Belonging to the Light Maiden, the Waxing phase occurs when the Moon grows
in the sky from new to full, and it’s during this period that She gains power. That
means it’s a good time to perform any efforts that require an increase of sorts, or
necessitate momentum. Good candidates include spells that involve a fresh start,
increased productivity or efficiency, the addition of something to your life, a
victory or recognition of sorts, or good health and well-being. If you need more
of something, Waxing Moon energy can provide it.
Just as with the Dark Moon energy, though, things can get a bit sticky here
with some practitioners as well. Why? Because they also divide the Waxing
Moon phase into two separate portions: First Quarter Moon energy and Gibbous
Moon energy. Luckily, this isn’t nearly as magically confusing as the Dark/New
Moon debate. Simply put, they define the First Quarter energy as that which
occurs from seven to ten days after the New Moon, and they apply it to any
effort that necessitates increase. While they consider Gibbous Moon energy
(which occurs, incidentally, from ten to thirteen days after the New Moon) to be
of major magical importance, they use it primarily with only one goal in mind:
to instill the attribute of personal patience while waiting for an effort to manifest something that a magical practitioner can never have too much of!