways to resolve the solution. You
may at first get one or two with no problem, but when it
comes to more than two you may find it difficult. If you do
find it hard, that’s OK, just keep thinking. Even if the idea
sounds dumb or far-fetched write it down.
If you do this every time you have a situation to
resolve, you will find that your ideas will become sharper
and more focused than when you started this technique.
The more that you use this creative thinking method, the
more effective solutions you will come up with. You will
come to notice that your thought process has changed and
that you are starting to see opportunities where there were
none before.

Respect The Entities You Work With

When you start working with entities, of any type, always
show the utmost respect for them. This is one thing that
most people overlook when working with entities, manmade
or preexisting. Many, either because of ill instruction
or ignorance, try to dictate and control the entities through
threats and intimidation. This is the surest way to minimize
the effectiveness of your magickal workings.
To maximize your magickal workings, you should
treat the entity as though it is a comrade or friend. When
you work in this manner, the entity is more responsive to
your wishes and will work harder to manifest your desires.
It is similar to working with humans, the more you respect
them and the better you treat them, the more that they will
do for you.
Be aware that with any entity, created or not, trust
goes both ways. You have to fulfill your end of the bargain even as it fulfills its end. If you don’t, the repercussions
are less than desirable. It’s better to pay your dues
when it is time than to let them grow beyond the means
of payment. Your strength as a person and as a mage
can sometimes be measured by how honorably you’ve
conducted your affairs.
Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Like
humans, some entities will not work any harder for you no
matter how you treat them. In these instances, it is best to
use your judgment as to whether you wish to continue to
work with such an entity. After all, the entity was created
by you to fulfill your desires, and if an entity shows any
signs of not wishing to accomplish those goals, it is up to
you to decide on what you wish to do about it.
Magick, in any form, requires energy to work. Only
by actually doing magick on a daily basis, working with
energy everyday, and learning to control energy, will your
spiritual power grow stronger. You will become capable of
using magick in a wide variety of ways, which includes
creating and working with entities


The trademark of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities. These people filter the world through their intuition and have a difficult time intellectualizing their feelings. .

When overwhelmed with the impact of stressful emotions, empaths may experience panic attacks, depression, chronic fatigue, food, sex, and drug binges, or exhibit many other physical symptoms that defy traditional diagnosis.

But empaths can also learn how to center themselves so that they don’t feel too much or become overloaded. The first step is to acknowledge that you are an empath.

1. Empaths are highly sensitive.

Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually open, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick and thin, these world-class nurturers will be there for you. But they can easily have their feelings hurt, too: Empaths are often told that they are “too sensitive” and need to “toughen up.”

2. Empaths absorb other people’s emotions.

Empaths are highly attuned to other people’s moods, good and bad. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme. They take on negativity such as anger or anxiety, which can be exhausting for them. If they are around peace and love, though, their bodies take these on and flourish.

3. Many empaths are introverted.

Empaths become overwhelmed in crowds, which can amplify their empathy. They tend to be introverted and prefer one-to-one contact or small groups. Even if an empath is more extroverted they may prefer to limit how much time they spend in a crowd or at a party.

4. Empaths are highly intuitive.

Empaths experience the world through their intuition. It is important for them to develop their intuition and listen to their gut feelings about people. This helps empaths find positive relationships and avoid energy vampires.

5. Empaths need alone time.

As super-responders, empaths find being around people can be draining, so they periodically need time alone to recharge. Even a brief escape prevents emotional overload. For example, empaths like to take their own cars when they go places so they can leave when they please.

6. Empaths can become overwhelmed in intimate relationships. Too much togetherness can be difficult for an empath so they may avoid intimate relationships. Deep down they are afraid of being engulfed and losing their identity. For empaths to be at ease in a relationship, the traditional paradigm for being a couple must be redefined.

7. Empaths are targets for energy vampires.

An empath’s sensitivity makes them particularly easy marks for energy vampires, whose fear or rage can sap their energy and peace of mind. These vampires may do more than drain an empath’s physical energy. Especially dangerous ones such as narcissists (who lack empathy and are only concerned with themselves) can make empaths believe they’re unworthy and unlovable. Other vampires include The Victim, The Chronic Talker, The Drama Queen and more.

8. Empaths become replenished in nature.

The busyness of everyday life can be too much for an empath. The natural world nourishes and restores them. It helps them release their burdens and they can take refuge in the presence of green wild things, the ocean, or other bodies of water.

9. Empaths have highly tuned senses.

An empath’s nerves can get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talking.

10. Empaths have huge hearts but sometimes give too much.

Empaths are big-hearted people and try to relieve the pain of others: a homeless person holding a cardboard “I’m hungry” sign at a busy intersection, a hurt child, a distraught friend. It’s natural to want to reach out to these people and ease their pain. But empaths don’t stop there. Instead, they take it on—suddenly they’re the one feeling drained or upset when they felt fine before.

As an empath myself, I use many strategies to protect my sensitivities, such as fierce time management, setting limits and boundaries with draining people, meditation to calm and center myself, and going out into nature. I find being an empath a gift, but I had to learn to take care of myself.

Quick Grounding Techniques For The Busy Empath

As empaths and sensitives it’s very important for us to stay grounded. Many of us lead very busy lives and don’t always have time to meditate for a certain amount of time each day, cleanse our chakras, or participate in other activities that can take a bit of time to help ground our self. 1. Walk barefoot – One of the quickest ways to ground is to connect your tootsies right up to Mother Earth. Even if you just take 5 minutes on your lunch break to wiggle your toes in the grass you will be amazed at how much it will help. smile emoticon   2. Drink water – Water is naturally grounding for all of us. One of the biggest things I do is carry a water bottle with me always. Just drinking it helps me to remain grounded. You can add the visualization of the water cooling your core as you drink it.   3. Wash Your Hands – Each time you wash your hands, envision that water washing any negativity out of your body and right down the drain. You can do this in your morning shower as well or your evening bath. Let the water wash that negativity away.   4. Breathe – Such a basic skill but so often overlooked. Breathe in positive energy, breathe out negative energy. Easy right?   5. Sunshine – Let the SunLord bathe you in his loving positive energy. Even a couple minutes will help.   6. Dance In The Rain – You get extra points for splashing in the puddles barefoot smile emoticon Why do we stay inside when it rains? Unless it’s freezing get out there! You’re washable   7. Tabletop fountains – Water is naturally grounding if you can put tabletop fountains around you would be amazed how much they can help.   8. Incense – I will run lavender in my home when I need extra grounding. White Sage works for me as well. Experiment with scents, there may be others that appeal to you and provide that instant calm. Oh! I also love the Clean Cotton smell from Yankee Candle! smile emoticon   9. Affirmations – Tell yourself to ground. “Negative Energy Be Gone.” Say it like ya mean it smile emoticon You’d be amazed how quickly it works. You are in control so take it.   10. Gemstones – Charge a gemstone to keep on you to help with grounding. Obsidian is an excellent choice, hematite, or charge a smoky quartz or plain quartz crystal.   These are just a few of the many many ways. Bottom line is you are in control and you know what makes you tick best. Find those things that can calm you instantly and work well with you and start using them. Yes it may take you an extra 10 seconds here and there but it will save you several minutes on anything you are doing if you are calm. Ever notice how much faster things roll when you’re calm? smile emoticon

Ten Types Of Empaths

While being an Empath can have its many positives and benefits, it can also weigh us down heavily with confusion, disorientation and anxiety. That is why it’s important to put a name to what we individually experience to better understand ourselves, and identify others who share the same abilities as us.

For this reason, I have included below a list, and small description, of each type of Empath. By understanding who you are, what gifts you possess and where you stand in life, you will be able to begin the path of Involution.

Claircognizant Empath

This is usually defined by the ability to simply know something needs to be done, or is true or misleading, without having any basis in logic or reason. Often this type of Empath will just “know” when something is right to do, or not, or when someone is lying or hiding something.

Emotionally Receptive Empath

Most Empaths are emotionally receptive, and can physically and emotionally feel the emotions from other people before they are even expressed.

Physically Receptive Empath

Many Empaths are also physically receptive to other people’s illnesses and bodily pains. This often manifests itself in the Empath’s own body, and can be an especially useful skill in healing.

Fauna Empath

This type of Empath can hear, feel and interact with animals.

Flora Empath

This type of Empath can communicate with plants, being able to receive physical and emotional signals.

Geomantic Empath

The Geomantic Empath can read the energy and signals transmitted by the earth. Many are able to feel/predict natural disasters before they occur.

Medium Empath

This type of Empath can either see, hear, feel (or a combination of these elements) spirits, usually from deceased individuals.

Psychometric Empath

This manifests itself as the ability to receive information, energy and impressions from physical objects, e.g. photographs, clothing, jewelry, utensils, etc.

Precognitive Empath

This type of Empath can feel the occurrence of an event or situation before it actually happens. This is usually manifested in dreams, or as physical/emotional sensations, for instance: dread, anxiety, or excitement.

Telepathic Empath

The ability to accurately read a person’s unexpressed thoughts is the main defining feature of the Telepathic Empath.


Being an Empath can be difficult and confusing, but with awareness of your gifts and abilities, you can refine them and use them to guide, heal and protect yourself and the people you love.

Types of Empaths

Emotional empath

One of the more common types of empaths, an emotional empath can easily pick up on—and even take on themselves—the emotions of others. If a friend or family member is upset or sad, they may soon find themselves upset or sad. Emotional empaths are particularly susceptible to narcissists and energy vampires and may feel particularly exhausted around such people.
A mantra for emotional empaths.
If you find yourself picking up on the emotions of others, Dr. Judith Orloff recommends this mantra: “Return to sender.” This will “immediately channel the energy out of your body and back to the source,” she says. “This doesn’t harm the source; it just gets the energy out of your body.”

Physical empath

Similar to emotional empaths, this kind of empath deals with physical symptoms, as they’re able to “pick up physical symptoms from other people and absorb them in their own bodies,” Orloff says. “Physical empaths have to be very careful they aren’t being martyrs and taking on other people’s pain.” Not only can physical empaths often feel symptoms themselves, but they may also be able to see where someone is experiencing a symptom.
A breathing exercise for physical empaths.
Orloff recommends physical empaths breathe symptoms out as soon as they notice them, to recirculate that energy out of the body. “If you suddenly get a backache when you are next to a friend,” she says, for example, “relax, take a few deep breaths, and breathe the symptom out of the spaces in your spine. Keep breathing it out until it is gone.”

Intuitive empath

Intuitive empaths have very strong intuition and may pick up what other people are feeling and thinking or take on the negative energy in a room, Orloff explains. As such, it’s important to have ways of avoiding taking on toxic energy. This is also sometimes referred to as “claircognizance,” where the person is almost psychically attuned to others with just a look.
In her book, Orloff details a shielding technique that’s helpful to keep negative energy away, whereby you picture a shield of white or pink light around your body, “protecting you from stress and negativity but allowing positive energy in.”

Plant empath

Plant empaths are those who are attuned to the needs of plants. They make excellent gardeners or landscapers because they intuitively know exactly what a plant needs, giving them quite the green thumb. Plant empaths of course, love to be around plants, especially those they can tend to (like houseplants or a garden).
Foster your connection to plants.
Luckily, plant empaths don’t have to worry so much about taking on negative energy from plants. In fact, plant empaths would do well to spend intentional time with their own plants, allowing the energy exchange to be mutually beneficial; you help the plant, which gives you a feeling of contentedness.

Animal empath

You guessed it—animal empaths can pick up on the needs and feelings of animals. It may feel like a somewhat telepathic connection, where the empath senses what an animal wants. These people are naturally inclined to go into work with animals, particularly where they’re directly caring for the animal.
Spend time with animals.
If you’re an animal empath, you likely already know that being around/helping animals brings you joy. Think about using more of your time to foster this part of your life, by volunteering with a local shelter or picking up a hobby like birdwatching. You could even take it one step further by practicing energy healing, such as reiki, on the animals in your life.

Earth empath

And lastly, an Earth empath feels a very deep connection to the Earth. Think of this trait as the macro-level of being a plant empath, where plant empaths are tuned to individual plants, and Earth empaths are tuned to all of nature and the Earth at large. As such, they can be strongly affected energetically by natural disasters, weather, and the environment being harmed.
Connect with nature.
For Earth empaths, connecting with nature works restorative wonders. This could be as simple as meditating under a tree, “earthing,” or prioritizing enough outdoor time. There is a strong need to feel close to nature, so honoring that is important.

Types of Empaths: Emotional empath

One of the more common types of empaths, an emotional empath can easily pick up on—and even take on themselves—the emotions of others.

If a friend or family member is upset or sad, they may soon find themselves upset or sad.

Emotional empaths are particularly susceptible to narcissists and energy vampires and may feel particularly exhausted around such people.

A mantra for emotional empaths.

If you find yourself picking up on the emotions of others, Dr. Judith Orloff recommends this mantra:

“Return to sender.” This will “immediately channel the energy out of your body and back to the source,” she says.

“This doesn’t harm the source; it just gets the energy out of your body.”

Types of Empaths: Physical empath

Similar to emotional empaths, this kind of empath deals with physical symptoms, as they’re able to “pick up physical symptoms from other people and absorb them in their own bodies,” Orloff says.

“Physical empaths have to be very careful they aren’t being martyrs and taking on other people’s pain.”

Not only can physical empaths often feel symptoms themselves, but they may also be able to see where someone is experiencing a symptom.

A breathing exercise for physical empaths.

Orloff recommends physical empaths breathe symptoms out as soon as they notice them, to recirculate that energy out of the body.

“If you suddenly get a backache when you are next to a friend,” she says, for example, “relax, take a few deep breaths, and breathe the symptom out of the spaces in your spine.

Keep breathing it out until it is gone.”


Spirits that personify the four elements—
earth, air, fire and water. The term elementals also is
applied to nature spirits, which exist in all things in
nature and look after animals, insects, birds, rocks and
plants. Elementals are summoned to assist in magic
related to nature.

Earth elementals are known as gnomes; fire as salamanders;
water as undines; and air as sylphs. They can be
seen clairvoyantly if a person has good attunement to the
nature realm. Numerous elemental sightings have been
reported at the Circle Sanctuary at Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
The pioneers of the Findhorn community in northern
Scotland achieved remarkable gardening results reputedly
by communicating with elementals.

Some elementals are said to be malicious and unpredictable,
tricking human beings into accidents, setting
traps for them and killing them. Wicca emphasizes working
with friendly elementals in the creation of positive

Artificial elemental is a term occasionally used for
thought-form, a being of energy ritually created through
intense will, which is programmed to carry out assignments
and disintegrate once the work is done.

Earth Incense and Fragrance

The following herbs, oils, and incense mixtures can be used when doing earth magick. Because herbs are related to earth, their vibrations will enhance all your magickal works, especially those affiliated with the earth element.

Honeysuckle (money, protection)

Wear honeysuckle oil to attract money. Mix honeysuckle oil with a bit of vervain for protection. Burn honeysuckle incense on the night of the new moon to attract money.

Magnolia (fidelity)

Wear magnolia oil to keep loved ones faithful. Burn magnolia incense in the bedroom to maintain a faithful relationship.

Patchouli (money, lust)

Wear patchouli oil to entice passion in the one you love or desire.

Vervain (protection, purification, youth)

Mix vervain and patchouli oil together and wear as a veil of powerful protection. Mix vervain with sage to cleanse and protect your home from negative influences. A drop of vervain oil on a cloth placed inside your bed pillow will keep you feeling young.

Vetivert (love, luck, money)

Wear a drop of vetivert to attract both love and money. Gamblers rub vetivert oil on their hands before playing cards for good luck.

Elemental Correspondence


 Generally called from the North
 Considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament
 Represents the solid state of matter
 Corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physical body, and rules the elder state of life.
 Rules the intestines
 Rules the winter and the night
 Represents the sense of touch and all physical, practical, material things including money, crops,
livestock, the home, property, family, career, investments, saving.
 The Alchemical Mineral associated with Earth is Salt
 Other minerals associated are: halite (aka salt), granite, jasper, emerald, jade, malachite,
hematite, lead, ochre
 Usually considered feminine in nature
 Colors associated are green and brown
 Associated with old age, maturity, the winter, night time, and the Winter Solstice
 The best time to perform spells associated with the element of Earth is when the moon is in one
of the Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo
 Symbols are soil, the Pentacle, cattle
 Herbs associated are apple, bistort, comfrey, cypress, fern, all grains, all grasses, honeysuckle,
horehound, ivy, magnolia, mugwort, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, primrose, rhubarb, vervain,


 Generally called from the East
 Considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament
 Considered hermaphrodite or masculine in nature
 Represents the gaseous state of matter
 Corresponds to our spirit body and our breath and riles the infant state of life
 Rules the lungs and the sense of smell
 The color yellow can be used to represent air
 Rules the spring time and the dawn and the Vernal Equinox
 Rules the breath, the voice, speech, eloquence, information, communication, networking and
 In tarot, air corresponds to The Fool, The King, and suit of Swords
 Animals are songbirds, eagles, and hawks
 The elemental spirit is the sylph
 Astrological signs are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra
 Tool is the dagger. Other tools can be athame, wand, and censor
 Minerals that correspond to air are metal mercury ad the stones halite or salt rock, granite,
holey stone, picture jasper, emerald, jade, malachite and hematite
 Plants the correspond are acacia, almond, anise, citron peel, frankincense, gum-arabic, gum
benzoin, bergamot, lavender, lemon verbena, lemongrass, mace, marjoram, mastic, myrrh,
pansy, parsley, peppermint, primrose, sage, star anise, vervaine, violet, yarrow
 Corresponding incense is galbanum, sandalwood, mallow


 Generally called from the south
 Considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament
 Active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature
 Represents energy
 Corresponds to our conception and birth and our very life force – the “spark” of life, also of
 Rules the liver and the sense of sight
 Corresponds with the color red
 Rules the summer and noon time
 Rules our passions, inspiration and life force; the drive to create
 In Tarot, fire corresponds to Judgment, the Knights, and the suit of Wands
 Animal correspondences to dragon, lion, and the horse
 Associated elemental spirits are salamander and djinn
 Astrological signs are Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo
 Elemental tool is the wand. Other tools may be the sword, dagger, rod, staff, candle, tripod
lamp, and/or censor
 Corresponding minerals are red or bright colored, and/or are formed in fire and/or are
associated with the battle, passion and fury. Include the metals iron and gold, the stones fire
opal, fire agate, ruby, obsidian, tiger eye, carnelian, garnet, and amber
 Corresponding plants often inherit from Mars or the Sun. Prickly, hot and/or protective in
nature. Include allspice, angelica, basil, bay-laurel, beech, buttercup, carnation, cedar,
cinnamon, cloves, coriander, deer’s tongue, dill, fennel, garlic, juniper, heliotrope, lime, marigold,
mustard, nettle, nutmeg, red peppers, onion, orange, peppermint, red poppy, rose geranium,
rosemary, sassafras, sunflower, tangerine, tobacco, woodruff
 Corresponding incense is olibanum, copal


 Generally called from the west
 Considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament
 Considered feminine and nature
 Represents the liquid state of matter
 Corresponds to maturity, but also has some associations with death and rebirth
 Rules the heart and kidneys, blood and sense of taste
 Represented by the color blue
 Rules the autumn and sunset
 Rules our emotions and our subconscious
 In Tarot, it represents the Hanged Man, the Queens, and the suit of Cups
 Represented by the animals dolphin, sea serpent, the seal, gulls and fish
 Elemental spirits are the undines
 Astrological signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
 Elemental tools are chalice and cauldron
 Corresponding minerals include the metal silver and the stones topaz, sapphire, lapis lazuli,
chalcedony, amethyst, and citrine
 Corresponding plants are usually juicy and refreshing or may grow near water. Correspond to
the planet Venus and the moon. Includes apple blossom, calamus, chamomile, camphor,
cardamom, catnip, cherry, coconut, comfrey, cucumber, elder, eucalyptus, fern, gardenia,
heather, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lemon, lemon balm, licorice, lilac, lily, lotus, melon, moss,
motherwort, orris root, passion flower, seaweed, sandalwood, peach, lungwort, rose, rush,
spearmint, stephanotis, sweet pea, tansy, thyme, tonka bean, vanilla bean, violet, and water lily.
 Corresponding incense is ylang ylang, myrrh, and onchya


 The element of Aether is the “stuff” that Gods are made of, sort of
 Considered androgynous
 Represents transcendence or eternity
 Represents the Plasma state of matter
 Symbolized by the cauldron


 Virtually identical to either Aether or Fire
 Sometimes the Spirit entities (ancestors, Gods, nature spirits, etc.) are referred to as the element
of spirit in ritual. Sometimes it is magickal energy that is being referred to.
 Symbolized by diamond, quartz crystal, jet and onyx.

Working with the Four Classic Elements

Throughout history, many paths have used the four basic elements to draw energy in and around us to manifest our desires. Each sign we are born under are closely connected with the Energies of that sign and with that comes positive and negative influences of the Element and by balancing the Energies we are able to overcome the negative aspects of an Element and develop the positive aspects of the Elements. And this is true for all aspects of ourselves.

And by learning the symbols and aspects of the Elements we can learn which areas are out of of balance and how to draw those Energies to us or banish them.

First lets look at the aspects of the Elements ad then we’ll talk about how to connect with them.

Air governs our thoughts, communication skills, idea, psychic abilities, awareness, dreams. Air has the power to blow away strife and carry off our worries and troubles. This is also a good energy to work with to send thoughts and Energies to other people for instance to heal or help someone from a distance.

Positive aspects of the Element Air are dexterity, optimism, and joy. While negative aspects are bragging and the decision to surrender. The signs that are born under this Element are Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini. Those of us born under these signs struggle with being humble and excel in happiness.

Direction- east

Color- Yellow

Tool-Sword, Feather, Fan

Arch Angel-Raphael


Body parts-Respiratory System

Stone- Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite

Fire governs our desires, enthusiasm, and anger. It has the power to create or destroy, heal or harm, and can bring new life to the stagnant or destroy the old and worn. This Element is a good source to help us acquire something we desire. Make us enthusiastic about a situation. Or lesson our anger. This is also a good Element to create new opportunities and start new projects.

Positive aspects of this Energy include bravery, courage and confidence while negative aspects include anger, jealousy, and vengeance. People born under this sign are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, and while struggling to control their anger are generally enthusiastic about new undertakings.

Direction- South

Color- Red

Tool-Staff, Smoke, flame

Arch Angel-Michael


Body parts-Blood, Heart

Stone-Tiger’s Eye, Ruby, Pink Sapphire

Water controls our emotions, feelings and passions. It clear out old emotions, cleanse or calm. Multiple religions have some form of holy water that can be used to cleanse or purify people or items. Holy water can be made by dissolving salt in water and blessing it. This is a useful Energy to help you get over a break up and the emotions attached to an old relationship.

Positive influences of this Element are compassion, tenderness, and relaxation. And negative aspects are instability and lack of commitment. Water governs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces and people born under these signs are usually passionate about their beliefs but may have issues maintaining stability.

Direction- West

Color- Blue

Tool-Chalice, Water

Arch Angel-Gabriel

Entities- Undines

Body parts-Urinary tract

Stone-Pearl, Blue Sapphire, Lepidolite, Aquamarine

Earth governs material items, family, finances, home, practicality and stability. The element Earth is full of endurance and represents the process of birth, growth, death, and finally rebirth. This is the Energy we connect with to bless our homes and increase our finances while strengthening our families.

Positive influences are responsibility and patience. Negative aspects are laziness, stagnation, immaturity and stubbornness. Signs governed by this Element are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. People born under these signs tend to be materialistic but can be responsible in their decisions to acquire those material items or they can be lazy and stubborn but still exhibit patience.


Color- green

Tool- pentacle, soil, stones, salt

Arch Angel-Auriel


Body parts- Mind, Nervous System

Stone- Hematite, Emerald, Fool’s gold

Now that we have looked at the aspects and influences of the Elements as well as some symbols, lets talk about how to connect with them. Through the use of tools we can draw the energies or banish them to keep us balanced.

Let me start off by saying that the lists above are suggestions and whatever symbol you recognize as connected to an Element is always right for you.

There are several ways to connect with specific Elements but remember that the more you put into something the more you get out of it. It can be as simple as lighting a candle in the color that represents that Element or you can call upon the Arch Angel that governs that Energy. You can add a tool, a stone, or ask that the entities come to you. But remember that when building an altar to represent all four Elements, keep the number of symbols balanced. For instance it is better to have one of each Elemental symbol that to have three of one, two of another, and only one symbol for the other two.

Now I am going to a very useful exercise that will help you invoke more of an energy or banish some of it to help maintain a balance.

Face the direction that represents the Element you are wanting to work with and draw a the pentacle that represents that Element in the air in front of you. As you do see the lines being drawn in the color of the Element. Now call to the Arch Angel and ask them to allow their entities to come to you and increase or decrease the Energies of that Element and feel the Energies balancing in you. Thank the Arch Angel for allowing their entities to aid you and imagine the pentacle fade away.

Here is an example. If you were having problems relaxing you can face the West, draw a blue pentacle starting from your left shoulder to your right and ask that Gabriel allow the Undines to come to you and help you relax. Feel the dampness of the Element Water coming to you and allow it to help you relax. After a few minutes you would then thank Gabriel for allowing the Undines to help you and see the pentacle disappear.

On the reverse side of this if you were getting angry for no reason all the time you could face the South, Draw a red pentacle starting at your right hip going up to your forehead, ask Michael to allow the Salamanders to help you control your anger and feel the heat leaving your body. After a few minutes you would then thank Michael for allowing the Salamanders to help you and see the red pentacle fade away.

The Elements

One way of connecting with the energies of the natural world, and by extension, the entire Universe, is in relationship with the four elements. The recognition of elemental states of matter has been around since the ancient Greeks, and versions of the concept appear in a number of cultures with ancient lineages. In Wicca and other pagan belief systems, the Elements are seen as fundamental aspects of divine energy, each containing qualities that manifest in our personalities and our way of being in the world. They are an important component of the Wiccan ritual, where each element is represented in the tangible forms of colors, tools, natural objects, instruments and herbs, and the intangible forms of the four cardinal directions, the four seasons, particular deities, and, often, astrological signs. Working with the Elements can help increase certain desired energies and experiences such as love and abundance, and can help balance unwanted experiences rooted in the negative qualities inherent in personalities. Let’s take a look at the four elements, in turn.EarthThe Earth is the center of our human universe, providing us the foundation of life and keeping us literally grounded through its gravitational pull. It’s the source of all sustaining plant and animal life that provide nourishment and healing. It can cause physical death and destruction through earthquakes, mudslides, and avalanches. The Earth is physically represented by many of its topographical features, such as rocks, soil, caves, fields, forests, and gardens. the element of Earth is associated with strength, abundance, and prosperity, and is represented by the colors green, yellow, brown, and black. Earth’s energy is feminine and receptive. Positive qualities associated with Earth are stability, responsibility, respect, and endurance, while negative qualities include stubbornness and rigidity. The Earth’s cardinal direction is North, and its season is Winter.AirAir is the invisible Element. Its presence is only seen in the effects it has on other matter—leaves fluttering in the breeze, the movement of the clouds. Although it can’t be seen itself, it can be felt all around us, which may be why it’s associated with the mind, the intellect, communication, and divination. It’s also associated with sky, wind, mountaintops, and birds, and is represented in yellow, white, and silver, among other colors. Air is essential for life as it carries oxygen, and it contributes to abundance by carrying and spreading seeds to new places where they can sprout. It also participates in the destructive force of life with storms and frigid wind. It is masculine, projective energy. Positive personal qualities associated with Air energy include intelligence, inspiration, and optimism. Negative qualities include gossip and forgetfulness. Air’s cardinal direction is East, and its season is Spring.FireThe awesome, destructive potential of Fire is probably most striking in the seasonal wildfires that burn millions of acres of forest around the world, and can actually jump over rivers and roads to resume their spread on the other side. Lightning can also be deadly, as can extreme heat. Of course, Fire is also life-sustaining, used for cooking and lighting for over 100,000 years. The Element of Fire is associated with the Sun, sunlight, stars, deserts, and volcanoes. It is represented with red, gold, crimson, orange, and white, and is a masculine, projective energy. Fire is the Element of transformation illumination, health, and strength. Its positive qualities promote love, passion, enthusiasm, courage, and leadership. Negative qualities include hate, jealousy, fear, anger, and conflict. Its season is Summer, and the South is its cardinal direction.WaterWater is essential for life on Earth and is present in all life. It established forms in the Earth such as lakes and rivers by following the path of least resistance and can wear away solid rock over time. It is associated with all of its visible physical manifestations, such as streams, springs, oceans, the rain, and the Moon, which exerts its own gravitational pull on Water’s most massive forms. Its destructive forces manifest in severe rainstorms, floods, whirlpools, and riptides. Its Elemental energy is associated with emotions, healing, dreams, psychic clairvoyance and the subconscious. Water is receptive, feminine, and represented by blue, green, indigo and black. Its positive qualities include compassion, forgiveness, and intuition. Negative

qualities are laziness, indifference, insecurity, and lack of control over emotions. Autumn is Water’s season, and its cardinal direction isWest. The Fifth Element: SpiritMany Wiccan traditions recognize a Fifth Element which is referred to as “Aether,” or, more commonly, “Spirit.”This is the element present in all things, immaterial but essential for connection and balance between all other Elements. It has been described as the binding force through which manifestation is made possible, as well as the divine intelligence of the “All” that spiritualists of many traditions seek connection with. The Fifth Element is also known as “Akasha,” from the Sanskrit word for “aether,” which is found in Buddhism, Hinduism, and other religions, and is translated by some as “inner space” or “open space.”The Fifth Element is represented by the color white. Unlike the other Elements, it has no gender, energy type, or cardinal direction. It has no season but is rather associated with the entire wheel of the year.

The Elemental Pentacle

The Elemental Pentacle, the most famous symbol of Witchcraft is a bold and fascinating statement about our place in the Universe. When the pentacle is drawn or written, the image created is called a pentagram. The pentagram represents an ancient concept that can be found in philosophical thought in both East and West. Although over 8,000 years old, the image of the pentagram is applicable in our modern world. The pentagram tells us that we have the ability to bring Spirit to Earth; this applies to every area of practical day-to-day living, as well as spiritual thought. The ability of bringing Spirit to Earth is what makes us whole.

In Craft rituals, the pentacle is a round disk inscribed with a pentagram and placed upon on the altar. The disk can be made of many different materials.

In more dangerous times, the pentacle was crafted from disposable materials such as clay or dough. To be caught in possession of a pentacle in those days could very well endanger your life.

Nowadays, pentacles are crafted in metals such as copper, brass, silver or gold. Many Witches make their own from stained glass or by etching stones or wood. The pentacle can also be personalized by adding appropriate astrological symbols, runes and other sigils (magical symbols) that have special meaning to the practitioner.

Many Witches wear a pentacle pendant or ring as a sign of their religion or as an amulet or talisman. The pentacle crafted from silver represents Moon energy and psychic forces. The same symbol made in gold represents the Sun energies of power and strength. Many pentacles come with embedded stones which can represent birth months or a particular energy that the wearer wants to attract.

During magical operations, the pentagram can be drawn in the air by the athame or sword. When drawn a certain way, it is used to either invoke or banish energies. Used on the altar, it becomes a focal point to draw in and send out the intentions of the spell or working. The simplest spells of this kind are those involving candle magic. A candle of the appropriate color is charged and place on the pentacle.

Traditionally, each of the five angles has been attributed to the five metaphysical elements of the ancients:

EARTH: (lower left hand corner) represents stability and physical endurance.
FIRE: (lower right hand corner) represents courage and daring.
WATER: (upper right hand corner) represents emotions and intuition.
AIR: (upper left hand corner) represents intelligence and the arts.
SPIRIT: (at the topmost point) represents the All and the Divine.
The Circle around the star represents the God-Goddess; it refracts and reflects all light, bringing to the wearer total intelligence, universal wisdom and protection.
The origins of the pentagram go back to remotest historical antiquity. As far back as pre-Babylonian Sumer, it has been venerated by many civilizations. To the Jewish peoples, it symbolically designated the Pentateauch, the Five Books of Moses It has survived under a variety of titles, such as “The Druid’s Root” and “The Witches Star”.

To the followers of Pythagoras, it was called “The Pentalpha” being composed of five interlaced A’s or Alphas. The Alpha being the first word of the alphabet, we can perhaps view it as showing forth unity in the midst of multiplicity. The individual as part of the Whole.

To ceremonial magicians, the points can represent various elemental energies, spirits or deities.

It is the ruling of the higher mind over the lower elements of our being. It signals the awakening of cosmic consciousness and the beginnings of our own human psyche moving beyond the realms of physical form and the perceptions limited to the five senses. It allows the infinite possibilities that exist within the Universe and frees us to explore and to grow.

This becomes a graphic portrayal of Spirit ruling over the five elements. When the pentagram is placed within a circle, it’s energy is focused and directed. The pentagram upright, to those of spiritual perception, represents the redemption of Spirit from matter by ruling over it.

Used inverted, with the top point pointed downward, it represents a second or third degree status in some traditional groups. Many of these groups have since substituted a triangle form for the same degrees because of the association of the inverted form of the pentacle with Satanism and black magic.

The number five is attributed to the influence of Mars. Thus some Witches think of the five pointed star within the circle as force or power contained and controlled by divine wisdom.

Water Element

Water’s nature is to be still, but its energy can be tremendous when acted upon by an outside force.

Reflecting upon Water’s cleansing, blessing, and nourishing properties we understand how intimately the energy and physical substance of Water is involved in our lives.

Water has a mirror-like reflective quality.

It has receptivity, sharing its ability to move and bring us deeply, to open and accept things into itself, to ripple, to calm…in relationship with emotions.

Our own bodies are made up of 80-90 percent Water, so it is no wonder many of us are drawn to its energies in some way.

West is the direction for Water.

West is the direction of emotions, introspection, the dream world, feelings, and receptivity.

It is also known for its daring and risk taking abilities.

West is also the place of harvest; of fulfillment and decay.

There is a mystery in our beginnings and our endings.

There is daring necessary for us to go to the realms of the unknown.

West is the location of the setting sun; twilight. Twilight literally means two lights.

Neither dark or day. This is a magical time of the day, a time between the worlds.

The Season of Water is Autumn; a time of turning inward after having been focused on our outward world and actions.

As we harvest we prepare to turn inward and spend the time during our upcoming winter to focus on what was and what will be.

The fluidity of Water keeps our thoughts moving, brings clarity as we dig deep and discover what has worked and what no longer serves us.

West and Water bring energies to our emotions.

Emotions have been described as energies in motions.

Utilizing the powers of Water can aid us as we work with our emotions and seek balance.

If emotions do not flow smoothly, like Water, they back up and the result is rarely good, as it often leads to stress and illness.

If our emotions are stagnant, just like stagnant Water, life ceases to flourish.

For today, look at your life.

Where can the energies of Water serve you?

What is stuck?

What is stagnant?

Where do you need more daring, more refection?

What needs cleansing?

Are we ready to bless and nourish something?

The tool for water is the cup, the chalice or the cauldron.

All of which contain.

They can hold for us nourishment, sustenance, fulfillment, all keywords also associated with the Direction of West.

From the time of our conception, we are held and contained within the sacred vessel of our mother’s womb, surrounded by her oceanic saline fluid.

We float, swim and dream in these sacred maternal waters for about 10 Moons.

This water protects us and cushion us as our bodies form and grow.

The relationship between Water and the Moon is a powerful one.

Both holding for us reflective energies, receptivity, emotional sensitivity, dreamworlds, intuition, and the power to ebb and flow.

The West is also known as the place of the Mystery of the Tides, the ever-changing, rhythmic flow of the universal power of the tides.

They serve as a reminder that just as the tides flow in and out, bringing change, so do the tides of cosmic power and energy.

They too, flow in and out, bringing change, active becoming passive…passive becoming active.

The Elemental Spirits of Water are Undines or sometimes referred to as the Nereids.

They are creatures of the waves and are sometimes seen in human form.

They are sometimes seen in the waves curling up to crash on the shore, or as faces in the waves.

These beings, as with all Spirit Guides, are energy, so they can take on whatever form you wish.

Some see magical fishes, some see mermaids and mermen.

Regardless, Undines live in the Water.

Their work is about maintaining the purity and integrity of the Waters.

The rhythms of life, emotions, ideas, dreams, receptivity…these are all areas where they are at work in our life.

They help us develop and maintain healthy emotional energies, help things flow smoothly and help us stay connected to our natural rhythms.

The energetic colors of Water that are also associated with West are what one would expect; the watery colors of blues, greens, and silvery grays of the Oceans, the special greens of the rivers, the indigo-blue of the sky just after sunset and the silver of our precious Moon.

Stones that are energetically aligned with Water are sandstone from its beaches, moonstone, pearls and most stones that are the color blue such as aquamarine. The metal that aligns is silver, which is long associated with the Moon.

When creating altars with Water energies I love to consider the different moods of Water.

If I want something to represent Ocean’s energies I use lots of blues and silvers.

I pull out my seashells and mermaid figurines. I try to capture the essence of ebb and flow.

To bring in more layers of symbolism I will add some kind of a chalice or vessel, filling it with water.

I may add the Queen of Cups from my Tarot deck to bring her feminine power to the altar.

Water’s season is Autumn. Another altar option then would be to create a seasonal altar in Autumn and choose the colors of the Autumn leaves highlighted with a bright blue of the Autumn sky.

I will add a vessel and fill it with water and add stones that invoke Water’s energies. To this, I would add symbols of nourishment and sustenance, gourds, pumpkins, dried corns, and apples.

The earth is our birthplace

The earth is our birthplace, yet for millions of us, it feels strangely foreign.

Most of us busily scurry through our lives taking little notice of the earth.

There are several reasons for this.

First, many Westerners live in cities, and by and large, our societies are no longer based on agrarian culture.

Agriculture naturally relies on human attunement to the seasonal cycles, and this is no longer a customary way of life for many people.

In contemporary life, agriculture is a job, a career choice.

Because we are, for the most part, removed from an immediate and visceral connection with nature, our awareness of how the earth sustains our lives has waned. In addition to this, our contemporary, mainstream religious paths promulgate a central doctrine that characterizes the natural world as inherently flawed, sinful, and wrong.

We all grow up with these teachings that infuse everyday life and that consequently shape our worldviews.

As a result, many of us presume nature has no value beyond our ability to exploit it.

Rite of Earth

Light incense. Pass over the working area. Place the representation of your magick key near your other supplies for this night. Smile. Close your eyes, and envision yourself surrounded by white light. Take thirteen slow, even breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. When you feel relaxed, open your eyes, smile, and repeat today’s affirmation three times. Smile again. Begin by preparing tonight’s holy water. To one cup of spring water, add lemon verbena and rosemary sprigs (the number is up to you). Drop-in a few small nuggets of frankincense and myrrh. Add three drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oils. Stir with your finger or a copper rod. Connect with Spirit. Smile. Hold your hands over the water, and say: Molecules of liquid light Digitize to make things right. Moon above and earth below Center point, I make it so! Holy oils and sacred herbs Frankincense and blending myrrh Joy and peace will come to me As I will, so mote it be. 1hank you! Remember to close with a smile. Hold your hands over the salt. Take a deep breath, and exhale slowly. Smile, and say: 62 Gifts of earth, cleansed you’ll be Speak of treasure and divinity. Change my life in happy ways Guard my work both night and day. 1hank you! Smile. Sprinkle the salt generously over your new altar stone. Follow by sprinkling the surface with the holy water mixture. Hold your hands over the stone and repeat today’s affirmation three times, remembering to connect with Spirit, smile, and close with a thank you. Dot the four corners and the center of the stone with essential patchouli oil, repeating the affirmation once again. Brush off the altar stone. On the back of the paper that says treasures of the earth belong to me, draw your personal earth sigil. Place your key and the paper on the stone. Put the bowl of brown sugar on top of the paper. Dot the brown candle with honey (not too much). Place the candle sturdily in the bowl (if you think a plate will work better, that’s just fine). In HedgeWitchery, a brown candle signifies the gifts of the earth and miracles. The brown sugar and honey are used as an attraction correspondence. Sprinkle the earth you collected this morning on top of the brown sugar. Light the brown candle. Meditate for a few minutes on the meaning of earth and the willingness to open the way and accept the abundance of earth’s treasures. Remind yourself that everyone deserves to be rich, happy, and healthy, leading a life of pure joy. When you are ready, say: “This rite is finished. Thank you!” Smile. Allow the candle to burn completely, and dispose of it when it’s cold. Place the brown sugar, earth, and honey mix back in the jar. Add your earth’s treasure paper. If you have some of your signature herbs, add that too. Cap. Bury it on your property. Sprinkle holy water on your new altar to clear the stone of residual energy. If you have holy water left over, you can refrigerate it-it has a shelf1ife of about two weeks as long as the mixture is kept cold. Place your lucky bamboo plant in the center of your altar and leave it there until tomorrow morning, where you can move it to an appropriate indirectly lit area of your home. Tonight, take a few minutes to go over your journal, adding notes and entries you may have missed. Copy your earth sigil, along with any impressions you may have on the power and strength of the earth. Remember to observe all that takes place the following day in relation to the work you have begun. Remark on any dreams you may have this night. Keep your work secret.