Mother Crone

Mother, we knew the caress of your deep currents
before we grew feathers and took wing.
We knew the rock and lullaby of your waves
before we grew legs and tottered out from
between your sunkissed limbs onto the shore.

Mother, we knew the salty sustenance of your body,
the irresistible pull of your tides
nudging us ever forward, until—incredibly—
we walked on two legs, shaky at first.

Mother, we grew and grew and drifted distant.
Forgetting the way your suspiration
drives our own very breath, we forsook you for
high octane, for spray starch, for Big Macs and chilly houses.
We forgot you in our greed for everything we made or thought we made.

We spat poisons in your pristine air.
In the depths of your belly, we unleashed the water monster,
its slick tendrils endlessly unfurling,
their long fingers snaking out to wrap around
the throats of your sea turtles and egrets,
stopping the water dance of the curved fin,
ending the dip of feathered wing in air,
garroting your children in its putrid embrace.

Is there a sign, is there a chant, to bring us to our senses?
Give us a song, give us a way,
is there an incantation to say to put the mad genie
internal combustion back into its bottle,
to dispel evil spirits set loose by our monstrous chemical brews,
our fission of nuclear bad news.
Give us a sign, give us a way, give us an incantation to say. 

Herbal Labeling

It may be a good idea to always label your herbs. Even the most adept herbalist can get confused once in awhile. The labeling method is another matter of choice. As I use my herbs for many purposes, I generally just label by herb name. However, you could also add a few lines stating elemental properties, basic uses, etc. As you learn more you may want to store herbal blends. Label these with the types of herbs used and the purpose it was intended for when you blended it. Maybe you found a certain natural incense you made that you really like. Blend a bunch of it, label it, and jot down the purpose for which you like to use it, e.g., power, relaxation, etc. You’ll find this simple step very useful in the future; don’t always rely on memory.

You more than likely will want a few tools. A mortar and pestle, and a good knife should be among your first tools. I use my athame to cut herbs. You may choose to use the traditional sickle-shaped “Boleen.” If you intend to use your herbs for both cooking and healing, get two mortar and pestles (especially if you choose something porous like wood). This way, a mortar used to crush mistletoe and holly won’t be used for crushing pepper and garlic. Remember, some of the herbs you use for magickal work are toxic if taken internally. With the exception of the knife, I prefer to use wood, stone, or clay for my tools, and tend to stay away from metals. Certain oils and herbs have a reaction with some alloys.

Other tools you may want are pretty basic to the Craft in general, and you may already have most of them. These include a censor and incense, candles of various colors, and a bowl for mixing. You’ll need something to hold water (if needed), like a shell or a bowl, and you may want to collect various sizes of shells or containers for measuring your herbs. You may want a colored cloth for a bag, string,or rubber bands for sachets, and of course you will eventually want to make amulets and such. But these things can be acquired as the need arises


Nature is the great teacher, in her are all things revealed. Nature reflects the higher ways of the spirit. The creators established the law of nature so that through them we might come to know the laws of the Great Ones. Therefore, observe the ways of nature around you, both great and small. Everything has a purpose and reason. Be not confused by its seeming cruelty, for there s a duality in all things.

Respect Nature in all ways. Take only that which you must from her, and remember nothing can be taken except that something be given. This is law for all Witches.

Know that the winds speak of the knowledge of the earth, and the spirit of the kindness of all living things emanates from everywhere.

Nature teaches all living things all that must be known. She teaches birds to make their nests, animals to hunt and survive, children to crawl and walk. She teaches life. Once she taught all people of her ways, but they chose to go their own way. They chose to oppose her and to control her. But for the witches there can be no other way than hers. A witch must live in harmony with the forces of nature.

Herbal Magick for Strength

Have you ever felt the need for just a little extra strength? Take out the Bay Leaf. Bay lends strength to you or your purpose. Use bay in workings involving purification and protection. Bay is also used for wisdom blends. Burn bay in incense for help in solving a problem, or use it in a ritual bath when you’ll be facing a situation where you’ll really need your wits about you.

Basil has been called “the Witches Herb” for centuries. Basil has been used for exorcism, protection, in “flying ointments”, and love potions. “Where Basil grows, no evil goes!” and “Where Basil is, no evil lives,” goes the old adages. Basil, given as a gift, will bring good luck to a new home. Sprinkled around the house, it wards off evil.

Sage helps to promote wisdom. It can also be used for wishes and protection. Carrying sage is said to bring you wisdom. Some traditions say it is bad luck to plant sage in your own garden; instead, you should have someone else do it for you. If you take a sage leaf and write your fondest wish upon it, then place it under your pillow for three nights, it is said you’ll dream of what you wish, and your dream will come true. I use sage in incense to help with learning.

Anise is good for protection and purification. I use it sometimes in candles or incense for meditation and protection.

Last but not least, is Salt. Sea salt is best. Salt cleanses and purifies. It can be used in cleansing rituals, and banishings. Use salted water to purify new tools. If you have a fire place, throw pine needles into into the first fire of the season. After they begin burning, throw some salt into the flames. This will help protect your house, dispel evil, and bring happiness to the home.

Signs You’re An Old Soul

(You’ve Lived Many Times Before)

You have that longing for home. And yet you’re more than familiar with this existence. There’s that knowing deep inside that you’ve been here before. Why? Because you have. You’re an old soul and you’ve been told time and time again. But, just for confirmation and a little fun, here’s 50+ signs you’re an old soul living in a modern world.

First, What is an Old Soul?

What does it mean when someone says you’re an old soul? Does it mean you act older than your age? No, not exactly. Though that can be a factor. Being an old soul means you’ve been here many times before. You’ve incarnated and reincarnated – living multiple lives beyond the one you’re living now. Yes, I’m talking about reincarnation: the belief that souls are recycled. That we don’t just live one human life, but dozens. Possibly hundreds. Maybe even more. But I’ll let you in on a little secret – we don’t just have past lives. We have other lives. Because time isn’t linear – it’s cyclical and infinite. We may be living other lives in a parallel universe right now. We may be living past lives parallel to our current life. Who truly knows? All I know is, the universe is divine and we’ve only begun to understand the meaning of life.

50+ Signs You’re An Old Soul

Without further adieu, here’s how to know if you’ve lived many lives. 50+ signs you’re an old soul. You may nod your head to ten, or twenty, or even the entire list. But if you know, you know. You don’t need a list to confirm it for you.

1. You’ve been told you’re an old soul. Many times.
If you’ve been told over and over again by multiple people that you’re an old soul, you likely are. The funny thing about this is – old souls recognize other old souls. So the people who see it in you, are likely old souls themselves. And vice versa.

2. The old soul is drawn to decades and centuries past.
This is a big sign you’re an old soul. If you’ve always found the distant past fascinating, it’s because you’ve lived in it. Ancient Egypt? The Wild West? Prehistoric Africa? Ancient Greece? The 1920’s? Medieval France? What’s that one time period you’ve always been drawn to?

3. You’re decidedly old fashioned in your morals and values.
While you’re forward thinking in many ways, you might also feel traditional and old fashioned when it comes to solid morals and values. You might even feel like these are values other people should have but don’t. Old souls wonder why the newer souls don’t share the same outlook on life. It’s because they’re new. And you’re not.

4. That sense of longing to go home never subsides.
Old souls have a longing in their hearts for home. A home we might never find here on this plane of existence. And, I’m sorry to say, that longing may never subside.

5. You’ve always been interested in reincarnation.
As a child, someone talked to you about reincarnation and the concept rang true. You’ve believed in past lives, future lives, and parallel lives ever since.

6. You have an interest in alternative spiritual pathways.
Another sign you’re an old soul is having an interest in alternative spirituality. Maybe you follow a more new age path, are Wiccan, pagan, goddess-worshiping, or Hindu. You tend to seek your peace in religion and spirituality outside the mainstream.

7. Old souls know the true meaning of life.
You don’t spend your time on pointless things. You know the true meaning of life – to love, live and learn. To experience what it’s like to be a human being on Mother Earth. You don’t obsess with the mundane things, but enjoy them openly. Your goal in life is to experience the human condition, you might even prioritize things like travel, family, and self growth. The old soul rarely prioritizes things like money, power, and earthly possessions.

8. You have “old soul” or “wise” eyes.
People tell you you have wise eyes, or the eyes of an old soul. This is because the eyes are the windows to the soul.

9. Dreams of the past
Old souls often dream about their past lives. You’ll know these dreams are different in that they are much more vivid than typical dreams. And they seem like an actual memory, rather than a jumbled up dream. These are more like visions and transport you to the past.

10. You prefer antiques over modern furniture
When you walk into an old home or antique store, you’re drawn to furniture and décor of the past. You prefer antiques and a rustic ambience over modern furniture. This is because old souls gravitate to things that remind them of their past lives.

11. You wore vintage clothing before it was cool.
I’m aware that vintage clothing is now the cool thing to wear. However, there was a time in the early 2000s and before when vintage clothing wasn’t popular. If you started wearing vintage clothes before they were cool, you’re likely an old soul. Again, folks with many past lives gravitate to the things they had in those other lives.

12. Certain movies and shows affect you deeply.
You watch Outlander and something about the scenery, songs, and words sing to your heart. The Mummy was your favorite movie for many years. As a kid you obsessed over any movie or TV show that featured Billy the Kid or Jesse James. OR if you’ve ever had a moment where a troubling scene affected you much deeper than others – this could be a nod to one of your past lives.

13. An addiction to history
Another sign of an old soul is an obsession, or downright addiction, to history. You studied history in college. You became a historian. Or you just love history so much that it’s all you think about.

14. You prefer to be alone to recharge.
New souls frequently enjoy the company of lots of other people. They feel energized in largely social situations. On the other hand, old souls seek solitude when they need to recharge their batteries. We’ve been around plenty of people over the course of our lives, so sometimes silence is golden.

15. You go to nature to heal.
Old souls appreciate the strength and healing power of Mother Nature. When we’re feeling anxious or depressed or just out of sorts, a walk in the woods sets us right. Or maybe meditation on the beach. Or even just a stroll through the neighborhood. We know that nature heals every ailment.

16. Old Souls Carry Birthmarks
Sometimes our birthmarks are breadcrumbs to our past lives. They help us unravel the puzzle that is our eternal soul. Perhaps you have a birthmark in the shape of a country. Or continent. Or maybe you even have a birthmark that resembles a rune or symbol. Sometimes old souls carry birthmarks that show how they were killed in a past life. Family members may even have the same birthmark as you, as a sign you’ve incarnated with your soul group once more.

17. Palm Signs on Old Souls
Just as our birthmarks can be symbolic messages from our other lives, so can the lines of our palms. Learn more about palm signs here.

18. Longing for the stars
Some old souls haven’t just lived on this planet. But they’ve lived on other planets, in other star systems, in other galaxies. Some have even lived in other dimensions. These souls are called starseeds. If you long to be among the stars and have dreams of floating into space, you likely are an old soul that has lived in another dimension or galaxy.

19. Old Souls Astral Travel Easily
You’ve naturally been astral traveling and lucid dreaming since you were a child. I believe old souls have this ability, as we’ve been traveling between dimensions and planes for an infinite number of lifetimes. Some of us even have the ability to travel to the Akashic library and see our past lives on glimmering, golden pages there.

20. A Career in Healing or Teaching
Many old souls live a life of purpose: specifically to heal or teach the people around them. You may have a career in healing: doctor, nurse, acupuncturist, midwife, death doula, herbalist, chiropractor, etc. OR you’ve chosen to be a teacher, guidance counselor or some other role that teaches others.

21. Animals Are Drawn To You
Animals are naturally drawn to people with old souls. This is because old souls recognize the beauty and divinity in animals. They aren’t just animals. They have souls too. And old souls know and can connect on a deep level.

22. People Are Drawn To You
Along the same wavelength, people are drawn to you too. Ever have a complete stranger tell you their life story at the grocery store? Do people with problems seem to flock to you like moths to the flame? Your old soul shines a bright light in the darkness and so people can’t help but seek you out for friendship, advice, and compassion.

23. You Stay Away From Drama
Because old souls have lived lifetimes before, we tend to stay away from drama. We’ve already been through lifetimes of it and prefer a quiet, peaceful existence to a noisy, chaotic one. If you avoid high maintenance people and drama in general, you might be an old soul.

24. A Few Close Friends
To the point previous to this one, old souls are selective of their friends. We enjoy having close, personal relationships with people similar to ourselves. Rather than having lots of fairweather friendships and acquaintances.

25. Deja Vu: A Frequent Occurrence for Old Souls
Have you ever had Deja vu? It’s when you get the feeling you’ve been in a certain place before, or you’ve lived a particular experience before. Yet you know it wasn’t in this lifetime. This happens when we visit a place we were familiar with in a past life. Or meet someone with whom we shared a connection in another life.

26. Past Life Readings and Regressions
If you’ve lived many past lives, you’re more inclined to seek out past life tarot readings and past life regressions. I’ve found folks that have newer souls typically don’t have as much of an interest in reincarnation. Why? It’s simple – because they’ve only incarnated a few times.

27. The Old Soul Keeps Learning
Old souls have an insatiable desire to learn. We never want to stop learning all we can about life, the planet, and about ourselves. We take classes on things that interest us. And we read and study many topics, sometimes all at once.

28. Your Perspective On History Differs
Have you ever been told a piece of history that you downright felt was incorrect? Or distorted? This may be because you lived that piece of history and remember it occurring in a much different way than it’s been taught. Remember, history is written by the victors. And the folks who were defeated or suppressed didn’t have a voice. There’s always more to history than we’ve been taught.

29. Alternative Medicine
Do you believe in a holistic approach to healing? Old souls seek out alternative ways to heal themselves and others, including practices like Reiki, meditation, crystal healing, herbalism, acupuncture, etc. That’s not to say you don’t believe in western medicine, but you do believe in healing the whole self. Body, mind and soul.

30. Old Souls Always Ask Why
You have a tendency to question everything. A very logical, grounded mind wants to understand the why behind laws, beliefs, rules, morals, etc. Old souls tend to always ask why?

31. You feel very different from the rest of the world.
You’ve felt like the black sheep or odd-man-out since you were a kid. You still do. It’s because you are different – your soul is ancient. Embrace your uniqueness. But stay humble.

32. Old School Morals
Old souls may notice the morals of their peers don’t align with theirs. You believe in manners, respect, kindness and consideration for others. You believe in raising your children to be independent, self sufficient members of society. And you realize a lot of folks around you don’t believe or live in the same way. It’s because you’re carrying your old school (past life) morals along with you.

33. A Desire to Go Back to Simpler Times
Do you want to leave everything behind and go off grid? Start a homestead or live on a farm? Old souls long for the old ways…we long to go back to simpler times when we were closer to the land. And closer to our families.

34. Old Souls Care About Money Less
It’s not that we don’t have money or access to money, it’s that we care less about earthly riches. We care more about riches of the heart – family, close friendships, seeking wisdom, helping those in need, etc. We’ve lived lifetimes on this planet (and others) and likely have had wealthy lives. Money makes things easier but it doesn’t fulfill our purpose here.

35. Sensitivity to Electronics
Some old souls find themselves being extra-sensitive to electronics. I find this is particularly true for those who have lived many lives in other star systems and dimensions (starseeds). Whether it’s because we’re too grounded or extremely tuned-in, I’m not quite sure. But you may find yourself getting headaches from looking at screens much quicker than others. It might even make you sick – nauseous, dizzy, etc.

36. An Old Soul Isn’t Afraid of Death
Well, we have lived and died many times before. So the experience serves to lessen our fear of death and the afterlife. Many of us end up going into services like morticians, death doulas, hospice nurses, coroners, and funeral directors.

37. Inexplicable Fears of Drowning, Fires, Etc.
It’s interesting. I’ve found my fears of drowning relate to my past lives. I’ve had multiple lives in which water was an element of destruction for me. In this life, I’ve had no brushes with drowning. Maybe you’re afraid of heights, airplane rides, horses, or something that you can’t explain. Old souls may carry these fears with them from lifetime to lifetime. You might not be scared of death, but of the thing that could cause it.

38. You Dream of People Before Meeting Them
I can’t really explain this one. But it seems old souls tend to dream about others before meeting them in real life.

39. You Have a Twin Flame
Having a twin flame means your soul is connected to another through an unbreakable energetic cord. Unlike what Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelley claim (that your soul elevates to a level where you join with another elevated soul). A twin flame is actually a soul that was created along with yours at the beginning. If you’ve realized you have one, you’re re-membering things new souls typically don’t.

40. You’ve Known Your Family Members Before
Have you looked at your daughter in the eyes and thought, “gosh I feel like I’ve known her forever. In lifetimes before.” It’s likely that you have, and as an old soul you can tap into that connection easily. Or with any family member or close friend, for that matter.

41. Old Souls Have a Desire to Help Others
Around the holidays, heck throughout the year, old souls enjoy helping others. You might find them at the local food drive, soup kitchen, volunteering at the children’s hospital or even at the local animal rescue.

42. An Inexplicable Sense of Knowing
If you’re an old soul, you likely have an inner sense of knowing. Even when things are confusing in the world, you have peace in knowledge that everything will be all right. Your friends and family members might even ask you, how did you know that? It’s because old souls have been around the block and seen all kinds of things happen.

43. An Old Soul Often Believes in the Supernatural
As an old soul, you know we can’t always explain everything. That science, while valid, hasn’t quite caught up with the spiritual world. Maybe you believe in aliens, ghosts, angels, and gods. It’s only because you’ve met a few or have had numerous experiences over your lifetimes.

44. Tend to Have Views Outside the Norm
While everyone else is running around fighting with one another over whose political party is correct, you’re sitting back going – I don’t trust either one of them. An old soul has lived many lives over many centuries and has seen nearly every form of government. So you tend to have political views outside the societal norm. You just know better than to believe the rhetoric.

45. Toxins Affect You More than Others
I can’t quite explain this one either, but if you’re an old soul you’ll find toxins affect you harsher than other people. This means alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, dye in foods, etc. You’ve developed an allergy to certain foods or random things that most people don’t.

46. You Pick Up On Signs and Omens Easily
An old soul will pick up on signs and omens much quicker than the normal person. Signs and omens are messages from the spirit world. They send us these messages as lessons, warnings, and encouragement. Old souls are tuned into the spirit world and therefore acknowledge these messages easily.

47. An Old Soul Sees the Beauty in Little Things
Instead of getting stuck in an endless cycle of daily life, in which everything is the same…dull and lifeless. An old soul stops to smell the roses. Every day. And sees the beauty in the little things in life. We know this is important…because why else would we be here?

48. Old Souls Are Artistic
Because an old soul sees the beauty in life and in the world, he or she is frequently an artist of some kind. Maybe you paint, write, sing, play an instrument, bake, or engage in crafting or woodworking hobbies. Maybe you even make digital art or design video games. All of these art forms are frequented by souls who have reincarnated many times.

49. You’ve Read Many Lives, Many Masters
Many an old soul has read the book Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss. And re-read it. This book strikes a deep-seated, soul-ingrained nerve for many of us. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it!

50. An Old Soul Feels Connected to the Universe
If you’re an old soul, you likely have felt a connection to everything. You feel we are all connected to one another and to the universe. Because of this connection, you know it’s important to care about all forms of life.

A Halloween Caricature

Each year they parade her about, the traditional Halloween witch. Misshapen green face, stringy scraps of hair, a toothless mouth beneath her disfigured nose. Gnarled knobby fingers twisted into a claw protracting form. A bent and twisted torso that lurches about on wobbly legs.

Most think this is abject image to be the creation of a prejudiced mind or merely a Halloween caricature. I disagree, I believe this to be how witches were really seen.

Consider that most witches were women, were abducted in the night and smuggled into dungeons or prisons under secrecy of darkness and presented by the light of day as a confessed witch.

Few, if any saw a frightened normal looking woman being dragged into a secret room filled with instruments of torture, to be questioned until she confessed to anything that was suggested to her, and to give names or say whatever would stop the questions.

Crowds saw the aberration denounced to the world as a self-proclaimed witch. As the witch was paraded through the town, enroute to be burned, hanged, drowned, stoned, or disposed of in various, horrible ways, all created to free and save her soul from her depraved body.

The jeering crowds viewed the result of hours of torture. The face, bruised and broken by countless blows, bore a hue of sickly green. The once warm and loving smile gone, replaced by a grimace of broken teeth, and torn gums that leer beneath a battered disfigured nose.

The dishevelled hair conceals bleeding gaps of torn scalp from whence cruel hands had torn away the lovely tresses. Broken, twisted hands clutched the wagon for support. Fractured fingers locked like cropping claws to steady her broken body.
All semblance of humanity gone. This was truly a demon, a bride of Satan, a witch.

I revere this Halloween Witch and hold her sacred. I honour her courage and listen to her warnings of the dark side of humanity.

Each year I shed tears of respect.

The Remanifestation of the Ego

Bear in mind that the consciousness of the naked Self has already been awakened. This point — when the Eye of the Void opens — is the Ordeal of the Abyss often spoken of by Crowley; it is the experience of ZAX, The Tenth Aethyr”.

The choice that now lies before the Initiate is whether to ultimately follow the Left-Hand Path or the Right-Hand Path. Let’s take time to consider what this choice entails at this elevated stage. There are actually four shades of choice which are habitually made here, not two. Ranging from the most purely Right to the most purely Left.

1. True Right-Hand Path:

The Right-Hand Path Initiate (such as the Buddhist) seeks the extinction of Self. The ego is left behind on the shores of the Abyss, abandoned for ever. The Right-Hand Path Magister then makes every effort to close the Eye once again in an act of permanent Self-annihilation. In actual fact, the Essence is dispersed throughout the Void and the potential for Remanifestation remains as an unshakable magical Law.

2. Half-Arsed Right-Hand Path:

This is the path of most religions who profess themselves Right-Hand Path. Most of the followers of such creeds simply pay lip service to their beliefs or follow them blindly and without any philosophical struggle on their own part. For such, they never come near the Eye in the Void. It neither opens, nor is it existence suspected. They pay lip service to the greater good and the worship of their god, but remain slaves of the ego, the higher faculties unawakened. Those few who do open the Eye believe it to be a demonic abomination (as, by certain formulae, it is) and reject it loudly, falling back into the unawakened ego, but haunted by nightmares which compel them to inflict suffering upon others as punishment for their own inadequacy.

3. Half-Arsed Left-Hand Path:

This is a upsettingly familiar theme even among those who do their utmost to live accordingly to the principles of the Left-Hand Path. Any Left-Hand Path magician worth their salt will sooner or later stand upon the edge of the Abyss and behold Leviathan staring back at them. Some few will turn their backs in fear at this point and try to retreat, but once seen it cannot be forgotten and they are invariably drawn back again to stand upon the precipice, often for years.

The true Initiate will revel in the immensity of the Mystery of Self and Non-Self and will launch fearlessly into the depths of their inner Hell, opening their own Eye in the Void and Becoming a Black Magus. The problem that then arises is that so many of us – yes, even us – still carry the vestiges, the guilt’s and the attitudes of our Christian indoctrination within us, even though we swear that we don’t. Thus, so many of the Black Magi succeed in opening the Eye in the Void, only to then renounce the ‘lower ego’ altogether and live a life professing piety. Their intent remains true, their magical prowess is not diminished, but they are only half the God they could be and should be.

4. True Left-Hand Path:

This follows the previous course until the Eye in the Void has opened. But this Initiate – a true devotee of the Stooping Dragon – does not then seek an ascetic existence. Freed from the shackles of their everyday personality, they now return to it and embraces it as a long lost brother, with one enormous difference: they are now the Master, no longer the slave. They have transformed compulsion into Indulgence, actualizing the Formula of the Magus.

So why is this Remanifestation of the ego so important?

Why shouldn’t we just leave it behind, with all of its fads and foibles? Surely those who have opened the Eye in the Void are like Gods and the lesser things of Earth should no longer interest them?

The personality is the record of who we have been; of how we came to be at the place we now are. It is the guide to who we may yet become. All of the wonders that enthralled us as a child, all of the lessons we have painfully learned, all of the loves that have stirred our passions, all of the Keys to the Being we are, are encoded in that lowly little personality, so despised by mystics and magicians everywhere.

So reach out and draw it back to yourself, accept it fully with all of its faults and inconsistencies. They may have misguided you once, but you have seen through them now and can accept them for what they are. Embrace it wholeheartedly.

The ego may have been a rubbish master, but it will make a beloved servant. Without it, you lack all sense of purpose. Your ego is already encoded and conditioned by the things that inspire you and ignite your passions. It contains the Keys for your successful operation in the world. And make no mistake: this world is where you are supposed to be.

The Desire and aspiration of the highest, most spiritual spark of your consciousness is to clothe itself in flesh and personality and to Come Into Being here and now. The purpose of Initiation is not to swap one for the other: it is to open the eyes of both, perceive what is Real, and empower the entire Self to its maximum potential, chasing after the shadows of possibilities yet to come.

A History Of The Wheel Of The Year

The Wheel of the Year is an ancient concept that has been used by many cultures throughout history to mark the changing seasons and cycles of nature. Its origins can be traced back to prehistoric times when people relied on the cycles of the sun, moon, and stars to measure the passing of time. The ancient Celts, who inhabited much of Europe from the 8th century BCE to the 3rd century CE, were among the first to formalize this concept and develop the Sabbats, or seasonal festivals, that are still celebrated by modern pagans and Wiccans. In addition, the Wheel of the Year serves as a guide for individuals seeking alternative spiritual paths.

The earliest origins of the Wheel of the Year are from the four Celtic Fire Festivals. The Celts divided the year into two seasons, summer and winter, and marked the transition between these seasons with four Sabbats: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Imbolc, celebrated on February 1st, marked the beginning of spring and the start of the agricultural season. It was a time for purification and renewal, as well as a time to honor the goddess Brigid. Beltane, celebrated on May 1st, marked the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice and was associated with fertility and new growth. It was a time for feasting, dancing, and celebrating the union of the god and goddess. Lughnasadh, celebrated on August 1st, marked the beginning of the harvest season and was a time to give thanks for the bounty of the earth. It was also associated with the god Lugh, who was said to have sacrificed himself to ensure a good harvest. Samhain, celebrated on November 1st, marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It was a time to honor the dead and the thinning of the veil between the living and the dead.

With the spread of Christianity throughout Europe, many of the old pagan traditions and beliefs were absorbed into the Christian faith. The Catholic Church introduced a new set of holidays, or holy days, that were based on the astronomical cycles of the sun and moon. These holy days were Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and All Saints’ Day. However, many of the old pagan customs and beliefs persisted, and the pagan festivals were adapted to fit the new Christian holidays. For example, Samhain became All Saints’ Day, which was later renamed All Souls’ Day. The night before All Souls’ Day became known as All Hallows’ Eve, or Halloween.

In the 20th century, interest in pagan and earth-based spiritual practices began to grow, and many people began to rediscover and revive the old pagan traditions and beliefs, including the Wheel of the Year. Today, the Wheel of the Year is celebrated by modern pagans, Wiccans, and other earth-based spiritual practitioners, who have adapted and expanded the concept to include eight Sabbats, each marking a significant moment in the yearly cycle.

The eight Sabbats of the modern Wheel of the Year include Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, and Mabon. Samhain, celebrated on October 31st, is still associated with the thinning of the veil between the living and the dead and is a time to honor ancestors and departed loved ones. Yule, celebrated on the winter solstice, marks the shortest day and longest night of the year and is a time to celebrate the rebirth of the sun and the return of light. Imbolc, celebrated on February 2nd, marks the beginning of spring and is associated with purification, new beginnings, and the goddess Brigid. Ostara, celebrated on the spring equinox, is a time of balance between light and dark and is associated with fertility and growth. Beltane, celebrated on May 1st, is a time to celebrate the union of the god and goddess and the fertility of the earth. Litha, celebrated on the summer solstice, is the longest day of the year and is a time to honor the sun and the power of the god. Lughnasadh, celebrated on August 1st, marks the beginning of the harvest season and is a time to give thanks for the bounty of the earth. Mabon, celebrated on the fall equinox, is a time of balance between light and dark and is a time to give thanks for the abundance of the harvest and to prepare for the coming winter.

The Wheel of the Year is a cyclical concept that has been used by many cultures throughout history to mark the changing seasons and cycles of nature. Its origins can be traced back to prehistoric times when people relied on the cycles of the sun, moon, and stars to measure the passing of time. The ancient Celts developed the Sabbats, or seasonal festivals, that are still celebrated by modern pagans and Wiccans. With the spread of Christianity, many of the old pagan customs and beliefs were absorbed into the Christian faith. Today, the Wheel of the Year is celebrated by modern pagans, Wiccans, and other earth-based spiritual practitioners, who have adapted and expanded the concept to include eight Sabbats, each marking a significant moment in the yearly cycle. Celebrating the Wheel of the Year is a way to connect with nature, honor the changing seasons, and recognize the cycles of life, death, and rebirth that are an essential part of the natural world.

Rejuvenation Tonic


St. John’s Wort Leaves And Blossoms
90 Proof Alcohol

Gather the fresh shoots of St. John’s Wort between the summer solstice and St. John’s Day (June 21 and June 24) at sunrise. Remove the blossoms and leaves and place them in a dark glass container that can be sealed tightly.

Cover with 90 proof alcohol.

Steep for one moon cycle (28 days) in a dark place.

Shake every third day.

After one moon, strain the contents through a gauze cloth and fill dark dropper bottles.

Close lid tightly.

Take 10 to 20 drops daily.

St. John’s Wort herb flows through the whole body, making it receptive to cosmic energies. After taking the tonic, do not expose yourself to intense sunlight.

Take soul-refreshing tonic for fear, emotional pain, melancholy, depression and for calming nerves.

Cold Oils

This method takes the longest amount of time, but it is one I have used often.

To make cold oils begin with fresh herbs, plants or flowers, just as in the directions above for warmed oils.

Pack the herbs/flowers in a very clean, dark glass jar (blue, green, or brown glass are possibilities), and add just enough oil to cover the herbs. You’ll need to be patient for this step; it will take a few minutes for the oil to settle completely in the jar. Add more oil, if needed (and it probaby will be), once the first pour has settled.

Screw the lid on lightly and store in a cool dark place.

Once a day, at least, check on the oils. Swirl them around in the container well and then allow to sit. Every Time you swirl the oil and herbs, you can recite your spell or incantation.

At the end of one week check your oil. If the desired scent has not yet been achieved remove the herbs and replace with fresh herbs.

Repeat this process for at least three weeks or until desired scent is achieved.

When desired scent is achieved strain the oil and pour into containers. With this method, you can use a collander to strain the herbs from the oil, if you wish. If you really want to get the most out of your herbs, after straining them, pick them up and squeeze any liquid from them back into your jar.

Store your oil in a clean, sterilized jar just large enough to completely hold the oil. There should be no chance of air being trapped inside the jar with the oil!

Be sure to label your oils, just as you do with the other methods.

Remember the forgotten this Samhain

Many people in the Pagan community take the opportunity to hold rituals honoring the dead.

This may take the form of setting up an altar to honor the ancestors, or to hold a vigil for those who have crossed over in the past year.

In general, we’re pretty good about remembering those who have touched us, whether they were family or our loved ones .

However, there’s one group that is typically overlooked at this time of year.

It’s the people who passed through the veil with no one to mourn them, no one to remember their names, no loved ones left behind to sing their names with honor.

Think of the people out there, not just in your community, but around the country who are buried with no headstone, because there was no one to pay for a headstone.

Consider the old woman in a nursing home or care center, who died with no children or nieces and nephews to bid her farewell in the final moments.

What about the homeless veteran who used to panhandle on your city’s streets, who one day just stopped showing up at the corner, and is now buried in an unmarked plot with dozens of others just like him?

How about the children who are lost, for whatever reasons, in our world, and die alone, whether by violence or neglect or illness?

What about those who were once remembered, but now their gravestones lie untended and ignored?

These are the people that this ritual honors.

These are the ones whose spirits we honor, even when we do not know their names.

This ritual can be performed by a solitary practitioner or a group.

Keep in mind that while you can perform this rite as a stand-alone ritual, it also works well being incorporated in at the end of your other Samhain rituals.

You will need a collection of candles in colors and sizes of your choice – each will represent a group of forgotten people.

If there’s someone specific you know of, who died alone, choose a candle to represent that person as well.

Use a candle for men, for women, and another for children, but you can group people in any way that works for you.

If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now.

Even if your tradition doesn’t require it, it’s a good idea to have designated sacred space of some sort for this ritual, because you’re going to be inviting the dead to stand outside and watch you.

You can do a simple delineation of the circle with string, birdseed, salt, or other markers.

Another alternative is to simply create sacred space around the participants.
Or, you can do a full-on circle casting.

Decorate your altar as you normally would for Samhain, and include the collection of unlit candles in a prominent position.

Safety tip: put the smaller ones at the front, and the taller ones behind them, so there’s less chance of you setting your own sleeve on fire as you light them.

Remember there’s a lot of activity crossing back and forth over the veil, so it’s a good idea to take a moment to meditate and get grounded before you begin.

When you’re ready to start, say:

Now is the season of Samhain.
It is the season of our ancestors, of our glorious dead, of those who have fallen and crossed over the veil from this world to the next.
This is a time for us to honor them and pay tribute.
Tonight, in the darkness, under this starry sky, we remember those who were forgotten. Tonight we memorialize you, the unknown, the unloved, the unwanted of our world.
Whoever you may have been in life, tonight, now, in death, you are ours as you watch from the other side, at least for a little while.

Light the first candle, representing the group of your choice.
Again, for purposes of this ritual, we’ll assign this candle to the women:

Women who were lost to us, how did you pass? Were you old and alone, crossing over with no one but your own ghosts to keep you company?
Were you young and healthy, taken from us unexpectedly, your crossing as much a surprise to you as to anyone else?
Does your body lie in a cold office somewhere, waiting to be claimed? Or do you lie under the stars tonight, in a field or a forest where you’ll never be seen?
Forgotten women, your spirits are with us tonight, watching us from outside the circle. We remember you and want you to know you are honored.
You are remembered.

Light the second candle, for the second group you are honoring:

Men who were lost to us, how did you pass? Did you die in a strange place, far from your family and friends, lost to everyone but your own demons?
Were you in the prime of your life, or creeping along against the ravages of old age, watching as disease and neglect took their toll on you? Are you buried in an unmarked plot in a potter’s field somewhere, or do you lie under these glorious stars tonight?
Forgotten men, your spirits are with us tonight, watching us from outside the circle.
We remember you and want you to know you are honored.
You are remembered.

Light the next candle, for additional groups you may be honoring:

Sweet children, crossed over from this world to the next.
Your lives were far too short, for whatever reason, and you left us before you grew.

On the other side, perhaps there is a mother to hold you when you need to feel loved, a father to comfort you when you are afraid, a big brother or sister to guide you on your journey. Wherever you may lie, and whether you were big or very, very small, your spirits are with us tonight, watching us from outside the circle. We remember you and want you to know you are honored.
You are remembered.

All of you, women, men, children… you may have crossed over unnoticed when you left this world, but for now, you are remembered.

You are unforgotten.

You are honored by us this night of Samhain, and if it helps you along your journey, then so may it be.

Know that this night, you are with us in memory and spirit.

Know that you are no longer the lost and unreachable dead.

Take a moment to meditate on what you have just said.

See if you can feel the presence of the lost ones as you stand at your altar.

You may notice a distinct shift in the energy you’re feeling, and that’s normal.

It’s also why this next part of the ritual is very important: you’ve invited them to watch you, and now you need to send them on their way!

Spirits, guests from the place beyond, it is time. We have honored you and celebrated your names, though we may not have known you in life.

Now is the time for you to move on.

Go back to the places from which you came, to the places to which you belong as one of our beloved dead.

Go back, knowing that this night, you were honored and remembered.

Go back across the veil, and remain in that world.

You will not be forgotten again, and we will honour you with our memories.

Farewell, rest easy, and may the coming parts of your journey be worthy of you.

Take a few minutes to get yourself centered.

End the ritual in whichever way you normally do, breaking down the sacred space.

Snub out the candles, and offer a quick final blessing of farewell to each group as the smoke drifts away into the night.

Cleanse and clear yourself and the area as you normally would for your own path .

Are you clairvoyant?

The word Clairvoyance comes from the french word clair which means “clear” and voyance which means “vision.” A clairvoyant is someone who receives intuitive information visually. Some call this third eye visions or second sight. A clairvoyant sees the truth about the past, present, future. Clairvoyance is the natural development of the sixth sense. When your third sense is developed you are able to see things others cannot such as spirits, energy fields, auras, and visual premonitions. A clairvoyance sees what others do not.

Are you clairvoyant?

You have constant déjà vu.
Getting visions is normal for you.
Your gut “feeling” is always accurate.
You have powerful, vivid dreams.
You can “see” trouble and when things are about to go wrong.
You find yourself daydreaming a lot.
You have had precognitive visions in dream or meditation
You are starting to see flashes of Light or having blurry vision
You see things out of the corner of your eye and are constantly double checking that there is nothing there.
When you are listening to a conversation and you can visually see the events unraveling in your mind.
You often create entire scenes in your mind about the future.
You are a visual learner.
The aesthetics of you living space is important.
Movement in your peripheral vision when there is no movement in the room.
Spontaneous images that “flash” before your eyes
Ethereal colors surrounding a person or living thing
You find it easy to visualize in your mind.
You are visually observant
You have mental images randomly flash “before your eyes”
You see flashes of colors, numbers, and symbols.
It is easy to visualize places, people, and events.
It sometimes seems like their is a “movie” playing in your head.
You have a great sense of direction.
You appreciate beautiful things.
You can envision entire plans inside your head.
You have been told that you have a vivid imagination.
You had imaginary friends with detailed life stories as a child 

Ways to develop your clairvoyance

Do lots of meditation
Raise your vibrations and energies
Record your observations
Practice your visualization. Visualize with flowers, numbers, and symbols.
Imagine your third eye opening during meditation.
Keep a dream journal. Record and analize their meaning.
.Crystals for clairvoyants

Lapis lazuli – Opens your third eye. Induces dreams and insights.
Clear quartz crystals – Opens your third eye. A powerful stone for visions and clairvoyance.
Amethyst – Helps with psychic development. Encourages deep meditation and higher states of awareness. It also helps with mental control and focus, opening your intuition, and gaining spiritual insight and wisdom.
Azeztulite – Enhances clairvoyance and bring forth visions from past and future. Enhances third eye activation, precognition, and higher dimensional consciousness.
Azurite – Activates the third eye. Strengthens intuition and insight.
Emerald – Opens up clairvoyant abilities.
Moonstone – Opens intuition.
Sodalite – Deepens meditation and stimulates the third eye.
Herbs for clairvoyants

Anise – Great for any type of clairvoyance, divination, or any psychic developments.
Bay – Burned to induce visions. Put its leaves under your pillow for inspiration and prophetic dreams.
Cedar – Opens the psychic channels while protecting the operator.
Cinnamon – Aids in improving your psychic abilities.
Lemongrass – Used to aid psychic powers.
Lilac – Good for inducing “far memory” and recalling past lives. Also good for Clairvoyance in general.
Mugwort – For clairvoyance, summoning spirits, manifestations and dreams.
Poppy Seeds – For dreams, visions, and clairvoyance.
Rosemary – Used in pillows for dreams and visions.
Sandal wood – Stimulates clairvoyance.

Bill/Debt Spell

This spell is intended for use when you have a specific bill or debt to be paid, rather than just general prosperity. You need the following:

Green Candle
Patchouli or cinnamon oil
Incense to match the oil
A piece of paper
Use a pen or a pencil to draw a representation of the bill on the paper. Words and logos, along with the dollar figures. You will be burning the paper, so don’t use the real bill. A photocopy may be more accurate, but will lack your personal energy so make your own drawing.

Anoint the candle with your chosen oil, and place the folded paper under the candleholder. Light the candle and the incense. Watch the flames and say:

The candle burns
and lights the way
for money coming,
this bill will pay.
Concentrate on this specific bill and why it’s important to be paid off. Let the candle burn for about 15 minutes, then snuff it out. Every day, let the candle burn for another 15 minutes for a total of 7 days (make sure the candle is large enough). On the last day, remove the paper and light it in the flame to burn completely. Let the candle keep burning at this point until it goes out naturally.

To honor the spell, any unexpected money that comes in must be put towards this bill 

Essential Oil Benefits: Basil

Health Benefits: Relieves nausea, digestive tonic, treats cramps, indigestion, and cramps, relieves colds, influenza, and associated fevers, treats asthma, bronchitis, and sinus infections, improves blood circulation, relieves depression, disinfects wounds and cuts, heals bladder infections, treats nervous tension, mental fatigue, melancholy, and migraines when used for aromatherapy, increases metabolism, soothes arthritis pain, wounds, injuries, burns, bruises, scars, sports injuries, surgical recovery, and sprains, reduces inflammation, stimulates adrenal cortex and nervous system, boosts immune system, treats motion sickness, stimulates the appetite.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Related: Vitamin A, C, K, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, antispasmodic, antibacterial, analgesic, ophthalmic, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant.

Beauty Benefits: Fixes dull looking hair and skin, calms irritated skin, treats oily hair.

Magickal Uses: Warding, astral projection, safe travelling spells, friendship spells, attraction, love spells, money spells, and protection.

Interesting Facts: European lore claims that it belongs to Satan and you must curse the ground as you plant it in order for it to grow properly. This is where the French idiom, “semer le basilic” “to sow the basil” came from, it refers to ranting.

Basil was used in English folk magic, like so many other things, to ward off harmful spells as well as to keep away pests.

Also, several sources say that if a gift of basil is given to a member of the opposite sex, he or she will fall deeply in love with the giver and be forever faithful. In Romania, this act is representative of an official engagement.

The Process of Writing Spells

On to the actual process of writing a spell.

The first thing you need to do is clearly define the purpose of the spell or your objective. A good beginners rule is to start with guidelines that are similar to those of making sigils.

Phrase it as though it’s presently true
Make it absolute
Make sure it’s descriptive and phrased in such a way that doesn’t leave a lot of loopholes for mishaps (i.e. I am ten pounds lighter could lead to you getting food poisoning and dropping ten pounds, not so fun)
These rules aren’t so hard and fast for spell writing as they are for sigils however. Play around with these guidelines and find what works for you! I prefer working more abstractly, working with the natural flow of events instead of shaping them overly much. If you work with a deity phrasing it as a request instead of an absolute may work a bit better.

For our purposes lets say our objective is to attract a lover. Now, we don’t have anyone specific in mind, we simply want to open up the channels that can allow love into our lives. The objective could be phrased a number of ways, “I am open to love and draw healthy relationships to my life” would work, as would “Love enters my life freely”.

Next it’s time to figure up what kind of spell you’d like to use. This is largely going to depend on what materials you have available to you and what kind of magic you’re comfortable working with. If you can’t cook you probably don’t want to be making food-based spells and if you don’t have jars that jar curse probably isn’t getting far. This is a fun place to get creative though. Have you ever wondered if you could use something in a spell? Now is the time to try it! (In all likelihood the answer is yes)

Suggestions to Call your Magick

Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening yourself to whatever it is you’re seeking.

✨ – If you have any books with pre written simple spells in them (most intro to witchcraft books have a section) flip through it and find a spell that calls to you and do it! As written, just to practice getting out of your head and going through the motions of spell work.

✨ – Send out blessings. To your crush. A new friend. Your best friend. Your mom. Whoever.

✨ – Call up your energy into your palms and then place them on your own heart to send yourself love and healing and to connect yourself to your energy.

✨ – Spend some time picturing the kind of witch you wish you were, your ideal witchsona if you will. Then tell yourself that’s exactly who you already are. Keep reminding yourself whenever you feel disconnected from your craft that you are already an unbelievable witch.

✨ – Go back through your old book of shadows/grimoire and reflect on what’s worked for you in the past.

✨ – Wake up and tell yourself first thing “I am a witch. I am magick. My life is full of magick. I see and feel all the magick around me. I am a witch.”

✨ – Pick out outfits or accessories that make you feel witchy. (Bonus points for intentionally planning a super witchy outfit on the full moon)

Colds Tea Potion

This is a nice little potion to help you out when you have a cold. Now all the ingredients should be dried and ingestible. There are a couple of these actually, but this is the one I tried.

Colds Tea Potion

2 tsp. black tea
1/8 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. yarrow
1 tsp. mint
Boil water and place ingredients in a tea strainer/diffuser. Place strainer/diffuser in a cup and pour boiling water in the cup. Let steep 3-5 minutes and ENJOY! Feel better soon 

Ideas on Enchanting Items

Here are a few ideas on how to enchant items, in no particular order:

Surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent
Surround the item with herbs of corresponding intent
Place the item in a jar filled with herbs that represent your intent
Place the item in front of a candle and meditate on your intent
Anoint the item with an oil, charged water, or crystal elixir of corresponding intent
Hold the item in your hand(s) and visualize it filling with the appropriate energy
Hold the item in your hand(s) and speak your intent aloud
Craft a sigil or symbol to keep near the item in an envelope or sachet
Sew, stitch, or carve a sigil into the item
Write your intention on paper and keep in an envelope with the item
Pair the item with a corresponding runestone or tarot / oracle card in an envelope
Take the item and put it in a box with other items that represent your intent such as crystals, herbs, talismans, amulets, etc.
Bury the item in soil with herbs and/or crystals that match your intent (please don’t put salt on your lawn though, unless you want dead grass)
Pass the item through incense smoke that matches your intent 

Suggestion on How to Enchant an Item

To enchant an item is to infuse it with magickal energy. This energy can come from a variety of sources, including planets, crystals, herbs, or even yourself.

Some individuals use the words “enchant” and “charm” synonymously as a way to describe the process of infusing something with energy, but for the sake of this post and due to my own beliefs, you enchant something and it then becomes a charm. Alternately, a charm can be something with its own innate energy, like a crystal or herbal amulet.

The process of enchanting is extremely versatile and there are many ways to do it successfully, so long as you keep your intent clear in your mind. My personal preference when it comes to enchanting items is to allow 12-24 hours (overnight or a full day) for the item to be infused with energy and become a charm – although, this is completely left up to the individual