You will need the following items for this spell: 4 drops of lavender oil3 drops of palchouli oil (warning; this stuff is expensive)2 drops of frankincense oilolive or coconut oil (to delude your esse...
* Black dog hair* Mullein-Vandal root* Devil pod* Graveyard dirt What are Magickal Oils? Magickal oils have been used for their mystical, energizing, and transformative powers for thousands of years b...
First, Magickal oils are NOT “essential oils.” Essential Oils are a liquid (not necessarily oily) that has been distilled via steam or water from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, or roots...
This method takes the longest amount of time, but it is one I have used often. To make cold oils begin with fresh herbs, plants or flowers, just as in the directions above for warmed oils. Pack the he...
Health Benefits: Relieves nausea, digestive tonic, treats cramps, indigestion, and cramps, relieves colds, influenza, and associated fevers, treats asthma, bronchitis, and sinus infections, improves b...
( Caridad Del Cobre Holy Oil)Use this oil to honor the River Goddess and draw love and prosperity.Use these essential oils to create this holy oil:*SWEET Orange*ROSE Scent, which can be one or more of...
1⁄4 ounce olive oil4 drops heather oil3 drops lemon oil4 drops lilac oil5 drops rose oil10 drops faery magic oil (above)10 drops green forest oil5 drops siberian fir oil5 drops honeysuckle oil2 drops ...
Carnation (strength, healing) Wear carnation oil to promote physical strength. Add carnation oil to frankincense resin and burn to promote healing.
This recipe is decidedly New Orleans in origin and is a triple luck the formula used for quick success in gambling, luck, love, and sex. • Oil of Cinnamon • Oil of Vanilla • Oil of Patchouli • Oil of ...
Though extracting oils by steam distillation and other methods is almost prohibitively expensive, we are spared this cost by the wide availability of essential oils and synthetics on the market today....
This helps you focus on the immediate moment instead of getting your head stuck in the past or worrying about the future. Makes 1 ounce. What You Need: ♦ 1 tablespoon carrier oil♦ 10 dro...
For good smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc. place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying. Add 5 drops essential o...
Despite its name, tea tree oil has nothing in common with Camellia sinensis, the plant from which tea is prepared, nor with tea oil, obtained from the pressed seeds of the mentioned tea plant. This oi...
Place a dot of this blend on each temple and underside of the wrist before bed, or dab a bit on the edge of your bed near your pillow. Makes about 1 ounce. What You Need: 1 tablespoon carrier oil10 dr...
ANOINTING OIL 5 drops Sandalwood Oil 3 drops Cedarwood Oil 1 drop Sweet Orange Oil 1 drop Lemon Oil 1/8 cup base Oil Use for general anointing purposes. ALTAR OIL 4 drops Frankincense Oil 2 drops Myrr...
Oils and incenses, like herbs, are very versatile. The easiest way of attracting all the good things you want not only for yourself but also for those you love and for those in need is to burn oils an...