Moon Magick

Death and Resurrection in Pluto

Pluto in a nutshell is all about death and resurrection, the unknown and secrets, and cosmic purpose and destiny. But what about the moons? All of Pluto’s moons have great significance and are tied to The Underworld. Let’s dive in!
Charon – named after the ferryman that takes souls to The Underworld; he often is paid with a coin. The correspondences relating to Charon are relating to the process of a transformation, and can be invoked for assistance in said process or in helping spirits cross over. Charon can also assist in travel spells.
Hydra – named after a serpent-like monster said to reside at the entrance to The Underworld. The correspondence relating to Hydra is multiplying strength, and can be invoked for assistance in spells for personal power or protection that multiplies/strengthens with every hit.
Kerberos – named after the three-headed guard dog of The Underworld. The correspondences relating to Kerberos are protection and intimidation, and can be invoked for powerful protection spells, wards, etc.
Nix – named after the goddess of night, Nyx. The correspondences relating to Nix are the night, dreams, darkness, and intimidating feminine power, and can be invoked for nighttime magick or help finding a way in darkness. Nix can also assist in “dark” magick, a unique type of glamour magick, or magick fit to help bring about power. Styx – named after the goddess of the River Styx, aka the primary river between the Earth and Underworld. The correspondences relating to Styx are invulnerability, hatred, and strong promises, and can be invoked for invulnerability spells and curses of hatred. Styx can also be invoked for any death/cosmic witchery including the element of water.