Nothing is dead matter in the universe

Nothing is dead matter in the universe. All things exist, therefore all things live, though perhaps in a different manner from that which we are used to calling life. In view of this, the Witch knows that there is no true death, only change from one condition to another. The universe is the body of Godhead, and therefore possesses one transcendent consciousness; all things partake of the consciousness, in varying levels of trance awareness.

Because of this principle, all things are sacred to the Witch, for all partake of the one Life.

Therefore the Witch is a natural ecologist, for Nature is part of us as we are a part of Nature.

Trauma & Bad Experiences

When you’ve had a bad experience, you sometimes feel compelled to recreate it in a way that allows you to control it. It’s like you’re attracted to the very thing that bothered you because you’re not done with it- you need to fix that moment so you can move forward. Oscar Wilde said, ‘a burnt child loves the fire.’ For me, that means being attracted to explore things that have been traumatic or you’re not so sure about. The sources of terror in childhood can become sources of attraction in adulthood. Or, in the case of an artist, inspiration.Art is a good vehicle for figuring things out for yourself, a tool for walking through a situation in your mind that you keep separate from the anxieties of reality. There’s something about making photographs that allows you to act out your story and make it visible

Release Intense Emotions Spell

Perform this easy spell to calm yourself when dealing with intense emotions, anxiety or anything stressful. By ridding yourself of this excess emotional energy, you can help your mind and body stay healthy during a stressful time.


a sheet of unlined paper and a pen
a black candle (to banish negativity)
a bowl of purified water
sea salt
a fireproof receptacle (cauldron/pot/jar)
Light the candle and add the sea salt to the bowl of water. On the paper, write down any fears, frustrations or concerns you may be feeling. Let the words come flowing from inside you, do not hold back. If you feel like saying the words aloud as you write them, do so. Once you are finished, fold the paper and burn it in the candle flame – place it in the cauldron/pot/jar and allow it to burn to ash. After you burn the paper, dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle yourself with it while saying:

“I release these words,
I release this tension,
I release this negativity from my life.”

When you’re ready, scatter the ashes outside

November Magick

The month of November comes from the Latin Novem – which was originally the ninth month in the Roman calendar. The last month before the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, November is the darkest month of the year. The days are short and the nights grow colder, leading up to the beginning of winter. The earth grows quiet during this time. The brightness of autumn has mellowed and a quiet beauty settles over the woods and fields.

Just as the trees and plants settle in for their winter rest, November is a good time to slow down and tend to your home and yourself. No big actions are needed now. Instead, introspection and observation are a welcome respite from the busyness of early autumn. It’s a new Wheel of the Year and time to think about what has been and what is to come.

The November full moon was known by the ancient Celts as the Dark Moon, Beaver Moon or Oak Moon. The first full moon in the Wheel of the Year, November is a good time to cultivate healthy habits and continue to release negative energy.

A flower often associated with November in Western cultures is the chrysanthemum. More commonly referred to as Mums, these hardy flowers can withstand dropping temperatures and are one of the last to bloom before the onset of winter. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, chrysanthemums symbolize loyalty, friendship, and joy. In Japan, chrysanthemums are associated with youth, while in parts of Europe they are associated with death and mourning.

Shorter days and long, cold evenings make November an ideal time to focus on your home. Take some time to do a tidying up of your living area and add in some cozy elements such as candles, slippers and warm blankets. Break out some easy evening activities that will help you unwind after a long day, such as puzzles, books or some simple crafts. For me, November evenings include sudoku puzzles and leafing through my collection of holiday books, while enjoying some hot peppermint tea.

Thanks to social media, there is a new standard of maintaining a fall/holiday aesthetic in your home, where everything looks picture perfect. Now, I appreciate a fall scented candle and a faux pumpkin as much as the next person, but when it comes to tending my home in this season, I practice what I call Gentle Cleaning. This essentially means I focus on the main areas of my home that I use the most during this time of year. This includes my kitchen and living room, where I do my best to keep the areas tidy, with a sense of coziness. November is not a time that I do any big, deep cleans or home projects. There will be time enough for cleaning, decluttering and reorganizing in the spring.

What is Modern Witchcraft?

Spells. Moon rituals. Crystals & herbs. Each of these things and many more are associated with what has been branded modern witchcraft.

But what is modern witchcraft? Who is the modern witch, and what does she do?

In short, what makes a witch a witch?

Let’s break it down.
What Modern Witchcraft Isn’t
Before we talk about what modern witchcraft is, let’s talk about what it isn’t.

It’s not a fashion choice. It’s not a fantasy novel. Or a bunch of socially awkward teenagers playing around with an Ouiji board on the weekends.

And although the mystical allure associated with the modern witch is often the subject of television series and movies, the reality is actually much simpler and (sorry, kids) less glamorous.

But also, way more interesting.

Okay, so what is modern witchcraft?
Man, that’s a tough one. Because if you ask any modern practitioner for a true definition, you’ll get a different answer every time.

But in a nutshell:

Modern witchcraft is the use of spells, rituals, incantations, and visualizations based on the philosophy that it’s possible to shape your destiny with your intentions or will alone.

Nearly everything else—-the particulars of spell work, the belief or non-belief in god(s), the celebration of holidays, political views, the use of tools (or the option to not use them at all), all of these things are unique to the individual practitioner.

In the general, modern sense, witchcraft has no central authority. There is no agreed-upon scripture or doctrine. Which is both the difficulty and the beauty of it. Practitioners are free to create their own unique practice.

Of course, that also means they are responsible for their own practice, and the results of that practice.

The practitioner is expected to come up with his/her own moral and ethical code. She/he must decide for themselves whether a love spell is unethical, or even if they believes it will work. She/he has to make up their own mind about big, heady things like whether or not they believe in god, or if it’s okay for them to continue to practice spellcraft alongside Christianity.

These things are not decided for them. They must decide for themselves. What makes the modern witch, first and foremost, a kind of spiritual rebel.

The true secret of magic.
In the beginning, a brand-new novice witch is nearly always attracted to a magical practice by the spells.

Specifically (if we’re being honest) they are likely attracted by the idea of power.

Don’t judge them for that. That attraction is natural. It’s human nature to want control of your life.

If we’re being really honest, it’s even natural to occasionally want control over others (although this is obviously much more ethically problematic and controversial).

But what the experienced witch eventually learns—through trial, error, and frankly, a lot of pain—is that magic isn’t a tool of power.

It’s a tool for spiritual education.

Beginning practitioners often fret about whether or not their spells will work. Did I use the right oils? The right herbs? The right lunar cycle?

But if magic is really just a focused intention to shape your fate, your intentions will manifest in some way.

It’s not about whether your spell works—it will work. That part is all but guaranteed.

It’s a matter of how it manifests. Often, what you think you want is very different from what you actually want. Which is why some people consider it so dangerous. Ironically, if spells and magic are what attract people to witchcraft, the possibility that they work is what scares them off.

But it should be the reason they come to it. Because learning the difference between what you think you so desperately, stubbornly want and what you actually need is one of life’s most valuable lessons.

And magic is the wisest teacher I know.

The Colour Black in Magick

Black creates a barrier from the emotional stressors of the outside world, providing comfort while protecting emotions and feelings. Black can boost confidence, helping us to overcome our vulnerabilities and insecurities. In color psychology, black encourages introspection and self-examination; it also defines an end to which new beginnings follow.

The color black is classy, mysterious, sophisticated, seductive and secretive. In feng shui tradition, black represents water and career; for this purpose, it is best used in the north rooms of your home or office. It adds strength, definition and a grounding effect to a space. Plus it adds a nice contrast for other colors. This mysterious color can give the impression of authority and power. Black implies self-control, discipline, and independence; it is also associated with knowledge and intelligence.

Although the color black can bring to mind negative imagery (think the villain dressed in black), designers love to use it for the contrast and its ability to strengthen other colors.

Magickally, black is used for spell workings to help us focus, protection, binding, banishing, grounding, to aid in increased confidence and independence, and to absorb negative energy.

Black crystals symbolize self-control, resilience and create invisibility. They help protect against negative forces and promote peacefulness. These would include obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, jet, onyx, black pearls, lava, and moonstone. 

Deities of the Divine

Throughout the development of the human race, civilizations have seen and worshipped many and various attributes of the Divine. These universal forces have been clothed in forms which were expressive to the worshipper of the attribute of the Godhead which they expressed. Use of these symbolic representations of the natural and divine forces of the universe, or god forms, is a potent method for contacting and utilizing the forces they represent. Thus the Gods are both natural and truly divine, and man-made in that the forms with which they are clothed are products of humanity’s striving to know the Godhead.

In keeping with the Law of Polarity, these god forms are brought into harmony by the one great Law which states: All Gods are one God. All Goddesses are one Goddess. There is one Initiator. This law is an expression of our understanding that all of the forces of the universe, by whatever ethnic God form is chosen to clothe and relate to whichever force, can be resolved into the fundamental polarity of the Godhead, the Great Mother and the All-Father.

It is the use of differing god forms, of differing ethnic sources or periods, which is the basis of many of the differences between the various Traditions of the Craft. Each Tradition uses the forms, and thus the names, which to that Tradition best express and awaken an understanding of

the force represented, according to the areas of emphasis of the Tradition.
Because we know that differing names or representations are but expressions of the same divine principles and forces, we require our members to swear that they will never mock the names by which another honors the Divine, even though those names be different from and seemingly less expressive than the names and god forms used by our Tradition (for to the members of another Tradition, using it’s names, ours may easily seem equally less expressive).

This Divine Fire

We know of the existence of the life-force which ensouls all living things, that is, all that exists. We know that a spark of this Divine Fire is within each and every thing that exists, and that it does not die; only the form of it’s existence changes. We know that this spark of the life-force returns to manifestation again and again in order to fully realize and actualize it’s potential, evolving finally to the peak and essence of existence which is pure be-ing. In this process of reincarnation each form returns in the same type of form, though it’s ever-increasing actualization may lead to higher levels of existence of that form. Man returns as man, cat as feline, mineral as mineral, each class of form evolving as the individual forms of that class evolve.

The Grigori

Before the people walked upon the world, there dwelt those beings which we call the Grigori. Some have called them spirits and gods. Some have spoken of them as powers and forces.

The old legends tell us that the Grigori once were physical beings, but that they are no longer. It is said they dwell among the stars. They are the Watchers of the Worlds, and of the entrances and exits to the Worlds. Once it was said that the stars were the camp-fires of their armies, ever watching over us.

The Grigori have set their towers at the four quarters of the world, and stand vigil over the portals which lay between the worlds.

Once they were called the powers of the air, and so did they come to be linked to the winds. Know now their names: Tago, Alpena, Settrano, Meana.

The Old Ones come to our rituals to witness our rites, for we have a covenant with them. So do they watch over our works and help us. Our covenant with them was established at the end of the Second Age, and from this time so we mark the years of our ways.

The Grigori observe our rites, protect us, and escort us to the Moon Worlds when we pass from the Physical World. 

Accepting Fairies

To accept that fairies do indeed exist, and that cooperation with them in the creation of a garden will richly benefit all that grows in it, is a part of the wisewomen’s ancient doctrine.
However small and humble your plot, there is always an angel of the garden. She must be called upon, and the spirit of her gentle presence must be felt and revered by all who would make friends with the fairies. Seek her at eventide, or as the sun is rising, or yet in the first moments of daybreak, or under the moon and stars on a fine, clear night. Speak to her in your own words; alternatively, you may use this invocation:

Angel of the garden, still my waiting soul,
so my eyes may see thy radiance,
my spirit enter into thy peace,
as thy wings unfold to gather this place
of tended growing things into thy heart.

I feel the breath of the angel as a soft incense
moving through the airs which play upon this garden;
I feel the touch of the angel as each blade of grass,
each sprig, flower, herb and tree, each living creature, is blessed;
I hear the song of the angel as each plant moves and dances,
with a motion unseen, to the perfect harmony of the spheres.

The life of the spirit walks in my garden as an angel,
and my garden is made holy, a place of benediction.
The angel of the garden hears my prayer,
and draws near. In reverence
I bow to the angel, and give my heart and hands
into the light of her inspiration. 

House Protection Spell

1 glass bottle or jar with cap,
mixing bowl,
funnel (you can make one with a rolled up piece of paper),
9 herbs of choice from list:
Acacia, Aloe, Angelica, Anise, Ash, Basil, Birch, Blackberry, Blueberry, Broom, Caraway, Carnation, Cadar, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cotton, Cypress, Dill, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Flax, Foxglove, Grass, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Irish Moss, Ivy, Lilac, Mandrake, Marigold, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mulberry, Oak, Olive, Pine, Primrose, Raspberry, Rice, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Spanish Moss, Thistle, Valerian, Violet, Willow

Pour the nine selected herbs into the mixing bowl one by one. As you pour each one in say these words (replace the blank with the name of the herb):

________ that protects, protect my home and all within.

Once all of the herbs have been added to the bowl, mix them with your hands. Visualize you home being safe and secure as you mix. Cap the bottle or jar and bury it outside, in front of your front step. If you live in an apartment or other place that would prevent you from doing this, place the jar some where out of view but still near your doorway.

Bride-of-the-Sun Salve


1 handful wild garlic 1 cup marigold blossoms 9 rosemary blossoms 9 lavender blossoms 1 cup goat butter, olive oil, or neutral base
Use olive oil or goat butter over a low flame for a base. (Or purchase neutral salve base at your health store or a pharmacy).

Over low flame carefully mix in an earthenware or an enamel pot, marigold blossoms, rosemary blossoms and lavender blossoms with a wooden spoon.

Simmer for 3 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. Cover and store in a cool place.

The next day heat again over low flame, gently stirring for 7 minutes.

Cool to body temperature and strain through gauze cloth.

Fill glass or earthenware container, cover tightly and store in cool, dark place.

Apply thin film of the salve to affected area. Do not use heavy application, rather repeat treatment more often.

This salve is also recommended for boils, scar tissue and insect bites. 

Corn Dolly’s

“An ancient and widespread custom across northern Europe was related to the cutting of the ‘last sheaf’ of the crop. The belief was that the ‘spirit of the corn’ was present in the grain; as the harvest proceeded, this spirit would become concentrated in the remaining crop and the final sheaf to be cut would contain its distilled essence.

Shown: Corn dollies collected by anthropologist Robert Craig Maclagan (1839 – 1919). Left Cailleach from Islay; right Maighdean Bhuana from Argyllshire

“In Gaelic tradition, the last sheaf or sguab mu dheireadh would usually be barley or oats, or a mix including rye. Once cut, the sheaf was crafted into a superstitious charm, which could take the form of a simple plait of straws tied up with ribbon, or may be crafted into a corn dolly and even clothed. The charm was displayed in the home over winter until it was time to start the growing process over again – often it was fed to the birds, horses, or ploughed back into the field to replenish the soil.

“As Calum MacLean writes (Scottish Studies, vol. 8, 1964), traditions relating to the last sheaf were found all over Scotland in various forms and with various names. In Gaelic it was called the maighdean-bhuana (the harvest maiden), the cailleach-bhuaineadh (the old woman of the harvest), or clàidheag, which became the Scots clyack.

“In some places it was the youngest female who cut the sheaf; in others it was the oldest person in the community. It was sometimes considered good luck, sometimes bad.

“It’s fascinating to listen to the different explanations – for example, the recording of William Forbes speaking to Ann Ross in Highland Perthshire in 1964 (Track ID 75601) or Janet Shaw speaking to Calum Maclean in Jura in 1953 (Track ID 6998).
Different localities had different names for their harvest celebrations. It was often called the ‘Harvest Home,’ but it was also known as a ‘Kirn’, a ‘Meal and Ale,’ a ‘Muckle Supper’ or Deireadh Buana in Gaelic.”

“These were events in which the the whole community took part and served as a thank you to those who had helped make the harvest successful. There would be plenty of food and drink, as well as games, divination, music, singing and dancing.

“There is a cheerful recording from John MacDonald in Elgin, with an explanation of the last sheaf, a dram and the tune ‘Harvest Home’ played on the melodeon (Track ID 25999). [Each of these audio tracks is linked in the article] Calum Maclean interviewed Kate MacRae from Lochalsh about the feasting and dancing at the Fèis Deireadh Bhuana (Track ID 1283).

“And in Orkney, Ethel Findlater spoke to Alan Bruford about the ‘Muckle Supper,’ which used to take place in people’s homes before the village halls were built (Track ID 64275): “After the harvest wis all in and they hed their potatoes up and everything ready for the winter, and the cattle all inside, they had a jollification they called the ‘muckle supper.’ And it was just held in the farm house and in the barn…the ones that had been helping them in the harvest time they would all invite…Plenty to eat and plenty of fun. Somebody would maybe sing a song or two…and then they danced ‘til maybe four o’clock in the morning!””

Barrier of Stones

Items needed

Random stones gathered from around your house
a sharpie or nail polish or paint
a small shovel

Gather the items
Hold the stones in your hands and feel their power “Protect, protect”
Take the writing utensil and place protective symbols upon the stones
Go around your house making small holes with shovel.
Bury each stone around the house 

Start in Cottage Witchcraft Ritual

Items needed:

a vacuum (or broom, whatever you have)
a cloth and wood polisher
a white candle
a mix of salt, sugar, and rosemary
olive oil or vegetable oil
After gathering the items, take a moment to relax and prepare.
Open the windows to let the fresh air in.
Open the front door and back door, then get a broom or cloth and brush out (or swat out with the cloth) the negative energy.
Take the mix of salt, sugar, and rosemary and sprinkle it around the house “Let was once was be lifted, and only purity, happiness, and magic shall remain”.
Once you are finished, it’s time to clean the entire house. Vacuum the floors, dust the furniture, leave nothing uncleaned. You are ready for a fresh and clean house to start your Witchcraft in!
Once the cleaning is finished, you should make sure that you empty all of the trash cans in your house, so nothing dirty remains.
Next, you will grab the oil and place a symbol of protection, magic, love, whatever you desire upon the door.
Lately, you will grab the white candle and place it in the hearth of the home (the place where the most activity is done), lit it, and place it by the windowsill.
Put on some music, sit down, and relax~ the task has been done c:
You can start cooking if you desire. The smell of freshly cooked food is fantastic for any home.

Creating a Hex sign


a blank sign, canvas, piece of paper, cardboard, etc. whatever you have
a nail or something to hang it up
paint, markers, pencils, anything to color and decorate it
your favorite scented oils
an idea
I would suggest thinking about what you wish the sign to bring. Think about the colors, symbols, and arrangement. I would also suggest getting a symbols book to know what represents what. (Ex: Roses- love, Tulips- Hope, Wolves- Protection, Cats- Luck, Blue Bell Flowers- Fae)
After thinking of an idea, it’s time to create it! Paint the hex sign; you may want to play a favorite song in the background to help make the atmosphere more enjoyable. If you have children they can help as well
Let the hex sign dry, and as it does you may say a few chants to state its purpose “Hex sign, hex sign, give me (insert desire)”
When it is done drying, you will anoint it with your favorite scented oils.
Lastly, place the hex sign in the place it will do the most good. IT could be the kitchen, the entry room, living room, or even a bathroom

Psychic Moon Bath

This spell is best Preformed during either the New Moon or Full Moon

This Herbal bath will help bring out or enhance ones psychic abilities, while working with and utilizing the energizes of the Moon.

Materials Needed

1 cup Sea Salt
¼th cup Mugwort
¼th cup Bay leaves
¼th cup Lavender
¼th cup Yarrow
Once you assemble all Your ingredients, Mix them together . While Feeling their energizes, pouring your power into them and visualizing your magickal goal blend the herbs with your fingers. once mixed Either set them aside in a bowl or Pour into a Sachet ( adding them to a sachet makes clean up faster)
Next run a hot bath, and add the herbal mixture and let seep for a few minutes before entering.
Now enter the bath and just soak focus on your goal and intent for this bath. Stay in the water until you feel ready or the bath water becomes cold.
Mugwort should Never Be handled during pregnancy or if you are trying to become pregnant 

Luck & Prosperity Jar

Every now and then, we could all use an added boots of luck in our lives. Be it for that job interview, sales for our small business, whatever the case may be. For me, luck and prosperity go hand in hand, and together they make a dynamic duo. If you need an extra boost in your current situation, try out this jar!

✤ Jar
✤ Basil
✤ Bay Leaf
✤ Cinnamon
✤ Ginger
✤ Green Candle

Layer all your supplies into your jar neatly, in whatever order you see fit. All the while, think positively about drawing luck and prosperity into your life. You DESERVE this after all. Listen to some upbeat music, create it in your work space, even wearing green while making it could also be a fun option. When done, seal with green wax and keep on hand either in your work space or near your front door! 

Silence their tongues.

This is an easy enchantment that you can do just about anywhere, even in front of your target. Be sure to check the notes for suggestions.

What you’ll need:

Their drinking glass, eating utensil, plate, or bowl. A toothbrush may also work. Food or drink may also be an excellent option.
Your anger and hatred
A picture of them or your target themselves
Select your vessel to enchant. It must be something they will put in or to their mouth.
Get your picture or be within sight of your target.
Look straight at your target while holding the vessel or hold the vessel over a picture of them. Make an X with your finger on the vessel’s surface. While doing this, pour in your anger and frustration. Optionally, you may wish to mutter or say in your head something like this: “Your tongue wags too much. It grows thick and leaden and silence fills where your voice would have been.”
Now give or leave the vessel to your target to use. Anytime the spell needs a boost, look at them and make an X in the air with a finger or foot. 


This is a super simple spell that works great any time of the year but is particularly effective during life changes, the new year, or newly gained resolves. Pretty much any time you want to start some new goals, this spell is great. It takes time to set up but it’s worth it.

What you’ll need:

A stone
Get your stone and cleanse it. Then place it in under or directly next to your bed. Sleep beside it for a week. During this time you can meditate with it to align your energy and the stone’s together.

When the week has passed, hold the stone to your heart or lips and tell it your goals, dreams, and wishes. Now let the stone sit in the sunlight for a full day and moonlight for a full night and then one more night in or next to your bed.

Carry the stone with you everywhere to help achieve your goals, dreams, and wishes. Do not let anyone else touch this stone