
New Birth Spell

Preparation for the arrival of a new baby often includesmaking a bedroom ready. This spell can be used wheneverthose preparations include painting or wallpapering theroom that is to be the nursery. It...

Lady of Bright Inspiration Spell

Are you out of ideas? Could your creativity use a boost?This spell creates a magickally charged candle that you canburn whenever you need inspiration. It can be cast at anytime but is most powerfully ...

Cooling Attraction

Do you lust for someone who is already taken or absolutelywrong for you? Are you suffering from unrequited love? Isthere someone you need to get over, so that you can moveon with your life? Do you hav...

Family Room Spell

The place in the home where family and friends usuallygather, such as a living room, family room, or dining room,has a special energy of its own. To enchant such a room isto touch everyone who frequen...

Crossroads Uncrossing Spell

One woe doth tread upon another’s heel,So fast they follow.—WilliamShakespeare, HamletHave you been having a hard time? Are things not goingyour way lately? Do you seem to be thwarted at every t...

Cooling Anger

Do you have a terrible temper? Does your hotheadednesscreate problems for you? Has anyone suggested that youget anger management training? Do you smash things, havea vicious tongue, or cause harm in s...

Basic Spell Health

This spell is done on a Thursday at the 8th hour after sunrise. Prepare an herbalpowder: 2 tsp lavender, 1 tsp thyme, 1 tsp allspice, 1 tsp coriander seed, & 1 willow leaf,saying to each ingredien...

White Goddess Nightmare Spell

Everyone has the occasional nightmare, but you can usethis spell if you are afflicted with bad dreams. Nightmarescan be stubborn, so the spell takes three days to complete. Itcan be cast at any time b...

Untwisting Spell

This spell helps to straighten out someone who is allscrewed up. You can cast it for yourself or for someone whohas asked you for magickal help. Be sure to have permissionbefore casting this spell for...

Boundary Spell

Coexisting with other human beings can be stressful,especially in crowded conditions such as cities and largehouseholds. When we have trouble getting along withpeople, it is often because they overste...

Scene of the Crime Spell

Hecate (pronounced “heh-ka-tay”) is a powerful goddesswhose dominion includes crime scenes, so she is present inplaces where crimes have been committed. When a crime isparticularly unjust or gruesome,...

King of Peace Seven-Day Spell

This spell creates a charm that you can keep near you topromote peace in every aspect of yourself and in every areaof your life. It invokes Obatala, The Old Man of theMountain, an African god who is c...

Wings of Isis Spell

Learning about Isis is a great way to begin this protectionspell. She is an active, benevolent deity who answers humanprayers. Isis, The Mighty Lady, is also a powerful guardian.Be realistic about you...

Healthy Clan Spell

Who constitutes your clan? Whose health and well-being isimportant to you? Does your clan only include close familymembers, or does it encompass friends, pets, neighbors,colleagues, distant relatives,...

Seven Blessings Bouquet Garni

A bouquet garni is a small bundle of herbs that is added to asoup or stew while it cooks to flavor it and then removed. Amagickal bouquet garni will draw its blessings to everyonewho eats the food it ...

Seven Blessings Witch’s Bottle

Different witches have different ways of making witch’sbottles for various magickal purposes. This is the type ofbottle that I make, one that attracts positive energies to thehome. Whether you make on...