Animal empaths can pick up on the needs and feelings of animals. It may feel like a somewhat telepathic connection, where the empath senses what an animal wants. These people are naturally inclined to...
“In the black furrow of a fieldI saw an old witch-hare this night;And she cocked her lissome ear,And she eyed the moon so bright,And she nibbled o’ the green;And I whispered ‘Whsst! ...
Female reindeer are unique with regard to other deer species in that they grow and shed antlers. This attribute is part of the mythology and spirituality of the shamanistic Sámi people who tell a stor...
Symbols of light and goodness, cocks have been favored birds of sacrifice to the gods. The cock is sacred and is associated with sun deities; it has the power to banish evil. The cock is a bird of ome...
Cats have been associated with the supernatural since ancient times. Cats are associated with either good or bad luck, healing or harm. In folklore, the cat is one of the favored animal companions of ...
Many Traditional Crafters have an interesting relationship with dragons. Some see them as archetypes, some as being similar to the Gods, and some see them as living mythical beasts, in a very literal ...
It has long been believed that humans have a kinship with animals, and that this kinship allows us to draw on their special qualities. When choosing an animal as a totem (a hereditary badge or emblem ...
The following animals all have magickal qualities that can be harnessed in times of need. Choose an animal to work with that best represents a personality characteristic you would like to develop or i...
A good spell to ward off the evil intentions of another, block a psychic attack, or turn your luck around. Items needed: One black cat candle, Black cat oil (composed of patchouli and frankincense), A...
The dragon is a fantastic beast that appears in almost every mythological tradition throughout the world. Often depicted as a mix of several different creatures, it represents the four elements of lif...
The cat, especially the black cat, is a creature of witchcraft, in all popular belief. No artist’s conception of a witch’s cottage of the olden time could possibly be complete without Baudrons or Grim...
In folklore, a witch’s familiar or a witch metamorphosed in disguise. It is still bad luck in the British Isles for one’s path to be crossed by a hare. Witches were said to be able to change themselve...