Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals

Magical Things To Do at the Hearth

A tea kettle whistling on the stove.
The sun pouring through the kitchen window. A pie cooling on the sill. Magic fills the air in a home where a kitchen witch lives. Particularly in the kitchen itself. Many kitchen witches want to know what rituals they can do on a daily basis. How do we fit magick into our everyday mundane lives? Here we provide the Kitchen Witch with daily rituals to incorporate into their witchcraft practice. Use and/or adapt the ones you like.

But First, What is Kitchen Witchery?

There are many different types of witchcraft, one being kitchen witchery also sometimes called hearth or cottage witchcraft. This is a tradition in which the witch is primarily focused on weaving his/her magic into their daily domestic lives. The kitchen becomes the witch’s sanctuary. The counters are the kitchen witch’s altar. Wooden spoons become magical wands. The dutch oven? A cauldron. The stove and oven become the catalyst for spells and workings of all kinds.

Kitchen witches love to cook and bake, and they use these acts as actual spells and rituals. In addition to cooking and baking magically, kitchen witches might also enjoy brewing herbal teas, making candles, and infusing oils at the hearth. They may grow culinary herbs to use in their food and brews. And they might also honor their ancestors, kitchen gods, and household spirits at the hearth. The best thing about being a kitchen witch is that cooking, baking and cleaning, once mundane tasks, become magical rituals and powerful invocations.

Kitchen Witch Daily Rituals With Herbs

1. Daily Herb Studies
Since kitchen witches are all about the herbs and spices, an easy way to study herbalism is to choose one herb/spice a day to focus on. Choose one that’s in your herb cabinet. Pull it out of the cabinet and set it on the counter. Research it’s folklore, medicinal and magical uses. Then try to use it in a meal or herbal concoction, etc.

2. Brew Tea
What kitchen witch doesn’t love a hot cup of tea? Make your tea-brewing process a daily ritual. Put thought into the herbs you’re using, thank the water element while pouring the water, draw symbols over the tea kettle as it heats, etc. A small and simple daily ritual for the kitchen witch. You’ll need a kettle, herbs, a special teacup or mug, and either a tea diffuser OR your own fillable tea bags.

3. Cook With Herbs
This is an obvious but simple one – cook with herbs every day! This becomes a daily ritual in and of itself when the kitchen witch selects an herb or spice from the cabinet or a specific intention. For example, adding garlic to any dish has a purifying, healing effect on those who eat it. My herb cabinet has literally become one of my favorite corners in my house! I feel witchy just walking into it.

4. The Herb Garden in Daily Rituals
You don’t have to be a green witch with a green thumb to have an herb garden. The herb garden becomes part of the kitchen witch’s daily rituals when the witch visits it every day. She greets her plants, tends to her garden, and harvests herbs for magical, culinary, and medicinal purposes. Even if you can’t have a garden, a couple of pots with your favorite herbs will do. I recommend rosemary, basil, sage, thyme, oregano, mint, lavender, and parsley.

5. Tend To Your Kitchen Altar
If you haven’t yet, start a kitchen altar. It doesn’t have to be big and elaborate, it can be as small as a shelf with a candle and a few magical items. Tending the kitchen altar will become part of a kitchen witch’s daily rituals when offerings are given to ancestors, household spirits and kitchen gods.

6. Kitchen Witch Guardians
Every kitchen should have a guardian spirit. The kitchen witch can create a guardian by making a kitchen poppet. Or you can purchase a kitchen witch doll or statue. Once you have your kitchen guardian, you’ll need to infuse the guardian with your magical intentions/energy OR invite an ancestor’s spirit to take residence in the doll/statue. This kitchen witch guardian will then protect your kitchen and family. Caring for the kitchen guardian will become part of your daily rituals. Offerings and care are essential.

7. Candle Flame
One simple daily ritual I do every day in my kitchen is light a candle to honor the hearth-fire of my ancestors. The kitchen witch lights candles in the kitchen as a thankful gesture to the fire element (which gives us the ability to cook), as well as for the household spirits, kitchen guardians, and ancestors.

8. Keep a Kitchen Grimoire
The kitchen grimoire or Book of Shadows is important to a kitchen witch. It’s a book in which we keep our magical recipes, ancestors’ recipes, kitchen rituals and spells, herbal anecdotes, and more. Writing in your kitchen grimoire becomes a daily ritual for the kitchen witch.

9. Cleaning & Cleansing
Every day, the kitchen witch should make sure his or her kitchen is clean. There should be no dishes in the sink when you go to bed else you’ll have nightmares (or so the old wives tale goes). Keeping a clean kitchen is honorable to your household spirits and ancestors. In addition, cleansing the space of negative vibes is also a simple daily ritual. You can use sprays, smudge bundles, etc. The besom is used to sweep away negative energy (a quick cleanser).

10. Offerings as Daily Ritual
Giving offerings to your kitchen gods, spirits and ancestors is a daily ritual that is rewarding and easy. Leave a cup of water, coffee, wine, etc. on your altar for your gods/ancestors. Change it daily. If you’re in a place where you can’t leave offerings out, setting aside a bite or two on your own plate and mentally praying to your spirits is offering enough.

11. Charge Your Meals With Symbols
Another great daily ritual for kitchen witches is to charge your meals and beverages with sacred, magical symbols. This is as simple as drawing a symbol over the meal or drink in the air. OR using condiments, oils, herbs, etc. to draw symbols and sigils directly onto food. Many baking witches even enjoy sneaking magical sigils at the bottom of pie crusts!

12. COOK Like a Kitchen Witch
I think it’s funny that I wrote this blog post years ago, not realizing that I FORGOT to add the most important daily ritual for a kitchen witch – COOKING. LOL! We have to eat every day, don’t we? Which means many of us cook every day. So make your cooking process magical by choosing ingredients based on your intuition and based on their magical and medicinal properties.

When you have more time, get inspired and try cooking something NEW and exciting. Maybe something your ancestors once made or something that utilizes ingredients you’ve never used before. Try making your own homemade pasta. And then make your own pesto using homegrown basil and mix it into your homemade fettuccine!

13. BAKE Magical
Baking is a science in and of itself. It is truly an art form and sometimes takes kitchen witches longer to master than cooking. Case in point, I thought I was the cookie master until this Christmas when I started coming up with burnt and flat cookies! It takes extra effort and thought. So I’ll be going back to the drawing board and trying again! Start small with baking, like making banana bread from scratch. Then work your way up to making homemade bread wreaths, lattice pies, and elaborately decorated layered cakes. Always add your own touch to it with favorite herbs, symbols, edible flowers, etc.

14. Work with Kitchen and Hearth Deities
One of my key practices is spirit work…specifically developing connections with gods and goddesses. And if you happen to be in the kitchen for most of your witch-crafting, why not incorporate kitchen gods and hearth goddesses into your daily routines? Set up a small altar or space for a deity that watches over the hearth i.e. Hestia, Vesta, Bes, Frigg or Loki. Include them in your kitchen workings on a daily basis and watch your blessings flow in.

Candle Flame Love Divination

You will need the following items for this spell:

candle of any colour
Light the candle and meditate. once you feel ready, open your eyes and study the flame:

a rising flame means you burn in someones heart
long and narrow is a new love
flickering from side to side is a long journey in love
a really bright flame denotes someone will brighten your life with a happy surprise
a luminous glowing tip means someone is in love with you, or thinks of you in a loving manner
sparks from the candle is trouble in a match
falling flames foretells someone has mix feelings
sputtering flames foretells your love won’t run smoothly
if the flame burns out before the candle is gone warns the end of a bond. Not necessarily with the one you love, but it is warning you of a shocking discovery from someone you trust. 

Purple Light Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Purple Candle
Purple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.
As you light the candle, repeat:
”This light is burning to help me gain and achieve (wish).
It’s protest is small but holds great power.
For only it can push this power up into the Loving Hands of the Goddess.
I am, like this candle, small, but my intentions and ambitions are big,
and with perseverance, I will get there.
Goddess, help me achieve this. So mote it be”

Focus your energy on the flame. Think of all your ambitions and dreams. Imagine
the flame being pushed up into the hands of the Goddess. Visualize the Goddess
receiving all your energy. Imagine you can see your energy being pulled into the
flame. As your energy is soaked into the flame, imagine it turning purple. The
more energy soaked in the deeper and stronger the purple gets. Imagine a long
purple ribbon flowing out of the flame and into the hands of the Goddess. 

Wyrd Scrying Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

A wooden bowl
A small knife or chisel
Candle wax (optional)
Begin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and etch runes with speicifc and personal meaning into it. You may also wish to write your name to make it personalized. Get into a comfortable position. Fill the bowl with water now, and let it settle. Light the incense, of your choice, and spend a moment relaxing quietly, clearing your mind.

Call upon a specific deity that you wish to work with. Some like to call upon the Norns at this time, because they are the weavers of fate, and you will be attempting to read what they’ve woven. You may say something such as: “Three sisters, weavers of Wyrd, help me to see into the web that makes up the fates of myself, those I am connected to, and those I have yet to meet”. Close your eyes. In your mind, picture three women sitting in a circle with thread between them. This thread is wyrd. As they spin it, focus on it as much as you can.

Open your eyes, and peer into the water in the bowl. Spend as much time as you need looking into the waters. You may see something now, or you may not. Sometimes you will receive dreams later on. When calling upon the Norns you may wish to specify that you wish to receive dreams, if this is what you want.
An alternative to this would be to put drops of wax into the water and try to interpret them. 

The Celestial Alignment: Ra-Horakhty’s Rebirth and Orion’s Message

In the vast continuum of time, where human destiny intersects with cosmic rhythms, a pivotal moment emerges. Today, the ancient sands of the Nile mark a triad of renewals: the onset of a New Year, the beginning of the Akhet season, and the dawn of the Tekh month.

The horizon, bathed in the first light, announces the rebirth of Ra-Horakhty. This deity, a union of the sun god Ra and the sky god Horus, embodies the cyclical nature of existence. As the sun sets and rises, it reminds us of the eternal balance between darkness and light.

With Akhet, the Nile undergoes its transformative phase. This season, defined by the river’s inundation, rejuvenates the fields and promises a cycle of growth. It’s a testament to nature’s resilience and the land’s thirst for renewal.

The month of Tekh, dedicated to Thoth—the god of wisdom, beckons. Thoth, the guardian of time and knowledge, invites a period of reflection and respect for the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.

Above, the cosmos offers its own sign. The heliacal rise of Sirius, the star of Sopdet, breaks the pre-dawn silence. This astral event, eagerly awaited by the ancients, signals the Nile’s embrace of the land. Sirius, with its luminous presence, serves as a bridge between humans, the natural world, and the divine.

In Egypt’s grand courts, rituals of significance unfold. Priests, in communion with the divine, perform ceremonies to honour Ra-Horakhty, seeking guidance for the year ahead. The people, in turn, offer ma’at—a commitment to truth, balance, and order in the dance of life.

In this celestial convergence, where gods and humans navigate the universe’s rhythms, a lesson emerges. A lesson of cycles, balance, and our place in the cosmos. As Ra-Horakhty and Sirius ascend, may we find clarity guided by the wisdo

A God/Goddess Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

Your voice and alone time
Say this 4x

Gods and Goddesses hear my plea
its my greatest wish so i hope to be
A god of nature,life and fury
Blood and war may stay indoors
Drama may come to me
i will deal and delete these horrible feats
So let me be a god and mote it be

Winter Solstice Brew 

2 Oranges
(Peeled, not peeled, sliced, chunked or segmented…whatever you prefer!)
1 Cinnamon Sticks
(Omit if you don’t like or are allergic to cinnamon)
1 Star Anise
(Omit if you don’t like or are allergic to star anise)
1/2 Vanilla Bean
(Cut up, slice or scrape as you like)
12 Black Peppercorns
(Add more, less or leave out completely, it’s up to you!)
2 Cups Brandy
(You can use any flavor or brand you like…or any other alcohol that suits you, such as Bourbon for example. If you wish to have a non-alcoholic version i do not have a firm answer for you as i have not personnely tried any, but you could experiment or research options)
Allow to brew 4 to 6 weeks
(You should shake it every couple of days or at least once a week and keep it in a cool dark place while it brews or steeps)
(You can check your brew at 4 weeks and if your happy with the flavor…strain it and enjoy! If your not happy with the flavor, close it back up and check in another 1 to 2 weeks.)
I used 2 cinnamon sticks because I just love cinnamon, but the recipe calls for 1

(While the ingredients may have medicinal properties…it is intended to be an adult beverage you can sip and enjoy on a cold winter night!)

Feel free to experiment and make it your own!

The Berkeley Witch

In English folklore, the Berkeley Witch was a wealthy woman who lived during the time of the Norman Conquest in the town of Berkeley in England’s heartland. She was wealthy and well liked, and lived luxuriously. Her secret, kept until she was close to death, was that her wealth was given her by the Devil, in a pact for her soul. Apparently, she earned the name witch because she sold her soul to the Devil, which reflects the once-common belief that all witches made diabolic pacts.
According to lore, one evening as the Berkeley Witch ate at her dining table, her pet raven gave a single, harsh note and dropped dead. The woman recognized this as a sign that her end was near and that she would have to live up to her end of the bargain with the Devil. The beginning of the end was an onslaught of bad news, the first being the death of her oldest son and his entire family. She was so overwhelmed that she took to bed and grew weaker by the day. She confessed her pact to her two other children, who were a monk and a nun. It was determined that the only way to keep her out of the Devil’s clutches was to wrap her body in a stag’s skin, place it in a stone coffin bound with three magic IRON chains — for iron drives away the Devil and his hordes — and place the coffin upright in church. Psalms and masses were to be sung and said over the coffin for 40 days and 40 nights. Meanwhile, if the coffin were not violated by the Devil by the third day, her body could be buried in the church’s graveyard.
On the first night after her death, a horde of Demons appeared and broke one iron chain. They reappeared on the second night and broke a second chain. But the third chain remained impervious to the Demons’ efforts, despite the fact that the very church shook on its foundation, and doors splintered on their hinges.
Then a hideous figure appeared — the Devil himself — and bade the Berkeley Witch follow him. From inside the coffin she replied she could not, for she was bound. “I will unbind you, to your great loss,” the Devil answered. He tore away the chain, smashed the coffin and seized the living corpse of the witch. He strode outside, where there waited a huge, Demonic black horse covered with spikes. He threw the witch on the horse, and her corpse was pierced through with spikes. Her screams reportedly could be heard for miles, but for naught: the Devil leaped up on the horse and rode away into the night.

Wyrd Scrying

You will need the following items for this spell:

A wooden bowl
A small knife or chisel
Candle wax (optional)
Begin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and etch runes with speicifc and personal meaning into it. You may also wish to write your name to make it personalized. Get into a comfortable position. Fill the bowl with water now, and let it settle. Light the incense, of your choice, and spend a moment relaxing quietly, clearing your mind.

Call upon a specific deity that you wish to work with. Some like to call upon the Norns at this time, because they are the weavers of fate, and you will be attempting to read what they’ve woven. You may say something such as: “Three sisters, weavers of Wyrd, help me to see into the web that makes up the fates of myself, those I am connected to, and those I have yet to meet”. Close your eyes. In your mind, picture three women sitting in a circle with thread between them. This thread is wyrd. As they spin it, focus on it as much as you can.

Open your eyes, and peer into the water in the bowl. Spend as much time as you need looking into the waters. You may see something now, or you may not. Sometimes you will receive dreams later on. When calling upon the Norns you may wish to specify that you wish to receive dreams, if this is what you want.
An alternative to this would be to put drops of wax into the water and try to interpret them

God/Goddess Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Your voice and alone time
Say this 4x

Gods and Goddesses hear my plea
its my greatest wish so i hope to be
A god of nature,life and fury
Blood and war may stay indoors
Drama may come to me
i will deal and delete these horrible feats
So let me be a god and mote it be 

Get Your Considered Dreams’

You will need the following items for this spell:

3-5 White candles
Sit down cross-legged alone. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say : “Goddess of Dreams, let me get dreams I want to have! Let me get the (what dreams) dreams! For an honor for you if you let me get and have it! So please mote it be!”

Magical welcome doormat

tems needed

a doormat (whatever one you like)
salt and rosemary mix
After gathering the items, you should place a symbol of protection on the back of the doormat (or you can write a chant on the back) if you are placing the mat on a cement driveway, I would suggest using chalk and writing the things underneath the mat.
Grab the oils and pour a bit of the scented oil on the mat.
Next, grab the salt and rosemary mix and sprinkle some at the front of the door.
Chant this when you are ready “All those who I love and cherish shall enter freely and happily without harm. All those who I hate and fear shall be sent away and forbidden to enter and will not bring any harm inside.

Crossroads A Magickal Tradition

Crossroads are considered sacred in almost all magical traditions. A crossroads is a universally accepted place to hold rituals, leave offerings, or dispose of items you wish to be rid of. While this is not a natural creation but one that is homemade, it still falls in the realm of earth.
It is believed that Hecate rules over the three-way crossroads. She can see the past, present and future, It is said that if you should approach a three-way crossroads at night, you would hear her black dogs howling. Her altars have been erected at such places for centuries.
The four-way crossroad are considered to be powerful because all four directions meet at one point. Dirt, rocks and sticks gathered from such a crossroads are said to have powerful spiritual connections, albeit tricky ones to master. In Greek myths, Oedipus met his fate at the crossroads. From the Yoruban people we have Legha (a god known for his clever tricks) ruling the crossroads.
Ancient people were afraid of what it meant when one direction met another direction. All manner of folklore is available concerning the crossroads. Fairies are said to hand about there, along with ghouls and goblins. Even the Christian Satan is said to roam the crossroads.
Earth Witches know that a crossroad is actually a place of sacred transformations, manmade or not. Frequently they see them as a metaphor for transformational points in our lives. In such a capacity the crossroads relate to time.

The Chameleon of Illusions


I hated you….you sniveling and soft creature… and loving wrecklessly….you stupid girl

What did that get you? Self loathing for never feeling enough….rejection and alone….and you fucking deserved it because you didn’t place a value on you and on the love you shared

Don’t lie to yourself….you craved being accepted and you knew you had to change…..and you did…

Change your weight….change your hair, your make up, how you dress, how you stand, how you view people….change your smile…the way you talk….oh and change your name…..Shannon has to go….change your neighborhood, your religion, change change .. never enough….

Caroline came from the ashes of burning everything that Shannon was…..hide that stupid girl….the one that just loved and loved and gave and gave….kill her….and Caroline become hard- jaded- cynical and I don’t let anyone get too close

Caroline The Chameleon of Illusions she learned to become everythjng…she desired….a little arrogant but a lotta fair…..someone special and someone determined to succeed – to heal from the vile creature Shannon’s life…..and Caroline thrived…..behind a stone wall heavily guarded ….

Then Caroline realized she should’ve died one day and she craved feeling the love and the light and the joy and happiness and sunshine of Shannon….and Caroline opened her souls closet door to where that little girl was she’d hidden a long long time ago and despised

She looked at her….and said come to me….it’s time for me to love you ….you broken little girl and it’s time to feel the world through you again…..

I cleaned her face….and I smiled as I saw those mischievous green eyes glowing ….and I feel you little one….my beautiful ME I lost so very long ago…it’s okay….to have a seat at my souls table because YOU ARE ME under the iron shield of The Chameleon of illusions and I’ll protect us as we learn to enjoy & just love each other again after 45 years…..

I won’t lose me again…..and it’s okay to not be okay and it’s okay to love every chapter you’ve grown in…..and out of….it’s just okay to be lost….it’s okay to hurt….but it’s okay to love you and feel you and be proud of you and know you’re special….it’s okay to stop being The Chameleon of illusions and just embrace being YOU….those that are meant to be yours and you theirs.. will love you as you are….broken and beautifully faceted in shards refracting your inner souls light of just YOU and whom you are


Cernunnos is a Celtic god associated with nature, fertility, animals, and the wild. The name “Cernunnos” is derived from a combination of the Celtic words “cern” (meaning horn) and “unnos” (meaning one), suggesting a deity with antler-like horns. While much of what is known about Celtic mythology comes from later Christian writings and Roman sources, Cernunnos is often depicted in various forms of Celtic art.

Key characteristics and symbols associated with Cernunnos include:

1. Antlers or Horns: Cernunnos is frequently depicted with antlers or horns on his head, symbolizing his connection to nature and the wild.

2. Animals: He is often shown accompanied by or in the company of animals, such as stags, boars, and serpents. This emphasizes his association with the animal kingdom and the natural world.

3. Fertility: Cernunnos is sometimes linked to fertility and the abundance of the land. His presence in Celtic art and iconography suggests a role in agricultural and reproductive cycles.

4. Torc: In some depictions, Cernunnos is shown wearing a torc, a neck ring or collar, which was a symbol of status and wealth in Celtic society.

5. Sitting in a Cross-Legged Position: Some representations show Cernunnos seated in a cross-legged position, which is interpreted as a posture of meditation or divine contemplation.

6. Sacred Groves: Like many Celtic deities, Cernunnos is associated with sacred groves and natural settings. These were places where the Celts believed the divine and earthly realms intersected.

And that much of what we know about Cernunnos is inferred from artistic representations, as the Celts did not have a written tradition, and the Romans and later Christian writers did not provide detailed descriptions of Celtic religious beliefs. As a result, interpretations of Cernunnos can vary, and some aspects of his nature and significance remain speculative

‘Spell to Get What You Want’

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 red candle
a horseshoe
a quill pen
black ink
a piece of paper
To get what you want:
Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table. Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink. Chant the following as you write:
”What I want I write here.
Please take my dream and bring it near.
What I want Is What I should get.
Let all my dreams Now be met.”
Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases. Hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn. Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper, send waves of love at the image you conjure of your self.

Let’s face it, some of us witches just don’t have the time/space for having a fully flourishing witchy garden, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t utilise the full benefits of nature’s plants in our own spaces! Here is a list of house friendly plants that can enhance your personal space in various ways

Some Magick in Plants

Geranium: These plants can provide luck and good fortune in various different ways, depending on the colour of your flower. Choose red geraniums for vitality and invigoration, pink for love, or white for fertility.

Rose: These flowers are notorious for their properties of love and friendship, and it is possible to grow miniature roses inside, or perhaps choose another Venus-ruled plant such as the maidenhair fern for the same benefits.

Impatiens: This plant, ruled by Mercury and often known as ‘busy lizzie’, does exactly what you would think it would; encourages movement and travel in your life.

Aspidistra: Ruled by Saturn, this plant encourages tranquility and homeliness, calming fears and dispelling nightmares. Another plant which achieves the same nightmare-warding effects is the cyclamen, often used throughout history to protect against evil spirits.

Thistle: A vase of thistles is thought to restore strength and vitality to those who are feeling down or depressed and have been used to ward off thieves.

Yellow plants: Arrange two yellow or orange plants, full of the Sun’s vibrant energy in front of two mirrors so they reflect the energy into your room, dispelling evil and encouraging good. This simple flower magic can be performed with any planetary influences depending on your intention

See the Demon in Yourself with a Mirror’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Blue LED Lights (older the better)
Or a old TV that has a blue no signal screen
Night Time
Complete Darkness (until use of blue light)
In the shadow of the earth(night) get to small room, or a very big room no in between. Have a mirror in front of you. Turn all lights off and get used to the darkness. Best to do it late night so you are tired. Pay attention to the colors in the dark, you need to at least have the third eye halfway open to get the energys in your control. For more instruction on that look for Colors Of Power. Collect Blue; the color of knowledge. Look deeply and closely at the mirror and look for your reflection. Then turn on the blue light source. Blink deeply and look for an image made of blue over your reflection. Meditate staring at the mirror and see what your dark side is. Try not to freak out, it will look at you. But it can’t do nothing to you. But through you, at this point your only looking at it not embracing. Please do contact me to tell me what it looked like. I have begun a study to find out what the characteristics of them are and the variety that exists. Mine was a skeleton. Fell back freaked out at first. Calm is always the right way.


Having a Book of Shadows is great. It can be a great way to keep track of anything that you do. However, one way to help with making sure that this book does not become like other books is by blessing it. Blessing your book is easy and it will also make you feel much better about writing in your book once you have done it. Here are a couple of recommended blessings for your Book of Shadows.

One of the blessings for your book of shadows is known as the Elemental Blessing. Before you start this blessing you will need to get four candles and your book of shadows. Here are the candles that you need to get:

Blue candle that represents water

Red candle that represents fire

White candle that represents air

Green or brown candle that represents the earth

The candles should all be the same size so this way they burn out at around the same time.

Here are the steps that you should take:

Put your candles by each corner of the Book of Shadows. The brown/green one should be facing north, the red candle should be south, the white candle in the East and the blue should be in the west corner.

Light the candles and as you light each candle say this:

“By the north, bless this book with the power of the Earth

By the south, bless this book with the power of fire

By the west, bless this book with the power of water

By the east, bless this book with the power of air”

Keep the book there and the candles until all of the candles are burned out. Once the candles have burned out your Book of Shadows is blessed and you can now use it.

Here is another way to bless your Book of Shadows

You will need:

Your Book of Shadows

White Candle

A Pen that’s of high quality

This is what you do:

Right before the clock strikes midnight, turn the lights off and light up your white candle.

Take your Book of Shadows so that you can see it near the candle.

Write out this blessing:

“Goddess, can you please protect my Book of Shadows

From wondering eyes and from prying looks,

Fill it up with your special ancient power

At this nightly witching hour. So mote it be”

Read the words out loud and say it a few times until you feel confident that the book is blessed and ready for you to use it.


WHEN YOU SLEEP…. Did you know that when you sleep you place your hands on the parts of the body that require healing?

1. Above your head: you seek greater spiritual connection.

2. In the chest: you have feelings that you still need to heal.

3. Stomach: anger & furious feelings.

4. Between the legs: fear, feelings of emptiness.

5. Sex organs or near them: sexual problems and lack of expression.

6. Under your pillow: hidden emotions, not showing what we really feel or our true intentions.

7. Hugging yourself: lack of affection or support from your loved ones.

8. Shoulders: exhaustion, lack of

9. The hands between the head and the pillow: there is tranquility within you.

If you don’t place your hands on your body while sleeping it means you are fine and in peace with yourself.

If you hug your partner, It means nothing but the love you have for them