
A Spirit Spark

When you’re feeling sluggish or just generally “down in the dumps” try this energy spell to help rev you up a little. All you need is: orange candles for a energy spell in witchcraftOrange candles hav...

Six Ways Victorian Séances Were Not Like the Movies

Spirit Board Ouija for Spirit CommunicationIf you watch a lot of supernatural horror or read many gothic novels, you’ve probably encountered your fair share of séance scenes. In modern stories a...

How to Protect Yourself While Working With Spirits

Spirit work, whether communing with our ancestors or invoking deities, can be tricky business. Many of us have Ouija board stories from childhood that appropriately taught us the valuable lesson of ne...


Ghosts are universal, some quiet, some noisy, most benevolent, some malevolent. However a ghost presents itself to the individual or the many, you are forced to take notice. Ghosts make contact for a ...

Calling the Dryads

As you become more proficient at using energies, you will find a need to link with nature spirits and spirits of the elements. These energies are very subtle and the incantations used in this spell ac...

Subtle Energies

The subtle energies which come together to give each person their unique makeup are very precious and can be conserved and enhanced. We as spell workers have a responsibility to make ourselves as heal...

Matters of the Supernatural

In the eyes of those who regard matter as the sole power in nature, everything which cannot be explained by the laws of matter is marvellous or supernatural; and with such, the marvellous is only anot...

The spirit is the principal being

Let us, in the first place, consider the spirit in reference to its union with the body. The spirit is the principal being, because it is that which thinks, and which survives the body, the latter bei...


Doubt concerning the existence of spirits arises from ignorance of their real nature. People usually imagine spirits to be something apart from the rest of creation, and the reality of whose existence...

Seeking Spirits

Right now, somewhere on Earth, on each and every continent, people are actively, consciously venerating, petitioning, thanking, channeling, communicating with, interacting with, and/or pleading with s...

Why Spirits Do Not Go Away

So why won’t spirits go away? Why don’t we forget about them? Why is our fascination with them so persistent? There has been a popular resurgence of traditional spirituality in modern industrialized n...

Spirit Sounds

Images of spirits surround us. They are everywhere. Cemeteries are filled with images of assorted psychopomps, those spirits who escort human souls to afterlife realms. Garden stores offer stone sphin...

Spirits Folklore & Mythology

Maybe folklore can exist without spirits, albeit in truncated form, but mythology definitely can’t. Worldwide mythology is accurately defined as stories about and involving spirits. An entire literary...

Spirit Beings

Fairies, demons, Djinn, devas, dybbuks, dakinis, Nymphs, mermaids, ghosts, nagas, orishas, lwa, mystères, Elves, dragons: that’s just a few of the many kinds of spirit beings. Considering how many peo...


She Who Sends Messages of Desire Also known as: Kalili; Kilili Abtagigi is the Sumerian spirit of sacred sexuality. She awakens and stimulates erotic impulses. Babylonians and Assyrians used the Semit...


Origin: Celtic Abnoba is the Goddess of the Black Forest, now in modern Germany, a region with many therapeutic springs including the famed Baden-Baden. The etymology of her Celtic name is related to ...

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