
The Old Gods

Know that the Gods need our worship, even as we need food and drink. Do not think that they serve us, for we are the servants. Therefore do not bargain or demand through prayer or ritual. The Gods sha...

A God/Goddess Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: Your voice and alone timeSay this 4x Gods and Goddesses hear my pleaits my greatest wish so i hope to beA god of nature,life and furyBlood and war may...


THERION: Literally, the wild, the life-force within us, the animal powers. Ancient Greek name equated with the Horned Gods whose power is in the phallus.


RA-HOOR-KHUIT: the Child of Hadit and Nuit, the event-act, the now. A title of Ancient Egyptian god Horus as the Enterer; literally meaning – The crowned and conquering child.


HADIT: (Had-de) The infinitely small atomic point, the bindu. A Thelemic god, but considered the complement to Nuit. He is the infinitely small point and heart of every star.


  Young and lusty, the patron of doctors and occasionally the bringer of pestilential death, enlightened Apollo inspired prophecy, music, poetry, and the civilized arts, and was the ultimate embo...


  Aker is an earth god who also presided over the western and eastern boarders of the Underworld. In early representations, Aker is shown as a narrow strip of land with a human or lion head at bo...

A Witch’s God

The witch’s God has been denied! In His many masks He has been debased, despised, and relegated to a power of evil by a subjective regime that reviles passion and individuality. You see, our God’s pre...

Lammas: Honoring the God Lugh

If your celebrations focus more on the god Lugh, observe the Sabbat from an artisan’s point of view. Place symbols of your craft or skill on the altar—a notebook, your special paints for artists, a pe...