The new moon is a time to take a deeper look at the – “whats”, “whys” and “hows” behind our experiences we have had with people and past situations; and if these circumstances keep coming back in cycling patterns over a time interval.
During this lunation the Sun and Moon square Uranus – the planet of awakening and reformation. The Uranian archetype assists to see patterns that hold us back from our visions. The basis of such restrictive patterns, risen out of low vibrational emotions like guilt, shame, fear etc experienced in the past, could still be concealed within, and may have transmuted themselves over a period of time in the form of insecurity, rage and self-doubt – can get revealed during this new moon. And with the highly activated Uranus energy at this time, we are called to break free from these restrictive patterns and move towards a liberated path that aligns with our calling, our joy and growth. And as the Leo vibrations are extra potent during this new moon, we are provided with a massive boost of confidence and courage to accept and embrace past situations that did not harmonize with our past expectations and desires. We are urged to look from a higher perspective and honour the learnings we received through encountering these roadblocks. We are encouraged to understand that these are part of our soul’s journey and growth, only if we are not keeping ourselves attached to these limiting blockages. The Leo archetype is teaching us that courage comes when we embrace our vulnerabilities and accept ourselves lovingly through them. The Leo energy is activating the fire of determination within us, so we can move forward and align with a bigger and brighter path that awaits us all.
This new moon is also in a harmonious transaction with Venus retrograde in Leo, which is bringing our attention to our heart’s true desires. Take this as an opportunity to let your internal guidance lead you down the right path. Pay attention to flowing insights for gaining clarity on your path.
This new moon, consciously declare to the universe that you are ready to reclaim your power – to move ahead and create your own destiny. Let your high vibrational energies align with your intentions and begin to manifest themselves on your brighter journey ahead.