Information on Smudging

Smudge sticks are moved to where the fragrant smoke
is needed. In rituals, you would use the cardinal
points. Walk around slowly, wafting the smoke into
the corners of the room as you do so. (You may have to
keep blowing on the lit end to keep it burning.) As you
blow, remember that you are using the principle of Air.
You can also direct the smoke with either of your
hands, the small branch of a plant, or even a special
crystal or stone. Amber can also be used – especially
appropriate as it is a resin from a plant. This action
should get rid of any negative vibrations at the same
time as energizing the protective frequencies.
If you want to smudge a friend (or yourself),
waft the smoke all around the body, starting at
the head and gradually moving down to the feet.
Move in a clockwise direction because this
creates positivity. You can direct the smoke with
your hand or a feather or whatever feels good
for you. A seashell is a good idea since it
represents the Goddess. You can also chant or
sing at this time. Whatever you do, do it with a
pure mind and spirit. When you have finished,
keep the bundle safe until it has extinguished
itself and then open a window to clear the space.

Making a Smudge Stick or Herb Bundle

The first thing to remember when you are
making your own smudge sticks is that, as with
any spiritual intent, be sure to wash and cleanse
yourself – deliberately getting rid of any
negative energy in the process – before you
begin. There are also a few other guidelines
you’ll need to follow.

  • Before picking the plant matter, honour the
    plant and ask its permission to take a branch
    or stem for your spiritual intent. Respect the
    plant and let it continue to give of its life.
  • When picking stems, make sure they are long
    enough to be bound together.
  • Use any of the herbs mentioned above or use
    pine or cypress, if your location allows. You
    do not have to use plants and herbs that are in
    your immediate vicinity – though, if you have
    grown the plants yourself, this will give you
    tremendous satisfaction.
  • If you want to, add essential oils, but use
    them sparingly and try to choose one that will
    enhance the purpose of, or add an extra
    quality to, your bundle.
    Selection of leaves and stems
    Elastic band
    Thick cotton twine
    Small bowl
    ✤ Arrange a small handful of leaves and stems
    fairly symmetrically into a bundle – don’t use
    too many.
    ✤ Put the stems in the elastic band to keep the
    pieces together while you tie the bundle,
    removing it when you have finished.
    ✤ Take a long piece of thick cotton twine and
    place the bundle top (the thicker end) in the
    middle of it.
    ✤ Using the two ends of the twine, bind the
    bundle together tightly in a criss-cross
    fashion, starting at the top and finishing at
    the bottom part of the stems. (Take your time
    over this – the more secure you make the
    bundle the better it will burn. Some leaves or
  • twigs may protrude, so you need a receptacle to
  • catch falling ashes.)
  • ✤ Bind the end of your bundle securely with the
  • twine and perhaps make a dedication to your
  • purpose.
  • ✤ You will now have a cone-shaped bundle. Let it
  • dry out thoroughly before burning it, because it
  • won’t burn properly if it is at all damp.
  • ✤ To use the herb bundle, light the thicker top
  • end and then blow out the flame out so it
  • smoulders. Some bits may drop out of the
  • bundle so remember to have a bowl or
  • receptacle handy to catch them.