Moon Magick


Prepare Your Altar

● Candles may be blue-white-orange or green-white-red
● Incense may be bay, sandalwood, or frankincense
● Have spellwork materials ready on altar


● Sweep circle area, say “I sweep clean the circle, sweeping negative and chaotic
energies away from my sacred space.”
● lay out circle and altar items.
● Bathe & robe. Light incense and altar candles. Ring bell three times and say, “The
circle is about to be cast and I freely stand within to greet my Lady and my
Lord,” or “I draw this circle to be a sacred space where The Power my
manifest and bless me.”
● Take the center candle and light each candle of the circle moving desoil: North, East,
South, West, and say:
○ “I call upon light and earth at the north to illuminate and strengthen
the circle”
○ “I call upon light and air at the east to illuminate and enliven the
○ “I call upon light and fire at the south to illuminate and warm the
○ “I call upon light and water at the west to illuminate and cleanse the
● Take athame in hand, upraised, and begin circle at North. Move around, desoil, N, S E
W, and say, “I draw this circle, (through walls and floors and furniture, above
and below me, as a sphere,) in the presence of the Goddess and the God
where they may come and bless their child, (name)” or “I draw this circle to
be a sacred space, (through walls and floors and furniture), above and below
me, as a sphere is the circle cast and consecrated to The Power that it may
manifest and bless me.”
● Lower the athame at the north, walk around the circle envisioning a blue light flowing up
from the floor, through the feet and body, down the arm and out the athame, forming a
circle. As you walk around the circle, and say, “This is the boundary of the circle.
Only love shall enter and leave.”
● Return to the altar, ring bell or clap 3x. Place point of athame in salt and say, “Salt is
life and purifying. I bless this salt to be used in this sacred circle, (in the
names of the Goddess and the God, [names])”
● Pick up salt bowl and use tip of athame to drop 3 pieces/portions of salt into the water
bowl, set salt back in its place. Stir three times with athame and say, “Let the blessed
salt purify this water that it may be blessed to use in this sacred circle. In
the names of the Goddess and the God, (names), I consecrate and cleanse
this water.” or “Let the blessed salt purify this water, that it may be
consecrated to cleanse this sacred circle.”
● Take the salted water bowl in hand, and sprinkle water from it as you move desoil,
North, East, South, West, North, and say, “I consecrate this circle in the names of
the Goddess and the God, (names). The circle is conjured, a circle of power
that is purified and sealed. So mote it be!” or “I consecrate this circle with
the power of the blessed salt and hallowed water. The circle is conjured, a
circle of power that is purified and sealed. So mote it be!”
● Take anointing oil, blessed water you made earlier, spring water, (etc), and draw a
symbol of your choice on your forehead, saying “I (name) am consecrated in the
names of the Goddess and the God (names) in this, their circle.” or “I (name)
am consecrated by the Tower within this circle.”
● If working with others, open a door with the athame, anoint them as you anointed
yourself, and each person should greet the circle-maker. The traditional greeting in
Wicca is, “I come in perfect love and perfect trust.” When all have entered, close the
door with the athame (draw a pentacle in the opening).
● Take the wand and hold it aloft, both arms open and upraised, at the North end of the
circle. Envision a powerful bull arriving, and say, “I call upon you, Elemental
Earth, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I have body and
strength, we are kith and kin!”
● Lower wand and move to the East, raise again as before. Envision devas, fairies, or
an eagle in flight, and say, “I call upon you, Elemental Air, to attend this rite
and guard this circle, for as I breathe and think, we are kith and kin!”
● Lower wand, move to the south, raise again as before. Envision a dragon arriving,
and say, “I call upon you, Elemental fire, to attend this rite and guard this
circle, for as I consume life to live, we are kith and kin!”
● Lower wand, move to the west, raise again as before. Envision an undine, a sea
serpent, or a dolphin, and say, “I call upon you, Elemental Water, to attend
this rite and guard this circle, for as I feel and my heart beats, we are kith
and kin!”
● Lower wand, return to altar, and use wand to draw in the air above the altar, an infinity
symbol: 8 on its side, the symbol of working between the worlds. Set wand on altar, raise
up athame in both hands overhead, and say, “Hail to the elementals at the four
quarters! Welcome Lady and Lord to this rite! I stand between the worlds
with love and power all around!” or “Hail to the elementals at the four
quarters! I stand between the worlds with love and power all around!”
● Set down athame and pick up goblet of (wine). Pour a little into the cauldron or libation
container. This is a libation (offering) to the Divine or the Elementals, in which they are
honored by offering them the first sip, then you take a sip. Ring the bell or clap 3x.
Raise the wand in greeting and say, “I (Craft/Working Name), who am your child,
stand between the worlds and call upon my Lady and my Lord, (Names), to

hold communion with me.” or “ I (name), stand between the worlds and call
upon the Elementals to hold communion with me.”
● Ring the bell or clap 3x and say, “If it harms none, do what you will. Thus runs
the Witch’s Rede. Once more I affirm my joy and union with The Lady & the
Lord. I honor the God and the Goddess, (Names), for the favors they have
bestowed upon me, and ask their blessing upon me.” or “I acknowledge that
what I send returns to me and conduct my Craft accordingly,” or address your
own thoughts.
● Set the salted water on the pentacle, hold the athame over it, and say, “Great
Mother/Elementals of Water and Earth, bless this creature of water and of
earth to your service. May I always remember the cauldron waters of
rebirth and the many forms and beings of the blessed earth. Of water and
earth am I.”
● Hold water bowl aloft and say, “Great Mother/Elementals of Water and Earth, I
honor you!”
● Replace the water bowl in its proper place on the altar. Place censer on the pentacle,
hold athame over it, and say, “Great Father/Elementals of Fire and Air, bless
this creature of fire and air to your service. May I always remember the
sacred fire that dances within every creation and hear the voices of The
Divine. Of fire and air am I.”
● Raise the censer aloft and say, “Great Father/Elementals of Fire and Air, I honor
● Return the censer to the proper place on the altar. Raise the cup of (wine) aloft and say,
“Power and grace, beauty and strength are in the Lady and the Lord both.
Patience and love, wisdom and knowledge. I honor you both!” or “Power
and grace, beauty and strength, patience and love, wisdom and knowledge
are in each Elemental spirit. I honor you all!”
● Pour a libation and take a sip from the goblet, then stand at the altar, facing North, arms
upraised and feet apart and say, “Behold the Great Lady, who travels the sky, the
stars shine around her and light up the night” or “Behold the Moon, who
travels the sky, the stars shine around her and light up the night”
● Take up wand and say, “Lovely lady known by so many names, but known to me
as (name), with (God’s name) at your side, honor and reverence I give to you
and invite you to join with me on this, your special night. Descend my lady
and speak with your child, whom you have named (working name or craft
name).” You may speak to her or ask for guidance, and she will instruct you. OR
“Moon, bring your presence from afar, manifest on this night and bless me
in this sacred rite. Grant me the knowledge and clarity to understand your
words to me. Lend me your powers and send your light, aid me in my work
tonight. With love and wisdom please embrace all within this sacred space.”
and ask the universe/source/etc your questions, etc, as above with the chosen deities.
● You may now do any spell work, divination, consecrations, etc you came to the circle to
● When finished, move on to cakes and wine ritual.
To Consecrate a tool (done on the night of a full moon)
Not strictly necessary but if you wish to do this, be sure to use the consecrated item soon after
consecration, to soak up some energy from the ceremony. Red candle on the altar (lit from
center candle), and bowl of fresh (not salted) water. Inscribe the tool with magical signs/runes
indicating your craft name (not working/secret name). Consecrate by the elementals:
● “In the names of the Goddess and the God, (names)/The Elementals, I
consecrate this (name of item) to be in my practice of the Craft. I charge this
by the Element Earth (touch pentacle), by the Element Air (pass through smoke),
by the Element Fire (pass through flame) and by the Element Water (sprinkle with
fresh water). This tool is now by powers bound to aid me in my work. So mote
it be!”
● With arms spread and upraised, say, “You are Mother of All; Maiden, Mother,
and Crone. You are at life’s beginning and at its end. You dwell within us all
for you are life and love, and thus do you make me life and love. With love
are we united, to one another. So mote it be!” Or, “Elementals, you are at
life’s beginning and at its end. You dwell within us all for you are life and
love, and thus do you make me life and love. With love are we united, to one
another. So mote it be!”
Cakes and Wine
● Ring bell or clap 3x. Feet spread, arms upraised, say, “I acknowledge my needs and
offer my appreciation to that which sustains me! May I ever remember the
blessings of my Lady and my Lord/The elementals/The universe.”
● Feet together, take up goblet in left hand and athame in right. Slowly lower the point of
the athame into the (wine), and say, “As male joins female for the benefit of both,
let the fruits of their union promote life. Let the earth be fruitful and let her
wealth be spread throughout the lands.”
● Lay down the athame and drink from the goblet. Replace goblet on altar and pick up
athame. Touch the point of the athame to the cake in the offering dish and say, “This
food is the blessing of (the Lady and the Lord/The Universe/etc), given
freely to me. As freely as I have received, may I also give food for the body,
mind, and spirit, to those who seek such of me.”
● (You may mingle as you eat) Eat cake, finish the (wine). When finished, say, “As I
enjoy these gifts of (The Goddess and the God, [names]/The Universe/etc),
may I remember without them/it I would have nothing. So mote it be!”
Closing the Circle
● When all is finished, hold athame in power hand, level, over the altar, and say, “(Lord
and Lady/Elementals, I am blessed by your sharing this time with me,
watching and guarding me, and guiding me here and in all things. I came in
love and I depart in love.”
● Raise up athame in a salute and say, “

“Love is the law and love is the bond. Merry
did I/we meet, merry do I/we part, and merry will I/we meet again. Merry
meet, merry part, merry meet again! The circle is now cleared! So mote it
● Kiss the flat of the blade and set the athame on the altar. Take up the snuffer and go to
the North quarter, raise arms up and say, “Depart in peace, Elemental Earth! My
blessings take with you!” Lower arms and snuff the candle, envision the Elemental
Earth bull leaving.
● Move to the East, raise up arms, and say, “Depart in peace, Elemental Air! My
blessings take with you!” Lower arms and snuff the candle, envision the Elemental
Air Eagle, etc, leaving.
● Move to the South, raise up arms, and say, “Depart in peace, Elemental Fire! My
blessings take with you!” Lower arms and snuff the candle, envision the Elemental
Fire Dragon leaving.
● Move to the West, raise up arms, and say, “Depart in peace, Elemental Water! My
blessings take with you!” Lower arms and snuff the candle, envision the Elemental
Water dolphin (etc) leaving.
● Return to the altar, set down snuffer. Raise up arms and say, “Beings and powers of
the visible and invisible, depart in peace! You aid in my work, whisper in my
mind, and bless me from the Otherworld, and there is harmony between us.
My blessings take with you. The circle is cleared.”
● Take up athame, go to the north quarter, point athame down and move widdershins,
(Counter-clockwise) around the circle, NWSEN, envisioning the blue light from the circle
drawing back into the athame, and say, “The ceremony is ended. Blessings have
been given and blessings have been received. May the peace of (the Goddess
and the God/The Elementals/The Universe) remain in my heart. So mote it
● Set down athame. Put away all magical tools and clear the altar except for candles or any
object that need to burn out or work for a stated amount of time (magical candle). Pour
out the cauldron/libation bowl onto the earth, or down a drain, envisioning it returning
to the sea.