Oil Magick

Essential Oils and Their Magickal Properties


Possessing high spiritual vibrations, this oil is worn to aid meditation and to develop psychic powers. Some also use it to anoint their altars, censers, and candles.


Very vitalizing. Gives added determination and energy, excellent for convalescents. Anoint daily.


Almond oil, the symbol of wakefulness to the Egyptians, is used in prosperity rituals (anointing candles, money, etc.) and also added to money incense.


A boon to clairvoyance, it is often added to a ritual bath preceding any attempt at divination. It is also worn during divinatory rituals.


Wear to promote happiness and success. Anoint candles during love rituals. Add to bath to aid relaxation.


The scent of basil causes sympathy between two people so wear to avoid major clashes. It creates a harmony of all kinds. Prostitutes used to wear it in Spain to attract business.


Anoint green candles for prosperity in the home. Brings “luck to your home and gold to your pocket.” A magnetic oil to be worn by men.


This oil brings peace of mind. It is used in purification ceremonies. A drop or two smoldering on a charcoal block will effectively clear the area with billowing clouds of smoke.


Used in protective rituals and also in drawing prosperity. Wear on the palm of each hand.


Wear to strengthen psychic powers. Also anoint yourself when you have decided to break off with a lover, or when they have done so with you and you find it hard to let go.


This is an oil of power. It is used as an energy restorer after exertion, as an aid to healing, and in consecration ceremonies. Should be worn when extra energy for a ritual is desired.


A high-vibration oil, used for personal protection. It is also a sexual stimulant in the female. Added to any incense, it increases its powers. Mixed with powdered sandalwood, it makes an incense suitable for all religious or spiritual magic. God for meditation, illumination, and so on.


Protective, strengthens the five senses. Also “five lucks”- love, money, health, power and wisdom, so is often used to anoint amulet and charm bags.


An aphrodisiac, worn to attract lovers. Inhaled, the oil helps memory and eyesight.


A love oil used to anoint candles.


Brings peace and harmony to the home. Anoint all doorways once a week just before sunrise when the household is asleep ad all is quiet.


Worn to ease childbirth by the expectant mother. Also used in love and marriage spells.


An oil of blessing, consecration and protection. It is a symbol of the Earth-element, as well as of death. When attending a funeral of a friend or loved one, wear this oil so that you will be uplifted by the meaning of death as the doorway to but another life. It also effectively screens out the negative vibrations of the mourners. Wear on Samhain to become aware and remember those who have passed on.


A healing oil, very useful in recuperation after long illnesses. Cures colds with daily application to the throat, forehead and wrists, and by adding it to healing baths. Also used for purifications.


One of the most sacred of all oils, used to anoint magical tools, the altar, etc. A strong purifier used in exorcisms, purification rituals, and blessings.


Wear to attract love. A powerful feminine magnetic oil. Protective.


A tropical aphrodisiac. Induces passion.


High spiritual vibrations, drenched with the energies of the Sun. Aids in clairvoyance.


An oil of the mind, it promotes quick thinking and is often used as a memory aid by dabbing on the temples. Also used in prosperity rituals.


Brings peace of mind to the mentally disturbed. A very relaxing oil.


Increases finances, and is added to the bath to create a purifying atmosphere. An excellent oil to wear during all types of magical rituals.


Symbol of the Moon, and of the mysteries of the night. Jasmine oil is used to attract love. The scent helps one relax, sleep, and also facilitates
childbirth. It is sometimes used for meditation and general anointing purposes.

This is a purely spiritual oil.


Used in healing and purifying rituals, and also to arouse sexual desire in men. Prostitutes wore it extensively to advertise their trade and to attract customers.


An aid to the psychic powers. Wear on the forehead. Spiritualists and mediums use it, for it helps make contact with spirits.


Induces Far Memory, the act of recalling past lives. It is also useful in inducing clairvoyant powers in general. Brings peace and harmony.


The sacred oil of the ancient Egyptians, lotus oil has a high spiritual vibration and is suitable for blessing, anointing, meditation, and as a dedicatory oil to your god(s). It is also used in healing rituals. One who wears lotus oil is sure of good fortune and much happiness.


An excellent oil for meditation and psychic development. It also brings peace and harmony.


Fights depression, or what the old Witches used to call melancholy.


Used in healing rituals, and also in producing prophetic dreams. Anoint the forehead before retiring.


Used in prosperity spells, and to increase one’s business. Anoint wallets, etc.


The universally accepted “sex scent”. It is also worn to purify and to gain courage. It is a magnetic oil, worn with equal success by both sexes.


A purification, protection and hex-breaking oil. Possesses a high vibratory rate, making it excellent for the more religious rituals of magic. Anoint the house every morning and evening as part of any protection ritual.


“Stupidfyer”. This oil brings peace and harmony, soothes the nerves and relaxes the conscious mind. A “narcotic” type oil.


Magnetic women’s oil. Rubbed between the breasts to attract men, or onto the temples to give peace.


This oil is rubbed onto the temples and the third eye to help in meditation and to induce sleep. It is protective as well.


To make a person in the mood for marriage, wear this oil. Many women add it to their daily baths to build up their attractiveness. Sometimes known as mantrap.


Attracts the opposite sex. Douse your clothes with the oil.


A very powerful occult oil, one of the magnetic oils to be worn by men. It attracts women. Also wards off negativity and evil, gives peace of mind, and is very sensual.


A lucky scent for all who need customers, success in business, or good fortune.


Used to create changes within one’s life. Also used to relax and allow one to unwind.


The love oil. Used in all love operations, added to baths, and to induce peace and harmony. Take a handful of rose buds, place them in a silver goblet. Pour one dram rose oil over them. Let soak for a week. After this, on a Friday night, burn them over the charcoal to infuse your house with loving vibrations. This is an excellent “peace” incense, and can be done regularly to ensure domestic tranquility.


Oil of protection. Anoint window sills, doors of house. Wear on self. Also imparts courage to the wearer. An excellent oil to use to bless a new home or apartment. A few drops on a charcoal block will release its powerful vibrations throughout the entire house. Also used to anoint censers.


A very vitalizing oil, rosemary is used in healing rituals and also to promote prudence, common sense, and self assurance. It aids mental powers when rubbed onto the temples. It is also protective and is used much like Rose
Geranium. Rub onto the temples to ease pain of headache and in all healing rituals.


To break up negativity and curses, anoint a sprig of dried rue with this oil. Tie up in a red bag and carry for protection. Add nine drops of the oil to the bath every night for nine nights in succession during the waning moon to break a spell that has been cast against you. Salt may be added to the bath as well.


Wear to aid in the development of clairvoyant powers.


Protective, very healing, this oil is used to anoint. It also aids one in seeing past incarnations. Try anointing the forehead to promote the Sight.


Gives hope to one who is sick, discouraged or lonely.


One of the most beautiful of all scents, sweet pea oil is worn to attract strangers of all kinds, some of whom may become lovers or friends. Wear as a personal oil.
SPIKENARD: Wear during rituals to the ancient deities of Egypt, also to anoint sacred objects, such as altars, tools, etc.


Mistress of the Night, as it is also known, is an excellent aphrodisiac. Promotes peace and also aids in psychic powers. Men wear it to attract women. Very much a physical oil.


A vitalizing oil, said to be sexually arousing in women. Use as an energy restorer. Sometimes used to gain extra power during magical ceremonies.


Assists in obtaining material objects. It also stimulates creativity. Aids those who desire success in the performing and creative arts.


The oil is used in love operations and is sometimes sexually exciting. However, many people cant’s stand the fragrance of the violet, for some curious reason. Once thought to be sacred to the Fairy Queen. Very healing, added to baths.


The door between the world of men and the realm of the Gods, the passport to higher consciousness and existence, and to bring illumination. Wear only when in complete serenity.


Makes its wearer irresistible to the opposite sex. Also soothes the problems of married life. Can help in finding a job. If worn to interviews you will be much calmer and more impressive to the interviewer. Sometimes called “Flower of Flowers.”