Solitary Witch

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: Magical Things To Do at the Hearth

  A tea kettle whistling on the stove. The sun pouring through the kitchen window. A pie cooling on the sill. Magic fills the air in a home where a kitchen witch lives. Particularly in the kitche...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: What is Kitchen Witchery?

  There are many different types of witchcraft, one being kitchen witchery also sometimes called hearth or cottage witchcraft. This is a tradition in which the witch is primarily focused on weavi...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 1. Daily Herb Studies

Since kitchen witches are all about the herbs and spices, an easy way to study herbalism is to choose one herb/spice a day to focus on. Choose one that’s in your herb cabinet. Pull it out of the cabin...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 2. Brew Tea

What kitchen witch doesn’t love a hot cup of tea? Make your tea-brewing process a daily ritual. Put thought into the herbs you’re using, thank the water element while pouring the water, draw symbols o...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 3. Cook With Herbs

This is an obvious but simple one – cook with herbs every day! This becomes a daily ritual in and of itself when the kitchen witch selects an herb or spice from the cabinet or a specific intention. Fo...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 4. The Herb Garden in Daily Rituals

You don’t have to be a green witch with a green thumb to have an herb garden. The herb garden becomes part of the kitchen witch’s daily rituals when the witch visits it every day. She greets her plant...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 5. Tend To Your Kitchen Altar

If you haven’t yet, start a kitchen altar. It doesn’t have to be big and elaborate, it can be as small as a shelf with a candle and a few magical items. Tending the kitchen altar will become part of a...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 6. Kitchen Witch Guardians

Every kitchen should have a guardian spirit. The kitchen witch can create a guardian by making a kitchen poppet. Or you can purchase a kitchen witch doll or statue. Once you have your kitchen guardian...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 7. Candle Flame

One simple daily ritual I do every day in my kitchen is light a candle to honor the hearth-fire of my ancestors. The kitchen witch lights candles in the kitchen as a thankful gesture to the fire eleme...

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals: 8. Keep a Kitchen Grimoire

The kitchen grimoire or Book of Shadows is important to a kitchen witch. It’s a book in which we keep our magical recipes, ancestors’ recipes, kitchen rituals and spells, herbal anecdotes, and more. W...

Solitary Pagan Practice: Effective Ways to Ease Depression7

Solitary Pagans can also practice other self-care techniques to help ease depression. These may include: By incorporating these self-care practices into their daily routine, solitary Pagans can promot...

Solitary Pagan Practice: Effective Ways to Ease Depression6

Journaling is a powerful self-care practice that can help to ease depression. Solitary Pagans can use journaling to express their thoughts and feelings, explore their emotions, and gain insight into t...

Solitary Pagan Practice: Effective Ways to Ease Depression5

Spending time in nature is a great way to reduce stress and improve mental health. Solitary Pagans can take regular nature walks to help ease depression. They can take a walk in the woods, by the sea,...

Solitary Pagan Practice: Effective Ways to Ease Depression 4: Yoga

Yoga is another excellent self-care practice that can help to ease depression. Solitary Pagans can practice yoga on their own, using online videos or books to guide them. Yoga can help to reduce stres...

Solitary Pagan Practice: Effective Ways to Ease Depression3 Meditation

 Meditation is a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Solitary Pagans can incorporate meditation into their daily practice to help ease depression. They can use guided meditati...

Solitary Pagan Practice: Effective Ways to Ease Depression 2 Self-Care Practices

Solitary Pagans can practice various self-care techniques to ease depression. These practices can help to promote a sense of well-being, reduce stress, and improve mental health. Here are some self-ca...

Solitary Pagan Practice: Effective Ways to Ease Depression1

Solitary Paganism has been gaining popularity as a spiritual practice for those who prefer to practice alone. It is a way of connecting with nature and the divine without the need for a group or coven...

Anxiety and the Solitary Pagan Symptoms of Anxiety

  The symptoms of anxiety can vary from person to person. Some common symptoms include: Feeling nervous, restless or tense A sense of impending danger, panic or doom Rapid breathing or shortness of br...

Anxiety and the Solitary Pagan How Does Anxiety Affect Mental Health?

  Anxiety can have a significant impact on mental health. It can lead to depression, low self-esteem, and social isolation. Chronic anxiety can also lead to physical health problems, such as high bloo...

Anxiety and the Solitary Pagan What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural emotional response to stress. It is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Anxiety can be triggered by a variety of situations, including work, re...

Anxiety and the Solitary Pagan What is Solitary Paganism?

Solitary Paganism is a spiritual practice that involves worshipping pagan deities and adhering to pagan beliefs and traditions without belonging to a specific group or coven. Solitary Pagans practice ...

Anxiety and the Solitary Pagan Why do People Choose Solitary Paganism?

There are several reasons why people choose to practice solitary paganism. Some may prefer to practice alone because they have a hard time finding a group or coven that shares their beliefs. Others ma...

Anxiety and the Solitary Pagan Coping Strategies and Self-Care Tips

Like Paganism itself Solitary Paganism can mean many different things to all different types of people. For instance, anoung other things it could be classed as a way of life, a spiritual practice, or...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, PARSLEY.

The purifier. Chew for halitosis. A few sprigs provide 2/3 the vitamin C of an orange, lots of vitamin A, and the important amino acid histidine, which is a tumor inhibitor. Parsley tea is good for ki...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, ONION.

Egyptians swore their oaths on onions; Grant refused to move his army until he got 3 railroad cars full of onions; interviews with hundreds of people who lived to 100 plus all indicated a heavy intake...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, NUTMEG AND MACE.

Gas, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and kidney problems – make a paste of powder with cold water and then add to boiled water. 1 tbsp of powdered nutmeg produces a floating euphoria for between 6 and ...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, MUSTARD.

1 ½ cups of dry yellow mustard in a bathtub of water for sprained backs. Make a paste with water and apply to knee and elbow sprains till blisters appear! Mustard and ginger plaster for deep rattling ...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, MINT.

(Peppermint and spearmint) Peppermint tea for migraines, nervousness, stomach disorders, heartburn, and abdominal cramps. Herpes sufferers can take 2 cups of tea a day to ease the symptoms when the vi...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, MARJORAM AND OREGANO.

Over 2 dozen related species. Use as a tea to help reduce fevers and break up bronchitis. Drink tea to relieve cramps and irregular menstruation. Eases suffering of childhood diseases like mumps and m...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, LICORICE.

Tranquilizer. Balances nervous system, stimulates liver functions. Long term usage (over 3 months) could cause liver damage.

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, HORSERADISH.

Freshly dug root is added to a cold-pressed oil of choice (such as safflower or olive) to make a massage oil for muscle aches and to break up chest congestion. Grate fresh ginger and horseradish toget...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, GINGER.

Anti-nausea tea, blood thinner, substitute for coumadin. Boil 2/3 cup of freshly chopped root in 1 gallon water, wrapped in cheesecloth (or old nylon stocking) until the water is yellow. Then soak tow...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, FENUGREEK.

Use as a tea as an excellent relief for colic and fever in children. 1 tbsp ground fenugreek seed taken in the diet daily can reduce cholesterol. 8 tsp of seed presoaked in 4 cups cold water for 4 hou...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, FENNEL.

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, FENNEL. Chewing fennel seeds relieves bad breath. Fennel seed tea sweetens breast milk. Fennel tea relieves colic in infants.

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, ASAFOETIDA.

Buy the tincture in Indian shops. They add a drop to many dishes to relieve stomach pains (gas). Insect repellent. Topical use to heal ulcerated sores.

Imbolc Prayers Prayer to Brigantia Keeper of the Forge

  The goddess Brighid was known by many names. In parts of northern Britain, she was called Brigantia, and was seen as a keeper of the forge. In this aspect, she is associated with smithcraft and...

Imbolc Prayers End of Winter Meal Blessing

  Although Imbolc isn’t truly the end of winter–and depending on where you live, you might be right smack in the middle of the worst weather of the season–in many traditions, it is a time t...

Imbolc Prayers Smooring the Fire a Prayer to Brighid

  Alexander Carmichael was a folklorist and author who spent nearly five decades traveling around the highlands of Scotland collecting stories, prayers and songs. His most noteworthy work, the Ca...

Imbolc Prayers thanks to Brighid Meal Blessing

    In some modern Pagan traditions, it is customary to offer a blessing before a meal, particularly if it’s being held in a ritual context. At Imbolc, it’s a season to honor Bri...

Imbolc Prayers Brighid’s Fire Meal Blessing

The goddess Brighid is well known as a keeper of the hearth fires in the home. As such, she is often associated with matters of domesticity, including cooking and kitchen magic. If you’re preppe...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 4.

Herbs have the biological intelligence of the Life Force inherent in them. Herbs are living medicines that can vitalize and energize the organism; synthetic drugs, as lifeless substances, can’t do thi...

Anti-Anxiety Herbs, Chamomile.

Top of the list because it’s my personal favourite. Chamomile is very calming, & also helps calm the nervous system, reducing physical & emotional tensions & helping to soothe, & calm ...

Anti-Anxiety Herbs, Lavender.

Lavender is also very soothing & has a slight sedative effect. Use Lavender alone, or in combination with other herbs to place inside a pillow to aid in a restful sleep. Lavender can also be drunk...

Anti-Anxiety Herbs, Green Tea.

Helps by relieving heart rate, & blood pressure, & cleans & detoxifies the blood at the same time. Provides mental clarity & reduces anxiety whilst improving focus, preventing one from...

Anti-Anxiety Herbs, Hops.

Used in sleep pillows, & edible anti-anxiety oils & tinctures. Hops has mild sedative effects.

Anti-Anxiety Herbs, Passionflower.

Passionflower has mild sedative properties & helps soothe & calm the nervous system & relieve anxiety. It is also a great aid for insomnia. Licorice Root: Helps by stimulating relaxing che...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 1.

To truly understand and appreciate the healing potential of herbal medicine, we must keep firmly in mind the key differences between herbal medicines and pharmaceutical drugs, and the advantages of th...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 2.

Herbs are gentler, safer, and have far fewer negative side effects. The negative side effects of pharmaceutical drugs cause thousands of unnecessary deaths every year. Herbal medicines follow the key ...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 3.

Herbs have the nutritive value that synthetic drugs lack. No pharmaceutical drug that your doctor can prescribe will be able to rebuild your body; only whole foods, nutritional supplements, and herbs ...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 5.

The wheels of Nature (and herbs) grind slowly, but they work very well. Herbs usually take longer to work than synthetic drugs, but they work naturally, and get to the root of the problem. Synthetic d...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 7.

Immunomodulatory: Optimizing immune system function by reducing harmful allergic or autoimmune reactions while enhancing positive immune response to protect against infections. Conventional medicine’s...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, VINEGAR.

Naturally brewed apple cider vinegar deserves a course all on it’s own. It is one of the finest blood cleansers and arthritis cures known. Take 1 tbsp per day of equal parts vinegar and honey in water...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, BAKING SODA.

Although not an herb or a spice, this  is especially recommended for people who are allergic to MSG. Many people will use a meat tenderizer for bee stings, but it contains MSG which can cause some peo...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, VANILLA.

Sexual stimulant. Soak a cotton ball with vanilla extract, squeeze it out, put it under the tongue and it will quickly calm hysteria.

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, TUMERIC.

Anti-oxidant. Powdered turmeric on any ulcerated skin condition or mix with enough lime juice to make a paste and put on herpes sores, mumps, chicken pox, etc. Dip a cloth in turmeric solution to wash...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, TEA.

Caffeine relieves migraines. Tea drinkers suffer less hardening of the arteries than coffee drinkers. Black tea kills dental plaque.

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, TARRAGON.

1 ½ tsp cut dried herb in 1 ¾ cups boiled water, steep 40 minutes, drink warm for insomnia, hyperactivity, depression, or nervous exhaustion. (or anything “jittery”) For digestion steep a handful of d...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, THYME.

Antibiotic. A tsp in ½ cup boiled water to make a gargle or mouthwash, to prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and cold sores. Drink for cold, flu, fever, and allergy symptoms. As a bath for nail fungus a...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, SAVORY.

(the herb of love) One quart boiled water, 3 ½ tbsp fenugreek seed, and steep for 5 minutes. Remove fenugreek and add 2 handfuls of savory leaves, steep 50 minutes and drink 2 cups, as an aphrodisiac.

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, ROSEMARY.

Flower tea for the breath. Boil water with rosemary in it to make it safe to drink. Diuretic and liver aid, increases bile flow. Two handfuls of flowering tips into 2 cups of good brandy, soak 10 days...

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 8.

Alternative: Cleansing the blood and lymph and improving detoxification and eliminative organ functioning. Only herbs can assist the body in its vital cleansing work, and reduce the toxic load on the ...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, GARLIC.

Ultimate antibiotic. Useful even for sexually transmitted diseases. Strongly recommended for hypoglycemia, and diabetes. Destroys intestinal parasites. Reduces cholesterol. Repels insects, and reduces...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, DILL.

Bring one pint of white wine almost to a boil, remove from heat and add 4 tsp of dill seeds, let steep 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1 ½ cups a half hour before retiring to sleep well. To the same dire...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, CORIANDER

Coriander tea can be used topically to remove unpleasant odors in the genital area for men and women. The tea can be held in the mouth to relieve the pain of a toothache. Can also be drank to relieve ...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, COFFEE.

Although not a spice, it is commonly available in the kitchen. The caffeine in coffee can be used to alleviate headaches (particularly those caused by caffeine withdrawal.) Coffee enemas with olive oi...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, CLOVE.

Use oil for pain relief for sore gums and toothache. Add clove oil to neutral oils for topical pain relief of arthritis. Small amounts of clove in a tea for nausea. 3 cloves in two cups of boiled wate...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, CINNAMON.

Mouthwash, good for upset stomach. Simmer sticks with cloves for 3 min, add 2 tsp lemon juice, 2 tsp honey, 2 tbsp whiskey – as cold medication. Cinnamon is good for yeast infection and athlete’s foot...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, CAYENNE PEPPER.

Capsicum speeds metabolism. Capsicum cream and oils relieve arthritis and aches, not just by warming and stimulating blood flow, but also by blocking pain transmission by nerves. (blocks substance P) ...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, CARAWAY.

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add 4 tsp lightly crushed seeds. Simmer for 5 minutes, then steep 15 min. Drink with meals to prevent gas, even for infant colic. Promotes menstruation and relieves...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, BASIL.

Add fresh herb or seeds to boiled water to make tea for migraines and bed time restlessness. Douche for yeast infections, eliminates candida, gargle and mouthwash. Pregnant women should avoid medicina...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, ANISE.

Seven tsp. of seed to one quart water, boil down by half, add 4 tbsp. of honey, take two tsp to calm a cough. Drink tea for memory, aid digestion, and a wash for oily skin.

Herbs Versus Pharmaceutical Drugs, Part 6.

Many herbal therapies are unequaled by synthetic drugs. There are certain things that only natural herbs can do for the body, which will probably never be matched by any synthetic pharmaceutical drug....

Anti-Anxiety Herbs, Lemon Balm.

Lemon Balm has been used since the middle ages to help reduce stress & anxiety. It is useful in promoting both a calm, & more alert state of mind.

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, SAGE.

Chew a fresh leaf and put on insect bite to reduce sting and swelling. Sage tea for the throat. Two cups of sage tea a day for a week will dry up mother’s milk. For the itching of skin problems, steep...

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices, CELERY.

Sedative. Active ingredient thalide. Seed and stalk, reduces hypertension. Celery seed tea for the kidneys as a cleanser.

Psoriasis herbal remedies Turmeric

There are many reports from those taking turmeric for other reasons that after a few months their psoriasis either went away completely, or improved to the point that all that remained were a few dry,...

Psoriasis herbal remedies Safflower

A tea made from safflower petals can discourage cell proliferation (cell growth) and encourage cell death. Since psoriasis plaques are caused by an immensely speeded up life cycle of the skin cells, d...

Psoriasis herbal remedies Oregon Grape

An ointment containing Oregon grape has been shown in at least one study to reduce the itching, inflammation, and irritation of psoriasis.

Psoriasis herbal remedies Qing Dai (Indigo Naturalis): 

A 2005 study of powdered indigo mixed in an ointment showed improvement in plaque psoriasis, and concluded that “Topical indigo naturalis ointment was a novel, safe, and effective therapy for plaque-t...

Psoriasis herbal remedies Licorice:

Used topically, licorice relieves the inflammation associated with psoriasis, and at least one person has claimed that using it internally cleared up their psoriasis completely. (Licorice has many pos...

Psoriasis herbal remedies Gotu Kola

In some studies, the active ingredient in gotu kola has been shown to increase blood supply, strengthen the skin, and boost antioxidants in wounds. Based on the findings of these studies, it has been ...

Psoriasis herbal remedies German Chamomile

Chamomile has a long history of use for soothing skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and preliminary studies show that creams containing chamomile are, in fact, moderately effective in treat...

Psoriasis herbal remedies Cleavers

Cleavers is used to detoxify the system and purify the blood, which makes it useful in cases where a sensitivity to toxins is making psoriasis worse.

Psoriasis herbal remedies, Chickweed.

Chickweed ointment is soothing and cooling, and reduces the itching and irritation of psoriasis. Chickweed tea or crushed chickweed can also be used as a poultice for the same effect, and in combinati...

Psoriasis herbal remedies, Cayenne.

Capsaicin creams can be used topically to ease the itching and inflammation of psoriasis. (This will burn a bit, and may not be a good option for plaques that are raw, cracked, or bleeding.)

Psoriasis herbal remedies Barberry

Barberry is related to oregon grape, contains many of the same active compounds, and can be used instead of Oregon grape if necessary.

Psoriasis herbal remedies Aloe

Aloe (externally): Preliminary studies indicate that aloe vera gel may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin conditions that include an inflammatory component. In one study, it showed...

Psoriasis herbal remedies Red Clover: 

Traditionally, red clover has been used in ointments to treat psoriasis, and in teas to cleanse and purify the blood.

Sage Wisdom

Every kitchen witch should grow a pot of sage or a big patch in her garden. Sage is a must to have on hand for clearing energy. It also increases psychic potential. Most kitchen witches are highly ima...

Aloe—Medicine Tree

One of Mother Nature’s most effective healers is aloe. When I lived in colder areas of frost and snow, I grew aloe in a wide pot with good drainage and placed it in the sunniest spot in the kitchen, w...

Lavender is Love

Lavender is blessedly easy to grow as it is a shrubby plant of Mediterranean origins. It is prized for its lovely scent and is a powerful healing plant with other properties, and can be used for makin...

Rosemary for Remembrance

Rosemary is another of the herbs that thrives best in warm, Mediterranean climes but can also weather the cold. Tough to grow from seed, cuttings are an easier way to start your row of rosemary plants...

Daisy and Echinacea

This faithful flower’s name is derived from the Anglo-Saxon dæges eage, “day’s eye,” since it closes in the evening. The daisy has been used in one of the oldest of love charms. To know if your true l...

Basil—Bounty and Beauty

This sweet-tasting herb is excellent in savory dishes. Basil truly grows like a weed and you should cultivate it right on the kitchen windowsill so you can snip and add to your Italian-inspired dishes...

Chives for Good Cheer

Allium, also known as chives, is a blessedly easy plant to grow anywhere and everywhere—on the kitchen windowsill or in a garden patch. A member of the onion family, this is a lovely case where the en...

Herbs for Healing and Happiness

Gardening is one of the most creative things you can do and an exercise in mindfulness. It keeps you grounded with a deep connection to the earth. Growing herbs to use in remedies and spellcraft is do...

Thyme—An Herb for the Ages

You could say that thyme is a classic herb, so much so that the venerable Virgil and Pliny sang the praises of this medicinal mint relative over 2,000 years ago. While thyme loves Mediterranean weathe...

Other helpful herbs for anxiety, Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

There are also lots of other complementary herbs out there that help us find greater peace and calm during anxiety. Lavender, chamomile, lemon balm and passiflora are all excellent calming herbs that ...

L-theanine, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Theanine (of which L-theanine is a part of) is a compound found in green tea, matcha tea and black tea. It has been shown to relieve anxiety and help your body to function better. L-thenanine is thoug...

Holy Basil (Tulsi), Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Traditionally grown in Asia and sub-tropical regions, holy basil is an adaptogenic herb used for lowering stress levels. It helps to bring cortisol levels back down to neutral so that the body is bett...

Valarian, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Valarian works well for most people if you need to seriously quieten the central nervous system and gently sedate yourself. It will induce a deep and restful sleep for 95% of people (5% of people, for...

Rhodiola, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Many people find rhodiola to be an excellent anti-anxiety herb. It is also good for depression. One of the wonderful things about this herb is that like ashwagandha, it does not make you feel drowsy. ...

Ashwagandha, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Ashwagandha is one of the most supportive and gentle herb remedies for the nerves. It is an adaptogenic herb, meaning that it helps our body to find balance during mental, emotional and physical stres...

Kava Kava, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Kava Kava works by stimulating dopamine receptors and gently inducing euphoria. It’s somewhat like benefiting from that relaxed feeling you get with a glass of wine, yet staying alert at the same time...

Skullcap, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

This awesome herb became one of my favourite herbs during the height of my challenges. It is well known amongst Native American tribes as a woman’s herb, although it is beneficial for us all. It can n...

Random Natural Remedies Easy Oatmeal Soap

If you have leftover soap slivers in the bathtub or sink, you can recycle them into this yummy new soap! Oatmeal has proven moisturizing benefits. Gather these ingredients: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup sm...

Random Natural Remedies Homemade Toothpaste

Mix ¼ teaspoon hydrogen peroxide and ½ teaspoon baking soda, scoop the paste up with your toothbrush and proceed as you normally would.

Random Natural Remedies Eye Make-up Remover (Safe and Gentle)

Save on those very expensive eye make-up removers with this recipe. Combine 1 tablespoon canola oil, 1 tablespoon castor oil, and 1 tablespoon light olive oil. For use on your entire body, put some ca...

Random Natural Remedies Homemade Moisturizer

For healthy skin, add rosemary oil to the bathwater. Another age-old tradition to prevent wrinkles around the eyes is to apply a drop of castor oil around each eye before going to bed. Castor oil acts...

Random Natural Remedies  Simple Shampoo

Simple Shampoo Old-fashioned Castile soap can also be dissolved in warm water to be used as shampoo. After shampooing, rinse your hair with lemon juice to make it shine. Adding essential oils to store...

Random Natural Remedies Homemade Minty Toothpaste

To make toothpaste with a more traditional toothpaste consistency and a mint-y taste, mix together 6 teaspoons of baking soda, 1/3 teaspoon salt, 4 teaspoons glycerin, and 15 drops of peppermint or wi...

Random Natural Remedies deodorants

The best deodrants is plain old baking soda. You can pat it right onto your skin or mix it with a little cornstarch for extra staying power and moisture control. Try 1/2 cornstarch and 1/2 baking soda...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings, Storing and Preparing for Use.

  To use the herbs fresh, simply wash them in cool water and pat them dry. They can be kept lively for a few days by putting them in a vase of water and keeping them in a cool area (if your fridge isn...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings, Use Them!

  Record any observations you make while working with the herb along with it’s location in your harvest journal. If the plant is particularly fragrant or effective, write it down so you know to go bac...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings, Giving Thanks.

Having taken from the plant, you should give thanks for the gift. Tell it that you’re grateful, and assure it that it wont be misused. Then, provide payment!Pour the fertilizer you brought at the root...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings, Harvesting.

Using your sharp implement, make a clean, angular cut near a joint. This will make it easier for the plant to heal and regrow. You will want to choose a portion of the plant that is not the oldest (da...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings, Asking Permission.

Before you cut the plant, you should take some time to connect with it. Examine it to see if it is healthy. Take your time identifying it. Feel the plant’s energy and let it get to know you. Once you’...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings, Finding Your Herbs.

Some of us are lucky to live close to forests or natural fields on public land, but for many it can be a challenge to source wild herbs.If you live in a city, find out if there are any nature trails o...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings, Your Toolkit

The first thing you will need is a cutting tool. Some traditions recommend the use of a sickle-shaped tool with a white handle, called the Boline. Here’s an example of what one looks like: Personally,...

Collecting Herbs for Magical Workings

Plants and herbs are a common ingredient in many forms of magic. Whether you are making incense, stuffing a sachet, or brewing a folk remedy, if you practice long enough, you’re eventually going to ha...

Green Correspondence, FRUITS.

APPLE — health, longevity, love CHERRY — love PEAR — health, properity, love ORANGE — joy, health, purification LEMON — purification, protection, health LIME — happiness, purification, healing GRAPE —...

Green Correspondence, HERBS.

ALLSPICE — prosperity, increasing energy, love, healing, luck ANGELICA —protection, purification BASIL — prosperity, success, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquility, love BAY — succes...

Green Correspondence, FLOWERS.

CARNATION — protection, strength, energy, luck, healing DAFFODIL — love, fertility, luck DAISY — love, hope, innocence, associated with children GARDENIA — love, harmony, healing, peace GERANIUM — pro...

Green Correspondence, WOODS.

APPLE — life, longevity, fertility, fairies, the otherworld, afterlife, creativity, love, healing, harmony ASH — water, strength, intellect, willpower, protection, justice, balance, harmony, skill, tr...

Green Correspondence, Vegetables

GARLIC — healing, protection, banishing, purification ONION — protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity LETTUCE — fertility, peace, harmony, love, protection CARROTS — fertility, health PEAS — love, a...

A Green Witches Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner

One half cup of white vinegar One half cup of plain tap water Two teaspoons of bicarb20 drops of Grapeseed Extract Mix the white vinegar and plain tap water, then add the bicarb only one teaspoon at a...

A Green Witches Household Spray Cleaner

One Half cup white vinegarOne half cup plain tap water Two tablespoons of borax Two teaspoons of bicarb of soda Several drops of either Lavender oil or Peppermint oil. Mix the white vinegar and plain ...

A Green Witches Window and Mirror Cleaner

One half cup of white vinegar One half cup of plain tap water Two teaspoons of borax Two or three drops of washing up liquidMix thoroughly to dissolve Borax. Add washing up liquid after. Pour into an ...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft1

Bellarmine jugs, bottles, and drinking mugs were produced by the potteries of the Rhineland area, from the sixteenth century onwards. They were exported in large numbers to this country, where they be...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft2

When used as a witch-bottle, these vessels have been found with highly unpleasant contents, such as human hair entangled with sharp nails, cuttings of human finger-nails, a piece of cloth in the shape...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft3

Believing that a magical link existed between the witch and themselves, they tried to put the magic into reverse, and turn it back upon the sender. They used their own hair, nail-clippings, urine, etc...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft4

In Christian times, sculptors tried to work it into Church decorations by calling it a symbol of the Holy Trinity; but in the sixteenth century, it was banned by the Council of Trent, who declared it ...

Benandanti 1

Participants in the lingering remnants of an ancient agrarian cult in northern Italy, which came to the attention of the Inquisition in the late 16th century because of the cult’s nocturnal battles wi...

Benandanti 2 The Unknown Origans

The origins of the benandanti cult are unknown; the roots are probably ancient. The leaving of the body and doing battle in spirit, in the guise of animals, is shamanic in nature. The benandanti may b...

Benandanti 3 The Church

The benandanti came to the attention of the church in 1575, when a priest in Brazzano heard rumors of a man in Civdale, Paolo Gasparutto, who could cure bewitched persons and who “roamed about at nigh...

Lucius Apuleius1

Lucius Apuleius is best known to us as the author of The Golden Ass, one of the most famous romances in the world, containing as it does the story of Cupid and Psyche. His importance to the study of w...

Lucius Apuleius2 The Golden Ass

His book The Golden Ass was translated into English by William Adlington in 1 566 (Simpkin Marshall, London, 1 930 and AMS Press, New York, 1 893), and in our own day by Robert Graves in 1 950. It pre...

Lucius Apuleius3 The witches in The Golden Ass

The witches in The Golden Ass have many of the characteristics attributed to those of the Middle Ages. They can change their shape by means of magic unguents; they steal parts from corpses to use in t...

Types of Empaths Intuitive empath

Intuitive empaths have very strong intuition and may pick up what other people are feeling and thinking or take on the negative energy in a room, Orloff explains. As such, it’s important to have ways ...

Water Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the west Considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament  Considered feminine and nature Represents the liquid state of matter  Corresponds to matur...

Fire Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the south Considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament Active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature Represents energy Corresponds to our c...

Air Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the East Considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament Considered hermaphrodite or masculine in nature Represents the gaseous state of matter Correspo...

Earth Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the North Considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament Represents the solid state of matter Corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physi...

Invoking Spirit Element

When you feel you are sufficiently adept at using the other Elements, you may begin to use spirit – the fifth Element. This has no special space but is everywhere. It should never ever be used negativ...

The Sigillum Aemeth

The Sigillum Aemeth, or Seal of Truth, illustrated above, was inscribed by John Dee upon a disk of “perfect wax” that was nine inches in diameter (nine is the number of the moon) and one inch thick. I...

An Explanation of Divination

Among other things, Divination can be termed as foretelling the future, finding objects and people, and determining guilt by means of information obtained from signs, omens, dreams, visions, and divin...


A pendulum can be made of any weighted object on a string. It can be a stone weight, crystal, metal, or even just a button on some thread. You don’t need to spend money at all, just use what you have ...

A Glossary of Divination X

XYLOMANCY is divination from pieces of wood, either from their shape when collected or their appearance while burning.

A Glossary of Divination T

TASSEOGRAPHY is the reading of tea leaves that remain in a tea cup once the beverage has been drunk. TEPHRAMANCY is divination by ashes obtained from the burning of tree bark. TIROMANCY is a type of d...

A Glossary of Divination S

SCIOMANCY is divination using a spirit guide, a method generally employed by channelers. SCRYING is a general term for divination using a crystal, mirrors, bowls of water, ink, or flames to induce vis...

A Glossary of Divination R

RADIESTHESIA is the general term for divination using a device such as a divining rod or pendulum. Other forms include “table tipping” which was practiced at the White House in the 19th century, the O...

A Glossary of Divination P

PALMISTRY is the broad field of divination and interpretation of the lines and structure of the hand. PEGOMANCY concerns itself with spring water and bubbling fountains and the omens contained therein...

A Glossary of Divination O

  OCULOMANCY is divination from a person’s eye. OINOMANCY is divination using wine. OMPHALOMANCY IS counting the number of knots in the umbilical cord to predict how many more children the mother...

A Glossary of Divination N

NUMEROLOGY is the numerical interpretation of numbers, dates, and the number value of letters.

A Glossary of Divination M

MARGARITOMANCY is the procedure of using bouncing pearls. METAGNOMY is the divination using “visions” received in a trance state. METEOROMANCY is divination from meteors. METOPOSCOPY is the reading of...

A Glossary of Divination L

  LAMPADOMANCY is divination using lights or torches. LECANOMANCY uses a basin of water for divination. LIBANOMANCY is the study of incense and its smoke. LITHOMANCY is divination using precious ...

A Glossary of Divination H

HALOLMANCY see ALOMANCY HARUSPICATION IS fortune-telling by means of inspecting the entrails of animals, as practiced by priests in ancient Rome. HIEROMANCY or HIERSCOPY is divination by observing obj...

A Glossary of Divination G

GASTROMANCY is an ancient form of ventriloquism whereby the voice is lowered to a sepulchral tone and prophetic utterances are delivered in a trance state. GELOSCOPY is the divination from the tone of...

A Glossary of Divination D

DACTYLOMANCY is an early form of RADIESTHESIA using a dangling ring. DAPHNOMANCY requires one to listen to laurel branches crackling in an open fire. DEMONOMANCY is divination with the aid of demons. ...

A Glossary of Divination C

CAPNOMANCY is the study of smoke rising from a fire. CARTOMANCY is fortune telling using cards such as the Tarot. CATOPTROMANCY is an early form of crystal gazing that utilizes a mirror turned to the ...

A Glossary of Divination B

BELOMANCY is an ancient form of divination performed by tossing or balancing arrows. BIBLIOMANCY involves divination by books. BOTANOMANCY is divination from burning tree branches and leaves. BUMPOLOG...

A Glossary of Divination A

AEROMANCY divination from the air and sky, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens. ALCHEMY is the practice of transmutation of base...

Symbolism for Divination W

● Well- blessing from the Goddess, inspiration, spirituality, health ● Wheel- completion, eternity, season/life cycles, rebirth, gains ● Windmill- business dealings, factors working together for one g...

Symbolism for Divination U

● Umbrella- temporary shelter, limited protection ● Unicorn- purity, nature, fairy blessings, Otherworld intervention

Symbolism for Divination T

● Tree- blessings of nature, good fortune, stability, power, security ● Turtle- fertility, security, defense against obstacles, slow gains

Symbolism for Divination S

● Salt- purity, stability, cleansing, grounding ● Scales- balance, justice, careful evaluation ● Scissors- duplicity, arguments, separation, division, strife ● Shell- Goddess, emotional stability, luc...

Symbolism for Divination R

● Ring- eternity, containment, wheel of life/year, wedding ● Rose- love, lost or past love, fullness of life, healing, caring

Symbolism for Divination P

● Palm Tree- respite, relief, security, protection, blessings ● Parrot- gossip, flamboyance ● Peacock- luxury, vanity, baseless pride ● Pineapple- hospitality, good things hidden by harsh exterior ● P...

Symbolism for Divination M

● Man- visitor, helpful stranger ● Mirror- reversal, knowledge, karma ● Moon- the Goddess, intuitive wisdom, guidance ● Mountain- hindrance, challenge, obstacle, journey, steadfastness ● Mouse- povert...

Symbolism for Divination L

● Ladder- initiation, rise or fall in status, connections ● Lion- power, strength, influence, ferocity, pride, domination ● Lock- protection, concealment, security, obstacles, sealed

Symbolism for Divination K

● Key- understanding, mysteries, opportunity, gain, security ● Kite- warning for caution, new ideas ● Knot- restrictions, marriage, bindings ● Knife- duplicity, misunderstanding, direct action

Symbolism for Divination H

● Hammer- hard work rewarded, building, creativity, fortitude ● Hat- honors, rivalry, independence, self-assertion ● Hound- advice, help given, companionship, trust ● Heart- love, pleasure, confidence...

Symbolism for Divination G

● Glove- protection, luck, aloofness, nobility, challenge ● Gate- opportunity, advancement, change, new directions ● Gun (any type)- power to gain goals, discord, slander, infidelity

Symbolism for Divination F

● Fan- indiscretion, disloyalty, things hidden, inflammations ● Fence- retention of possessions, defense, isolation ● Fish- riches, luck, sexuality, productivity ● Flag- warning, defensiveness, identi...

Symbolism for Divination E

● Egg- increase, fertility, luck, creativity, new start, hoarding ● Eye- introspection, awareness, evaluation, spirit

Symbolism for Divination D

● Dagger- complications, dangers, power, skill ● Distaff- creativity, changes, sexuality ● Dog- fidelity, friendship, companionship, faithfulness ● Duck- plenty, wealth, success ● Elephant- advice nee...

Symbolism for Divination C

● Castle- financial gain, security, inheritance, life of bounty ● Cage- isolation, restriction, imprisonment, containment ● Cat- wisdom, spiritual access, female friend, domestic strife ● Car- local t...

Symbolism for Divination B

● Basket- gift, security, comfort ● Baby- new interests, security, new beginnings ● Bees (hive, comb)- fertility, industry, community, self-sacrifice ● Bell- celebrations, news (good or bad, depending...

Symbolism for Divination A

● Acorn- youth, strength, man, small start for large accomplishment ● Airplane- travel, new projects ● Anchor- voyage, rest, problem solved, security ● Arrow- news, disagreements, direct action

Mirror Divination

One of the most ancient forms of divination is crystallomancy or catoptromancy, performed with a magic mirror. The Magi of Persia are said to have used mirrors, as well as the ancient Greeks and Roman...

Ouija Boards

Today, most people look at Ouija boards  and think, “Why would you want to open the gates of Hell?” It wasn’t always that way, however. The Ouija board came straight out of the “Spiritualism” movement...

Cauldron Divination

Divination is an art that has been practiced in one form or another since ancient times and in all levels of culture. There are a number of ways in which a cauldron can be used for divining. One metho...

Numerology Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Numerology is a technique that involves using numbers to gain insight into different areas of life. Practitioners may use techniques such as calculating a person’s life path number or using the letter...

Pendulum Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

A pendulum is a small weight that is suspended from a string or chain. To use a pendulum for divination, the practitioner holds the weight steady and then asks a yes or no question. The pendulum will ...

Runes Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Runes are a set of ancient symbols that were used by the Germanic and Norse peoples for divination. They consist of 24 or 25 small stones or tiles, each with a different symbol carved into it. To use ...

Tarot Cards Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Tarot cards are a popular divination tool that can provide insight into a variety of different areas of life. They consist of a deck of 78 cards, each with its own unique meaning. To use tarot cards f...

Scrying Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Scrying is a technique that involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball or a mirror, in order to gain insight and guidance. The practitioner may see images, symbols, or other vis...

Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Divination is a practice that has been used for centuries by people of different cultures and religions to gain insight into the unknown. For Solitary Pagans, divination is a powerful tool that can be...

Invoking Air

The direction of this Element is east and the colour usually associated with it is yellow. Incense is often used to represent Air since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke. When y...

Invoking Earth

Traditionally the direction of this Element is north and the colour normally associated with Earth is green. It is represented on the altar usually by salt or sand. Crystals, because they are totally ...

Aid with Speech Charm

Materials SodaliteClear QuartzClovesBasilWhite rose petals (optional)A tiny envelope (you can make this yourself)White or blue stringInstructions Put the sodalite, clear quartz, cloves, basil, and ros...

Anti-Depressant Jar

Jar to ward off depression. You will need: A jar (larger, the better)Fresh (or dried) Bay Laurel herbFresh (or dried) chamomileFresh (or dried) RosemaryDried mint leafsFresh Lavender Mix all these her...

Dreams of Apparitions

These dreams involve people who are dead, whether you know the person or not. The prevailing theory is that in some form, some aspect of that person is actually communicating to you through your dream...

The Witching Hour

Witching hour, also called devil’s hour, in folklore, the time at night when the powers of witches and other supernatural beings are believed to be strongest, usually occurring at midnight or 3:00 AM....

Samhain. Ritual:

Solstices are the extreme points as Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun—when days and nights are longest or shortest. On equinoxes, days and nights are equal in all parts of the world. Four...

New Moon Affirmations

Tonight my soul will make room for all that is to comeTonight I invite abundance into my lifeTonight I let go of what is blocking meTonight I let go of the bad and allow the good to come in… I g...

The Jack-o’-lantern

The Jack-o’-lantern is carried by a drunkard named Jack. Jack sold his soul to the devil, so that the devil would pay his pub tab. When the devil returned from the pub to collect Jack’s soul, the man ...

Personal Relationships with Spirits & Deities

Here are a few pointers to strengthen your relationship with them. Meditate. First and foremost, you need to have an alright grasp on quieting your mind. You need to have an idea of where your mind wa...

Thunderstorm Spell

Ingredients: – Measuring cup – Pen and paper – Water 1. First, make a sigil. I used the statement “it will storm”. Decorate the sigil with lightning bolts, raindrops, and storm cloud...

A witch’s ladder

A witch’s ladder is one of those nifty things we sometimes hear about but rarely see. Its purpose is similar to that of a rosary – it’s basically a tool for meditation and ritual, in which diffe...

A Word on Seeds

Seeds should be gathered as they ripen, usually in the fall. Seed Heads should be hung to dry inside a paper bag. Don’t use plastic as any condensation that gathers could lead to mildew and caus...

Cailleach Bhéarra

She above all resonates most greatly with me. Being that shes irish and her home is said to be not far from where i live i love her. Maybe that i am too a crone now. The picture here not to be seen in...

Spirit Spell

This spell is designed to work for a most spirits. It doesn’t work as well against the fae or spirits with a gift for illusion and glamour. It hampers them but doesn’t work as well against them. Still...

A Spell to Aliviate Stress and Anxiety

 Sometimes we get involved in situations that are so wildly out of our control that we’re holding on with the skin of our teeth. Stress and anxiety are constant companions and you just want t be safe...


Lost your crew and phone is dead? Had to do a runner while protesting and not sure if it’s safe to text the others? This spell can help. Get yourself to a safe location and send up an energy flare int...


Healing spells are never meant to replace medical assistance, but it won’t hurt to cast a healing spell while you’re waiting for a medic to look at the injured person. Place your hand over the injury,...

Death, Motherhood, and Fertility:

Maman Brigitte, wrapped in allure and mystery, is the Loa of death, cemeteries, and fertility. The short version of the story; she is a badass. The long version is an interesting dive into history and...

Nothing is dead matter in the universe

Nothing is dead matter in the universe. All things exist, therefore all things live, though perhaps in a different manner from that which we are used to calling life. In view of this, the Witch knows ...

Trauma & Bad Experiences

When you’ve had a bad experience, you sometimes feel compelled to recreate it in a way that allows you to control it. It’s like you’re attracted to the very thing that bothered you because you’re not ...

Release Intense Emotions Spell

Perform this easy spell to calm yourself when dealing with intense emotions, anxiety or anything stressful. By ridding yourself of this excess emotional energy, you can help your mind and body stay he...

November Magick

The month of November comes from the Latin Novem – which was originally the ninth month in the Roman calendar. The last month before the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, November is t...

What is Modern Witchcraft?

Spells. Moon rituals. Crystals & herbs. Each of these things and many more are associated with what has been branded modern witchcraft. But what is modern witchcraft? Who is the modern witch, and ...

The Colour Black in Magick

Black creates a barrier from the emotional stressors of the outside world, providing comfort while protecting emotions and feelings. Black can boost confidence, helping us to overcome our vulnerabilit...

Deities of the Divine

Throughout the development of the human race, civilizations have seen and worshipped many and various attributes of the Divine. These universal forces have been clothed in forms which were expressive ...

This Divine Fire

We know of the existence of the life-force which ensouls all living things, that is, all that exists. We know that a spark of this Divine Fire is within each and every thing that exists, and that it d...

The Grigori

Before the people walked upon the world, there dwelt those beings which we call the Grigori. Some have called them spirits and gods. Some have spoken of them as powers and forces. The old legends tell...

Accepting Fairies

To accept that fairies do indeed exist, and that cooperation with them in the creation of a garden will richly benefit all that grows in it, is a part of the wisewomen’s ancient doctrine.However...

House Protection Spell

1 glass bottle or jar with cap,mixing bowl,funnel (you can make one with a rolled up piece of paper),9 herbs of choice from list:Acacia, Aloe, Angelica, Anise, Ash, Basil, Birch, Blackberry, Blueberry...

Bride-of-the-Sun Salve

Ingredients 1 handful wild garlic 1 cup marigold blossoms 9 rosemary blossoms 9 lavender blossoms 1 cup goat butter, olive oil, or neutral baseUse olive oil or goat butter over a low flame for a base....

Corn Dolly’s

“An ancient and widespread custom across northern Europe was related to the cutting of the ‘last sheaf’ of the crop. The belief was that the ‘spirit of the corn’ was present in the grain; as the...

Barrier of Stones

Items needed Random stones gathered from around your housea sharpie or nail polish or painta small shovel Gather the itemsHold the stones in your hands and feel their power “Protect, protect”Take the ...

Start in Cottage Witchcraft Ritual

Items needed: a vacuum (or broom, whatever you have)a cloth and wood polishera white candlea mix of salt, sugar, and rosemaryolive oil or vegetable oilAfter gathering the items, take a moment to relax...

Creating a Hex sign

Items a blank sign, canvas, piece of paper, cardboard, etc. whatever you havea nail or something to hang it uppaint, markers, pencils, anything to color and decorate ityour favorite scented oilsan ide...

Psychic Moon Bath

This spell is best Preformed during either the New Moon or Full Moon This Herbal bath will help bring out or enhance ones psychic abilities, while working with and utilizing the energizes of the Moon....

Luck & Prosperity Jar

Every now and then, we could all use an added boots of luck in our lives. Be it for that job interview, sales for our small business, whatever the case may be. For me, luck and prosperity go hand in h...

Silence their tongues.

This is an easy enchantment that you can do just about anywhere, even in front of your target. Be sure to check the notes for suggestions. What you’ll need: Their drinking glass, eating utensil, plate...


This is a super simple spell that works great any time of the year but is particularly effective during life changes, the new year, or newly gained resolves. Pretty much any time you want to start som...

Good Luck Knot Spell

Find yourself some red, white, yellow/gold, blue, and green string (or ribbon, yarn, embroidery thread, whatever).Cut them into about 10 inch pieces. Ideally, the string should wrap around your wrist ...

Dream Work

Dream work is another relevant practice. Dreams reveal a great many “secrets” about ourselves and our thought processes. Even the most mundane dreams can possess enlightening revelations. By keeping a...

Spiders in Myth and Folklore

Nearly all cultures have some sort of spider mythology, and folktales about these crawly creatures abound! Hopi (Native American): In the Hopi creation story, Spider Woman is the goddess of the earth....

How to Make a Witches Ladder

To make your basic witch’s ladder, you’ll need: Yarn or cord in three different colorsNine items that are similar in property but in different colors (nine beads, nine shells, nine buttons, etc)Cut th...

How to Start Learning Spells

Once you start practising witchcraft, you have to deal with learning spells. This can be a bit of a chore but it shouldn’t be too difficult. Some really easy spells will only have a couple of steps an...

Witching Hour

Witching hour, in folklore, the time at night when the powers of witches and other supernatural beings are believed to be strongest, usually occurring at midnight or 3:00 AM. The term also has a moder...

Gems for Depression

Smoky Quartz: for grounding, removes negative and excess energy.Kunzite: Beautiful light pink stone that is known for its powerful abilities to help one heal emotional disorders. Releases tension, res...

Swamp Witch Black Water Hattie

Swamp Witch Black Water Hattie is a witch who lived in the swamps and bayous Florida. Although there are unknown tales and stories of Hattie the most well known legend is the song written by Jim Staff...

Bind a Black Box

Create a magickal barrier around you to banish all the negative, and bring some protection into your personal life. A small black boxBlack or dark purple tissue paperA small personal token that fits i...

What is the origin of the term Tree hugger?

“The first tree huggers were 294 men and 69 women belonging to the Bishnois branch of Hinduism, who, in 1730, died while trying to protect the trees in their village from being turned into the r...

Never forget that your magick

The truth of life is that every year we get farther away from the essence that is born within us. We get shouldered with burdens, some of them good, some of them not so good. Things happen to us. Love...

Fame Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Glass of water1 mirror to have behind the glassImageyourselfyour voiceTake the glass of water and place it infront of the mirror.Look through the gl...

Spell to get Something.’

You will need the following items for this spell: A charm related to the object you’re trying to get, or a candle/incense/oil burner. Place incense/oil burner/candle on an alter if you have one ...

Paid Bills’

You will need the following items for this spell: Five pumpkinseedsThree Cinnamon sticksOne dollar billGreen clothGreen candleCinnamon or basil oilGreen ribbonOn a Friday during the waxing moon, assem...

Charge Cards’

You will need the following items for this spell: A pack of cards(casino,spanish etc)A wandYour own altar with a pentagramCasino Cards: Hearts means loveSwords means strengthFlowers means growthDiamon...

The Power of Blood

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that blood is a powerful thing. This is something that is so embedded in us that we all understand it. Fear and awe of blood goes way back to our earliest human ances...

Magick Power

Energy—it is what makes up the universe. A witch calls this magic. Energy is the force of life. Energy empowers us to creation. Indeed it is all about the Magic Powers or direction of energy in our li...

Power of 3 Healing Spell

This spells uses the strength of the number 3 to help speed healing of an illness. It’s best used when someone is ill, rather than injured. You can use this spell for yourself (if you are well enough ...


We enter the season of the Crone, the Hag of Winter. Beware, this is no gentle old lady – she is wild, fierce and elemental, just like winter itself. She is the storm rider, the shapeshifter, the grou...

Removing Misfortune’

You will need the following items for this spell: Three small jarsNine cloves of garlicNine thorns from a white rose or nine pinsPierce the garlic cloves with the pins or thorns saying forcefully whil...

Candle Flame Love Divination

You will need the following items for this spell: candle of any colourmatch/lighterLight the candle and meditate. once you feel ready, open your eyes and study the flame: a rising flame means you burn...

Purple Light Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Purple CandlePurple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.As you light the candle, repeat:”This light is burning to ...

Wyrd Scrying Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: A wooden bowlA small knife or chiselIncenseCandle wax (optional)WaterBegin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and ...

The Celestial Alignment: Ra-Horakhty’s Rebirth and Orion’s Message

In the vast continuum of time, where human destiny intersects with cosmic rhythms, a pivotal moment emerges. Today, the ancient sands of the Nile mark a triad of renewals: the onset of a New Year, the...

Fire Faerie Phoenix

In the realm where the flames of magic danced and the air crackled with energy, there lived a faerie named Phoenix. With wings that glowed with the colors of a vibrant inferno and eyes that held the i...

Dream Discovery’

You will need the following items for this spell: PillowBedComfortable positionRight before falling asleep recite these words; I push my limit to cross over conscious into these unknown realms to me a...

A God/Goddess Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: Your voice and alone timeSay this 4x Gods and Goddesses hear my pleaits my greatest wish so i hope to beA god of nature,life and furyBlood and war may...

Winter Solstice Brew 

2 Oranges(Peeled, not peeled, sliced, chunked or segmented…whatever you prefer!)1 Cinnamon Sticks(Omit if you don’t like or are allergic to cinnamon)1 Star Anise(Omit if you don’t li...

The Berkeley Witch

In English folklore, the Berkeley Witch was a wealthy woman who lived during the time of the Norman Conquest in the town of Berkeley in England’s heartland. She was wealthy and well liked, and lived l...

Wyrd Scrying

You will need the following items for this spell: A wooden bowlA small knife or chiselIncenseCandle wax (optional)WaterBegin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and ...

Get Your Considered Dreams’

You will need the following items for this spell: 3-5 White candlesSit down cross-legged alone. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say : “Goddess of Dreams, let me get dreams I want...

Magical welcome doormat

tems needed a doormat (whatever one you like)paintoilssalt and rosemary mixAfter gathering the items, you should place a symbol of protection on the back of the doormat (or you can write a chant on th...

Crossroads A Magickal Tradition

Crossroads are considered sacred in almost all magical traditions. A crossroads is a universally accepted place to hold rituals, leave offerings, or dispose of items you wish to be rid of. While this ...

The Chameleon of Illusions

I hated you….you sniveling and soft creature… and loving wrecklessly….you stupid girl What did that get you? Self loathing for never feeling enough….rejection and alone….and you fucking deserv...


Cernunnos is a Celtic god associated with nature, fertility, animals, and the wild. The name “Cernunnos” is derived from a combination of the Celtic words “cern” (meaning horn)...

‘Spell to Get What You Want’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 red candlea horseshoea quill penblack inka piece of papertweezersTo get what you want:Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the cand...

Some Magick in Plants

Geranium: These plants can provide luck and good fortune in various different ways, depending on the colour of your flower. Choose red geraniums for vitality and invigoration, pink for love, or white ...

See the Demon in Yourself with a Mirror’

You will need the following items for this spell: MirrorBlue LED Lights (older the better)Or a old TV that has a blue no signal screenNight TimeComplete Darkness (until use of blue light)In the shadow...


Having a Book of Shadows is great. It can be a great way to keep track of anything that you do. However, one way to help with making sure that this book does not become like other books is by blessing...


WHEN YOU SLEEP…. Did you know that when you sleep you place your hands on the parts of the body that require healing? 1. Above your head: you seek greater spiritual connection. 2. In the chest: ...

The Path of the Fire Witch

The path of the Fire Witch is not for the faint of heart. Strong and courageous, these Witches rarely take no for an answer. The Fire Witches are considered to be the rebels of the Elemental Witches. ...

What is a Green Witch ?

  A Green Witch is normally someone who practices Natural Witchcraft. Someone who works with the Earth and the Universe around them.A Green Witch also works with the energies of natural objects l...

Who is Krampus

Krampus is meant to whip children into being nice. When listening to the radio in December, it’s unlikely to hear holiday songs singing the praises of Krampus:a half-goat, half-demon, horrific b...

To Honor Shadow Work ..

Salt Balance SpellAs we know Shadow work involves spells ro adjust ( or honor) our not so positive qualities. You know like speaking sharply or just not letting something that irritates us go includin...

Gods, Fae, Elves, and Ancestors: Are They All the Same?

Gods. Fairies. Elves. Ancestors. The deeper we go into our pagan history, the more we see a blurring of the lines between the spirits. In fact, many of the sagas, legends, and lore point to the idea t...

Being a Witch

“Being a witch, continued Don Juan, does not mean practicing spells, or trying to affect people, or being possessed by demons. Being a witch means reaching a level of consciousness that gives ac...


As the moon makes her way through the zodiac, she stops and visits each sign for a spell, spending a couple of days in each of their homes and with their unique energies. She is influenced by these en...

THE SEVEN RAYS – What Are they

“We are told that seven great rays exist in the cosmos. In oursolar system only one of these seven great rays is in operation. Theseven sub-divisions constitute the “seven rays” whic...

Orphic Hymn To Hekate

 call Ækátî of the Crossroads, worshipped at the meeting of three paths, oh lovely one. In the sky, earth, and sea, you are venerated in your saffron-colored robes. Funereal Daimôn, celebrating a...

Dedication to the Rise

We are callingthe Grandmothers, Mothers,Sisters, Aunts, DaughtersThe Wild WomenThe CronesThe seers & midwivesThe mountain & desert womenThe soul summonersThe water carriersThe tenders & fe...

Dedication to Santa Muerte.

Beloved Santa Muerte, bearer of the scythe, assisted by the owl, and adorned with, the scales of justice, the hourglass, the globe, skeletal spirit, at the service of God the Father Mother, I ask you ...

How To Master Witchcraft Even With Absolutely No Time…

Is your life filled with so many responsibilities that you can barely make time for yourself, let alone try to master the art of witchcraft? You feel like you have no time and no energy to pursue your...

Traditional Wassail Recipe

You will need: 6 small apples1 1/2 quarts ale or hard cider1/4 cup sugar1 teaspoon grated nutmeg1 teaspoon ground ginger Preheat your oven to 120 degrees F. Core the apples and then place them on a li...

Nature Circle’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 spell1 candle (appropriate color)Some dirt or soilSand (Optional)Salt(optional)WaterFirst off sit comfortably on any smooth surface and put the cand...

Opening the Inner Eye’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 white or purple candle1 herb (rosemary,thyme)Light the candle and burn the herb as soon as you see smoke say: “Give me the power to see throug...

Spell: Nature Peace Wind Spell

When life feels overwhelming, you might be having trouble processing stressful, worrisome thoughts. This peace wind spell can help. Allow yourself time for some self-care and consider going on a natur...

Await the Harvest

To all those law of attraction, abundance manifestation, and easy life, high vibration, anti negativity sorts, you’ve got it all wrong. Sure, if I wanted the easy life, I’d utilize “...

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