Fairy Magick

Morgan Le Fay, Fairy Witch Goddess.

Shrouded in legendary mystery, Morgan Le Fay has been a prominent character in the Arthurian legends. She was the sister and aid to King Arthur himself. In some of the legends, Morgan Le Fay saves Kin...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 10

Take a moment to settle back into this world. If you can, eat and drink something to ground you in the present moment.You might clap your hands three times, or pat the earth three times to signal your...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 9

If the answer is yes,then you can proceed to ask them further questions, and get to know them.If the answer is no, then you can ask them to direct you to your guides.One will appear.Once you have met ...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 8

Take a moment and orient yourself to this new world.You find that you are standing next to a tree of the same type you used above ground to enter into the Lowerworld.You take your hand and place it up...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 7

With your hands upon the bark, feel the power of the tree flowing upwards from the earth, and also downwards from the branches.Feel where it meets, and connect to that energy. You can then visualise a...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 6

Turn around counter-clockwise three times, and say:By the power of three times three,This is my will, so may it be.You may now proceed with your working. You may physically walk to a tree that you wou...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 5

When you are ready, say the following or similar words:I walk between the worlds with the World Tree as my guide;May my roots reach deep,May my core be strong and centred, andMay my inspiration reach ...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 4

To enter the Lowerworld and connect with an ancestral or Faerie guide, you can use a rite such as the one that follows, which ideally should be performed out of doors, but if that is impossible, can b...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 3

In the Hedge Druid’s Craft, we can seek relationship with the Fair Folk, the Faeries, the Sidhe, deep within the Hollow Hills.We can seek them out, using our wit and intelligence, our skills and knowl...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 2

We can say with some certainty, however, that shamanic elements are to be found within Celtic tradition from ancient to modern times, and back up our assertion with prominent examples such as those gi...

Connecting to the Lowerworld 1

The Lowerworld is often associated with the Sidhe, the Fair Folk, and the faerie folk.Traveling by means of the World tree, we can work with the Fair Folk as well as the ancestors in the Lower world.T...

Fairies & Their Origins

A host of supernatural beings and spirits who exist between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, fairies have been associated with witches. During the witch hunts in Europe and the British Isles, acc...

Fairies 15

As late as 1894 beliefs in fairies and witches in Ireland caused the murder of Bridget Cleary of Clonmel, who was accused by her own husband and family of being a changeling wife.The trials of Michael...

Making Fairy Water

Use this fairy water out in the garden as well as using it as an astringent and in the bath! Sprinkle a few drops here and there along with some glitter! If that doesn’t make the wee ones want to visi...

Bogie in the Fairy Realm

A frightening goblin of English folklore. The bogie is described as little, black, and hairy. It is considered dangerous, mischievous, sly, and is renowned for its intelligence. Parents would use the ...

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