Generally called from the west Considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament Considered feminine and nature Represents the liquid state of matter Corresponds to matur...
Generally called from the south Considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament Active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature Represents energy Corresponds to our c...
Generally called from the East Considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament Considered hermaphrodite or masculine in nature Represents the gaseous state of matter Correspo...
Generally called from the North Considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament Represents the solid state of matter Corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physi...
When you feel you are sufficiently adept at using the other Elements, you may begin to use spirit – the fifth Element. This has no special space but is everywhere. It should never ever be used negativ...
Water is the Element of the West and is represented by a bowl of water or a goblet of wine or fruit juice. Its color is blue and, because it represents the giving of life, it is associated with the El...
Fire is the Element of the South and is usually represented by a candle or a cauldron with a fire inside. Its color is red and its associations have to do with power, determination, and passionate ene...
The direction of this Element is east and the colour usually associated with it is yellow. Incense is often used to represent Air since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke. When y...
Traditionally the direction of this Element is north and the colour normally associated with Earth is green. It is represented on the altar usually by salt or sand. Crystals, because they are totally ...
There is a fifth element that most of us the in the Craft recognize. This is the element of Spirit, known as Ether or Akasha. This is the element that transcends, yet is a part of, all the other eleme...
There is a vaporous, subtle and invisible quality to each of these things which we called the physical elements. The ancients have told us that all of creation was brought into being when the Spirit d...
The element of Fire is both creative and destructive, its qualities are Brightness, Thinness and Motion and its mode is Active. It is fire that we and our ancestors used to warm our homes, we use it t...
Water Witches are sometimes called Sea Witches, but many of them find a calling with inland creeks, rivers, and lakes. It is rare for them to limit themselves to any one type of body of water. They ge...
The element of Air is vital to human survival, without it we would all perish, its aspects are Thinness, Motion and Darkness and its quality is Active. Air is the manifestation of movement, freshness,...
The Element of Water is a great necessity, without it nothing can live. Only earth and water can bring forth a living soul. Such is the greatness of water that spiritual regeneration cannot be ...
The basis and foundation of all the elements is the Earth. The Earth is the object; subject and receptacle of all celestial rays and influences and in it are the seeds of all things. It is made fruitf...