This spell works on a simple principle, that of identifying within the body whether the pain it is suffering is physical, emotional or, as is often the case, has a more deep-rooted spiritual component...
Burn copal on a charcoal as an offering to Aphrodite and ask for her assistance: “Stately Aphrodite, born from the gentle foam of the sea She who encompasses divine beauty and inspires love in the hea...
You will need the following: 1 rose quartz 6 rose petals bottle of witch hazel oil Look at your face in a mirror and all of its flaws. Visualise your face changing into the face you want and desire. R...
A lot of people asking me of this. As far as I don’t do it, because it is against my magick ethics, I do understand that not all of you are so bothered about laws. So, I still advice to think be...
You know how sometimes you like person and being together you think- oh, come on, kiss me you fool- but both of you too shy to make a move. Here is a good spell to change it. Take a red color lipstick...
YOU NEED: piece of amethyst (as clear as possible), or a piece of Fluorite. a good visualization skill. Sit in a quiet place and clear your mind of everything you can. Take the amethyst (or fluorite) ...
The Gypsies placed great value in the power of cards. This simple spell was used to protect the family from those wishing them harm. On the face side of the ace of spades, the person’s name is written...
The purpose of this simple confident spell is for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem. A tiger’s eye is used . This crystal strengths your solar plexus chakra, which is the seat for you will. A...
This is known as a counter spell, or the kind of spell that can break any spell that may have gotten cast on you. It is always best to cast this during a waning moon. While it is not completely necess...
While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using other peoples’ spells — and in fact there is an entire industry devoted to publishing books full of them — there are times when you may wi...
In life we often deal with not so nice people. I want to share spell, that probably will be useful to many of us. Traditionally, witch bottles filled with rusty nails, sour red wine (or even urine) an...
Casting a spell is about aligning conscious with subconscious to carry out the intentions of individual witches. In turn, this is a restatement of the second rubric from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes: ...
Witchcraft isn’t something you can just jump into and start casting spells; it takes time to study and understand that there are laws to learn and rules to obey. Most that are new to witchcraft think ...
More and more people seem to asking witches for spells, curses or hexes because they have recently been jilted or dumped by an ex and now they are looking to take their revenge. For those of you who d...
For those of you out there that have asked me or will ask me if I supply or do spells, the answer that I will give you will be the same that I will give to everyone, and that is “sorry no, I am a big ...
Believe it or not I can pretty much guarantee that nearly everybody has cast a spell at least once in their life time whether they know it or not, as an example have you ever blown out the candles on ...