Dragons Blood Hex

Many Plants/ Herbs/ Roots / Resins such as dragons blood are usually relied upon for their protective properties, but they can be twisted toward malevolent purposes too.

In the Solomon Islands, the dragons blood tree. Dracaena, its believed to have sprung from the grave of a sea spirit. A powerful plant, whose resin is most frequently used in protection rituals, this hex utilizes the trees leaves.

Wrap a lime and a piece of ginger root in a dracaena leave lay it in the path of your target, Should he or she step on or over it, their life will be filled with great distress.

Magickal Intentions – Hex Breaking

When people feel that they have been hexed, cursed, jinxed, or psychically attacked, an ordinary cause can usually be traced for the supposed hex.

No matter how certain these people are of their condition, they are simply victims of life and their own fears and worries.

A run of accidents, mishaps, illnesses, financial and emotional losses, even car trouble will provide the basis for imaginary hexes.

Although most hexes are imaginary, some are not.

Additionally, it is a well-attested fact that the mind has a powerful effect on the body.

If a person believes him- or herself hexed, its physical effects (if any) will usually manifest.

Thus many herbs are used for their traditional ability to remove evil spells and curses.

They work—whether a hex exists or not.

Negativity/Hex Removal Bath

Sometimes we feel like we’re carrying around some excess negativity, bad luck or even possibly hexes. First thing to do is to assess why and how you feel that this negativity is weighing on you! For example… you could be cursing yourself! If you decide that you need to do something to spiritually remove it, this is a simple yet effective negativity/hex removal bath ritual that you can do:

Cleanse the space.
Before your bath, you’ll want to cleanse the area. If you can’t or don’t want to use incense or burning herbs that will smoke up your bathroom, there are alternative methods. You can cleanse the space with sound (ringing bells or singing bowls) or with specially made cleansing room sprays.

Optional step: set up your bathroom/around your tub with any candles, crystals, plants, statues. You can bring in any items that you want to help support your ritual. Start drawing your bath at your preferred temperature and add in:

Sea salt
Epsom salt
Bay leaves
Optional: Additional protection herbs, such as sage or rosemary
Before getting in, stir the water counter-clockwise and recite aloud or mentally repeat an incantation 3 times. Such as: “Healing waters, salt of sea, remove this negativity.”

When you get into the bath, visualize and/or physically feel the water drawing out the negative energy. Feel it seeping out of your body.

When you feel no more negativity can be drawn out, you are done. Thank the water for helping remove the negativity. Strain the leaves/herbs out (so they don’t get clog up your drain) and drain the water. Quickly rinse off the bath water in the shower or with fresh water from the faucet.

Right after your negativity/hex removal bath, you might feel a little drained of energy afterward. Do do some vibration-raising activities. Watch a show or listen to music that makes you feel happy. Sit down and sip a glass of water and maybe eat a light snack too.


The term hex comes from Early American Folk belief, and implies the use of magick to hurt or harm another person’s body, family, or property. The hex was usually cast by a hex-doctor or sorcerer, who used deep concentration and symbolic imaginary to affect his or her target. Although the hex is considered to be an evil curse or black magick, the process of hexing can be used in a positive manner to bring about good luck, heal the sick, and conjure up good fortune.

A good example of using the hex process to bring about favorable results still thrives in this country. The Pennsylvania Dutch have been using a form of hex-craft for centuries to protect their property, heal the sick, and maintain a measure of personal peace and harmony. To the modern city dweller, Pennsylvania Dutch hex-craft may seem a bit odd. But to early Germanic people, magick was tantamount to survival. The early pioneers of this country did not have it easy. If they did not maintain a strict vigilance over loved ones and make the best of what Mother Nature had to offer, they never would have endured.

The most noticeable aspects of the Pennsylvania Dutch magickal system are the elaborate symbols, or hex signs, that they use to decorate their barns, homes, and village stores. These colorful signs represent hundreds of years of tradition and come in many patterns and sizes. Similar to a Voodoo veves, hex signs are combinations of natural symbols that convey specific intentions. They are used to protect property, attract love, bring good fortune, and enlist the aid of the four elements for agricultural purposes.


A spell or bewitchment.

The term comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch, who borrowed it from their native German word for “witch,” Hexe, which in turn is derived from Old High German hagazussa or hagzissa (“hag”).

In common usage, hex means an evil spell or curse, but among the Pennsylvania Dutch, for example, a hex can
be either good or bad.

It is cast by a professional witch whose services are sought out and paid for with a donation.

Witches also are consulted to break and protect against hexes

Hex Breaking

Now the nature of the hex is simple. It’s basically a dark cloud that follows someone causing havoc and misery. This is what we will learn to break today.

First you must be able to sense the hex.

Write down the person’s name whom you think may be hexed. If you start to feel a sudden depression Chances are that this person may be hexed.

What you need to do now is create a barrier around the person who has been hexed.You need to separate their pure energy from their soul, from the darkness that surrounds them.

Making a Barrier:

Lighting a candle for them

Lighting incense

Draw an eye and their name near the eye

Draw a star in a circle and their name in the star

Then comes the removal of the hex.

This is where you need your energy to come between the hex and the person. Inside of your mind it should look like you’re standing next to them and you have an army of fighters around you. You claim that person as your own. You demand that everything that is harmful to your pack leave at once or they’ll face your wrath. Immediately you should sense a change in energy.

You keep thinking of how to fight the hex and talking to it as if it were a human. Because the reality is that a hex isn’t just energy. A hex is itself either an animal or a human that’s been so in tune with someone else’s need that it listened to them. You need to take charge of that entity and demand that it leave at once.

But none of this is vocal in the least bit.

If your power is a little on the weaker side then you might need to say this aloud. But for the most part your thinking should be so demanding and so loud that the energy around you senses your dominance. It will bow to your will. Once you sense it has submitted then you can be kind to it. And say to it inside of you that even though it lives as you do, and breaths as you do, it is not welcome to attack your friend and envision it leaving.

And the hex is broken.

Hex Signs

Round magical signs and symbols used by the Pennsylvania Dutch, primarily to protect against witchcraft but also to effect spells. Hex signs
are both amuletic and talismanic (see amulets; talismans). Traditionally, hex signs are painted on barns, stables and houses to protect against lightning, ensure fertility and protect animal and human occupants alike from becoming ferhexed, or bewitched. Hex signs also
are painted on cradles, on household goods such as kitchen tools and spoon racks and on wooden or metal disks that can be hung in windows.

Each hex sign has a different meaning. Some of the symbols and designs date back to the Bronze Age—such as the swastika or solar wheel, symbol of the Cult of the Sun—and to ancient Crete and Mycenae. The most common designs or symbols, all enclosed in a circle, are stars
with five, six or eight points; pentagrams, or Trudenfuss variations of the swastika; and hearts. The six-petaled flower/star, a fertility hex
sign, is painted on utensils and tools relating to livestock, especially horses, and on linens, weaver’s tools, mangling boards and other items. Pomegranates also are used for fertility; oak leaves for male virility; an eagle or rooster with a heart for strength and courage; hearts and tulips for love, faith and a happy marriage.

Hex signs are designed for healing, accumulating material goods and money, starting or stopping rain and innumerable other purposes. A charm or incantation is said as the hex sign is made. Little is known about hex signs, as it is a taboo for the Pennsylvania Dutch to talk about
them to outsiders.

The custom of hex signs comes from the Old World and was brought from Germany and Switzerland by the German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the 1700s and 1800s. In the Old Saxon religion, it was customary to paint protective symbols on barns and household items.

In Germany, tradition calls for hex signs to be placed on the frames of barns, but not on houses; in Switzerland, it is customary to place the signs on houses. The Pennsylvania Dutch borrowed both practices. Among the Pennsylvania Dutch, regional customs developed in style and placement. In the 19th century, hex signs proliferated throughout the Pennsylvania Dutch countryside then diminished along with interest in the folk magical arts.

How To Make A Hex Sign

Be sure you have all the tools you will need to complete the sign you have designed or found. If you are doing an original drawing, plan it out first on a blank piece of paper.

Be sure that the picture will represent the result you desire.

On a round disk of wood or metal, draw out the hex sign.

As you draw, ask a blessing. For example:

“This is the universe that surrounds me.  It is blessed with the universal power of the almighty forces of creation.”

After the initial drawing is completed, paint the sign with colors selected for their symbolic harmony with the aims of the sign.

For example, a design featuring a rooster, representing watchfulness and spiritual vigilance, might be painted red and white for power and protection.

Once the hex sign has been painted, it should be blessed and consecrated to the purpose for which it was made.

This is done by holding your hands over the sign and charging it with personal energy and power.

If the hex sign is for protection, you will want to recite a simple chant or prayer that will convey your thoughts verbally as you focus on the sign.

For example: if the hex sign was made for protection, you might want to say:

Powers of the present and the past
There is none beside thee.
Be now a guard, remain steadfast
In perfect love and purity

As soon as the sign has been blessed, you will want to hang it outside of the house in a place for all to see.

If the sign is for protection, you might want to place it over or next to a bedroom window.

If the sign is for love, hang it over the kitchen door or window.

If the sign is for prosperity, fertility, and good fortune, hang it over the front entrance of your home.

The Egg Hex

Supplies needed are as follows:

1)One egg,

(Fresh eggs are the best)

2)Magic marker

3)shovel or digging tool

4)black candle


6)matches or lighter

7)cinnamon incense

8)pepperment oil, or olive

9)angel trumpet pedals

(Beware, angel trumpets are poison) *Handle with care!

If you don’t have angel trumpets Mistletoe will work, hemlock works, point settas, or even poison Ivy..

*****All those are poison plants and should be handled with care*****

10)handful of nails, thumb tacks, needles, rusty iron that’s sharp..

(Basically anything with a point or sharp edge works)!

11)container of broken glass.

I say about a bowl full is good.


13)bottle of urine or spoiled milk

14)candle holder

A) Take all these items to outside to whichever spot you are drawn too. I always target trees and creeks for this purpose. Seems to have powerful energy associated there.

B)Light your sage and go in a clockwise direction creating sacred space. Use your own chant.

C) Dig a hole about 8-10 inches deep.

D)Light the cinnamon incense for protection. Sick it in the ground beside your working area.

E)Carve a pentagram into the black candle with your thumbnail. Now hold your thumb over the pentagram,close your eyes and visualize a zap of pure white energy going into the candle. You should feel a small zap or tingle. This let’s you know the candle is blessed.

F)Anoint the candle with peperment oil or olive oil.

G)Now carve the persons name into the candle with a rusty nail or pin. Visualize the grime of gain green,and Screeching nails across a chalk board.

(Your candle is empowered)

H)Light your candle and place in a candle holder.

I) place all your nails, thumb tacks, rusty sharp iron or tin, pins..

(Make sure its at least 4-5 inches deep)

J)now take you egg and get your marker out. This actually represents the Host.

Write their name on the egg, along with any other symbols like the Eye of Horus.

Hold the egg in your left hand, (since that is your receiving hand)

And close your eyes. Visualize black,dark energy from your black candle going into the egg. See all that hurt, and pain that this person caused you. Know that this is going to jinx anything good in their life and they will always suffer from bad luck,and chronic pain in their future. See them actually going into the egg and getting trapped as they will be born again into a world of pain and hate.

K)now place the egg in your right hand and and chant the following :

*You caused me pain


Persons name!

And I think its funny, cause now I will do just the same.

You thought it was cool and you had lots of fun,but guess what, now your Hexed you stupid Fool.

As this egg rots over these nails, may your soul be forever black within your own Hell.

From the power of within and the nature spirits all around, you will now and forever be looked upon as clown.

As I will it,

(So Mote It Be)!

L)Now with your right hand smash the egg into the nails and sharp items breaking it into to pool of torture.

M)Now place the poison items you brought

(Angel trumpets,Hemplock,poison Ivy, etc)

In the hole on top.

Pour the spoiled milk, or urine on top.

N)Cover the hole with dirt, wave your wand over the hole and visualize sending all that black rotten energy to the Earth plane with a snap of your wrist..

*Let the candle burn all the way out. Do not leave a burning candle unattended.

*clean up all your supplies

*Every so often you can return to the spot and pour urine or spoiled milk over the spot.

*Leave the nature gods a offering of honey and honey sickles…