

THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD SHAMANISM IS A BIT COMPLICATED, and at times, a bit fraught. Throughout the history of humankind, every tribe has had their healer or healers, and each culture has their own ter...

Are you a Shamanic Part 1

Do you sense that you’re meant to participate in the global shift in consciousness that is currently underway. We can all feel it, this impending shift that New Agers have talked about for decades. Bu...

The Shamanic Survival 1.1

The Shaman is one of the most ancient and one of the most enduring figures in human evolution. Shamanism is the source of both Magic and Religion, and as Mircea Eliade put it, is “an archaic technique...

The Shamanic Survival 1.2

Shamanism shows a remarkable survival, and there are many examples of shamans co-existing with other religious or magical systems in a given culture. Most of the world’s healers are shamans, for examp...

Shamanic Traditions

The shaman, as the sole mediator between humanity and the universe of spirits and omens, originated in the very early stages of human cultural development. The hunter-gatherer stage of society endured...

The Value of Shamanism

We cannot dismiss shamanism as having any relevance to modern society. Obviously, it does, but this very much depends on how you approach it. In an age where most information is transmitted via print ...

Runes: Runa, Raidho, Rad, Raido

Raido is the rune of the cartwheel, the rune of movement, of locomotion, a rune linked to all forms of transport, Our journey on earth, and our inner journey. Raido in a normal position invites us to ...


You can purchase or make your own set of runes for divination. To make yourown, you need a set of 25 objects. These may be painted runes on pebbles, wood, tilesquares, or engraved on crystals or metal...


Think of the best case scenarios. Imagine possibilities. You’re constantly imagining. Visualize what you want and believe that things have officially shifted in your favor. Imagine you have arrived. Y...

Being Yourself

“You don’t have to be what other people want you to be. You don’t have to be interesting or agreeable or entertaining. You don’t have to tone yourself down, quiet your voice, or hide your feelings. Yo...

The Law Of One,Trust in your own senses

Trust in your own senses, sensings, thoughts, and feelings. As you seek to awaken, to seek and to serve, listen, and look for the resonances that tell you that you are on the path that is for you. Onc...

Choose what you fight for wisely

I once asked a very successful woman to share her secret with me. She smiled and said to me..“I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters.I stopped fighting those...

Keep Moving Forward

I choose to be hopeful about what comes next. I’m going to keep speaking great things into existence for October. I know how powerful my mind is. I know how powerful my words and what I believe in are...


Is it possible to start to feel, that in this very moment, our bodies, our minds, and even our personalities are ways through, which our spiritual essence connects, with the world around us? Is it pos...

Leaving the World Behind

Every minute someone leaves this world behind. Age has nothing to do with it. We are all in this the line without realizing it. We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back...


The more you expand your awareness and become familiar with your own energy fields, the more you will become aware of the energy fields of others, and within the environment. At first, we start to fee...