A Threshold a Solid Foundation for Magick

A threshold is a solid foundation for any magic which is intended to effect the home, or everyone who enters the home. Such spells work based on the principal of the threshold as not being just a barrier, but a portal which must be passed through.

One use for magic of this kind is to ward against a particular person or type of entity. to do this it is useful to use materials and objects known to be harmful or hateful to that entity. (garlic for vampires, iron for fairies, things the person is allergic to, audio tape containing music they hate, etc.) As was mentioned before, placing these things in, on, or near the doorway is an effective method, but this may not always be convenient or practical. In this case, using them in a ritual to charge another object, such as a stone a piece of wood, or an ornament which can be attached less obtrusively is perfectly acceptable.

Another use is to place spells upon those who come and go through the door. Spells to encourage health, prosperity, peacefulness and joy are common choices. for these uses it’s best to use an object or material which is associated with your desired outcome, and place it in or above the door frame. Traditionally horseshoes were hung in this way to pour luck on those who entered. This is another situation where amulets hung in doorway can be useful, particularly if people are willing to touch or handle the objects as they come through.

A slightly sneakier method might be to paint or inscribe a spell into the door handle, so that a person HAS to handle it to enter, or building your spell to be charged and renewed by the act of using the knocker or doorbell, if it’s intended to drive off unwanted guests, or help visitors. 

Key Magic, Myth and a Lock & Key Spell for Protection

Keys are a worldwide symbol of good luck and new opportunities. They open doors to new worlds, new faces, and fresh beginnings. They also lock doors and protect us from taking certain destructive paths and protect us from intruders. Keys have been a part of folklore and magic for centuries. Let’s explore the importance of key magic and how to incorporate keys into our spiritual and magical practices.

Magical Keys of the Gods
Certain gods and goddesses are known to be key-bearers. We see them wearing keys on their belts or around their necks. Or they’re known by their culture for opening doors and pathways for those who ask them. Hecate is an ancient Greek goddess of witchcraft, the life/death cycle, and of the crossroads. She’s known as Lady of the Keys and is said to be the goddess who opens the doors/portals to the spirit world. Berchta, an ancient Celtic alpine goddess, wears a set of three golden keys on her belt. She is a psychopomp, escorting the souls of children to the other side, and therefore carries keys to the spirit realm just like Hecate. Truly any liminal deity bears keys of some kind, including: Minerva, Hermes, Papa Legba, and Ellegua.

Menshen: God of Doors and Keys
The Chinese God Menshen is a god of doors and gates and therefore presides over keys as well as bears them. Being that Menshen is a threshold deity, he is also a liminal deity. He guards doors that are portals to other places and in the spirit realm are portals to other worlds. When his presence is in a home, he holds the keys that lock your door from intruders or opens it to loved ones.

Key magic is ancient and powerful.
An elaborate lock, doorknob and door knocker on a Medieval door.
Medieval Iron, Blacksmiths, and Church Key Magic
In modern times, it seems we’ve forgotten the magic of small contraptions like locks and keys. But imagine what our ancient ancestors endured before the invention of locks and keys! There was once a time when people didn’t have locks and keys or even heavy doors to protect their homes from outside threats. We know that keys and locks existed as early as four thousand years ago, whence began their magic.

Protective Iron and Sacred Blacksmiths
In Medieval times, locks and keys were made from iron, which in and of itself had protective properties. Iron was believed to ward off evil spirits and dark magic, which is why locks and keys were made of it. Spirits can get through small spaces like locks but not if those locks are made of iron! This is why blacksmiths were considered magical people: they made things with iron! They forged protective magic with their hands, tools and fire.

Magical Church Keys
If we look at Medieval locks, we see how important they were. They were iron but also decorated or forged with symbols like dragons and lions. This added extra protection to the keyhole/lock from evil spirits. Some old churches in Europe still bear their Medieval iron locks and keys. Old lore says church keys were especially powerful in that they held healing properties. To pour water through a church key and let a sick child drink it meant healing was inevitable. It was an honor to be trusted with the keys to a church or any important building just as it’s modern tradition to grant the mayor the “keys to the city”.

The Keys of King Solomon
King Solomon is said to be one of the greatest sorcerers of all time. He commanded a whole host of celestial spirits like angels, demons and djinn. The Key of Solomon is a grimoire written in the fourteenth century that’s attributed to King Solomon’s magic. The “key” in this regard is representative of Solomon’s magical abilities and spells to open doors to the spirit or celestial realms.

The Key as a Female Symbol
The key as a symbol is seen in nearly every culture. In ancient Norse culture, the key was a symbol of female power. Women were given the keys to the household and therefore became the key-bearer of the family. It was an honor and tradition. She wore the keys on a belt or cord along with other sacred tools like a knife and sewing tools. Beccause of the association between keys and women, keys have been used in the childbirthing process. To place keys under a laboring woman’s bed aids her delivery. To learn more about the lore and power of keys in history visit historicallocks.com.

There are so many ways to use keys in your practice!
Simple Ways to Do Key Magic:
Old keys always call to me. Any time I’ve found them at a thrift store or yard sale, I pick them up and keep them. There’s a reason keys are so powerful. In addition to using keys as offerings to your ancestors and liminal gods, they can be used in your craft easily in these ways:

Worn around your neck as a good luck charm
Hung above an ancestor altar as “keys to the other realm”

The Truth-speakers

The Truth-speakers, the ones who refuse to contain their feelings, those who challenge and humanize the toxic status quo, are often scapegoated and vilified, made to feel crazy by those who lack the courage and insight to see beyond the family’s madness.

If you have been labeled the ‘crazy one’, take heart. You are truly not alone.

Most great creators and paradigm shifters were met with fiery resistance by those afraid to grow. Whatever you do, do not allow your voice to fade away in the face of their messaging.

Your Voice, your vision, your ways of being, live at the heart of your unique Soul’s Journey and are the key to collective transformation.

No one has the right to bury them under a bushel of shame. No one!

And remember- what is crazy to an unconscious person is often brilliantly sane to one who is Awakened.

Without you, we are lost. Blessed be the ‘crazy’ ones!

Fairy Protection Explained

Fairy protection is sometimes necessary. If you are a friend of the fay like me, you’ve seen their beauty and wonder. They might have helped your garden grow or give you a healing remedy in your dreams. You’ve seen the good that fairies do for Mother Earth; however, every once in a while you may run into a fairy that’s not so nice. The reasons for their distrust towards us are many-fold, but the main thing is to learn how to protect yourself from trickster fairies.

First, Are There Really “Evil Fairies”?
Well, are there really bad spirits? Bad human beings? When you start working with the fairy realm, you’ll quickly realize not all fairies are friendly to humans. In fact, there are some that kidnap and eat humans according to folklore. While others may not be particularly cannibalistic but have a tendency to play tricks on their human encounters. In addition, there are household fairies that may first be friendly and helpful that turn malevolent or angry for one reason or another. There are even fairies, namely the will o’ the wisp, that are known to lead human beings off a cliff and to their tragic end.

But, to answer the question are there evil fairies, understand the faery realm follows its own rules. So what we find “evil” isn’t one thing or another in the faery realm. Still, there are some who enjoy working and living alongside human kind. Learn more about the types of fairies here. So that you’ll be aware and be able to discern between them.

Protection from evil fairies may be as simple as a loud bell or wind chimes.

Fairy Protection: 9 Ways to Protect Your Home & Yourself
Fairy protection dates back thousands of years and consists of many different practices. If you are working with fairies in your magickal practice or trying to attract them to your home or garden, these methods of protection should not scare the benevolent fairies away. These methods of fairy protection should only keep potentially malevolent fairies from your home, as long as your intention is pure.

1. Iron Protection from Malevolent Fairies
It’s been said for centuries that fairies fear iron, hang an iron horseshoe above your front door to ward off evil fairies. This belief could be due to the idea that fairies were originally a small neolithic people who lived in Ireland and were driven out of their homes by the Celts, specifically in the Iron Age (hence the fear of iron – iron weapons). Cast iron in the kitchen protects from trickster fae spoiling or overturning food. Wearing an iron troll cross, like the kind they wear in Sweden, wards off evil elves, trolls and the like. Or hang iron troll crosses around the home and garden.

2. Bells and Chimes
Bells frightened off evil spirits in Medieval Ireland and elsewhere in Europe. Specifically the big, deep-sounding Church bells that would ring to draw the people to Church. Apply this tradition by hanging deep-toned chimes on your front porch, or by using deep sounding bells during magickal ritual. Use bells to clear your space should there be trickster spirits about.

Mushroom rings could be fairy rings.

3. Protection from Fairy Raids and Rings
If going out walking at night or during twilight hours, or if you go out on one of the eight holy days, it’s imperative to protect yourself from getting caught up in one of the fairies raides (rides) or fairy rings. Old Irish folklore says that one is to turn their coat inside out to keep from being “pixie-led” away from a safe path. Also, NEVER take food from the fay! If you are caught in a fairy ride or ring, or if you take food from the fay, you could very well find yourself lost in a strange place. When you return, YEARS could have gone by even though it only felt like minutes (according to folklore).

4. Don’t Traipse Into Their Territory
The easiest way to prevent getting caught in a fairy raid or being dragged to the depths of a pond is fairly simple. Stay out of their way. Stay out of their territory. Most people can feel when they’re teetering closely to the Otherworld or a company of fairies. You’ll hear harp or flute music, seemingly far away yet close by. And the world around you will seem to shift. Or feel unstable. There are sometimes known fairy haunts in certain places throughout the world. It’s best to leave these places alone. If you happen to enter their territory unbeknownst to you, tell them you mean no harm and leave promptly.

5. Appeasing the Fay
Leave a pail of fresh milk, butter, or cream outside of your front door on the eight holy days to appease the fay and keep them from wreaking havoc on garden and home. Leaving fairy offerings and libations dates back hundreds of years, and if you have any Celtic ancestors, you probably have ancestors who partook in this tradition. Some people in Europe still do! This is a preventative method of protection from trickster fairies. Make them happy at the back door so they don’t intrude. Fairies are also particularly active in the days leading up to Samhain and during the Twelve Days of Yule.

Just because a fairy looks pretty or dainty doesn’t mean he/she can’t be malevolent!

6. Fairy Protection: The Circle of Light
Another effective yet simple technique of fairy protection consists of using one’s mind and energy. If you are used to using visualization in your meditations, rituals, and spells, this method of fairy protection should be familiar to you. It’s what I like to call the Circle of Light. You can do this visualization exercise any time of the day, any day of the week and as often as you’d like. For me particularly, I do it every night as I’m lying in bed and before I go to sleep to continue to build the circle’s strength around my home.

Just relax your entire body. Let all thoughts and chatter of your mind fade away until all you picture is a blank screen. Then see your home and property on the screen, see its colors and details. Focus on the image of your home and property, then look into the window at yourself and/or your family members. Then gradually picture a circle of white light engulfing your home, starting from the ground and going up and over, forming a dome of light. See this light as being transparent, but totally impenetrable by negative forces. Picture a branch or rock being thrown at the dome of light and watch it bounce off. Then picture an evil fairy trying to cross the circle of light’s boundary and watch them be pushed away. Repeat this visualization technique every night for at least a week, and then repeat whenever you feel necessary.

7. Ancestral and Deity Protection from Malevolent Fairies
One of the MOST effective forms of protection against trickster fairies (and other spirits in general) is to invite your ancestors and gods into your home. Once your guides and guardians take up residence in your home, they do most of the work of keeping out negative forces like malevolent fairies and the like. In fact, my ancestors are SO good at protection, I have to ask their permission to allow any other spirits inside the home.

8. Warding Your Property
Warding your property is an effective way to shield yourself and your family from pretty much every spirit you don’t want intruding. Except the ones you invite in. This is an effective way to ward off malevolent fairies, as well. I recommend reading our article on warding here. But, essentially, a circle of salt will ward off fairies, railroad spikes in the four corners of your property, as well as certain stones that contain iron like hematite and red jasper. Another tip – if you choose to use a circle of salt, Himalayan pink salt is even more effective than regular. Why? It has the largest amount of iron…which is actually what gives it its pink color.

9. Avoiding Travel On Their Days
It’s well-known through Ireland and other old countries that the fae are more active on certain days, nights and holidays during the year. Some of those days include the high Celtic holy days Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain. But if you travel further Northeast in Europe to Norway and Sweden, the elves are quite active during the Winter holidays of Yule and during the 12 days of Christmas. And no, I don’t necessarily mean Santa’s cute, toy-making elves. I’m talking the danger, sometimes malevolent alfar. During these days, it’s best to avoid traveling on roads by yourself during twilight hours and at night. Lest you stumble upon them and be swept away.

Mabon Healing Bath

Mabon marks the beginning of Autumn, and what better way to celebrate cooler weather than with a warm and healing bath. Ideal as both a pre-ritual bath or the main magical event of this Sabbat, this mixture brings healing, protection, and spiritual opening.


1 part oatmeal
1 part powdered milk
1 part sea salt
dried calendula petals
dried chamomile flowers
frankincense essential oil
myrrh essential oil
Place oatmeal in food processor or blender and blend until it becomes a powder consistency (conversely, buy it in powder form). Transfer to a separate container. Mix in equal parts powdered milk and sea salt, then add roughly 1 teaspoon of each dried flower per cup of mixture. Drop in essential oils to desired fragrance strength.

Draw a warm bath the night of Mabon and add in at least one cup of the mixture to the water. Add plenty of candles, spicy incense, and fall colors to the space to set the mood. While in the bath, meditate on the coming darkness and ask your deity or the elements for protection

Journey to the Four Directions

Journey to the Four Directions – Pointers in Sacred and Shamanic Work

East, West, South, North
In sacred space I ask you forth
Bring your power and your grace
Live within this sacred space

To the East, where the Sun rises, where inspiration and originality are born, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To the South, where the jaguar swims, where playfulness and relaxation come from, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To the West, where the Sun sets, where intuition and dreams come from, where the harvest is collected, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To the North, where the cold comes from, where wisdom and clarity lie, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To Father Sky, to Mother Earth, to the creator, the center of all things, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you.

The four directions are spirits, advisors wise in the ways of this world. They deserve the greatest respect, for they came to us at the time of creation and established time and space. Without the four directions, our world would not have a framework within which to function. The Sun would not rise and set at predictable times, our planet would not be hospitable; nor would there be order to our universe. These four spirits anchor the universe that we know. They rule the seasons and our days. The rising and setting of the Sun gives us time, defines our days; the poles define our space. The seasons set the calendar, the year. We plant in the spring; in the summer our crops mature; we harvest in autumn and in the winter, the fields lay dormant, resting for the new life in the spring.

Each direction offers a lesson for each phase of our lives. Master these lessons and become the master of your life. Any problem we might encounter relates to one of the directions. Everything in this world comes from these four directions. They also represent the four sons of Tate, the wind. The other directions are Above, Father Sky; Below, Mother Earth; and the Center, the Creator. Worthy of all the respect of the four cardinal directions, we will address them in a future article.

When doing any sacred work, it is advisable to begin by calling in the support of the directions and focusing your intent by repeating your plea for assistance to each of the directions. At the beginning of this article, you will find an example of how to call in the directions. You are welcome to use this form; it is our gift to you. But as you get to know the directions yourself, we advise that you find your own ways to call and honor them. Ritual is not a static medium of expression. To maintain its power, it must regularly be changed, renewed and updated to fully reflect your current relationship with Spirit.

To be relevant, ritual should also be created by the individual practicing it. How many sad souls monotonously repeat catechisms that, for them, have no meaning? Your communications with Spirit must be as fresh and original as Spirit made you to be. Do not surrender your powerful relationship with Spirit by mindlessly adopting someone else’s form.

Following are four meditations, or journeys, that will help you begin to form relationships with four of the different aspects of Spirit. This is only an outline, a suggestion. As always, we recommend you remain open to changing things as Spirit guides you. The directions may also present themselves to you differently than we describe here. We offer only guidance; you must find your own truth. We do provide, however, a description of the directions as most people will come to know them.

The directions can mean different things to different people. Most tribes indigenous to the Americas honor the directions, and many tribes have different colors and animals to represent each direction. There is beauty and strength in diversity. In nature, diversity is the key to survival.

Honor the directions by respecting the unique ways they present themselves to you. Perhaps in your diversity you will find new ways to bring balance to our world. Let us journey now to the pillars of our reality, the four directions.

Breathe deeply, close your eyes and relax. Picture the Sun rising, a new beginning, a new day lit with the fire of new possibilities. As the Sun climbs in the sky, a jaguar swims across a lush green swamp, then lounges on a warm rock. The Sun sets now; the day is complete. The world’s worries melt away, and the harvest is collected. As the Moon rises in a clear night sky, a cold wind blows, chilling the landscape. A peaceful knowing enters your being as you sit waiting again for the Sun to rise.


Light a candle for the East, for it is the direction of the element of fire. The East is the direction of birth, new life, creation, originality. East Eagle rises with the Sun on its wings, welcoming a new day. The morning Sun illuminates, brings forth the birth of a new beginning, a new day, a new life. Vision is the gift of the East. As Eagle can see the ground clearly from great heights, so you, too, will be granted the genius of foresight and discernment if you but ask for the East’s assistance.

There is freedom, expansiveness here, for traveling to the East encourages you to let go of your old patterns; the sky is the limit now. The East can infuse dense energy with its light, raising vibrations and consciousness. When this happens on a personal level, it can bring new perspective. The East invites you to live in the moment, to be fully present for your renewal. It signifies the springtime of your soul, Easter. In healing, the East relates both to diagnosing an illness, the first step to finding a cure, and the resurrection, the final step in overcoming an illness.

As the Sun rises, greet the East with great respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the East has to offer you at this time. Ask the East how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the East about new beginnings, original creations or inspiration, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the East, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the East. Focus now on the Sun, high in the sky, and a spreading feeling of warmth.


The South is sensuous, playful and vulnerable, the direction of emotions and water. If you are having difficulties with trust and faith, visit the South. The South will teach you the strength of vulnerability. Allow the warmth of the Sun to relax you as you explore the situations and emotions surrounding your vulnerability. Your feelings will alert you to potential problems before they arise. In that there is strength. Trust your emotions. For healing, the second step is to go to the South to shed your oppressive ideas about yourself: who you are and what you do. Like Snake, begin letting go of your old skin, your disease and limitations, and embrace the joy of the South.

As you look down from the sky, greet the South with great respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the South has to offer you at this time. Ask the South how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the South, about relaxation, growth or trust, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the South, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the South. Focus now on the Sun, dipping below the horizon.


At sunset, honor the West by letting go of a limiting perspective. Like Caterpillar, go within a cocoon where the past can be shed. In the morning, you will be reborn like a butterfly into the sunshine. Like Bear’s cave, the West is where our fears, limitations, stale patterns and addictions must be faced alone in the dark and conquered.

The West rules completion, the harvest, maturity, the physical body and the element of earth. If you have problems with aging or your physical body, visit the West to greater understand your physical limitations and the appropriate way to deal with them.

Twilight is the time of the West, when the veils between the worlds are the thinnest, a time when we can look to Spirit to strip us of all the things in our lives that deceive us, that are antiquated or ready to be harvested. For healing, it is necessary now, after shedding the old skin, to dare to dream and create the blueprint for your original self, your natural state of health and beauty. Like Phoenix, the West is always consuming itself, always ready to change. The West helps you to surrender, devour ego and become a hollow vessel for Spirit to work through.

As the Sun sets, greet the West with great respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the West has to offer you at this time. Ask the West how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the West about physical challenges, endings or fears, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the West, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the West. Focus now on the dark night sky and a coolness enveloping your body.


By the light of the Moon, look into a quartz crystal. See the clarity, wisdom and knowledge held in this ancient stone. The East is the direction of the element of air. Sages, wisdom, wolf and whale live in this icy realm. If you are in search of clear, articulate knowledge or guidance, get to know the North. This is the cut and dry realm of the mental plane, the home of the teachers of truth. If you are seeking, you will always find an answer in the North.

Winter is the season of the North, a time of severity and silence for reflection. In healing, the North is the place where you will mentally assimilate all you have accomplished on your road to health. Embrace the change and pass unharmed, without fear, through the valley of death. Prepare for the resurrection and rebirth of the East.

As the Moon rises, greet the North with the utmost respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the North has to offer you at this time. Ask the North how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the North about miracles, knowledge or the records of ancient wisdom, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the North, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the North.

Closing the Directions

Making allies of the four directions will help you move with greater purpose, strength and guidance through your life. Most importantly, like all shamanic work, the primary benefit to working with the directions is to bring much-needed balance to this world, your world and your lives.

When you are finished with your work in the spirit realm, it is important to offer thanks and close the directions. Invite them to stay, but release them to do what they must in the world. This will provide more focus for your intent and add closure to your work.

To the East, where the Sun rises, where inspiration and originality are born, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will. To the South, where the jaguar swims, where playfulness and relaxation come from, thank you for letting yourself be known to us.

Please go if you must, stay if you will. To the West, where the Sun sets, where intuition and dreams come from, where the harvest is collected, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will. To the North, where the cold comes from, where wisdom and clarity lie, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will. To Father Sky, to Mother Earth, to the Creator, the center of all things, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will. 

Mabon Herb & Tarot Ritual


• pen or sharpie

• some leafs (however many you need)

• sage

• lavender

• any materials you use to cast a circle (optional)

• tarot cards (optional)

1. Cleanse the area you will be working in with sage and lavender

2. Cast your circle (optional)

3. Take your leaf/leaves and write down everything you want to let go off and everything you hope to harvest

4. Take all of your leaves and go outside to release them. As you release them think about everything you want to let go off and everything you hope to harvest until spring while saying:

What is lost and what is gained are now set free in equal measures. Blessings be all 

Mabon spell

During September, collect some fallen tree leaves and write them down your wishes for the rest of the year.

Do you promise yourself to study harder?

Do you want to start exercising?

Do you want to sign up to new courses?

Maybe develop some skills?

(Use a black-ink pen to write on your leaves, you can also write sigils) Keep your leaves on your altar or on your bedside table, if you are a secret witch.

Then, during the Mabon night, burn your leaves to release the energy of your wish. If the leaves can’t be burn, then bury them outside.

The history of Witchwalking

The history of Witchwalking is as old as movement itself.
Like many other examples of occult knowledge, it is a legacy that often conceals itself within the various cultures and people who have engaged in its practice.
It is a tradition that sometimes emerges under different names and guises depending upon the societal climate and religious views of those in power. In many cases Witchwalking has remained hidden, becoming a ritual safest practiced at night or alone and far from the authorities wary of its power and benefits.

You may know Witchwalking as travelling the path of Songlines or Dreamwalking. You may know it as a North American initiation rite demanding the neophyte undertake an arduous journey through dangerous terrain.
Or, you may be aware of this practice as a marathon shamanic-type dance assisted by drumming and entheogens.
Witchwalking even survives within early Christian writings, thinly disguised as a meditative desert walk of 40 days and nights, as well as today in the stations of the cross. Another contemporary incarnation within Christian spirituality is the Camino pilgrimage.
The Latin phrase ‘solvitur ambulando’ means ‘it is solved by walking’.

When we look with a keener eye we will find that Witchwalking is embedded into all of the world’s esoteric practices and rituals in one form or other.
Witchwalking continues to evolve even in today’s contemporary societies in the form of forest walks, ritual hikes to sacred places and even within the techniques of esoteric modern dance and musical therapy.

There are many reasons why someone is called to this path, be it for healing ourselves or others, or to gain insight from the deeper aspects of our minds. For more serious practitioners it is a way to contact ancestors and spirits of the land and to return from these trance states with advice and new knowledge.

But there is also a necessity at the roots of this practice. In many of the archaic, matriarchal cultures, from Catal Huyuk to the Hathor cult of ancient Egypt, there are embedded midwifery skills within the Witchwalking practices. The Moura Encantada, the female shape-shifters of Southern Europe, for example, were said to travel between megalithic sites, creating new life and spinning the sun. These motifs of ‘spinning’ and ‘new life’ epitomise the coded and almost forgotten wise-women who assisted with childbirth and who were believed to draw souls from the spiritual realm and into new bodies. These were the same women who were almost erased from history by the later patriarchal religions and persecuted through inquisitions and demonization.

The writer, Ali Isaac, has drawn attention to specific mentions of walking ceremonies and processional paths within ancient Irish history and mythology.
Interesting, and possibly connected to Ali’s Tara research.

Another Witchwalking connection is ‘Well-Wyrding,’ which is a practice where women would visit a holy well or sacred spring on certain nights and divine prophecy based upon the movement and sound of the water.
This type of pagan spirit-contact at holy wells was so widespread in Europe that there was even a law in 1178 created to ban women from going out alone in order to receive these prophecies.

An ancient link between holy wells and wisdom occurs in the Irish Dindsenchas which describes one in particular, Connla’s Well, as being ‘The Well of Knowledge’ or ‘The Well of Wisdom’ because of the hazel trees which grew over it and dropped hazel nuts into the water.

In Ireland, holy wells are still very much associated with cures and healing.
Specifically related to ‘witchwalking’, Holy wells also continue to draw visitors who practice the tradition of patterns and rounds, which is a type of meditative walk.
The esoteric practice of shape shifting is also intimately connected with Witchwalking in non-European cultures and is at the root of totem power and witches familiars.

Today, these techniques and spells, the wisdom and methods of spiritual contact are quickly being retraced and recovered. Cross-cultural comparisons are revealing that no matter how it is named or known, Witchwalking has always been a part of spiritual and ritual expression. Witchwalking in its many forms is once again revealing itself as an instructional and, ultimately, primal response to life.

Indeed, movement, change and discovery are the alchemical ingredients that lead us all down the pathways of questions.
Witchwalking takes us towards the inner parts of ourselves which has always known the answers we seek, if we are courageous enough to go and find them.

‘Bay Rum’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Essential oil of Jamaica bayberry
Essential oil of petitgrain
Essential oil of allspice
Essential oil of cardamom
Essential oil of cloves
Fine Dark Rum
Distilled Water
Dilute the essential oils in fine dark rum and distilled water. Although scent-free alcohol is usually recommended, bay rum is the exception to the rule. Rum, a liquor used in many spells, enhances bay rum’s magical properties. Its scent is considered integral to the formula: select the most fragrant rum as possible.

Jamaica bayberry is the predominant ingredient. Its presence and fragrance should dominate the blend. If you have access to Jamaica bayberries, dried botanicals may be substituted for essential oils. Substitute orange zest for petitgrain.

‘Spell of Answers’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Glass Jar
White Dish Soap
White Candle
Fill the glass jar with water half full. Pour some dish soap into the jar with the water, and add a pinch of glitter. Light the white candle. Rotate the jar clockwise 3 times infront of the candle. Then hold the jar infront of the candle. Study the jar and the soap and search for shapes and hints. This is the answer to your question. Also look for certain movements of the soap/glitter, such as if the glitter moves from the lower left to the upper right, this could mean a positive answer. If the soap/glitter moves from the upper left to the lower right, this could mean a negative answer. Like with all spells, if you don’t get it the first time, dont be discouraged.

Wealth and Fortune Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

3 candles
This spell will only work during certain times of the month. It can work on a new moon, 1st quarter moon, full moon, or 3rd quarter moon only. You will not get good results if it is done before midnight. Best results occur when the spell is done at midnight or within the midnight hour. You’ll need to light your candles next to eachother in a dark room. You will also need to think of 3 reasons why the gods/goddesses should grant you with money/fortune and remember that…nothing comes for free. The gods/goddesses may ask you for favors in return.

“Gods and goddesses of wealth and fortune
Grant me with money and give me a portion
All my life I’ve been poor
But not anymore
I deserve this wish because I am (insert 3 reasons)
I will return your desired favors
So mote it be!”

Say it once only and keep the candles lit until they burn out. That’s when the fortune will start to come (the next morning). You will have an amazing day and will start to receive the first parts of your fortunes. The gods/goddesses might ask you for favors. If/when they do you will know it. If you do not complete their favors your fortune may be decreased.

Money Talisman

You will need the following items for this spell:

Five pumpkinseeds
Three Cinnamon sticks
One dollar bill
Green cloth
Green candle
Cinnamon or basil oil
Green ribbon
On a Friday during the waxing moon, assemble all your ingredients at dusk. Take the candle and rub (Prosperity, basil or cinnamon) oil into it while focusing on your bills and debts being paid, see them being paid, picture your self writing checks and smiling all the way to the bank. Light the candle and take the green cloth, add the pumpkinseeds, Cinnamon sticks, and the dollar bill and fold three times, tie with ribbon. Chant while you work and focus on money coming towards you;

”Dollar bill, work your will.
Pumpkinseeds do your deeds.
Cinnamon sticks, do the trick,
Bring needed money & bring it quick”.

Repeat three times burn candle for nine minutes.
Keep Talisman near your wallet or purse, and bills to be paid. Expect money to come, know it will and it shall 

Body Powder

Rev up your power with this Hoodoo Powder.
For tough jobs, strength and to build up courage.

* Commanding Powder

1 Tsp. Dried Orange Peel
2 Tablespoon Dried Marigold (Calendula) Petals
1 Tsp. Dried Van Van (Vetiver)
1 Tsp. Dried Lemon Verbena
1/8 Tsp. Frankincense Essential Oil
1/8 Tsp. Myrrh Essential Oil
1/8 Tsp. Neroli Essential Oil
5 Tablespoon Arrowroot or sub with (cornstarch)
2 Tablespoon Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Ground Queen
Elizabeth (Orris Root)

Pulverize the Orange peel in a clean coffee grinder or with a mortar pestle . Add the Marigold Petals and grind until fine. Add the Van Van & Lemon Verbena and continue to refine. Pour into a bowl.
Add the oils to the powder & mix with arrowroot, baking soda, and Queen Elizabeth root and blend well.
Using a funne, pour the mixture Into a bottle with shaker top or a wide mouthed jar.
To use, apply to body with a duster or sea sponge.

* A little goes a long way.

Yields about 4 ounces
Shelf life is about 6 months

Use when you need strength or to build courage and for a boost In your spells that are particularly tough.

‘Tea Drinker’s Chant’

You will need the following items for this spell:

Your favorite drinking mug/cup
Stirring spoon or stick
Desired drink (While tea is the example I’m using, any drink that requires stirring can work!)
Firstly, prepare your tea. While it is brewing, keep your mind calm and clear. Focus is important, as with any spell, so you want your mind as free as possible.

When your tea is finished (and still hot!), add any ingredients you enjoy (If you don’t take anything in your tea or beverage, skip straight to the stirring step) Such as sugar, honey, mint candies, etc. As you add these ingredients, take soothing deep breaths as if meditating.

Now for the stirring, which is the most important bit. To bring something into your life, whether it be money, luck, or even friendship, you must stir clockwise. To banish something from your life, such as depression, anger, or bad luck, stir counterclockwise.

As you stir, bring an image to your mind of what you want brought to you or banished. Stare into the cup as you stir, focusing on the center of the swirling liquid.

Next, say the names of the things you want brought or banished, aloud or in your head, as you stir. Example:

To bring luck, love, happiness and fortune, you would say; “Bring Luck, love, happiness and fortune into my life”

To banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune, you would say; “Banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune from my life”

Once you’ve finished chanting, however many times you feel necessary, drink your beverage and continue your time as you normally would.


The purpose of the ritual is to bring the individual into closer contact with the Godhead/Spirit/God and Goddess. It can also be used as a minor dedication, when a person who desires dedication has no one who can dedicate him/her. This self blessing ritual may also be used as a minor exorcism, to banish any negative influences which may have formed around the person. It may be performed by any person upon himself, and at his desire.

This ritual should be performed during the New Moon (at least when the moon is waxing) , but it is not limited to that phase. Need, not season, determines the performance.

There is real power in the Self Blessing; it should not be used other than in time of need and should not be done promiscuously.

Perform this ritual in a quiet place, free from distraction, and nude. You will need the following:

1. Salt, about one quarter teaspon

2. Wine, about an ounce.

3. Water, abut one-half ounce.

4. Candle, votive or other.

The result of the ritual is a feeling of peace and calm. It is desirable that the participant bask in the afterglow so that he may meditate and understand that he has called the attention of the Godhead to himself, asking to grow closer to the Godhead in both goals and in wisdom.

When you are ready to begin, sprinkle the salt on the floor and stand on it, lighting the candle. Let the warmth of the candle be absorbed into the body. Mis the water into the wine, meditating upon your reasons for performing the self blessing.

Read the following aloud:

Bless me, mother, for I am your child.

Dip the fingers of the right hand into the mixed water and wine and annoint the eyes,

Blessed be my eyes, that I may see your path.

Annoint the nose,

Blessed be my nose, that I may breathe your essence.

Annoint the mouth,

Blessed be my mouth, that I may speak of you.

Annoint the breasts,

Blessed be my breast, that I may be faithful in my work.

Annoint the loins,

Blessed be my loins, which bring forth the life of men and women as you have brought forth all creation.

Annoint the feet,

Blessed be my feet, that I may walk in your ways.

Remain…and mediate for a while

Note: Although this is probably as basic as dedication can get, this nevertheless is very useful even if only used for banishment of negativity.

Shining Spirituality

Things ARE working for you right now. What’s in your heart, mind, and spirit must manifest. The timing of it is perfect as it is. Don’t judge yourself when you don’t see instant results. Don’t compare your results to others. Your inner world is so unique to you. Be consistent right now. Keep the visualizations going. Keep the affirmations going. Keep being positive about everything. Every moment counts. Don’t judge yourself or even judge the timing of everything. Enter a state of gratitude, celebration, and completion of your manifestations. Everything is already yours. What you think about belongs to you. What you feel is making its way towards you. What you want wants you. What you give your energy to grows and amplifies in your awareness. Stay focused on purpose. Let what goes, go. Let what comes, enter. Just keep speaking, thinking, and feeling power over your life. Nothing is complicated when you learn to just breathe, believe, and trust that everything is already happening for you. You just need to keep shinning from within and being patient with yourself. Be loving to yourself. You are very special and you being here right now shows that your life means so much more than what you can understand sometimes. Start noticing the beauty about existence. The small things like your aliveness and your energy. Your mind. Your abilities. The billion things happening every second for you that doesn’t require your conscious attention. You are being supported so feel light today. Feel warmth and love. Feel energized to be your greatest through recognizing it and allowing it now. Keep going.

‘All-Purpose Wishing Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell:

3 white candles
2 candles that are a color related to your wish
Pen, black, silver, or that matches the candle color
Piece of paper
Glass bowl with water OR
Glass dish, with a bag of salt handy.

Light these candles in a star shape, with 1 white candle at the top, then the other 2 white candles at the bottom of the star. The 2 colored candles should be the middle prongs of the star. Place the plate or offering bowl in the center of these, and light the candles clockwise starting from the bottom left candle.

Write your wish on the piece of paper, with the pen. Try to keep the paper small since you will be burning it and burnt paper smells like your house is on fire.
After writing your wish, fold the paper up and hold it, concentrating and visualizing your wish coming true, and saying the following chant

”On this sheet my wish be told
No aspect of my heart withhold
For this I need quick fruition
So that my life may match my vision”

Then, light the paper on fire just for a bit, and either dunk it into the bowl of water to extinguish it, or drop it on the glass dish and pour salt on top of it to put the flame out. Alternately, you can just let it burn out on its own if you really want.

Spell to Bring love into your life

You will need the following items for this spell:

9 inches of yarn, thread, or another string-like cord (preferably pink/red)
piece of paper
something to write with
10th night before a full moon
Around midnight of the 10th night before a full moon, cut 9 inches of yarn, thread, or another string-like cord and tie 9 knots in it, while chanting:

“By knot of one, the spell’s begun.
By knot of two, it cometh true.
By knot of three, so mote it be.
By knot of four, this power I store.
By knot of five, the spell’s alive.
By knot of six, this spell I fix.
By knot of seven, events I’ll leaven.
By knot of eight, it will be Fate.
By knot of nine, what’s done is mine.” And either visualizing the results or imagining the feeling of love.

By now you should have 9 knots in your cord-like material, so set it aside. Next, you’ll grab your piece of paper and write down “I will bring love into my life” or other similar affirmations 9 times while chanting the phrase as you write it. Roll up your paper like a scroll, and tie your cord-like material around it. In each of the consecutive nights, cut off/untie a knot and repeat an affirmation, one at a time.

On the night of the full moon, you cut off/untie the last knot and repeat one last affirmation. Put both the paper and the cord-like material either under your pillow or in another safe place. The following morning, cut the paper into 9 pieces and bury the two materials in the ground outside, finalizing the effects of the spell. Results should manifest themselves over the following moon cycle/month, although it could happen much sooner or later.

An Autumn Ritual

An Autumn Ritual, Called Mabon in the Celtic Calendar
You will need:

A deep dish filled with fallen leaves
A small bowl of berries or nuts
A deep empty bowl

Between September 21 and 23 in the northern hemisphere, and between March 21 and 23 in the southern hemisphere.

The Spell:

Take a leaf (you can do this with others if you wish, who do the same actions and say the same words, in turn), naming what is being left behind that did not work out, gently dropping the leaf into the empty bowl and saying: “Go in peace, what did not flourish in the harvest of my life.”

Next, take a berry or nut, naming what can be taken forward from the previous months, saying: “This is the good harvest to sustain me in the months ahead until spring breaks through.”

Continue until you have named all that is lost and gained, then scatter any remaining leaves and berries or nuts outdoors, saying: “What is lost and what is gained are now set free in equal measure. Blessings be on all